public void OnLoad(Key activator, Key selector, Key settings, Key bi) { myGO = new GameObject("MortimersScriptingMod"); ScriptHandler sh = (ScriptHandler)myGO.AddComponent<ScriptHandler>(); sh.SetKeys(activator, selector, settings, bi); myGO.AddComponent<DontDestroyOnLoady>(); }
public void CopyFrom(MouseOrbit o) { target =; distance = o.distance; xSpeed = o.xSpeed; ySpeed = o.ySpeed; yMinLimit = o.yMinLimit; yMaxLimit = o.yMaxLimit; x = o.x; y = o.y; smooth = o.smooth; wasdPosOffset = o.wasdPosOffset; wasdSpeed = o.wasdSpeed; zoomSmooth = o.zoomSmooth; introDuration = o.introDuration; introXamount = o.introXamount; introYamount = o.introYamount; filmCamSmooth = o.filmCamSmooth; panSpeed = o.panSpeed; machineTarget = o.machineTarget; focusObject = o.focusObject; focusLerpSmooth = o.focusLerpSmooth; dofTarget = o.dofTarget; minZoom = o.minZoom; maxZoom = o.maxZoom; mouseSensitivityScaler = o.mouseSensitivityScaler; scrollSensitivityScaler = o.scrollSensitivityScaler; fixedCam = o.fixedCam; fixedCamObj = o.fixedCamObj; fixedCamLookAt = o.fixedCamLookAt; fixedCamLerpPosSpeed = o.fixedCamLerpPosSpeed; fixedCamLerpRotSpeed = o.fixedCamLerpRotSpeed; lerpedUpVector = o.lerpedUpVector; yPosClamp = o.yPosClamp; hud3Dcam = o.hud3Dcam; forward = Keybindings.Get("Forward"); backward = Keybindings.Get("Backward"); left = Keybindings.Get("Left"); right = Keybindings.Get("Right"); up = Keybindings.Get("Up"); down = Keybindings.Get("Down"); menu = Keybindings.Get("Menu"); wasdSpeed = Configuration.GetFloat("wasdSpeed", wasdSpeed); scrollSensitivityScaler = Configuration.GetFloat("scrollSpeed", scrollSensitivityScaler); fov = Configuration.GetFloat("fov", Camera.main.fieldOfView); }
public override void OnLoad() { String[] strs = Application.dataPath.Split('/'); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length - 1; i++) { str += strs[i] + "/"; } File.Copy(Resource + "Plugins/x86/lua52.dll", str + "lua52.dll", true); Key = Keybindings.AddKeybinding("Open scripting mod", Key); selecting = Keybindings.AddKeybinding("Selected gameobject", selecting); settingsGUI = Keybindings.AddKeybinding("Settings GUI", settingsGUI); blockInfo = Keybindings.AddKeybinding("Block Info", blockInfo); Commands.RegisterCommand("ScaleX", ScaleX, "Scales width of the Scripting Mod"); Commands.RegisterCommand("ScaleY", ScaleY, "Scales heigth of the Scripting Mod"); foreach (string s in _list) { Assembly.LoadFrom(Resource + s); } Assembly mod = Assembly.LoadFrom(Resource + "BesiegeScriptingMod.dll"); bsmType = mod.GetType("BesiegeScriptingMod.BesiegeScriptingMod"); bsm = Activator.CreateInstance(bsmType); bsmType.GetMethod("OnLoad").Invoke(bsm, new object[]{Key, selecting, settingsGUI, blockInfo}); }
public void SetKeys(Key key, Key key2, Key key3, Key key4) { _key = key; _selecting = key2; _settingsGui = key3; _blockInfo = key4; }
internal void SetKey(Key key1) { settingsGUI = key1; }