public static void Init() { isActive = true; snake = new Snake(); food = new Food(); wall = new Wall(); snake.body.Add(new Point { x = 15, y = 14 }); food.body.Add(new Point { x = 14, y = 15 }); food.color = ConsoleColor.Blue; wall.color = ConsoleColor.Green; snake.color = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.SetWindowSize(48, 19); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetBufferSize(80, 25); Wall wall = new Wall(80, 25, '%'); wall.Drow(); /*VerticalLine vert_line_left = new VerticalLine(24, 0, 79, '%'); vert_line_left.Drow(); VerticalLine vert_line_right = new VerticalLine(24, 0, 0, '%'); vert_line_right.Drow(); HorizontalLine hor_line_bottom = new HorizontalLine(0, 78, 24, '%'); hor_line_bottom.Drow(); HorizontalLine hor_line_top = new HorizontalLine(0, 78, 0, '%'); hor_line_top.Drow();*/ Point start = new Point(15, 5, '*'); Snake snake = new Snake(start, 8, Direction.RIGHT); snake.Drow(); FoodCreator createfood = new FoodCreator(80, 25, '$'); Point food = createfood.CreateFood(); food.Drow(); while(true) { if(wall.IsHit(snake) || snake.IsHitTail() ) { break; } if(snake.Eat(food)) { food = createfood.CreateFood(); food.Drow(); } if(Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); snake.HandleKey(key); } Thread.Sleep(100); snake.Move(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetBufferSize(80, 25); Wall walls = new Wall(80, 25); walls.Draw(); //Отрисовка точек Point p = new Point(4, 5, '*'); Snake snake = new Snake(p, 4, Direction.RIGHT); snake.Draw(); FoodCreator foodCreator = new FoodCreator(80, 25, '$'); Point food = foodCreator.CreateFood(); food.Draw(); while (true) { if (walls.IsHit(snake) || snake.IsHitTail()) { break; } if (snake.Eat(food)) { food = foodCreator.CreateFood(); food.Draw(); } else { snake.Move(); } Thread.Sleep(100); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); snake.HandleKey(key.Key); } } WriteGameOver(); Console.ReadLine(); }
void initWall() { _walls = new List<Wall>(); Wall wall1 = new Wall(19,15,3,30); grid.Children.Add(wall1.Rect); Grid.SetColumn(wall1.Rect, wall1.X); Grid.SetRow(wall1.Rect, wall1.Y); Grid.SetColumnSpan(wall1.Rect, wall1.Width); Grid.SetRowSpan(wall1.Rect, wall1.Height); _walls.Add(wall1); Wall wall2 = new Wall(39, 15, 3, 30); grid.Children.Add(wall2.Rect); Grid.SetColumn(wall2.Rect, wall2.X); Grid.SetRow(wall2.Rect, wall2.Y); Grid.SetColumnSpan(wall2.Rect, wall2.Width); Grid.SetRowSpan(wall2.Rect, wall2.Height); _walls.Add(wall2); Wall wall3 = new Wall(59, 15, 3, 30); grid.Children.Add(wall3.Rect); Grid.SetColumn(wall3.Rect, wall3.X); Grid.SetRow(wall3.Rect, wall3.Y); Grid.SetColumnSpan(wall3.Rect, wall3.Width); Grid.SetRowSpan(wall3.Rect, wall3.Height); _walls.Add(wall3); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string username = Console.ReadLine(); StreamWriter save = new StreamWriter(@"/Users/macbook/Documents/PP2/Savage.txt"); int level = 1; int nextlevel = 0; int score = 1; Snake snake = new Snake(); Wall wall = new Wall(level); Food food = new Food(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.CursorVisible = false; while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { snake.Move(0, -1); } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { snake.Move(0, 1); } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { snake.Move(1, 0); } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { snake.Move(-1, 0); } if (snake.CollisionWithWall(wall)) { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 10); Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER!!!!"); Console.ReadKey(); snake = new Snake(); wall = new Wall(level); } if (snake.CollisionWithFood(food)) { food.RandomFood(); nextlevel++; } if (nextlevel == 3) { score++; level++; wall = new Wall(level); nextlevel = 0; snake = new Snake(); food = new Food(); } if (snake.CollisionWithWall(wall)) { save.WriteLine(username + " " + score * nextlevel); save.Close(); } Console.Clear(); snake.Draw(); wall.Draw(); food.Setup(); //Console.WriteLine(score*nextlevel); } }
public void OpenMenu() { int cursor = 0; List <string> menu = new List <string>(); menu.Add("Start game"); menu.Add("Exit"); while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == cursor) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine(menu[i]); } ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { cursor--; } if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { cursor++; } if (cursor == -1) { cursor = 1; } if (cursor == 2) { cursor = 0; } Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == cursor) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine(menu[i]); } Console.Clear(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (cursor == 1) { break; } if (cursor == 0) { x = 1; y = 0; sc = 0; levelCount = 1; score = 0; wall = new Wall(); snake = new Snake(); playGame = true; moovable = false; food = new Food(); Thread t = new Thread(MoveSnakeThread); t.Start(); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo k = new ConsoleKeyInfo(); k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.W)) { y = -1; x = 0; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.S)) { y = 1; x = 0; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.A)) { x = -1; y = 0; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.D) { x = 1; y = 0; } } Console.Clear(); playGame = false; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WindowHeight = 40; Console.WindowWidth = 70; Snake snake = new Snake(); int lvl = 1; Wall wall = new Wall(lvl); Console.CursorVisible = false; Thread thread = new Thread(func); thread.Start(); Random rnd = new Random(); int _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); int _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); Food food = new Food(_x, _y); while (true) { foreach (Point p in wall.body) { if (p.x == food.body[0].x && p.y == food.body[0].y) { rnd = new Random(); _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); food = new Food(_x, _y); continue; } } for (int p = 1; p <= snake.body_cnt; p++) { if (snake.body[p].x == food.body[0].x && snake.body[p].y == food.body[0].y) { rnd = new Random(); _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); food = new Food(_x, _y); continue; } } break; } int k = 1; while (!gameOver) { while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow && direction != 4) { direction = 3; } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow && direction != 3) { direction = 4; } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow && direction != 1) { direction = 2; } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow && direction != 2) { direction = 1; } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { level = 1; snake = new Snake(); wall = new Wall(level); } if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { gameOver = true; } foreach (Point p in wall.body) { if (p.x == snake.body[0].x && p.y == snake.body[0].y) { gameOver = true; } } for (int p = 1; p <= snake.body_cnt; p++) { if (snake.body[p].x == snake.body[0].x && snake.body[p].y == snake.body[0].y) { gameOver = true; } } if (food.body[0].x == snake.body[0].x && food.body[0].y == snake.body[0].y) { k++; snake.Add(); _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); food = new Food(_x, _y); bool ok = true; while (ok) { foreach (Point p in wall.body) { if (p.x == food.body[0].x && p.y == food.body[0].y) { _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); food = new Food(_x, _y); } } for (int p = 1; p <= snake.body_cnt; p++) { if (snake.body[p].x == food.body[0].x && snake.body[p].y == food.body[0].y) { _x = rnd.Next(1, 70); _y = rnd.Next(1, 20); food = new Food(_x, _y); } } ok = false; } } if (k % 5 == 0) { k = 1; lvl++; wall = new Wall(lvl); } } Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.SetCursorPosition(35, 12); Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER!"); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public static void func() { while (true) { if ((t == snake.body[0].x && s == snake.body[0].y)) { snake.body.Add(new Point(t, s)); score++; speed = Math.Max(50, speed - 25); // t = rdm.Next(0, 54); //s = rdm.Next(0, 24); CreateFood(); if (score % 3 == 0) { level++; Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < snake.body.Count; ++i) { snake.body[i].x = i + 10; snake.body[i].y = 15; } wall = new Wall(level); } } if (direction == 8) { snake.Move(0, -1); } if (direction == 2) { snake.Move(0, 1); } if (direction == 6) { snake.Move(1, 0); } if (direction == 4) { snake.Move(-1, 0); } if (snake.ColllisionWithWall(wall) || snake.Collision()) { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 10); Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER!!!"); speed = 300; F1(record); score = 0; Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); snake = new Snake(); level = 1; wall = new Wall(level); } Console.SetCursorPosition(t, s); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Q"); snake.Draw(); wall.Draw(); Thread.Sleep(speed); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { record = F2(); Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.SetWindowSize(60, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(5, 10); Console.WriteLine("Enter your name : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.SetCursorPosition(25, 10); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("If you want to continue type 2"); ConsoleKeyInfo ki = Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); if (ki.Key == ConsoleKey.NumPad2) { snake = F4(); wall = F6(); } Thread thread = new Thread(func); thread.Start(); Console.SetCursorPosition(t, s); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Q"); while (true) { Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 27); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine(name); Console.SetCursorPosition(name.Length + 2, 27); record = Math.Max(record, score); Console.WriteLine("Score : " + score); Console.WriteLine("Record: " + record); ConsoleKeyInfo k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow && direction != 2) { direction = 8; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow && direction != 8) { direction = 2; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow && direction != 4) { direction = 6; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow && direction != 6) { direction = 4; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { F3(snake); F5(wall); } } }
public void Start() { Load(); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(worm.Move)); t.Start(); while (true) { wall.Save(); if (score == 500 && nextLevel == true) { level = level + 1; wall.Clear(); wall.Generate(level); wall.Draw(); nextLevel = false; score = 0; worm.Clear(); Point p = new Point(); p = worm.points[0]; worm.points.Clear(); worm.points.Add(p); } ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey(); switch (pressedKey.Key) { case ConsoleKey.F2: this.Save(); break; case ConsoleKey.F3: wall = wall.Load() as Wall; wall.Draw(); worm.Clear(); worm = worm.Load() as Worm; worm.AttachGameLink(this); t.Abort(); t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(worm.Move)); t.Start(); break; case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: worm.dx = 0; worm.dy = -1; break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: worm.dx = 0; worm.dy = 1; break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: worm.dx = -1; worm.dy = 0; break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: worm.dx = 1; worm.dy = 0; break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: break; } } }
public void Start() { snake = new Snake(); food = new Food(); wall = new Wall(level); }
public Fruit(Wall w) { this.w = w; FoodMaker(w); }
static void Main(string[] args) { VeryBegin: int l = 1; /* * while (true) * { * Console.Clear(); * Console.WriteLine("Chose level (1-5)"); * l = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); * if (l > 0 && l <= 5) * break; * } */ Begin: int score = 0; Wall wall = new Wall(l); Worm worm = new Worm(); Food food = new Food(); worm.Start(); string way = "none"; bool f0 = true; while (f0 == true) { worm = new Worm(); food = new Food(); worm.Start(); f0 = false; for (int i = 0; i < wall.bricks.Count; i++) { if (wall.bricks[i].Equals(worm.body[0])) { f0 = true; } } } bool s0 = true; bool s1 = true; while (s0 == true || s1 == true) { worm = new Worm(); worm.Start(); s0 = false; s1 = false; for (int i = 0; i < wall.bricks.Count; i++) { if (wall.bricks[i].Equals(worm.body[0])) { s0 = true; } } if (worm.body[0].Equals(food.location)) { s1 = true; } } while (worm.isAlive) { Console.Clear(); worm.Draw(); food.Draw(); wall.Draw(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nScore: {0}", score); if (score >= 10) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n Next level availible"); } ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey(); switch (pressedKey.Key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: if (way != "down" || worm.body.Count == 1) { worm.Move(0, -1); way = "up"; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: if (way != "up" || worm.body.Count == 1) { worm.Move(0, 1); way = "down"; } break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: if (way != "right" || worm.body.Count == 1) { worm.Move(-1, 0); way = "left"; } break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: if (way != "left" || worm.body.Count == 1) { worm.Move(1, 0); way = "right"; } break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: worm.isAlive = false; Console.Clear(); goto End; case ConsoleKey.F5: Game game = new Game(food, wall, worm, score, l); Serialize(game); break; case ConsoleKey.F9: Game game2 = Deserialize(); food =; wall = game2.wall; worm = game2.worm; score = game2.score; l = game2.l; break; case ConsoleKey.OemPlus: if (score >= 10) { l++; goto Begin; } break; case ConsoleKey.OemMinus: if (l > 1) { l--; goto Begin; } break; } for (int i = 0; i < wall.bricks.Count; i++) { if (wall.bricks[i].Equals(worm.body[0])) { worm.isAlive = false; } } for (int i = 1; i < worm.body.Count; i++) { if (worm.body[0].Equals(worm.body[i])) { worm.isAlive = false; } } if (worm.CanEat(food)) { score++; bool f1 = true; bool f2 = true; while (f1 == true || f2 == true) { f1 = false; f2 = false; food = new Food(); for (int i = 0; i < worm.body.Count; i++) { if (worm.body[i].Equals(food.location)) { f1 = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < wall.bricks.Count; i++) { if (wall.bricks[i].Equals(food.location)) { f2 = true; } } } } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER\n\n Again?"); Console.ReadKey(); goto VeryBegin; End: Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER"); }
public static void Init() { exit = Over = false; pause = true; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("ENTER YOUR USERNAME: "******"Please enter a non-empty username with no more than 16 letters!"; while (username.Length > 16 || username.Length == 0) { if (wrongForFirstTime) { Console.WriteLine(message); wrongForFirstTime = false; } Console.SetCursorPosition(21, 0); for (int i = 0; i < username.Length; i++) { Console.Write(' '); } Console.SetCursorPosition(21, 0); username = Console.ReadLine(); } string path = @"C:\snake game\usernames\" + username + "\\saves"; DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(path); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; List <string> options = new List <string>(); options.Add("New game"); if (directory.Exists && directory.GetDirectories().Length > 0) { options.Add("Load game"); } if (new FileInfo(@"C:\snake game\usernames\" + username + "\\highscores.txt").Exists) { options.Add("List of highscores"); } options.Add("Exit"); int option = 0; while (true) { bool resumeCycle = false; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("MAIN MENU\n"); for (int i = 0; i < options.Count; i++) { Console.BackgroundColor = i == option ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine(options[i]); } ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: if (option > 0) { option--; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: if (option < options.Count - 1) { option++; } break; } if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } } if (options[option] == "Load game") { Console.Clear(); string saveName; Console.WriteLine("Load game\n"); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < dirs.Length; j++) { if (dirs[i].CreationTime < dirs[j].CreationTime) { DirectoryInfo d = dirs[j]; dirs[j] = dirs[i]; dirs[i] = d; } } } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(dirs[i].Name); } int saveNum = 0; while (true) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 2 + saveNum); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(dirs[saveNum]); int prevSaveNum = saveNum; ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: if (saveNum > 0) { saveNum--; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: if (saveNum < dirs.Length - 1) { saveNum++; } break; } if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 2 + prevSaveNum); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine(dirs[prevSaveNum]); } saveName = dirs[saveNum].Name; Console.Clear(); path += "\\" + saveName; string fSnake = path + "\\snake.xml"; string fWall = path + "\\wall.xml"; string fFood = path + "\\food.xml"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(fSnake, FileMode.Open); snake = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Snake)).Deserialize(fs) as Snake; fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream(fWall, FileMode.Open); wall = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Wall)).Deserialize(fs) as Wall; fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream(fFood, FileMode.Open); food = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Food)).Deserialize(fs) as Food; fs.Close(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } else if (options[option] == "New game") { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Snake Game\usernames\" + username); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } FileStream highscore = new FileStream(dir.FullName + @"\highscores.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(highscore); string line = sr.ReadLine(); sr.Close(); if (line == null) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(dir.FullName + @"\highscores.txt"); sw.Write("1) " + 0); sw.Close(); } highscore.Close(); snake = new Snake(username); wall = new Wall(); food = new Food(); } else if (options[option] == "List of highscores") { Console.Clear(); string hsPath = @"C:\snake game\usernames\" + username + "\\highscores.txt"; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(hsPath); Console.Write(sr.ReadToEnd()); sr.Close(); while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) { } resumeCycle = true; } else if (options[option] == "Exit") { exit = true; } if (!resumeCycle) { break; } } }
public void OpenMenu() { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\Адиль\Desktop\PP2_LABS\Snake\Levels"); maxLevel = directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos().Length; int cursor = 0; List <string> menu = new List <string>(); menu.Add("Start game"); menu.Add("Leader board"); menu.Add("Choose difficulty level"); menu.Add("Exit"); while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == cursor) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine(menu[i]); } ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { cursor--; } if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { cursor++; } if (cursor == -1) { cursor = 3; } if (cursor == 4) { cursor = 0; } Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == cursor) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.WriteLine(menu[i]); } Console.Clear(); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (cursor == 1) { highScores = Sort(highScores); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Console.Write([i]); Console.Write(" - "); Console.WriteLine(highScores.score[i]); } while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { Console.Clear(); break; } } } if (cursor == 2) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Press button to choose difficulty level"); Console.Write("Easy : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write("OO"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.Write("O"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" ---> Q"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Normal : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Write("OO"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.Write("O"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" ---> W"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Hard : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.Write("OO"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("O"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" ---> E"); ConsoleKeyInfo k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { snakeBodyColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; snakeHeadColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; speed = 200; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.W) { snakeBodyColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; snakeHeadColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; speed = 180; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.E) { snakeBodyColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; snakeHeadColor = ConsoleColor.Green; speed = 160; } Console.Clear(); } if (cursor == 3) { break; } if (cursor == 0) { x = 1; y = 0; sc = 0; levelCount = 1; score = 0; wall = new Wall(); snake = new Snake(); playGame = true; moovable = false; food = new Food(); Thread t = new Thread(MoveSnakeThread); t.Start(); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo k = new ConsoleKeyInfo(); k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.W) && y != 1) { y = -1; x = 0; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.S) && y != -1) { y = 1; x = 0; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.A) && x != 1) { x = -1; y = 0; } if ((k.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow || k.Key == ConsoleKey.D) && x != -1) { x = 1; y = 0; } } Console.Clear(); playGame = false; } } } }