예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string line;

            var driver = new DynWinDriver();


            bool write_out = System.Convert.ToBoolean(args[0]);

            //bad practice but honestly whatever
            int    charge = 2;
            string temp;
            double mono_mz = 821.399475097656;

            System.IO.StreamReader file      = new System.IO.StreamReader(args[1]);
            List <peak>            temp_scan = new List <peak>();

            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line == "BREAK")
                string[] peak = line.Split('\t');
                temp_scan.Add(new peak(System.Convert.ToDouble(peak[0]), System.Convert.ToDouble(peak[1])));

            List <peak> .Enumerator copier     = temp_scan.GetEnumerator();
            List <peak> .Enumerator look_ahead = temp_scan.GetEnumerator();

            List <peak> light_spec = new List <peak>();
            List <peak> iso_hits   = new List <peak>();

             * NEW CODE BE CAREFUL

            IsotopeSplineDB     splineDB = new IsotopeSplineDB("C:/dev/workspace/IsotopeSplines_10kDa_21isotopes.xml");
            IsotopeDistribution id;

            id = splineDB.estimateFromPeptideWeight(charge * mono_mz, 5);

            double[] target_isos = { mono_mz, (mono_mz + (massDiff / charge)), (mono_mz + 2 * (massDiff / charge)), (mono_mz + 3 * (massDiff / charge)), (mono_mz + 4 * (massDiff / charge)) };

            //new variable, be wise
            double[] target_intensities = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

            double tol      = 20 * mono_mz * charge * (1 / 1000000.0) * 2;
            int    curr_iso = 0;
            bool   hit_iso  = false;
            double iso_comp = target_isos[0];

            while (look_ahead.MoveNext() && look_ahead.Current.mz < (mono_mz - 0.1))

            light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));

            bool normal_exit = false;

            while (copier.MoveNext())
                if (copier.Current.mz < (mono_mz + 4 * (massDiff / charge) + 0.1))
                    if (curr_iso < 5 && Math.Abs(target_isos[curr_iso] - copier.Current.mz) < tol)
                        iso_hits.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, copier.Current.intensity));
                        hit_iso = true;

                    else if (hit_iso)
                        int    best_match = 0;
                        double min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[0].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);
                        for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                            if (Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]) < min_diff)
                                best_match = i;
                                min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);

                        for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                            //new version

                            if (i == best_match)
                                //everything in this block is the new code
                                if (curr_iso == 0)
                                    target_intensities[0] = iso_hits[i].intensity;
                                    for (int other_iso = 1; other_iso < 5; ++other_iso)
                                        target_intensities[other_iso] = iso_hits[i].intensity * (id.getIntensity(other_iso) / id.getIntensity(0));

                                light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));

                            //  old version
                            //if (i == best_match)
                            //    light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));

                                light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, -1 * iso_hits[i].intensity));


                        if (curr_iso == 5)
                            light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));
                            hit_iso = false;

                        else if (Math.Abs(target_isos[curr_iso] - copier.Current.mz) < tol)
                            iso_hits.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, copier.Current.intensity));
                            hit_iso = true;

                            light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));
                            hit_iso = false;

                        light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));

                    //clean up
                    normal_exit = true;
                    if (iso_hits.Count() > 0)
                        int    best_match = 0;
                        double min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[0].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);
                        for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                            if (Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]) < min_diff)
                                best_match = i;
                                min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);

                        for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                            if (i == best_match)
                                //light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));
                                light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));

                                light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, -1 * iso_hits[i].intensity));

                    light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));

            //new code to account for "full iso_hits" issue

            if (!normal_exit)
                if (iso_hits.Count() > 0)
                    int    best_match = 0;
                    double min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[0].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                        if (Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]) < min_diff)
                            best_match = i;
                            min_diff   = Math.Abs(iso_hits[i].mz - target_isos[curr_iso]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < iso_hits.Count(); i++)
                        if (i == best_match)
                            //light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));
                            light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, iso_hits[i].intensity));

                            light_spec.Add(new peak(iso_hits[i].mz, -1 * iso_hits[i].intensity));

            //look_ahead = copier;
            //if (look_ahead.MoveNext())
            //    light_spec.Add(new peak(copier.Current.mz, -1 * copier.Current.intensity));

            int front_index = 0;

            //IEnumerator<ICentroid> walker = temp_ms1.Centroids.GetEnumerator();

            //this is likely unnecessary now

            while (light_spec[front_index].mz < (mono_mz - 0.1))

            List <peak> light_spec_2 = driver.get_target_range(temp_scan, mono_mz, charge, splineDB);

            for (int i = 0; i < light_spec_2.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Old: ({0}, {1}) New: ({2}, {3})", light_spec[i].mz, light_spec[i].intensity, light_spec_2[i].mz, light_spec_2[i].intensity);

                if (Math.Abs(light_spec[i].mz - light_spec_2[i].mz) >= 0.0001 || Math.Abs(light_spec[i].intensity - light_spec_2[i].intensity) >= 0.0001)
                    Console.WriteLine("Something is wrong with modular function");


            int    back_index = front_index;
            double temp_score;
            double min_window    = 0.4;
            double default_width = 4.0;
            double margin        = 0.1;
            int    precision     = 1;

            //old implementation

             * double window_limit;
             * if ((light_spec[front_index].mz - light_spec[front_index - 1].mz) > 0.2)
             *  window_limit = (light_spec[front_index].mz + light_spec[front_index - 1].mz) / 2.0;
             * else
             *  window_limit = light_spec[front_index].mz - 0.1;
             * while (back_index < light_spec.Count() && (light_spec[back_index].mz - window_limit) < 0.4)
             *  back_index++;
             * int min_index = back_index;
             * List<subarrNode> first_scores = new List<subarrNode>();
             * while (back_index < (light_spec.Count()))
             * {
             *  int temp_index = front_index;
             *  temp_score = 0.0;
             *  while (temp_index <= back_index)
             *  {
             *      temp_score += light_spec[temp_index].intensity;
             *      temp_index++;
             *  }
             *  first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(front_index, back_index, temp_score));
             *  back_index++;
             *  if (back_index >= light_spec.Count())
             *      break;
             *  while ((light_spec[back_index].mz - light_spec[front_index].mz) >= 0.4)
             *      front_index++;
             *  front_index--;
             * }
             * List<subarrNode> final_scores = new List<subarrNode>();
             * back_index = min_index + 1;
             * final_scores.Add(first_scores[0]);
             * while (back_index < (light_spec.Count() - 1))
             * {
             *  subarrNode previous = final_scores[back_index - min_index - 1];
             *  double extended = previous.score + light_spec[back_index].intensity;
             *  if (extended > first_scores[back_index - min_index].score)
             *  {
             *      final_scores.Add(new subarrNode(previous.front, previous.back + 1, extended));
             *  }
             *  else
             *      final_scores.Add(first_scores[back_index - min_index]);
             *  back_index++;
             * }
             * subarrNode best = final_scores[0];
             * for (int i = 1; i < final_scores.Count(); i++)
             * {
             *  if (final_scores[i].score > best.score)
             *      best = final_scores[i];
             * }


            List <subarrNode> first_scores = new List <subarrNode>();

            first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(0, 0, light_spec[0].intensity));
            for (int i = 1; i < light_spec.Count; i++)
                double new_score = light_spec[i].intensity + first_scores[i - 1].score;
                if (new_score > light_spec[i].intensity)
                    first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(first_scores[i - 1].front, i, new_score));

                    first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(i, i, light_spec[i].intensity));

            double local_sum = light_spec[0].intensity;
            int    j         = 0;

            subarrNode best = new subarrNode(0, 0, 0);

            while (j < light_spec.Count)
                if (light_spec[j].mz - light_spec[0].mz >= min_window)
                    best.back = --j;
                local_sum += light_spec[j].intensity;

            best.score = local_sum;

            int front = best.front;
            int back  = best.back;

            while (back < (light_spec.Count - 1))
                double next_mz   = light_spec[back + 1].mz;
                int    num_peaks = (back - front) + 1;
                if (num_peaks > 1 && (next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) > min_window)
                    local_sum -= light_spec[front].intensity;

                else if ((next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) < min_window)
                    local_sum += light_spec[back + 1].intensity;

                else if ((next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) > min_window || (next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) == min_window)
                    local_sum = local_sum + light_spec[back + 1].intensity - light_spec[front].intensity;

                if (local_sum > best.score)
                    best = new subarrNode(front, back, local_sum);
                if (local_sum + first_scores[front - 1].score > best.score)
                    best = new subarrNode(first_scores[front - 1].front, back, local_sum + first_scores[front - 1].score);

            if (write_out)
                using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter(args[2]))
                    for (int i = 0; i < light_spec_2.Count; i++)
                        string spec = (light_spec_2[i].mz).ToString() + '\t' + (light_spec_2[i].intensity).ToString();

                    string break_spec = "BREAK";
            double upper, lower;

             * if ((light_spec[best.front].mz - light_spec[best.front - 1].mz) > 0.2)
             *  lower = (light_spec[best.front].mz + light_spec[best.front - 1].mz) / 2.0;
             * else
             *  lower = light_spec[best.front].mz - 0.1;
             * if ((light_spec[best.back + 1].mz - light_spec[best.back].mz) > 0.2)
             *  upper = (light_spec[best.back].mz + light_spec[best.back + 1].mz) / 2.0;
             * else
             *  upper = light_spec[best.back].mz + 0.1;
             * if (upper - lower > 4.0)
             *  upper = lower + 4.0;
             * double offset = ((upper + lower) / 2.0) - mono_mz;
             * double width = upper - lower;

            //lower = Math.Min(light_spec[best.front - 1].mz + margin, (light_spec[best.front].mz + light_spec[best.front - 1].mz) / 2.0);

            //upper = Math.Max(light_spec[best.back + 1].mz - margin, (light_spec[best.back].mz + light_spec[best.back + 1].mz) / 2.0);

            roundedWindow dyn_win = driver.calculate_window(light_spec_2, mono_mz);

            upper = dyn_win.upper;
            lower = dyn_win.lower;

            //this line should ensure windows no larger than 4.0 MZ
            //if (upper - lower > 4.0)
            //    upper = lower + 4.0;

            double offset = ((upper + lower) / 2.0) - mono_mz;
            double width  = upper - lower;

            //using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter("C:\\dev\\real_time_seq\\diw_testing\\diw_testing\\tests\\standard_noisy_answers.txt", true))
            if (write_out)
                using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter(args[2], true))
                    string window_rep = dyn_win.offset.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.width.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.upper.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.lower.ToString();
            if (Math.Abs(dyn_win.width - width) >= 0.0001 || Math.Abs(dyn_win.offset - offset) >= 0.0001)
                Console.WriteLine("Something is wrong with modular function");

            if (width > 4.0)
                 * if (lower < target_isos[0] && upper > target_isos[4])
                 * {
                 *  lower = target_isos[2] - 2.0;
                 *  upper = target_isos[2] + 2.0;
                 * }
                 * if (offset < 0.0)
                 * {
                 *  lower = upper - 4.0;
                 * }
                 * else if (offset > (4 * (massDiff / charge)))
                 * {
                 *  upper = lower + 4.0;
                 * }

                double deficit   = width - 4.0;
                double right_gap = upper - target_isos[4];
                double left_gap  = target_isos[0] - lower;

                if (left_gap < 0.0)
                    upper = lower + 4.0;

                else if (right_gap < 0.0)
                    lower = upper - 4.0;

                    double ratio_right = right_gap / (right_gap + left_gap);
                    upper = upper - ratio_right * deficit;
                    lower = lower + (1 - ratio_right) * deficit;

                offset = ((upper + lower) / 2.0) - mono_mz;
                width  = upper - lower;

            double width_rounded;

            if (width > 4.0)
                width_rounded = 4.0;
                width_rounded = Math.Ceiling(width * 10) / 10;

            Console.WriteLine("Old Beyond Edges {0} - {1}", light_spec_2[dyn_win.front - 1].mz, light_spec_2[dyn_win.back + 1].mz);
            Console.WriteLine("Rounded Edges {0} - {1}", mono_mz + offset - (width_rounded / 2), mono_mz + offset + (width_rounded / 2));

            dyn_win = driver.fix_window(light_spec_2, dyn_win, mono_mz, charge, target_isos);

            Console.WriteLine("Old Beyond Edges {0} - {1}", light_spec_2[dyn_win.front - 1].mz, light_spec_2[dyn_win.back + 1].mz);
            Console.WriteLine("Rounded Edges {0} - {1}", mono_mz + offset - (width_rounded / 2), mono_mz + offset + (width_rounded / 2));

            if (write_out)
                using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter(args[2], true))
                    string window_rep = dyn_win.offset.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.width.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.upper.ToString() + '\t' + dyn_win.lower.ToString();

            //offset = 10.12356456;
            //offset = -1.23856;

            Console.WriteLine("Original Offset: {0}", offset);

            double off_rounded = (double)(Math.Round((double)offset, 1));

            width_rounded = (double)(Math.Round((double)width_rounded, 1));

            double less_rounded = (double)(Math.Round((double)offset, 5));
            double first_few    = (double)(Math.Round((double)offset, 2));

            double low_mass      = 200.0 + first_few * 10;
            double remain_offset = less_rounded - first_few;
            double high_mass     = 2000.0 + remain_offset * 10000;

            double recon_offset = (high_mass - 2000.0) / 10000 + (low_mass - 200.0) / 10;

            Console.WriteLine("Low: {0}, High: {1}, Reconstructed Offset: {2}", low_mass, high_mass, recon_offset);
            Console.WriteLine("Offset: {0}, Width {1}", off_rounded, width_rounded);

            temp_score = 0.0;
예제 #2
        public roundedWindow calculate_window(List <peak> light_spec, double mono_mz)
            double temp_score;
            double min_window    = 0.4;
            double default_width = 4.0;
            double margin        = 0.1;
            int    precision     = 1;

            List <subarrNode> first_scores = new List <subarrNode>();

            first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(0, 0, light_spec[0].intensity));
            for (int i = 1; i < light_spec.Count; i++)
                double new_score = light_spec[i].intensity + first_scores[i - 1].score;
                if (new_score > light_spec[i].intensity)
                    first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(first_scores[i - 1].front, i, new_score));

                    first_scores.Add(new subarrNode(i, i, light_spec[i].intensity));

            double local_sum = light_spec[0].intensity;
            int    j         = 0;

            subarrNode best = new subarrNode(0, 0, 0);

            while (j < light_spec.Count)
                if (light_spec[j].mz - light_spec[0].mz >= min_window)
                    best.back = --j;
                local_sum += light_spec[j].intensity;

            best.score = local_sum;

            int front = best.front;
            int back  = best.back;

            while (back < (light_spec.Count - 1))
                double next_mz   = light_spec[back + 1].mz;
                int    num_peaks = (back - front) + 1;
                if (num_peaks > 1 && (next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) > min_window)
                    local_sum -= light_spec[front].intensity;

                else if ((next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) < min_window)
                    local_sum += light_spec[back + 1].intensity;

                else if ((next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) > min_window || (next_mz - light_spec[front].mz) == min_window)
                    local_sum = local_sum + light_spec[back + 1].intensity - light_spec[front].intensity;

                if (local_sum > best.score)
                    best = new subarrNode(front, back, local_sum);
                if (local_sum + first_scores[front - 1].score > best.score)
                    best = new subarrNode(first_scores[front - 1].front, back, local_sum + first_scores[front - 1].score);

            double upper, lower;

            lower = Math.Min(light_spec[best.front - 1].mz + margin, (light_spec[best.front].mz + light_spec[best.front - 1].mz) / 2.0);
            upper = Math.Max(light_spec[best.back + 1].mz - margin, (light_spec[best.back].mz + light_spec[best.back + 1].mz) / 2.0);

            double offset = ((upper + lower) / 2.0) - mono_mz;
            double width  = upper - lower;

            roundedWindow final_window = new roundedWindow(width, offset, upper, lower, best.front, best.back);
