public ApplicationCommandProcessor(string pApplicationInputPrefix, StreamWriter pServerStreamWriter, Process pServerProcess, BackupManager pBackupManager)
     applicationInputPrefix = pApplicationInputPrefix;
     serverStreamWriter = pServerStreamWriter;
     serverProcess = pServerProcess;
     backupManager = pBackupManager;
 public ScheduleManager(BackupManager pBackupManager)
     backupManager = pBackupManager;
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Code to regenerate config file
                if (args.Count() > 0 && args[0] == "-regenerate")
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Configuration));

                    Configuration inputConfig = new Configuration();
                    using (Stream reader = new FileStream(@".\config.xml", FileMode.Open))
                        inputConfig = (Configuration)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                    // DAS VARIABLES
                    string serverRootDirectory = inputConfig.serverRoot;
                    string serverJarFilename = inputConfig.jarName;
                    string applicationInputPrefix = inputConfig.appInputPrefix;
                    string javaPath = inputConfig.javaPath;
                    string dailyBackupTime = inputConfig.dailyBackupTime;
                    string backupDirectory = inputConfig.backupLocation;
                    int totalBackupRotations = inputConfig.totalBackupRotations;

                    string serverJarFullPath = Path.Combine(serverRootDirectory, serverJarFilename);
                    string serverJarFileJavaParameter = "-jar " + serverJarFullPath;
                    bool shouldWipeBanlist = inputConfig.wipeBanlist;
                    string inputParameters = "";
                    bool noguiIsParameter = false;  //nogui is special and needs to go to the end. Rather than create a pre and post params section, I'm just special casing it.

                    //we want to move nogui to the end of the list since it's a special parameter.
                    //if it exists, we just remove it and store off a bool.
                    if (inputConfig.serverStartupArguments.Contains("nogui"))
                        noguiIsParameter = true;

                    foreach (string argument in inputConfig.serverStartupArguments)

                        inputParameters += argument + " ";


                    //for debugging
                    //processStartString = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", javaPath, inputParameters, serverJarFileJavaParameter);
                    if (noguiIsParameter)
                        inputParameters += serverJarFileJavaParameter + " nogui";

                    Console.WriteLine(javaPath + " " + inputParameters);

                    // Set current dir to server root dir

                    // Define the properties of the Java process
                    ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
                    Process serverJavaProcess;

                    //ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(javaPath, serverJarFileJavaParameter + " " + inputParameters);
                    ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(javaPath, inputParameters);
                    ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
                    ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                    ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; // Someday we could redirect the STDOUT to do additional processing on it. Someday.
                    ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; // Need to capture STDIN to push console input to server
                    ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                    // Start the Java process
                    serverJavaProcess = Process.Start(ProcessInfo);

                    // Create the input and output streams for the server
                    // $TODO redirect standard error
                    StreamWriter writeToServer = serverJavaProcess.StandardInput;

                    // Create my Backup and Schedule Managers
                    // Schedule manager needs objects for anything it's going to control
                    BackupManager backupManager = new BackupManager(serverRootDirectory, totalBackupRotations, dailyBackupTime, backupDirectory);
                    ScheduleManager scheduleManager = new ScheduleManager(backupManager);

                    //wipe the ban list
                    if (shouldWipeBanlist)
                        FileInfo bannedPlayers = new FileInfo(serverRootDirectory + "\\" + "banned-players.txt");
                        if (bannedPlayers.Exists)


                    // Create my ApplicationCommandProcessor
                    ApplicationCommandProcessor commandProcessor = new ApplicationCommandProcessor(applicationInputPrefix, writeToServer, serverJavaProcess, backupManager);

                    // Add event handlers for STDOUT and STDERR; everything comes out as STDERR from the server... but just in case....
                    serverJavaProcess.OutputDataReceived += commandProcessor.CaptureOutput;
                    serverJavaProcess.ErrorDataReceived += commandProcessor.CaptureOutput;

                    // Start my thread to monitor user input
                    Thread consoleInputThread = new Thread(commandProcessor.UserInputMonitor);
                    //consoleInputThread.IsBackground = true;

                    scheduleTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(60000);
                    scheduleTimer.Enabled = true;
                    scheduleTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(scheduleManager.ScheduledBackupRestart);

                    // Restart the server if we did not manually shut it down.
                    while (true)
                        if (commandProcessor.manualShutdown == false & serverJavaProcess.HasExited == true)
                            ColorConsoleOutput.YellowEvent("Server has been shut down.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");