public async Task ProcessPartyDisconnectAsync(List <DisconnectedPartyInfo> partiesInfos, int index, int count, string disconnectedUser) { if (index < count) { DisconnectedPartyInfo party = partiesInfos[index]; if (party.ishost) { _dbcontext.OnlineParty.Remove(; await _dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync(); string partyName = "party:" + disconnectedUser; await Clients.OthersInGroup(partyName).SendAsync("HostDropped", partyName); int newIndex = index + 1; await ProcessPartyDisconnectAsync(partiesInfos, newIndex, count, disconnectedUser); } else { party.disconnectedUserProp.SetValue(, null); _dbcontext.OnlineParty.Update(; await _dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync(); string partyName = "party:" +"'")[0]; await Clients.OthersInGroup(partyName).SendAsync("PartyMemberDropped", disconnectedUser); int newIndex = index + 1; await ProcessPartyDisconnectAsync(partiesInfos, newIndex, count, disconnectedUser); } } ; }
public override async Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception ex) { string disconnectedUser = ""; foreach (var item in Context.User.Claims) { if (item.Type == "Name") { disconnectedUser = item.Value; } ; } ; List <OnlineParty> parties = new List <OnlineParty>(); // loop through all parties and find parties that the disconnected user belongs to. // remove the user from the parties. // send message to other party members user has dropped so logic to adjust party accordingly can fire. // if host destroy party List <DisconnectedPartyInfo> disconnectedPartiesInfo = new List <DisconnectedPartyInfo>(); _dbcontext.OnlineParty.ToList().ForEach(thisParty => { Type type = thisParty.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] propInfo = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in propInfo) { if (info.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { if (info.GetValue(thisParty) != null) { string propValue = info.GetValue(thisParty).ToString(); if (propValue.StartsWith(disconnectedUser)) { DisconnectedPartyInfo disconnectInfo = new DisconnectedPartyInfo(); if (info.Name == "PartyName") { disconnectInfo.ishost = true; = thisParty; disconnectInfo.disconnectedUserProp = info; disconnectedPartiesInfo.Add(disconnectInfo); } else { disconnectInfo.ishost = false; = thisParty; disconnectInfo.disconnectedUserProp = info; disconnectedPartiesInfo.Add(disconnectInfo); }; } ; } } } ; }); int infosCount = disconnectedPartiesInfo.Count; await ProcessPartyDisconnectAsync(disconnectedPartiesInfo, 0, infosCount, disconnectedUser); //get application user by matching disconnected user with ApplicationUser.accountName ... // get party name by splitting partyName at "'" and then prefixing it with party: // then call this with party name await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, partyName) to remove from hub group // grab party from db using currentPartyId on applicationUser. // if disconnected is user is host destroy whole party and evoke method to send logic to members // if disconnected user is not host, remove the user from their seat in the partObject await base.OnDisconnectedAsync(ex); }