public ViewResult FriendLinkForm(string key) { ViewBag.Title = "FriendLinkForm"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); return View(info); } else { FriendLinkInfo info = FriendLinkService.Load(key); return View(info); } }
public virtual OperationResult Create(FriendLinkInfo info) { OperationResult result = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Error, "操作失败,请稍后重试!"); using (var DbContext = new CmsDbContext()) { FriendLink entity = new FriendLink(); DESwap.FriendLinkDTE(info, entity); FriendLinkRpt.Insert(DbContext, entity); DbContext.SaveChanges(); } result.ResultType = OperationResultType.Success; result.Message = "操作成功!"; return result; }
public JsonResult DeleteFriendLink(string key) { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { info.Id = key; OperationResult opr = FriendLinkService.Remove(key); return Json(new JsonResultHelper(opr.Message)); } else { return Json(new JsonResultHelper(false, "选择的记录无效", "")); } }
public PageResult<FriendLinkInfo> ListByCondition(NameValueCollection searchCondtionCollection, NameValueCollection sortCollection, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { PageResult<FriendLinkInfo> result = new PageResult<FriendLinkInfo>(); int skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize; int take = pageSize; List<FriendLink> list = null; using (var DbContext = new CmsDbContext()) { var query = from i in DbContext.FriendLink select i; #region 条件 foreach (string key in searchCondtionCollection) { string condition = searchCondtionCollection[key]; switch (key.ToLower()) { case "isvalid": int value = Convert.ToInt32(condition); query = query.Where(x => x.SYS_IsValid.Equals(value)); break; default: break; } } #endregion result.TotalRecords = query.Count(); #region 排序 foreach (string sort in sortCollection) { string direct = string.Empty; switch (sort.ToLower()) { case "createtime": if (direct.ToLower().Equals("asc")) { query = query.OrderBy(x => new { x.SYS_CreateTime }).Skip(skip).Take(take); } else { query = query.OrderByDescending(x => new { x.SYS_CreateTime }).Skip(skip).Take(take); } break; default: query = query.OrderByDescending(x => new { x.SYS_OrderSeq }).Skip(skip).Take(take); break; } } list = query.ToList(); } #endregion #region linq to entity List<FriendLinkInfo> ilist = new List<FriendLinkInfo>(); list.ForEach(x => { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); DESwap.FriendLinkETD(x, info); ilist.Add(info); }); #endregion result.PageSize = pageSize; result.PageNumber = pageNumber; result.Data = ilist; return result;; }
public virtual List<FriendLinkInfo> ListAllByCondition(NameValueCollection searchCondtionCollection, NameValueCollection sortCollection) { List<FriendLink> list = null; using (var DbContext = new CmsDbContext()) { var query = from i in DbContext.FriendLink select i; #region 条件 foreach (string key in searchCondtionCollection) { string condition = searchCondtionCollection[key]; switch (key.ToLower()) { case "isvalid": int value = Convert.ToInt32(condition); query = query.Where(x => x.SYS_IsValid.Equals(value)); break; default: break; } } #endregion #region 排序 foreach (string sort in sortCollection) { string direct = string.Empty; switch (sort.ToLower()) { case "createtime": if (direct.ToLower().Equals("asc")) { query = query.OrderBy(x => new { x.SYS_CreateTime }); } else { query = query.OrderByDescending(x => new { x.SYS_CreateTime }); } break; default: query = query.OrderByDescending(x => new { x.SYS_OrderSeq }); break; } } list = query.ToList(); } #endregion #region linq to entity List<FriendLinkInfo> ilist = new List<FriendLinkInfo>(); list.ForEach(x => { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); DESwap.FriendLinkETD(x, info); ilist.Add(info); }); #endregion return ilist;; }
public virtual FriendLinkInfo Load(string key) { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); using (var DbContext = new CmsDbContext()) { FriendLink entity = FriendLinkRpt.Get(DbContext, key); DESwap.FriendLinkETD(entity,info); } return info; }
public ActionResult SaveFriendLink(FriendLinkInfo info) { OperationResult opr = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Success); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Id)) { info.Id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); opr = FriendLinkService.Create(info); } else { opr = FriendLinkService.Modify(info); } ViewBag.PromptMsg = opr.Message; } catch (Exception err) { ViewBag.PromptMsg = err.Message; } return View("FriendLinkForm", info); }
public JsonResult UpdateFriendLinkValid(string key, string validstatus) { FriendLinkInfo info = new FriendLinkInfo(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(validstatus)) { info.Id = key; info.SYS_IsValid = int.Parse(validstatus); OperationResult opr = FriendLinkService.Modify(info); return Json(new JsonResultHelper(opr.Message)); } else { return Json(new JsonResultHelper(false, "选择的记录无效", "")); } }
public static void FriendLinkETD(FriendLink entity, FriendLinkInfo info) { info.Id = entity.Id; info._IdIsDirty = 0; info.FriendType = entity.FriendType; info._FriendTypeIsDirty = 0; info.Title = entity.Title; info._TitleIsDirty = 0; info.LinkUrl = entity.LinkUrl; info._LinkUrlIsDirty = 0; info.LogoImage = entity.LogoImage; info._LogoImageIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_OrderSeq = entity.SYS_OrderSeq; info._SYS_OrderSeqIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_IsValid = entity.SYS_IsValid; info._SYS_IsValidIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_IsDeleted = entity.SYS_IsDeleted; info._SYS_IsDeletedIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_Remark = entity.SYS_Remark; info._SYS_RemarkIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_StaffId = entity.SYS_StaffId; info._SYS_StaffIdIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_StationId = entity.SYS_StationId; info._SYS_StationIdIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_DepartmentId = entity.SYS_DepartmentId; info._SYS_DepartmentIdIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_CompanyId = entity.SYS_CompanyId; info._SYS_CompanyIdIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_AppId = entity.SYS_AppId; info._SYS_AppIdIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_CreateTime = entity.SYS_CreateTime; info._SYS_CreateTimeIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_ModifyTime = entity.SYS_ModifyTime; info._SYS_ModifyTimeIsDirty = 0; info.SYS_DeleteTime = entity.SYS_DeleteTime; info._SYS_DeleteTimeIsDirty = 0; }