// Use this for initialization public virtual void Start() { // m_cameraToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4d.Identity (); // //using different materials for both the far and near cameras because they have different projection matrixes //the projection matrix in the shader has to match that of the camera or the projection will be wrong and the ocean will //appear to "shift around" if (Core.Instance.oceanPixelLights) { m_oceanMaterial = new Material(ShaderReplacer.Instance.LoadedShaders[("Scatterer/OceanWhiteCapsPixelLights")]); } else { m_oceanMaterial = new Material(ShaderReplacer.Instance.LoadedShaders[("Scatterer/OceanWhiteCaps")]); } if (Core.Instance.oceanSkyReflections) { m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_ON"); m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_OFF"); } else { m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_OFF"); m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_ON"); } if (Core.Instance.usePlanetShine) { m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("PLANETSHINE_ON"); m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("PLANETSHINE_OFF"); } else { m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("PLANETSHINE_ON"); m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("PLANETSHINE_OFF"); } if (Core.Instance.oceanRefraction) { m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("REFRACTION_ON"); m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("REFRACTION_OFF"); } else { m_oceanMaterial.EnableKeyword("REFRACTION_OFF"); m_oceanMaterial.DisableKeyword("REFRACTION_ON"); } // m_manager.GetSkyNode ().InitUniforms (m_oceanMaterialNear); m_manager.GetSkyNode().InitUniforms(m_oceanMaterial); m_oceanMaterial.SetTexture(ShaderProperties._customDepthTexture_PROPERTY, Core.Instance.customDepthBufferTexture); m_oceanMaterial.SetTexture("_BackgroundTexture", Core.Instance.refractionTexture); m_oceanMaterial.renderQueue = 2050; m_oldlocalToOcean = Matrix4x4d.Identity(); // m_oldworldToOcean = Matrix4x4d.Identity (); m_offset = Vector3d2.Zero(); //Create the projected grid. The resolution is the size in pixels //of each square in the grid. If the squares are small the size of //the mesh will exceed the max verts for a mesh in Unity. In this case //split the mesh up into smaller meshes. m_resolution = Mathf.Max(1, m_resolution); //The number of squares in the grid on the x and y axis int NX = Screen.width / m_resolution; int NY = Screen.height / m_resolution; numGrids = 1; // const int MAX_VERTS = 65000; //The number of meshes need to make a grid of this resolution if (NX * NY > MAX_VERTS) { numGrids += (NX * NY) / MAX_VERTS; } m_screenGrids = new Mesh[numGrids]; waterGameObjects = new GameObject[numGrids]; waterMeshRenderers = new MeshRenderer[numGrids]; waterMeshFilters = new MeshFilter[numGrids]; //Make the meshes. The end product will be a grid of verts that cover //the screen on the x and y axis with the z depth at 0. This grid is then //projected as the ocean by the shader for (int i = 0; i < numGrids; i++) { NY = Screen.height / numGrids / m_resolution; m_screenGrids [i] = MakePlane(NX, NY, (float)i / (float)numGrids, 1.0f / (float)numGrids); m_screenGrids [i].bounds = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(1e8f, 1e8f, 1e8f)); waterGameObjects[i] = new GameObject(); waterGameObjects[i].transform.parent = m_manager.parentCelestialBody.transform; //might be redundant waterMeshFilters[i] = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); waterMeshFilters[i].mesh.Clear(); waterMeshFilters[i].mesh = m_screenGrids[i]; //waterGameObjects[i].layer = 15; waterGameObjects[i].layer = 23; waterMeshRenderers[i] = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); waterMeshRenderers[i].sharedMaterial = m_oceanMaterial; waterMeshRenderers[i].material = m_oceanMaterial; waterMeshRenderers[i].receiveShadows = false; waterMeshRenderers[i].shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; // CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix tmp = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent<CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix>(); // tmp.Core.Instance=Core.Instance; waterMeshRenderers[i].enabled = true; } cbProjectionMat = waterGameObjects[0].AddComponent <CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix>(); cbProjectionMat.oceanNode = this; underwaterGameObject = new GameObject(); if (underwaterGameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ()) { underwaterMeshFilter = underwaterGameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter> (); } else { underwaterMeshFilter = underwaterGameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } underwaterMeshFilter.mesh.Clear(); underwaterMeshFilter.mesh = MeshFactory.MakePlaneWithFrustumIndexes(); underwaterMeshFilter.mesh.bounds = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(1e8f, 1e8f, 1e8f)); if (underwaterGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ()) { underwaterMeshrenderer = underwaterGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); } else { underwaterMeshrenderer = underwaterGameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } underwaterPostProcessingMaterial = new Material(ShaderReplacer.Instance.LoadedShaders[("Scatterer/UnderwaterScatter")]); underwaterPostProcessingMaterial.SetOverrideTag("IgnoreProjector", "True"); m_manager.GetSkyNode().InitPostprocessMaterial(underwaterPostProcessingMaterial); underwaterPostProcessingMaterial.renderQueue = 2049; if (Core.Instance.oceanRefraction && (HighLogic.LoadedScene != GameScenes.TRACKSTATION)) { Core.Instance.refractionCam.underwaterPostProcessing = underwaterMeshrenderer; } underwaterMeshrenderer.sharedMaterial = underwaterPostProcessingMaterial; underwaterMeshrenderer.material = underwaterPostProcessingMaterial; underwaterMeshrenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; underwaterMeshrenderer.receiveShadows = false; underwaterMeshrenderer.enabled = false; //underwaterGameObject.layer = 15; underwaterGameObject.layer = 23; }
// Use this for initialization public virtual void Start() { // m_cameraToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4d.Identity (); // //using different materials for both the far and near cameras because they have different projection matrixes //the projection matrix in the shader has to match that of the camera or the projection will be wrong and the ocean will //appear to "shift around" // m_oceanMaterialNear = new Material (ShaderTool.GetMatFromShader2 ("CompiledOceanWhiteCaps.shader")); if (m_core.oceanPixelLights) { m_oceanMaterialFar = new Material(ShaderTool.GetMatFromShader2("CompiledOceanWhiteCapsPixelLights.shader")); } else { m_oceanMaterialFar = new Material(ShaderTool.GetMatFromShader2("CompiledOceanWhiteCaps.shader")); } if (m_core.oceanSkyReflections) { m_oceanMaterialFar.EnableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_ON"); m_oceanMaterialFar.DisableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_OFF"); } else { m_oceanMaterialFar.EnableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_OFF"); m_oceanMaterialFar.DisableKeyword("SKY_REFLECTIONS_ON"); } // m_manager.GetSkyNode ().InitUniforms (m_oceanMaterialNear); m_manager.GetSkyNode().InitUniforms(m_oceanMaterialFar); m_oldlocalToOcean = Matrix4x4d.Identity(); // m_oldworldToOcean = Matrix4x4d.Identity (); m_offset = Vector3d2.Zero(); //Create the projected grid. The resolution is the size in pixels //of each square in the grid. If the squares are small the size of //the mesh will exceed the max verts for a mesh in Unity. In this case //split the mesh up into smaller meshes. m_resolution = Mathf.Max(1, m_resolution); //The number of squares in the grid on the x and y axis int NX = Screen.width / m_resolution; int NY = Screen.height / m_resolution; numGrids = 1; // const int MAX_VERTS = 65000; //The number of meshes need to make a grid of this resolution if (NX * NY > MAX_VERTS) { numGrids += (NX * NY) / MAX_VERTS; } m_screenGrids = new Mesh[numGrids]; waterGameObjects = new GameObject[numGrids]; waterMeshRenderers = new MeshRenderer[numGrids]; waterMeshFilters = new MeshFilter[numGrids]; //Make the meshes. The end product will be a grid of verts that cover //the screen on the x and y axis with the z depth at 0. This grid is then //projected as the ocean by the shader for (int i = 0; i < numGrids; i++) { NY = Screen.height / numGrids / m_resolution; m_screenGrids [i] = MakePlane(NX, NY, (float)i / (float)numGrids, 1.0f / (float)numGrids); m_screenGrids [i].bounds = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(1e8f, 1e8f, 1e8f)); waterGameObjects[i] = new GameObject(); waterGameObjects[i].transform.parent = m_manager.parentCelestialBody.transform; //might be redundant waterMeshFilters[i] = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); waterMeshFilters[i].mesh.Clear(); waterMeshFilters[i].mesh = m_screenGrids[i]; waterGameObjects[i].layer = 15; waterMeshRenderers[i] = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); waterMeshRenderers[i].sharedMaterial = m_oceanMaterialFar; waterMeshRenderers[i].material = m_oceanMaterialFar; waterMeshRenderers[i].shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; waterMeshRenderers[i].receiveShadows = false; // CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix tmp = waterGameObjects[i].AddComponent<CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix>(); // tmp.m_core=m_core; waterMeshRenderers[i].enabled = true; } cbProjectionMat = waterGameObjects[0].AddComponent <CommandBufferModifiedProjectionMatrix>(); cbProjectionMat.m_core = m_core; }