예제 #1
        private void addJobForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                contx = new saavyTechDBE();

                //Populate the equipment Dropdown
                var equipment = contx.equiptmentType.ToList();
                cboequipType.DataSource    = equipment;
                cboequipType.DisplayMember = "equiptmentName";
                cboequipType.ValueMember   = "Id";

                //Populate the brand Dropdown
                var brand = contx.Brand.ToList();
                cbobrand.DataSource    = brand;
                cbobrand.DisplayMember = "brandName";
                cbobrand.ValueMember   = "Id";

                //Populate the status Dropdown
                var status = contx.status.ToList();
                cbostatus.DataSource    = status;
                cbostatus.DisplayMember = "statusName";
                cbostatus.ValueMember   = "Id";
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #2
        private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var username = txtusername.Text;
            var password = txtPassword.Text;

            //declare object of DB model
            var contx = new saavyTechDBE();

            //check if true value was returned fron the user check and grant access
            //If false, then continue to restrict access
            var user = contx.Users.SingleOrDefault(q => q.username == username && q.password == password);

            if (user != null)
                var parent = (saavyTechManinForm)MdiParent;
                parent.isLoggedIn = true;

                var usr = user.firstName + " " + user.lastName;

                var roleID = user.roleId;
                int userid = user.Id;

                parent.userName = usr;
                parent.userRole = (int)roleID;
                parent.userId   = userid;


                //notify icon
                txtNotify.Text            = "User " + username + "is logged in";
                txtNotify.BalloonTipText  = "User " + usr + " is logged in";
                txtNotify.BalloonTipTitle = "Login Successful";
                txtNotify.Icon            = SystemIcons.Application;

                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Credentials. Please try again.");
                txtusername.Text = "";
                txtPassword.Text = "";
예제 #3
        private void jobsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            contx = new saavyTechDBE();


                //Populate the status Dropdown and get status
                var status = contx.status.ToList();

                // set roles datasource
                cbostatus.DataSource = status;

                //Set the data member and value member to the values
                cbostatus.DisplayMember = "statusName";
                cbostatus.ValueMember   = "Id";

                //Populate The Grid View

                //Manually set the text you want for the column headers.
                gvJobs.Columns["firstName"].HeaderText      = "First Name";
                gvJobs.Columns["lastName"].HeaderText       = "Last Name";
                gvJobs.Columns["jobNumber"].HeaderText      = "Job Number";
                gvJobs.Columns["equiptmentName"].HeaderText = "Equipment";
                gvJobs.Columns["brandName"].HeaderText      = "Brand";
                gvJobs.Columns["model"].HeaderText          = "Model";
                gvJobs.Columns["serial"].HeaderText         = "Serial";
                gvJobs.Columns["issues"].HeaderText         = "Problems";
                gvJobs.Columns["techReport"].HeaderText     = "Tech Report";
                gvJobs.Columns["statusName"].HeaderText     = "Status";

                //Hide columns that you do not want to display for users
                gvJobs.Columns[0].Visible = false;

                //Set the first row as selected by default
                //gvJobs.Rows[0].Selected = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public void checkjobs()
            //declare object of DB model
            var contx = new saavyTechDBE();

            int newCount      = contx.Jobs.Count(q => q.statusId == 1);
            int completeCount = contx.Jobs.Count(q => q.statusId == 3);

            //check jobs and show count
            switch (userRole)
            case 2:
                lbljobCount.Text      = completeCount.ToString() + " Completed Job(s) Available.";
                lbljobCount.ForeColor = Color.Blue;

            case 3:
                lbljobCount.Text      = newCount.ToString() + " New Job(s) in Queue.";
                lbljobCount.ForeColor = Color.Red;
예제 #5
        private void usersForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                contx = new saavyTechDBE();

                //Populate the roles Dropdown and get roles
                var Roles = contx.userRole.ToList();

                // set roles datasource
                cbouserRole.DataSource = Roles;

                //Set the data member and value member to the values
                cbouserRole.DisplayMember = "role";
                cbouserRole.ValueMember   = "Id";

                //Populate The Grid View

                //Manually set the text you want for the column headers.
                gvusers.Columns["firstName"].HeaderText   = "First Name";
                gvusers.Columns["lastName"].HeaderText    = "Last Name";
                gvusers.Columns["phoneNumber"].HeaderText = "Phone #";
                gvusers.Columns["email"].HeaderText       = "Email";
                gvusers.Columns["username"].HeaderText    = "Username";
                gvusers.Columns["role"].HeaderText        = "User Role";

                //Hide columns that you do not want to display for users
                gvusers.Columns[0].Visible = false;
                //Set the first row as selected by default
                //gvusers.Rows[0].Selected = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;