public void render(Engine engine) { if (init) { loadMapImg(); init = false; } con.setBackgroundColor(; con.clear(); renderBar(1, 1, Globals.BWIDTH, "HP", engine.player.destruct.hp, engine.player.destruct.maxHP, TCODColor.lightRed, TCODColor.darkerRed); renderCyl(engine); con.print(Globals.WIDTH - 18, 1, " Revolver "); img.blit2x(TCODConsole.root, 0, 0); int y = 1; float colorChanger = 0.4f; foreach (Message message in log) { con.setForegroundColor(message.color.Multiply(colorChanger)); con.print(Globals.MSGX, y, message.text); y++; if(colorChanger < 1.0f) { colorChanger += 0.3f; } } TCODConsole.blit(con, 0, 0, Globals.WIDTH, Globals.PANEL, TCODConsole.root, 0, Globals.HEIGHT - Globals.PANEL); }
static void Main() { SaveState saved = load(); Engine engine; State gameState; if (saved != null) { gameState = new State(saved); engine = new Engine(gameState, true, new State()); } else { gameState = new State(); engine = new Engine(gameState); } while (!TCODConsole.isWindowClosed()) { engine.update(); engine.render(); if (engine.gStatus == Engine.Status.LOSE || engine.gStatus == Engine.Status.WIN) { break; } TCODConsole.flush(); } engine.saveClose(); }
public void follow(Engine engine, int x, int y) { if (this.x == engine.player.x && this.y == engine.player.y) { return; } if (engine.player.x - x != 0) { this.x = x; this.y = engine.player.y; } if (engine.player.y != y) { this.y = y; this.x = engine.player.x; } }
public override bool use(Actor actor, Actor owner, Engine engine) { if (!used) { string message = ""; TCODConsole con = new TCODConsole(Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT); con.setForegroundColor(new TCODColor(200, 200, 150)); con.printFrame(0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Default, "Story"); if (triggernum == '(') { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, 9]; } else if (triggernum == ')') { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, 10]; } else { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, (int)Char.GetNumericValue(triggernum) - 1]; } if (message.Length > 41) { string sub1 = message.Substring(0, 41); string sub2 = message.Substring(41, message.Length - 41); if (sub2.Length > 41) { string sub3 = sub2.Substring(0, 41); sub2 = sub2.Substring(41, sub2.Length - 41); con.print(3, 3, sub1); con.print(3, 4, sub3); con.print(3, 5, sub2); } else { con.print(3, 3, sub1); con.print(3, 4, sub2); } } else { con.print(3, 3, message); } con.print(13, 15, "Press Enter to Continue"); TCODConsole.blit(con, 0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, TCODConsole.root, Globals.WIDTH / 2 - Globals.INV_WIDTH / 2, Globals.HEIGHT / 2 - Globals.INV_HEIGHT / 2); TCODConsole.flush(); while(true) { TCODKey key = TCODConsole.checkForKeypress(); if(key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Enter){ break; } } used = true; return used; } return false; }
public bool pick(Actor owner, Actor wearer, Engine engine) { if (wearer.contain != null && wearer.contain.add(owner)) { engine.actors.Remove(owner); return true; } return false; }
public MonsterDestructible(float maxHP, float def, string deadname, Engine engine) : base(maxHP, def, deadname, engine) { }
public override void update(TCODKey key, Engine engine, Actor owner) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public abstract void update(Actor owner, Engine engine);
public abstract void update(TCODKey key, Engine engine, Actor owner);
public void handleOtherKeys(Actor player, char keycode, Engine engine) { switch (keycode) { case 'g': { bool found = false; foreach (Actor actor in engine.actors) { if (actor.pick != null && actor.x == player.x && actor.y == player.y) { if (actor.pick.pick(actor, player, engine)) { found = true; engine.gui.message(TCODColor.silver, "You pick up {0}",; break; } else if (!found) { found = true; engine.gui.message(, "Your inventory is full!"); } } } if (!found) { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightGrey, "There's nothing here to find."); } } break; case 'i': { Actor item = inventory(player); if (item != null) { item.pick.use(item, player, engine); engine.gStatus = Engine.Status.NEWT; } } break; case 'd': { Actor actor = inventory(player); if(actor != null) { actor.pick.drop(actor, player, engine); engine.gStatus = Engine.Status.NEWT; } } break; case 's': { if (engine.gameState.curAmmo >= 1) { engine.gameState.curAmmo--; engine.player.gun.use(engine.player.gun, engine.player, engine); } else { engine.gui.message(, "No ammo either."); } } break; default: break; } }
public void update(TCODKey key, Engine engine) { if (ai != null) ai.update(key, engine, this); }
public override void update(TCODKey key, Engine engine, Actor owner) { if (owner.destruct != null && owner.destruct.isDead()) { return; } int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (key.KeyCode) { case TCODKeyCode.Up: dy = -1; break; case TCODKeyCode.Down: dy = 1; break; case TCODKeyCode.Left: dx = -1; break; case TCODKeyCode.Right: dx = 1; break; case TCODKeyCode.Escape: { engine.saveClose(); break; } case TCODKeyCode.Char: handleOtherKeys(owner, key.Character, engine); break; default: break; } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { engine.gStatus = Engine.Status.NEWT; if (moveAttack(owner, owner.x + dx, owner.y + dy, engine)) {; } } }
public override void update(Actor owner, Engine engine) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool moveAttack(Actor owner, int tarx, int tary, Engine engine) { if (, tary)) return false; foreach (Actor actor in engine.actors) { if (actor.destruct != null && !actor.destruct.isDead() && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { owner.attacker.attack(owner, actor, engine); return false; } if ( == "girl" && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { actor.pick.use(actor, actor); } else if (((actor.destruct != null && actor.destruct.isDead()) || actor.pick != null && != "door" && != "trigger") && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightGrey, "{0}...",; } else if (actor.portal != null && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { changingLevel = true; actor.portal.use(owner, actor); engine.gui.message(TCODColor.purple, "Onwards..."); break; } else if ( == "door" && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { actor.pick.use(actor, actor); } else if ( == "trigger" && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { actor.pick.use(actor, actor, engine); } else if (actor.blocks && actor.x == tarx && actor.y == tary) { return false; } } if (!changingLevel) { owner.x = tarx; owner.y = tary; return true; } changingLevel = false; return true; }
public grenade(float range, float dmg, Engine engine) { this.range = range; this.dmg = dmg; this.engine = engine; }
public ammo(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; }
public bool use(Gun owner, Actor wearer, Engine engine) { int x = 0, y = 0; engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightBlue, "Picking a target...a dangerous game."); if (!engine.pickTile(ref x, ref y)) { return false; } foreach (Actor mon in engine.actors) { if (mon.destruct != null && !mon.destruct.isDead() && mon.x == x && mon.y == y) { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightBlue, "A gun shot strikes {0} for {1} pt of dmg",, dmg.ToString()); dmgdMon = mon; } } if (dmgdMon != null) { dmgdMon.destruct.takeDamage(dmgdMon, dmg); } else { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightBlue, "A miss. No good."); } return true; }
public override bool use(Actor owner, Actor wearer, Engine engine) { if (engine.gameState.curAmmo == 6) { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.celadon, "We'll hold onto this for later. The cylinder is full."); return false; } else { engine.gameState.curAmmo++; engine.gui.message(TCODColor.celadon, "The round falls into the cylinder with a metallic click.."); return base.use(owner, wearer); } }
public void moveAttack(Actor owner, int px, int py, Engine engine) { int dx = px - owner.x; int dy = py - owner.y; int stepdx = (dx > 0) ? 1 : -1; int stepdy = (dy > 0) ? 1 : -1; double dist = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (dist >= 2) { dx = (int)Math.Round(dx / dist); dy = (int)Math.Round(dy / dist); if ( + dx, owner.y + dy)) { owner.x += dx; owner.y += dy; } else if (, owner.y)){ owner.x += stepdx; } else if (, owner.y+stepdy)){ owner.y += stepdy; } } else if (owner.attacker != null) { owner.attacker.attack(owner, engine.player, engine); } }
public void attack(Actor owner, Actor target, Engine engine) { if (target.destruct != null && !target.destruct.isDead()) { if (atkpower - target.destruct.def > 0) { TCODColor color = (target == engine.player) ? : TCODColor.lightFlame; engine.gui.message(color , "{0} attacks {1} for {2} hit points",,, (atkpower - target.destruct.def).ToString()); } else { engine.gui.message(TCODColor.grey, "{0} attacks {1} but it has no effect!",,; } target.destruct.takeDamage(target, atkpower); } else { // Miss, resist, etc engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightGrey, "{0} attacks {1} in vain!",,; } }
public override void update(Actor owner, Engine engine) { if (owner.destruct != null && owner.destruct.isDead()) { return; } if (, owner.y)) { moves = Globals.TRACKING; } else { moves--; } if (moves > 0) { moveAttack(owner, engine.player.x, engine.player.y, engine); } }
public override void update(Actor owner, Engine engine) { int dx = TCODRandom.getInstance().getInt(-1, 1); int dy = TCODRandom.getInstance().getInt(-1, 1); if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { int destx = owner.x + dx; int desty = owner.y + dy; if (, desty)) { owner.x = destx; owner.y = desty; } else { Actor actor = engine.getActor(destx, desty); if (actor != null) { owner.attacker.attack(owner, actor, engine); } } } turnCount--; if (turnCount == 0) { = oldAI; } }
public void drop(Actor owner, Actor wearer, Engine engine) { if (wearer.contain != null) { wearer.contain.remove(owner); engine.actors.Insert(0, owner); owner.x = wearer.x; owner.y = wearer.y; engine.gui.message(TCODColor.lightChartreuse, "{0} drops a {1}",,; } }
public Confuser(int turnCount, float range, Engine engine) { this.turnCount = turnCount; this.range = range; this.engine = engine; }
public virtual bool use(Actor owner, Actor wearer, Engine engine) { return use(owner, wearer); }
public Destructible(float maxHP, float def, string deadname, Engine engine) { this.hp = maxHP; this.maxHP = maxHP; this.def = def; this.deadname = deadname; this.engine = engine; }
public void update(Engine engine) { if (ai != null) ai.update(this, engine); if (pick != null) { if (pick is Girl) { Girl girl = pick as Girl; if (girl.follow == true) { follow(engine, playerOldX, playerOldy); playerOldy = engine.player.y; playerOldX = engine.player.x; } } } }
public Girl(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; this.player = engine.player; }
public Map(int width, int height, Engine engine) { this.tiles = new Tile[width * height]; this.tmap = new TCODMap(width, height); this.gameState = engine.gameState; this.rooms = new List<Room>(); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.engine = engine; reGenMap(gameState.levellist[gameState.curLevel].theLayout, false, true); }
public GUI(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; this.con = new TCODConsole(Globals.WIDTH, Globals.PANEL); this.img = new TCODImage("assets/levels/map" + (engine.gameState.curLevel + 1) + ".png"); }