protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string hostName = "den-vm-dg02"; // replace with your host. Rather than hardcode you would want to leverage a config file or similar approach int hostPort = 9000; string userName = "******"; string userPassword = ""; Boolean x = false; string fileName = "customers"; string invoiceID = ""; string salesrep = ""; int args = 0; string subroutine = ""; String AcctSelection = Request.QueryString["param"]; Pick D3 = new rocketsoftware.MVSP.Pick(); Functions func = new Functions(); x = D3.Connect(hostName, hostPort, userName, userPassword); bool acctstat = D3.Logto("acme", ""); // log over to the appropriate account String CustomerName = D3.FileReadv(fileName, AcctSelection, 1); // read the customer file to get the customer name lbl_CustomeName.Text = CustomerName; // assign the customer name to the custmer name display // Create DataTable DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //map results into a dataTable that can be then bound to the dataGrid // Create the Headers for the DataTable that needs to mapped so that the DataGrid can bind to it. dt.Columns.Add("Invoice#", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("InvoiceDate", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Terms", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Gross", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("Discount", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("NetInvoice", typeof(Int32)); // build the query to get the Invoice IDs that meet the selection criteria D3.ExecuteQuery("Query", "TRX.MST", "With cust.acct# = " + "" + AcctSelection + "" + " and with", "by-dsnd", " trx#", ""); int rowcount = D3.MVResultSetGetRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) // loop through the ID list to read each matching Item { D3.MVResultSetNext(); invoiceID = D3.MVResultSetGetCurrentRow(); // gets the invoiceID from the result set to use for the subsequent readfile statements fileName = "TRX.MST"; string trxItem = D3.FileRead(fileName, invoiceID); string invoiceDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 21); args = 2; subroutine = "date_convert.sub"; Pick.mvSubroutine mysub = new Pick.mvSubroutine(subroutine, args, D3); mysub.SetArgs(0, invoiceDate); mysub.SetArgs(1, ""); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion invoiceDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); string orderDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 18); mysub.SetArgs(0, orderDate); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion orderDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); // convert to int to do math int TotalGross = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 31)); int TotalDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 32)); int TotalNet = (TotalGross - TotalDiscount); string Comments = func.Extract(trxItem, 23); string TerrID = func.Extract(trxItem, 8); fileName = "territories"; string Terr_Results = D3.FileRead(fileName, TerrID); if (D3.statusCode != 0) { salesrep = ""; }// no sales rep for the territory else { string territory = func.Extract(Terr_Results, 2); fileName = "salesreps"; salesrep = D3.FileReadv(fileName, territory, 1); } dt.Rows.Add(); dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Invoice#"] = invoiceID; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["InvoiceDate"] = invoiceDate; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["OrderDate"] = orderDate; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Terms"] = "Net 30"; // no terms in database dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Gross"] = TotalGross; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Discount"] = TotalDiscount; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["NetInvoice"] = TotalNet; } Grid_Invoices.DataSource = dt; Grid_Invoices.DataBind(); D3.CloseConnection(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string hostName = "den-vm-dg02"; // replace with your host. Rather than hardcode you would want to leverage a config file or similar approach int hostPort = 9000; string userName = "******"; string userPassword = ""; Boolean x = false; string fileName = "customers"; string invoiceID = ""; string salesrep = ""; int args = 0; string subroutine = ""; String AcctSelection = Request.QueryString["param"]; Pick D3 = new rocketsoftware.MVSP.Pick(); Functions func = new Functions(); x = D3.Connect(hostName, hostPort, userName, userPassword); bool acctstat = D3.Logto("acme", ""); // log over to the appropriate account String CustomerName = D3.FileReadv(fileName, AcctSelection, 1); // read the customer file to get the customer name lbl_CustomeName.Text = CustomerName; // assign the customer name to the custmer name display // Create DataTable DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //map results into a dataTable that can be then bound to the dataGrid // Create the Headers for the DataTable that needs to mapped so that the DataGrid can bind to it. dt.Columns.Add("Invoice#", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("InvoiceDate", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Terms", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Gross", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("Discount", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("NetInvoice", typeof(Int32)); // build the query to get the Invoice IDs that meet the selection criteria D3.ExecuteQuery("Query", "TRX.MST", "With cust.acct# = " + "" + AcctSelection + "" + " and with", "by-dsnd", " trx#", ""); int rowcount = D3.MVResultSetGetRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) // loop through the ID list to read each matching Item { D3.MVResultSetNext(); invoiceID = D3.MVResultSetGetCurrentRow(); // gets the invoiceID from the result set to use for the subsequent readfile statements fileName = "TRX.MST"; string trxItem = D3.FileRead(fileName, invoiceID); string invoiceDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 21); args = 2; subroutine = "date_convert.sub"; Pick.mvSubroutine mysub = new Pick.mvSubroutine(subroutine, args, D3); mysub.SetArgs(0, invoiceDate); mysub.SetArgs(1, ""); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion invoiceDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); string orderDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 18); mysub.SetArgs(0, orderDate); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion orderDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); // convert to int to do math int TotalGross = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 31)); int TotalDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 32)); int TotalNet = (TotalGross - TotalDiscount); string Comments = func.Extract(trxItem, 23); string TerrID = func.Extract(trxItem, 8); fileName = "territories"; string Terr_Results = D3.FileRead(fileName, TerrID); if (D3.statusCode != 0) { salesrep = ""; } // no sales rep for the territory else { string territory = func.Extract(Terr_Results, 2); fileName = "salesreps"; salesrep = D3.FileReadv(fileName, territory, 1); } dt.Rows.Add(); dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Invoice#"] = invoiceID; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["InvoiceDate"] = invoiceDate; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["OrderDate"] = orderDate; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Terms"] = "Net 30"; // no terms in database dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Gross"] = TotalGross; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["Discount"] = TotalDiscount; dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1]["NetInvoice"] = TotalNet; } Grid_Invoices.DataSource = dt; Grid_Invoices.DataBind(); D3.CloseConnection(); }
public Invoices() { InitializeComponent(); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; //center form this.FormClosing += Invoices_FormClosing; // set close event string hostName = "den-vm-dg02"; // replace with your host or leverage a config file or similar approach int hostPort = 9000; string userName = "******"; string userPassword = ""; Boolean x = false; string fileName = "customers"; string invoiceID = ""; string salesrep = ""; int args = 0; string subroutine = ""; String AcctSelection = formargs.AcctSelection; Pick D3 = new rocketsoftware.MVSP.Pick(); Functions func = new Functions(); x = D3.Connect(hostName, hostPort, userName, userPassword); bool acctstat = D3.Logto("acme", ""); // log over to the appropriate account String CustomerName = D3.FileReadv(fileName, AcctSelection, 1); // read the customer file to get the customer name label1.Text = "Invoices for Customer: " + CustomerName; // assign the customer name to the custmer name display // build the query to get the Invoice IDs that meet the selection criteria D3.ExecuteQuery("Query", "TRX.MST", "With cust.acct# = " + "" + AcctSelection + "" + " and with", "by-dsnd", " trx#", ""); int rowcount = D3.MVResultSetGetRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) // loop through the ID list to read each matching Item { D3.MVResultSetNext(); invoiceID = D3.MVResultSetGetCurrentRow(); // gets the invoiceID from the result set to use for the subsequent readfile statements fileName = "TRX.MST"; string trxItem = D3.FileRead(fileName, invoiceID); string invoiceDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 21); args = 2; subroutine = "date_convert.sub"; Pick.mvSubroutine mysub = new Pick.mvSubroutine(subroutine, args, D3); mysub.SetArgs(0, invoiceDate); mysub.SetArgs(1, ""); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion invoiceDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); string orderDate = func.Extract(trxItem, 18); mysub.SetArgs(0, orderDate); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion orderDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); int TotalGross = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 31)); int TotalDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 32)); int TotalNet = (TotalGross - TotalDiscount); string Comments = func.Extract(trxItem, 23); string TerrID = func.Extract(trxItem, 8); fileName = "territories"; string Terr_Results = D3.FileRead(fileName, TerrID); if (D3.statusCode != 0) { //if no territory there is no valid sales rep salesrep = ""; } else { string territory = func.Extract(Terr_Results, 2); fileName = "salesreps"; salesrep = D3.FileReadv(fileName, territory, 1); if (D3.statusCode != 0) { salesrep = ""; } // no sales rep for the territory } dataGridView2.Rows.Add(); dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = invoiceID; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = invoiceDate; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = orderDate; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = salesrep; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = "Net 30"; // Terms not in database dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = TotalGross; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value = TotalDiscount; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[7].Value = TotalNet; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value = Comments; } D3.CloseConnection(); }
public Invoices() { InitializeComponent(); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; //center form this.FormClosing += Invoices_FormClosing; // set close event string hostName = "den-vm-dg02"; // replace with your host or leverage a config file or similar approach int hostPort = 9000; string userName = "******"; string userPassword = ""; Boolean x = false; string fileName = "customers"; string invoiceID = ""; string salesrep = ""; int args = 0; string subroutine = ""; String AcctSelection = formargs.AcctSelection; Pick D3 = new rocketsoftware.MVSP.Pick(); Functions func = new Functions(); x = D3.Connect(hostName, hostPort, userName, userPassword); bool acctstat = D3.Logto("acme", ""); // log over to the appropriate account String CustomerName = D3.FileReadv(fileName, AcctSelection, 1); // read the customer file to get the customer name label1.Text = "Invoices for Customer: " + CustomerName; // assign the customer name to the custmer name display // build the query to get the Invoice IDs that meet the selection criteria D3.ExecuteQuery("Query", "TRX.MST", "With cust.acct# = " + "" + AcctSelection + "" + " and with", "by-dsnd", " trx#", ""); int rowcount = D3.MVResultSetGetRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) // loop through the ID list to read each matching Item { D3.MVResultSetNext(); invoiceID = D3.MVResultSetGetCurrentRow(); // gets the invoiceID from the result set to use for the subsequent readfile statements fileName = "TRX.MST"; string trxItem = D3.FileRead(fileName, invoiceID); string invoiceDate = func.Extract(trxItem,21); args = 2; subroutine = "date_convert.sub"; Pick.mvSubroutine mysub = new Pick.mvSubroutine(subroutine, args, D3); mysub.SetArgs(0, invoiceDate); mysub.SetArgs(1, ""); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion invoiceDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); string orderDate = func.Extract(trxItem,18); mysub.SetArgs(0, orderDate); mysub.MvCall(); // call date conversion orderDate = mysub.GetArgs(1); int TotalGross = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem,31)); int TotalDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(func.Extract(trxItem, 32)); int TotalNet = (TotalGross-TotalDiscount); string Comments = func.Extract(trxItem, 23); string TerrID = func.Extract(trxItem, 8); fileName = "territories"; string Terr_Results = D3.FileRead(fileName, TerrID); if (D3.statusCode !=0) { //if no territory there is no valid sales rep salesrep = ""; } else { string territory = func.Extract(Terr_Results, 2); fileName = "salesreps"; salesrep = D3.FileReadv(fileName, territory, 1); if (D3.statusCode !=0) {salesrep = ""; }// no sales rep for the territory } dataGridView2.Rows.Add(); dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = invoiceID; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = invoiceDate; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = orderDate; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = salesrep; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = "Net 30"; // Terms not in database dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = TotalGross; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value = TotalDiscount; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[7].Value = TotalNet; dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value = Comments; } D3.CloseConnection(); }