internal void paybillStudent(Courses course, int AdmNo) { int id = course.getID(); this.con.Open(); SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(this.con); com.CommandText = "UPDATE payments SET paid = 1 WHERE studentID = " + AdmNo + " AND courseID = " + id + ";"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); this.con.Close(); }
internal void billStudent(Courses course, int AdmNo) { int id = course.getID(); double cost = course.getCost(); this.con.Open(); SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(this.con); com.CommandText = "INSERT INTO payments (studentID,courseID,amount,paid) Values ('" + AdmNo + "','" + id + "','" + cost + "',0);"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); this.con.Close(); }
public static void CourseChooser(Courses course, ref Student stud) { //if course is already registered skip, else register course, then bill. if (!stud.payments.CheckRegistered(course.getID())) { stud.payments.bill(course); Console.WriteLine("Course " + course.getName() + " has been registered, KES " + course.getCost() + " has been charged to " + stud.getName() + "'s account"); Console.WriteLine("KES " + stud.payments.getTotal() + " is now owed to the school by " + stud.getName()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Course Already Registered"); } }
internal void updatecost(Courses cs, double newcost) { String updatecostcom = "UPDATE courses SET cost = " + newcost.ToString() + " WHERE ID = " + cs.getID().ToString() + ";"; this.con.Open(); SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(this.con); com.CommandText = updatecostcom; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); this.con.Close(); }