예제 #1
        public double[] GetIntensityGrouped(ImageMatrix CurrentImage, int[][][] borders, double threshold, int groupsize) //get intensity of (groups of) pixel(s) of an image. Threshold can be adjusted realtime
            double localintensitycurrent      = new double();
            double localintensitycurrentgroup = new double();
            double localintensity             = new double();

            double[] intensity = new double[borders.Length + 1];

            // addition first region
            for (int x = 0; x < borders[0].Length - 2 - groupsize; x += groupsize)
                for (int y = 0; y < borders[0][x][1]; y += groupsize)
                    localintensitycurrentgroup = 0;
                    for (int a = 0; a < groupsize; a++)    // for nr pixels in square of groupsize x groupsize, add up intensities from current frame and add up intensities from last frame.
                        for (int b = 0; b < groupsize; b++)
                            localintensitycurrent       = CurrentImage.data[x + a, y + b];
                            localintensitycurrentgroup += localintensitycurrent;
                    localintensity = localintensitycurrentgroup / (Math.Pow(groupsize, 2)); // get mean localintensity of current group

                    if (localintensity > threshold)
                        intensity[0] += localintensity;

            // addition in-between regions
            for (int i = 1; i < borders.Length; i++)
                for (int x = 1; x < borders[0].Length - 2 - groupsize; x++)
                    for (int y = borders[i - 1][x][1]; y < borders[i][x][1]; y++)
                        localintensitycurrentgroup = 0;
                        for (int a = 0; a < groupsize; a++)    // for nr pixels in square of groupsize x groupsize, add up intensities from current frame and add up intensities from last frame.
                            for (int b = 0; b < groupsize; b++)
                                localintensitycurrent       = CurrentImage.data[x + a, y + b];
                                localintensitycurrentgroup += localintensitycurrent;
                        localintensity = localintensitycurrentgroup / (Math.Pow(groupsize, 2)); // get mean localintensity of last group

                        if (localintensity > threshold)
                            intensity[i] += localintensity;

            // addition last region
            for (int x = 0; x < borders[0].Length - 2 - groupsize; x++)
                for (int y = borders[borders.Length - 1][x][1]; y < CurrentImage.height - groupsize; y++)
                    localintensitycurrentgroup = 0;
                    for (int a = 0; a < groupsize; a++)    // for nr pixels in square of groupsize x groupsize, add up intensities from current frame and add up intensities from last frame.
                        for (int b = 0; b < groupsize; b++)
                            localintensitycurrent       = CurrentImage.data[x + a, y + b];
                            localintensitycurrentgroup += localintensitycurrent;
                    localintensity = localintensitycurrentgroup / (Math.Pow(groupsize, 2)); // get mean localintensity of last group

                    if (localintensity > threshold)
                        intensity[borders.Length] += localintensity;
예제 #2
        public int[] HoughTransform(ImageMatrix originalImage, int desiredLines, float[,] ImageData) // use houghtransform to detect most probable lines (in form of y = rc_param*x+ verticalpixel) on output of convolution
            float rc_param           = 0.005f;                                                       // controls how steep the lines can be. 0.004 is a slope of ~12.5 percent. The max value depends on nr of channels
            float channelwidth_param = 70;                                                           // Controls over how many pixels the mean is taken when extracting the middle of a channel

            double Line        = new double();
            int    StripLength = (int)(width / 2);
            int    StripHeigth = height;
            int    NrAngles    = 20;

            double[] rc      = new double[2 * NrAngles + 1];
            double   decPart = new double();
            int      intPart = new int();

            double[] BrightestAngle = new double[40];
            double[] LineValues     = new double[StripHeigth];
            double[] Slope          = new double[2 * NrAngles];
            double[] BestSlope      = new double[StripHeigth]; // array with 'best' angles for every pixel

            for (int x = 0; x < StripHeigth; x++)              // For every vertical pixel: add the brightness values of 100 horizontal pixels at different angles.
                for (int y = -NrAngles; y < NrAngles; y++)     // For number of angles of lines through pixel
                    rc[y + NrAngles] = y * rc_param;
                    for (int z = 0; z < width; z++)                                                              // For every horizontal pixel in the line rc*x
                        decPart = Math.Abs((rc[y + NrAngles] * z)) % 1;                                          // Decimal part of heigth of pixel in line rc*x
                        intPart = (int)(rc[y + NrAngles] * z) + x;                                               // Integer part of heigth of pixel in line rc*x
                        if (intPart >= 0 && intPart < (StripHeigth - 1))                                         // If pixel is INSIDE of picture (because lines can go out of the picture)
                            Line += ImageData[z, intPart] * decPart + ImageData[z, intPart + 1] * (1 - decPart); //Sum of brightness values in line rc*x
                        else                                                                                     // If pixel is outside of picture neglect its contribution. (so add brightness 0)
                            Line = 0f;

                    BrightestAngle[y + NrAngles] = Line;    // Array of lines, all a different angle, with their brightness values
                    Line = 0;                               // reset line value

                LineValues[x] = BrightestAngle.Max();       // Array of brightness values of lines, the lightest out of NrAngles.
                BestSlope[x]  = rc[Array.IndexOf(BrightestAngle, BrightestAngle.Max())];
                //LineValues[x] = BrightestAngle.Min();     // Array of brightness values of lines, the darkest out of NrAngles.

            double[] LineValuesUnsorted = new double[LineValues.Length]; //store original copy of LineValues to preserve indexes
            Array.Copy(LineValues, LineValuesUnsorted, LineValues.Length);
            Array.Sort(LineValues);                                      //sort: first value the smallest
            Array.Reverse(LineValues);                                   //sort: last value the smallest

            double[] LineValuesMeans = new double[LineValuesUnsorted.Length];   //calculates mean over .. neighbouring pixels per pixel
            int      boundary        = (int)channelwidth_param / desiredLines;
            double   sum             = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < LineValuesUnsorted.Length; c++)
                    for (int d = -boundary; d < boundary; d++)
                        sum += LineValuesUnsorted[c + d];
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { }

                LineValuesMeans[c] = sum / (2 * boundary);
                sum = 0;

            double[] lineValuesPart = new double[(int)height / desiredLines];
            double   MaxPart        = new double();

            int[] ChannelIndex = new int[desiredLines];

            for (int e = 0; e < desiredLines; e++)
                for (int f = 0; f < lineValuesPart.Length; f++)
                    lineValuesPart[f] = LineValuesMeans[e * lineValuesPart.Length + f];
                MaxPart         = lineValuesPart.Max();
                ChannelIndex[e] = Array.IndexOf(lineValuesPart, MaxPart) + (e * lineValuesPart.Length);
