예제 #1
        private string PeptideToString(proteome.Peptide peptide, IList <phosphoRS.PTMSiteProbability> localizationProbabilities, PhosphoRSConfig config)
            var probabilityMap = localizationProbabilities.ToDictionary(o => o.SequencePosition, o => o.Probability);

            string        format = String.Format("[{{0:f{0}}}]", 0);
            StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder();

            if (peptide.modifications().ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()))
                sb.AppendFormat(format, peptide.modifications()[proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass());
            for (int i = 0; i < peptide.sequence.Length; ++i)
                if (probabilityMap.ContainsKey(i + 1))
                    if (probabilityMap[i + 1] > 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat("[{0:f0}({1:f0}%)]", config.scoredAA.MassDelta, probabilityMap[i + 1] * 100);
                    //    sb.AppendFormat("({0:f0})", config.scoredAA.MassDelta, probabilityMap[i + 1]);
                else if (peptide.modifications().ContainsKey(i))
                    double modMass = peptide.modifications()[i].monoisotopicDeltaMass();
                    sb.AppendFormat(format, modMass);
            if (peptide.modifications().ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()))
                sb.AppendFormat(format, peptide.modifications()[proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass());
예제 #2
        public static void CreateTestData (NHibernate.ISession session, IList<SpectrumTuple> testPsmSummary)
            var dbGroups = new Map<string, SpectrumSourceGroup>();
            foreach (var ssg in session.Query<SpectrumSourceGroup>())
                dbGroups[ssg.Name] = ssg;

            var dbSources = new Map<long, SpectrumSource>();
            foreach (var ss in session.Query<SpectrumSource>())
                dbSources[ss.Id.Value] = ss;

            var dbAnalyses = new Map<long, Analysis>();
            foreach (var a in session.Query<Analysis>())
                dbAnalyses[a.Id.Value] = a;

            var dbPeptides = new Map<string, Peptide>();
            foreach (var pep in session.Query<Peptide>())
                dbPeptides[pep.Sequence] = pep;

            var bulkInserter = new BulkInserter(session.Connection);

            long lastPsmId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM PeptideSpectrumMatch").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastModId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Modification").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastPmId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM PeptideModification").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastGroupId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSourceGroup").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastSourceId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSource").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastSglId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSourceGroupLink").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();

            foreach (SpectrumTuple row in testPsmSummary)
                string groupName = row.Group;
                string sourceName = "Source " + row.Source;
                string analysisId = "Engine " + row.Analysis;
                string peptideTuples = row.PeptideTuples;

                SpectrumSourceGroup group = dbGroups[groupName];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Name))
                    group.Id = ++lastGroupId;
                    group.Name = groupName;

                SpectrumSource source = dbSources[row.Source];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Name))
                    source.Id = ++lastSourceId;
                    source.Name = sourceName;
                    source.Group = group;
                    source.Spectra = new List<Spectrum>();

                    // add a source group link for the source's immediate group
                    bulkInserter.Add(new SpectrumSourceGroupLink() { Id = ++lastSglId, Group = group, Source = source });

                    #region add source group links for all of the immediate group's parent groups

                    if (groupName != "/")
                        string parentGroupName = groupName.Substring(0, groupName.LastIndexOf("/"));
                        while (true)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentGroupName))
                                parentGroupName = "/";

                            // add the parent group if it doesn't exist yet
                            SpectrumSourceGroup parentGroup = session.UniqueResult<SpectrumSourceGroup>(o => o.Name == parentGroupName);
                            if (parentGroup == null)
                                parentGroup = new SpectrumSourceGroup() { Id = ++lastGroupId, Name = parentGroupName };

                            bulkInserter.Add(new SpectrumSourceGroupLink() { Id = ++lastSglId, Group = parentGroup, Source = source });

                            if (parentGroupName == "/")
                            parentGroupName = parentGroupName.Substring(0, parentGroupName.LastIndexOf("/"));


                Spectrum spectrum = source.Spectra.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Source.Id == source.Id &&
                                                                        o.Index == row.Spectrum - 1);
                if (spectrum == null)
                    spectrum = new Spectrum()
                                       Id = source.Id * 10000 + row.Spectrum,
                                       Index = row.Spectrum - 1,
                                       NativeID = "scan=" + row.Spectrum,
                                       Source = source,
                                       PrecursorMZ = 42

                Analysis analysis = dbAnalyses[row.Analysis];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(analysis.Name))
                    analysis.Id = dbAnalyses.Max(o => o.Value.Id).GetValueOrDefault() + 1;
                    analysis.Name = analysisId + " 1.0";
                    analysis.Software = new AnalysisSoftware() {Name = analysisId, Version = "1.0"};
                    analysis.StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(row.Analysis);
                    analysis.Type = AnalysisType.DatabaseSearch;

                    analysis.Parameters = new SortedSet<AnalysisParameter>()
                        new AnalysisParameter()
                            Id = analysis.Id * 10000,
                            Analysis = analysis,
                            Name = "Parameter 1",
                            Value = "Value 1"


                // make sure peptides are sorted by their score divider (which will determine rank)
                var peptideList = new SortedList<int, List<PeptideTuple>>();
                foreach (string tuple in peptideTuples.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    var peptideTuple = new PeptideTuple()
                                               Sequence = tuple.Split('@', '/')[0],
                                               Charge = Convert.ToInt32(tuple.Split('@', '/')[1]),
                                               ScoreDivider = Convert.ToInt32(tuple.Split('@', '/')[2])
                    if (!peptideList.ContainsKey(peptideTuple.ScoreDivider))
                        peptideList[peptideTuple.ScoreDivider] = new List<PeptideTuple>();

                int rank = 1;
                int lastDivider = 1;
                foreach (var peptideTupleList in peptideList.Values)
                    foreach (var peptideTuple in peptideTupleList)
                        using (PwizPeptide pwizPeptide = new PwizPeptide(peptideTuple.Sequence, ModParsing.ModificationParsing_Auto, ModDelimiter.ModificationDelimiter_Brackets))
                            Peptide peptide = dbPeptides[pwizPeptide.sequence];
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(peptide.Sequence))
                                peptide = new TestPeptide(pwizPeptide.sequence);
                                peptide.Id = dbPeptides.Max(o => o.Value.Id).GetValueOrDefault() + 1;
                                peptide.MonoisotopicMass = pwizPeptide.monoisotopicMass(false);
                                peptide.MolecularWeight = pwizPeptide.molecularWeight(false);
                                dbPeptides[pwizPeptide.sequence] = peptide;
                                createTestPeptideInstances(session, bulkInserter, peptide);

                            double neutralPrecursorMass = (spectrum.PrecursorMZ*peptideTuple.Charge) - (peptideTuple.Charge*Proton.Mass);

                            var psm = new PeptideSpectrumMatch()
                                              Id = ++lastPsmId,
                                              Peptide = peptide,
                                              Spectrum = spectrum,
                                              Analysis = analysis,
                                              ObservedNeutralMass = neutralPrecursorMass,
                                              MonoisotopicMassError = neutralPrecursorMass - pwizPeptide.monoisotopicMass(),
                                              MolecularWeightError = neutralPrecursorMass - pwizPeptide.molecularWeight(),
                                              Charge = peptideTuple.Charge,
                                              Rank = (peptideTuple.ScoreDivider == lastDivider ? rank : ++rank),
                                              QValue = (rank == 1 ? row.QValue : PeptideSpectrumMatch.DefaultQValue),

                            if (row.Score != null)
                                psm.Scores = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                                                     {"score1", (double) row.Score/peptideTuple.ScoreDivider},
                                                     {"score2", 1/((double) row.Score/peptideTuple.ScoreDivider)}

                            lastDivider = peptideTuple.ScoreDivider;

                            // add PeptideModifications and Modifications
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ModList> itr in pwizPeptide.modifications())
                                foreach (PwizMod pwizMod in itr.Value)
                                    Modification mod = session.UniqueResult<Modification>(o => o.Formula == pwizMod.formula());
                                    if (mod == null)
                                        mod = new Modification()
                                                      Id = ++lastModId,
                                                      Formula = pwizMod.formula(),
                                                      MonoMassDelta = pwizMod.monoisotopicDeltaMass(),
                                                      AvgMassDelta = pwizMod.averageDeltaMass(),
                                                      Name = pwizMod.formula()

                                    bulkInserter.Add(new PeptideModification()
                                                             Id = ++lastPmId,
                                                             PeptideSpectrumMatch = psm,
                                                             Modification = mod,
                                                             Offset = itr.Key == ModMap.NTerminus() ? int.MinValue
                                                                    : itr.Key == ModMap.CTerminus() ? int.MaxValue
                                                                    : itr.Key
예제 #3
            public PhosphoPeptideAttestationRow(object[] queryRow)
                PSMId = (long)queryRow[0];
                SpectrumId = (long)queryRow[1];
                SourceName = (string)queryRow[2];
                SpectrumNativeID = (string)queryRow[3];
                PrecursorMZ = Convert.ToDouble(queryRow[4]);
                Charge = Convert.ToInt32(queryRow[5]);

                // Build the peptide sequence with modifications. Leave the phospho sites out of the string. They
                // will reunited with the string right before the PSM is submitted to phosphoRS. This is necessary 
                // because phosphoRS requires all phospho sites marked with a single numerical representation across all
                // PSMs.
                OriginalPhosphoSites = new SortedDictionary<int, long>();
                var mods = new Dictionary<int, List<double>>();
                string peptideSequence = (string)queryRow[7];
                Peptide = new proteome.Peptide(peptideSequence);
                var pwizMods = Peptide.modifications();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)queryRow[6]))
                    var IdMassDeltaAndOffsetTriplets = ((string)queryRow[6]).Split(',');
                    foreach (var triplet in IdMassDeltaAndOffsetTriplets)
                        var tokens = triplet.Split(':');
                        long pmId = Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]);
                        double deltaMass = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[1]);
                        int roundedDeltaMass = (int) Math.Round(deltaMass);
                        int offset = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]);
                        pwizMods[offset].Add(new proteome.Modification(deltaMass, deltaMass));
                        if (roundedDeltaMass == 80 && (peptideSequence[offset] == 'S' || peptideSequence[offset] == 'T' || peptideSequence[offset] == 'Y'))
                            OriginalPhosphoSites[offset] = pmId;
                            if (!mods.ContainsKey(offset))
                                mods[offset] = new List<double>();

                string format = String.Format("[{{0:f{0}}}]", 4);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(peptideSequence);
                foreach (var mod in (from m in mods orderby m.Key descending select m))
                    foreach (var massDelta in mod.Value)
                        if (mod.Key == int.MinValue)
                            sb.Insert(0, String.Format(format, massDelta));
                        else if (mod.Key == int.MaxValue || mod.Key >= sb.Length)
                            sb.AppendFormat(format, massDelta);
                            sb.Insert(mod.Key + 1, String.Format(format, massDelta));
                UnphosphorylatedSequence = sb.ToString();
                DecoyState = Convert.ToInt16(queryRow[8]);

                // Determine the location of phosphorylation sites
                PossiblePhosphoSites = new List<int>();
                for (int residueIndex = 0; residueIndex < peptideSequence.Length; ++residueIndex)
                    if (peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'S' || peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'T' || peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'Y')
예제 #4
        private phosphoRS.PeptideSpectrumMatch getPhosphoRS_PSM(PhosphoRSConfig config, PhosphoPeptideAttestationRow variant)
            // Get the phosphorylated peptide and add all modifications to the base sequence.
            proteome.Peptide phosphoPeptide = new proteome.Peptide(variant.UnphosphorylatedSequence, proteome.ModificationParsing.ModificationParsing_Auto, proteome.ModificationDelimiter.ModificationDelimiter_Brackets);
            proteome.ModificationMap variantPeptideMods = phosphoPeptide.modifications();
            variant.OriginalPhosphoSites.Keys.ToList().ForEach(location => { variantPeptideMods[location].Add(config.pwizMod); });

            // This modification ID is used to tell phosphoRS how to modify the sequence.
            int modificationID = config.phosphorylationSymbol + 1;

            // Build a string representation of all modificaitons in a peptide for phospoRS
            // "0.00011000000000.0" : 1 is the ID of the modification. All phosphos in a data
            // set need to have one ID. This ID is used by the PhosphoRS to figure out which
            // mods need to be scored.
            var ptmRepresentation = new StringBuilder();

            // Store all modifications in phosphoRS modification objects
            var modifications = new List<phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification>();

            // Get the n-terminal modifications.
            if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()))
                phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification('2', "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, null);
                ptmRepresentation.Append(modificationID.ToString() + ".");

            // Process all other modifications.
            for (int aaIndex = 0; aaIndex < phosphoPeptide.sequence.Length; ++aaIndex)
                // If phosphorylation, use the existing scoredAA variable.
                if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(aaIndex))
                    if (variant.OriginalPhosphoSites.Keys.Contains(aaIndex))
                        // Otherwise, make an "unknown" modification with a separate modification ID.
                        var otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification(modificationID.ToString()[0], "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[aaIndex].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, phosphoRS.AminoAcidSequence.ParseAASequence("" + phosphoPeptide.sequence[aaIndex]));
            // Process any c-terminal modifications.
            if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()))
                var otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification(modificationID.ToString()[0], "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, null);
                ptmRepresentation.Append("." + modificationID.ToString());

            // Get the phosphoRS peptide sequence.
            // Assign spectrum ID, amino acid sequence, list of all modifications, a so-called 'modification position string' (here every digit represents an amino acid within the peptide sequence
            // '0' indicates not modified, values != '0' indicate the unique identifier of the amino acid's modification the first digit represents the n-terminus the last digit represents the c-terminus)
            var AAS = phosphoRS.AminoAcidSequence.Create((int)variant.SpectrumId, phosphoPeptide.sequence, modifications, ptmRepresentation.ToString());
            // Make a phosphoRS peptide-spectrum match.
            return new phosphoRS.PeptideSpectrumMatch((int)variant.PSMId, variant.SpectrumType, variant.Charge, variant.PrecursorMZ, variant.Peaks, AAS);
예제 #5
            public PhosphoPeptideAttestationRow(object[] queryRow)
                PSMId            = (long)queryRow[0];
                SpectrumId       = (long)queryRow[1];
                SourceName       = (string)queryRow[2];
                SpectrumNativeID = (string)queryRow[3];
                PrecursorMZ      = Convert.ToDouble(queryRow[4]);
                Charge           = Convert.ToInt32(queryRow[5]);

                // Build the peptide sequence with modifications. Leave the phospho sites out of the string. They
                // will reunited with the string right before the PSM is submitted to phosphoRS. This is necessary
                // because phosphoRS requires all phospho sites marked with a single numerical representation across all
                // PSMs.
                OriginalPhosphoSites = new SortedDictionary <int, long>();
                var    mods            = new Dictionary <int, List <double> >();
                string peptideSequence = (string)queryRow[7];

                Peptide = new proteome.Peptide(peptideSequence);
                var pwizMods = Peptide.modifications();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)queryRow[6]))
                    var IdMassDeltaAndOffsetTriplets = ((string)queryRow[6]).Split(Properties.Settings.Default.GroupConcatSeparator[0]);
                    foreach (var triplet in IdMassDeltaAndOffsetTriplets)
                        var    tokens           = triplet.Split(':');
                        long   pmId             = Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]);
                        double deltaMass        = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[1]);
                        int    roundedDeltaMass = (int)Math.Round(deltaMass);
                        int    offset           = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]);
                        pwizMods[offset].Add(new proteome.Modification(deltaMass, deltaMass));
                        if (roundedDeltaMass == 80 && (peptideSequence[offset] == 'S' || peptideSequence[offset] == 'T' || peptideSequence[offset] == 'Y'))
                            OriginalPhosphoSites[offset] = pmId;
                            if (!mods.ContainsKey(offset))
                                mods[offset] = new List <double>();

                string        format = String.Format("[{{0:f{0}}}]", 4);
                StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder(peptideSequence);

                foreach (var mod in (from m in mods orderby m.Key descending select m))
                    foreach (var massDelta in mod.Value)
                        if (mod.Key == int.MinValue)
                            sb.Insert(0, String.Format(format, massDelta));
                        else if (mod.Key == int.MaxValue || mod.Key >= sb.Length)
                            sb.AppendFormat(format, massDelta);
                            sb.Insert(mod.Key + 1, String.Format(format, massDelta));
                UnphosphorylatedSequence = sb.ToString();
                DecoyState = Convert.ToInt16(queryRow[8]);

                // Determine the location of phosphorylation sites
                PossiblePhosphoSites = new List <int>();
                for (int residueIndex = 0; residueIndex < peptideSequence.Length; ++residueIndex)
                    if (peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'S' || peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'T' || peptideSequence[residueIndex] == 'Y')
예제 #6
        private phosphoRS.PeptideSpectrumMatch getPhosphoRS_PSM(PhosphoRSConfig config, PhosphoPeptideAttestationRow variant)
            // Get the phosphorylated peptide and add all modifications to the base sequence.
            proteome.Peptide         phosphoPeptide     = new proteome.Peptide(variant.UnphosphorylatedSequence, proteome.ModificationParsing.ModificationParsing_Auto, proteome.ModificationDelimiter.ModificationDelimiter_Brackets);
            proteome.ModificationMap variantPeptideMods = phosphoPeptide.modifications();
            variant.OriginalPhosphoSites.Keys.ToList().ForEach(location => { variantPeptideMods[location].Add(config.pwizMod); });

            // This modification ID is used to tell phosphoRS how to modify the sequence.
            int modificationID = config.phosphorylationSymbol + 1;

            // Build a string representation of all modificaitons in a peptide for phospoRS
            // "0.00011000000000.0" : 1 is the ID of the modification. All phosphos in a data
            // set need to have one ID. This ID is used by the PhosphoRS to figure out which
            // mods need to be scored.
            var ptmRepresentation = new StringBuilder();

            // Store all modifications in phosphoRS modification objects
            var modifications = new List <phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification>();

            // Get the n-terminal modifications.
            if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()))
                phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification('2', "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[proteome.ModificationMap.NTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, null);
                ptmRepresentation.Append(modificationID.ToString() + ".");

            // Process all other modifications.
            for (int aaIndex = 0; aaIndex < phosphoPeptide.sequence.Length; ++aaIndex)
                // If phosphorylation, use the existing scoredAA variable.
                if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(aaIndex))
                    if (variant.OriginalPhosphoSites.Keys.Contains(aaIndex))
                        // Otherwise, make an "unknown" modification with a separate modification ID.
                        var otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification(modificationID.ToString()[0], "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[aaIndex].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, phosphoRS.AminoAcidSequence.ParseAASequence("" + phosphoPeptide.sequence[aaIndex]));
            // Process any c-terminal modifications.
            if (variantPeptideMods.ContainsKey(proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()))
                var otherMod = new phosphoRS.AminoAcidModification(modificationID.ToString()[0], "unknown", "unk", "none", variantPeptideMods[proteome.ModificationMap.CTerminus()].monoisotopicDeltaMass(), 0.0, null);
                ptmRepresentation.Append("." + modificationID.ToString());

            // Get the phosphoRS peptide sequence.
            // Assign spectrum ID, amino acid sequence, list of all modifications, a so-called 'modification position string' (here every digit represents an amino acid within the peptide sequence
            // '0' indicates not modified, values != '0' indicate the unique identifier of the amino acid's modification the first digit represents the n-terminus the last digit represents the c-terminus)
            var AAS = phosphoRS.AminoAcidSequence.Create((int)variant.SpectrumId, phosphoPeptide.sequence, modifications, ptmRepresentation.ToString());

            // Make a phosphoRS peptide-spectrum match.
            return(new phosphoRS.PeptideSpectrumMatch((int)variant.PSMId, variant.SpectrumType, variant.Charge, variant.PrecursorMZ, variant.Peaks, AAS));