public VInject(VConsole con, VRegEx rx, VMitm mitm, VDependencyWatcher dw, Form1 ctx) { console = con; reg = rx; dw.AddCondition(() => mitm.CheckServiceState(VMitm.InjectServices.AutoInjection) && autoPayload == "", ctx.CreateLog("Auto injection is enabled, but no payload is set", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => mitm.CheckServiceState(VMitm.InjectServices.MatchInjection) && payloadReplace.Count == 0, ctx.CreateLog("Match Injection is enabled, but no payload is set", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => mitm.CheckServiceState(VMitm.InjectServices.MediaInjection) && mediaReplace.Count == 0, ctx.CreateLog("Media Injection is enabled, but no file is set", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => !mitm.IsAllOfflineI() && !mitm.started, ctx.CreateLog("One or more injection service is enabled, but mitm service is not running!", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => mitm.CheckServiceState(VMitm.InjectServices.MatchInjection) && mitm.CheckServiceState(VMitm.InjectServices.AutoInjection), ctx.CreateLog("Both Match and Auto injection is enabled, this may produce unexpected results!", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); }
public VSslCertification(VLogger log, VConsole con, VDependencyWatcher vdw) { logger = log; console = con; self = this; vdw.AddCondition(() => { return(UseCASign && !File.Exists("certs\\AHROOT.pfx")); }, new VLogger.LogObj() { ll = VLogger.LogLevel.warning, message = "CA Signing is enabled, but the root CA Cert is not found at its location" }); }
public ProxyServer(string ipAddress, int portNumber, int pendingLimit, VConsole consoleMod, Form1 context) { ipv4Addr = ipAddress; port = portNumber; pclimit = pendingLimit; console = consoleMod; ctx = context; dw = context.VdwMod; dw.AddCondition(() => httpMode == Mode.MITM && !ctx.mitmHttp.started, ctx.CreateLog("MITM mode is set for http, but mitm service is not enabled!", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => httpsMode == Mode.MITM && !ctx.mitmHttp.started, ctx.CreateLog("MITM mode is set for https, but mitm service is not enabled", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => httpsMode == Mode.MITM && !ctx.CertMod.Started, ctx.CreateLog("MITM mode is set for https, but SSL Certification service is not started!", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); dw.AddCondition(() => ctx.mitmHttp.started && httpMode != Mode.MITM && httpsMode != Mode.MITM, ctx.CreateLog("MITM Service is running but no protocol modes set to MITM mode", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); if (autoClean) { _timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(AutoClean); _timer.Interval = 10 * 60 * 1000; _timer.Start(); } }
public VMitm(Form1 context, VConsole con) { ctx = context; console = con; for (int i = 0; i < dumpServices.Length; i++) { dState.Add(false); } for (int i = 0; i < blockServices.Length; i++) { bState.Add(false); } for (int i = 0; i < injectServices.Length; i++) { iState.Add(false); } dw = ctx.VdwMod; dw.AddCondition(() => !IsAllOfflineD() && !dump.Started, ctx.CreateLog("One or more dump service is active, but Dump Manager is not enabled", VLogger.LogLevel.warning)); }