public void Deserialize(NetworkStream ns, Request req, VSslHandler vsh = null) { string sResult = version + " " + statusCode + " " + httpMessage + "\r\n"; int ctLength = 0; //edit bodyText here VDecoder vd = new VDecoder(); if (headers.ContainsKey("Content-Length") && headers["Content-Length"] != "0" && headers["Content-Length"] != null) { if (mitm != null && mitm.started) //MITM Media and Text injection { if (bodyText != "") { if (mitm.CheckBody(bodyText)) { return; } string cType = (headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type")) ? headers["Content-Type"] : null; if (cType != null) { string nt = ""; nt = mitm.Inject(bodyText, headers["Content-Type"]); if (nt != null) { bodyText = nt; } } } else { byte[] n = mitm.MediaRewrite(this, req); if (n != null) { body = n; } } } if (bodyText != "" && headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { Array.Clear(body, 0, body.Length); byte[] toCode = vd.EncodeCharset(headers["Content-Type"], bodyText); string enc = headers["Content-Encoding"]; if (enc == "gzip") { body = vd.EncodeGzip(toCode); } else if (enc == "deflate") { body = vd.EncodeDeflate(toCode); } else if (enc == "br") { body = vd.EncodeBrotli(toCode); } Array.Clear(toCode, 0, toCode.Length); } else if (bodyText == "" && headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { string enc = headers["Content-Encoding"]; if (enc == "gzip") { body = vd.EncodeGzip(body); } else if (enc == "deflate") { body = vd.EncodeDeflate(body); } else if (enc == "br") { body = vd.EncodeBrotli(body); } } else if (bodyText != "" && !headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { body = vd.EncodeCharset(headers["Content-Type"], bodyText); } ctLength = body.Length; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in headers.Items) { string line = ""; if (kvp.Key == "Content-Length" && ctLength > 0) { line = "Content-Length: " + ctLength + "\r\n"; } else if (kvp.Key == "Transfer-Encoding" && kvp.Value == "chunked" && ctLength > 0) { // insert the content-length and skip the transfer-encoding header, because we concatanated it. line = "Content-Length: " + ctLength.ToString() + "\r\n"; } else { line = kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value + "\r\n"; } sResult += line; } //console.Debug($"{} - responded with content-type: {headers["Content-Type"]}"); sResult += "\r\n"; byte[] text = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sResult); if (vsh == null) { ns.Write(text, 0, text.Length); if (ctLength > 0) { ns.Write(body, 0, body.Length); } ns.Flush(); } else { //console.Debug("Handler " + vsh.HandlerID + " receiving " + (headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type") ? headers["Content-Type"] : "No content type sent")); vsh.WriteSslStream(text); if (ctLength > 0) { vsh.WriteSslStream(body); } vsh.FlushSslStream(); } }
private void DecodeArray() { notEnded = false; string cType = headers["Content-Type"]; if (cType.Contains(";")) { cType = cType.Substring(0, cType.IndexOf(';')); } VDecoder vd = new VDecoder(); bool isConvertable = false; if (filterNames.Count > 0) { isConvertable = SearchFilter("or", "mime_white_list", cType); } if (isConvertable && !headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { bodyText = vd.DecodeCharset(headers["Content-Type"], body, body.Length); } else if (isConvertable && headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { string enc = headers["Content-Encoding"]; if (enc == "gzip") { body = vd.DecodeGzipToBytes(body); } else if (enc == "deflate") { body = vd.DecodeDeflate(body); } else if (enc == "br") { body = vd.DecodeBrotli(body); } bodyText = vd.DecodeCharset(headers["Content-Type"], body, body.Length); //IMPORTANT: Use push end -- the data is converted to text correctly } else if (!isConvertable && headers.ContainsKey("Content-Encoding")) { //Decode contents to byte array string enc = headers["Content-Encoding"]; if (enc == "gzip") { body = vd.DecodeGzipToBytes(body); } else if (enc == "deflate") { body = vd.DecodeDeflate(body); } else if (enc == "br") { body = vd.DecodeBrotli(body); } } else { //Data is in clearText, not convertable to printable (text) format for ex. image file, exe file bodyText = ""; } }