private void lol2()
            List<forGraph> myList = new List<forGraph>();

            double f = 1.1;
            //for (int k = 0; k < data.s0.Count; k++)

            myList = new List<forGraph>();//so that a nw list is made everytime
            int total, total2;
            total = total2 = 0;
            List<S0> bbh = new List<S0>();
            List<S0> bbh2 = new List<S0>();
            for (int k = 0; k < data.s0.Count;k++ )
                total2 = 0;
                total = 0;
                bbh = data.s0[k];
                bbh2 = data2.s0[k];

                    foreach (S0 mark in bbh)
                        total = total + int.Parse(;
                    foreach (S0 mark in bbh2)
                        total2 = total2 + int.Parse(;
                    total = total / bbh.Count;
                    total2 = total2 / bbh2.Count;
                forGraph temp23 = new forGraph();
                temp23.Subject = f.ToString();
                temp23.Marks = total.ToString();
                f += 0.1;
                forGraph temp24 = new forGraph();
                temp24.Subject = f.ToString();
                temp24.Marks = total2.ToString();
                f += 0.9;
            (SemesterChart.Series[0] as ColumnSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
예제 #2
 private async void onLaunch()
     StorageFolder folder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
     StorageFile sampleFile = await folder.GetFileAsync("data.txt");
     string testlol = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadTextAsync(sampleFile);
     Paper data = new Paper();
     data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Paper>(testlol);
     //now we plot some graphs
     //there are by default 8 garphs declared in xaml visibilty of all collapsed
     //as we will we encounter more data they will become visible and get binded with data
     List<forGraph> myList = new List<forGraph>();
     int inter = 0;
     int f = 0;
     foreach (List<S0> bbh in data.s0)
         f = 0;
         myList = new List<forGraph>();//so that a nw list is made everytime
         foreach (S0 bh in bbh)
             forGraph temp23 = new forGraph();
             temp23.Subject = f.ToString();
             temp23.Marks =;
         if (inter == 0)
             LineChart.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 1)
             LineChart2.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart2.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 2)
             LineChart3.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart3.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 3)
             LineChart4.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart4.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 4)
             LineChart5.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart5.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 5)
             LineChart6.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart6.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 6)
             LineChart7.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart7.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
         else if (inter == 7)
             LineChart8.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
             (LineChart8.Series[0] as LineSeries).ItemsSource = myList;
        private void lol()
            List<forGraph> myList = new List<forGraph>();

            double f = 1.1;
            //for (int k = 0; k < data.s0.Count; k++)

                myList = new List<forGraph>();//so that a nw list is made everytime

                List<S0> bbh = new List<S0>();
                List<S0> bbh2 = new List<S0>();
                bbh = data.s0[0];
                bbh2 = data2.s0[0];
                for (int g = 0; g <bbh.Count; g++)
                    forGraph temp23 = new forGraph();
                    temp23.Subject = f.ToString();
                    temp23.Marks = bbh[g].total;
                    f += 0.1;
                    forGraph temp24 = new forGraph();
                    temp24.Subject = f.ToString();
                    temp24.Marks = bbh2[g].total;
                    f += 0.9;
                (SubjectChart.Series[0] as ColumnSeries).ItemsSource = myList;