예제 #1
        public MainWindow()

            Joanne  = new Girl("Joanne", 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            Tiffany = new Girl("Tiffany", 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            Jackie  = new Girl("Jackie", 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            Joanne.Q1.Add(new Question("Oh, hello there", "Hi there:", "Um, I just wanted to say you’re beautiful:", "Are you sitting on the F4 button? Because that ass is refreshing…: ", "Hey, I’m Joa.", "Okay. Thanks. Bye.", "No, dude. Make like a tree and f**k off."));
            Joanne.Q1.Add(new Question("What type of music do you listen to?", "Blues: ", "Rap: ", "Rock: ", "(high 5’s) Awesome! It’s good knowing there’s another old soul out here.", "Really?? I can never hear what they’re saying.", "It’s not bad, I guess…"));
            Joanne.Q1.Add(new Question("What do you like to do?", "Just lounging: ", "Hiking: ", "Partying:", "Sometimes it’s all we ever need, right? ", ": That’s far too much exercise for my liking.", ": No one ever calls partying a hobby, you drunk."));
            Tiffany.Q1.Add(new Question("Hey, you're in my way!", "Are you sitting on the F4 button? Because that ass is refreshing…: ", "Hi there: ", "Um, I just wanted to say you’re beautiful:", "[laughs] Can’t believe that worked. You win. My name’s Tiffany.", "…", "Whatever, nerd. "));
            Tiffany.Q1.Add(new Question("What type of music do you listen to?", "Rock:", "Rap:", "Blues: ", "Right on!! ", "Right on!! ", "How old are you??? 60?"));
            Tiffany.Q1.Add(new Question("What do you like to do?", "Partying:  ", "Hiking: ", "Just lounging: ", "Hell yeah, you only live once. {pause} Great, I’m one of those millennials now, aren’t I?", "Uh, you’re more boring than I thought, which was pretty boring.", "You’re one of those loner couch potatoes, aren’t you?"));
            Jackie.Q1.Add(new Question("Hey, that's where I usually sit", "Um, I just wanted to say you’re beautiful: ", "Hi there: ", "Are you sitting on the F4 button? Because that ass is refreshing…: ", "[blushes] why, thank you. You aren’t half bad yourself. I’m Jaqs.", "Sorry, I’m really busy right now.", "…: Leave before I call campus security."));
            Jackie.Q1.Add(new Question("What type of music do you listen to?", "Rap: ", "Rock: ", "Blues: ", "Me, too. Sometimes it just sounds poetic, you know? ", "I don’t know, it’s all too grungy and heavy for me", "Yawn, that would put anyone to sleep"));
            Jackie.Q1.Add(new Question("What do you like to do?", "Hiking", "Just lounging: ", "Partying:", "The sounds of the birds and environment around is just so tranquil, right?", "That’s too unproductive for me. Might as well be dead.", "Eww. Deliberately destroying brain cells for a “good time” is the pinnacle of stupidity"));
            Joanne.Q1.Add(new Question("Whats your favourite Movie?", "Right?!! Adam Sandler is a comical genius. ", "The Notebook is my guilty pleasure: ", "The Conjuring, it’s a modern classic.: ", "Right?!! Adam Sandler is a comical genius. ", "Gag! I’d rather claw my eyes out.", "You’re calling a bunch of jumpscares a classic? Okay…"));
            Tiffany.Q1.Add(new Question("Whats your favourite Movie?", "The Notebook is my guilty pleasure: ", "Grown Ups, it’s just too funny: ", "The Conjuring, it’s a modern classic.: ", "No way, me too. I’m amazed by how many of my buttons you’re pressing.", "Sorry, I don’t waste my time with childish people.", "You’re one of those hipster horror nerds. Fantastic…"));
            Jackie.Q1.Add(new Question("Whats your favourite Movie ? ", "The Conjuring, it’s a modern classic.: ", "The Notebook is my guilty pleasure: ", "Grown Ups, it’s just too funny:", "Oh my gosh, it’s definitely in my Top 5 Movies of all time.", "I’ll never see myself enjoying that oversensitive garbage.", "Adam Sandler is the ingrown toenail of Holywood."));

            theGirls = new BitmapImage[] {
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Average-Normal.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "BadGirl-Normal.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Nerdy-Normal.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Average-Happy.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "BadGirl-Happy.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Nerdy-Happy.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Average-Sad.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "BadHappy-Sad.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Nerdy-Sad.png"))

            Back = new BitmapImage[] {
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Bar.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Beach.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Campus.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Park.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Mall.jpg")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Library.png")),
                new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Diner.jpg"))

            diner.MouseDown    += Diner_MouseDown;
            barimage.MouseDown += Barimage_MouseDown;
            libimage.MouseDown += Libimage_MouseDown;
            Girl0.MouseDown    += Girl0_MouseDown;
            Girl1.MouseDown    += Girl1_MouseDown;
            Girl2.MouseDown    += Girl2_MouseDown;
예제 #2
        private void Girl0_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            TextBox delta = new TextBox();

            delta.Height = 83;
            delta.Width  = 497;
            Canvas.SetTop(delta, 504);
            Canvas.SetLeft(delta, 10);

            current = Joanne;
            t.Height  = 30;
            t.Width   = 200;
            t.Content = "Talk";
            t.Click  += T_Click;
            Canvas.SetTop(t, 250);
            Canvas.SetLeft(t, 10);
            if (Walking.Visibility == Visibility.Hidden)
                Walking.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            walk3 = new DispatcherTimer();
                if (girlNum == 0)
                    Walking.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    throw new GirlAlreadyHereException();

                Walking.Source  = new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Walking.jpg"));
                walk3.Interval  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
                walk3.IsEnabled = true;
                walk3.Tick     += Walk3_Tick;
            catch (GirlAlreadyHereException)
                MessageBox.Show("You're already with her");
예제 #3
 private void Diner_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     a.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     b.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     c.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     girl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     Name.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     current         = Joanne;
     Background.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Diner.jpg"));
     Canvas.SetTop(libimage, playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(libimage, playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth - 10);
     Canvas.SetTop(barimage, (playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight) - diner.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(barimage, (playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth) - 10);
     diner.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     Intro.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     girlNum          = 0;
     Girl0.Source     = theGirls[girlNum];
     Name.Text        = names[girlNum];
     girl.Source      = theGirls[girlNum];
     GirlOutput.Text  = "Hey, that's where I usually sit";
예제 #4
 private void Barimage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     a.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     b.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     c.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     girl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     Name.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     current         = Tiffany;
     Background.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Bar.png"));
     Canvas.SetTop(libimage, playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(libimage, playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth - 10);
     Canvas.SetTop(diner, (playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight) - diner.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(diner, (playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth) - 10);
     barimage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     Intro.Visibility    = Visibility.Hidden;
     girlNum             = 1;
     Girl1.Source        = theGirls[girlNum];
     Name.Text           = names[girlNum];
     girl.Source         = theGirls[girlNum];
     GirlOutput.Text     = "Hey, you're in my way!";
예제 #5
 private void Libimage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     a.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     b.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     c.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
     girl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     Name.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     current         = Jackie;
     Background.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(inThisProject + "Library.png"));
     Canvas.SetTop(barimage, playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(barimage, playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth - 10);
     Canvas.SetTop(diner, (playground.ActualHeight - libimage.ActualHeight) - diner.ActualHeight);
     Canvas.SetLeft(diner, (playground.ActualWidth - libimage.ActualWidth) - 10);
     libimage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     Intro.Visibility    = Visibility.Hidden;
     girlNum             = 2;
     Girl2.Source        = theGirls[girlNum];
     Name.Text           = names[girlNum];
     girl.Source         = theGirls[girlNum];
     GirlOutput.Text     = "Oh, hello there";