예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //  Node n = new Node(50);
            //n.left = new Node(30);
            //n.right = new Node(70);
            //n.left.left = new Node(20);
            //n.left.right = new Node(40);
            // n.right.left = new Node(60);
            //  n.right.right = new Node(80);
            //  Problem2 p = new Problem2();
            //  Sum s = new Sum();
            //  p.ModifyBST(n,s);
            //  p.Inorder(n);

            //DutchNationalFlagProblem d = new DutchNationalFlagProblem();
            //int[] arr = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1 };
            // d.Sort(arr);
            //for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(arr[i]);

            //int[] arr = { 1, 4, 45,
            //            6, 10, 8 };
            //Problem6 p = new Problem6();
            //p.GetPair(arr, 16);

            // int NA = -1;
            // int[] arr1 = { 1, 3, 4, 5,NA,
            //                NA, NA, NA };
            // int[] arr2 = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };
            // Problem8 p = new Problem8();
            //int[]arr= p.MergeSortedArrays(arr1, arr2);

            //Problem11 p1 = new Problem11();
            //int[] arr2 = { -2, -4, -6, -8 };
            //p1.LessThan(arr2, -5);
            //NodeLL n = new NodeLL(3);
            //n.next = new NodeLL(1);
            //n.next.next = new NodeLL(5);
            //n.next.next.next = new NodeLL(9);
            //n.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(7);
            //n.next.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(2);
            //n.next.next.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(1);

            //NodeLL n1 = new NodeLL(4);
            //n1.next = new NodeLL(6);
            //n1.next.next = new NodeLL(7);
            //n1.next.next.next = new NodeLL(2);
            //n1.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(1);

            //PointofIntersection p = new PointofIntersection();
            //p.GetDifferece(n, n1);

            //NodeLL n = new NodeLL(12);
            //n.next = new NodeLL(11);
            //n.next.next = new NodeLL(12);
            //n.next.next.next = new NodeLL(21);
            //n.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(41);
            //n.next.next.next.next.next = new NodeLL(41);

            //RemoveDuplicates d = new RemoveDuplicates();
            //DetectCycle d = new DetectCycle();
            //NodeLL n1 = d.GetMiddle(n);

            //QueueUsingStack q = new QueueUsingStack();

            //FindMissingElements f = new FindMissingElements();
            //  int [] arr1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 };
            //int[] arr2 = { 2, 3, 1, 0, 5 };
            //List<int> res=f.FindMissingElement(arr1, arr2);

            //string str1 = "babad";
            //LongestPalindromeSubstring p = new LongestPalindromeSubstring();

            //string str = "paypalishiring";
            //printZig p = new printZig();

            //int[] arr = { 7, 3, 2, 4, 9, 12, 56 };
            //ChocolateDistributionProblem c = new ChocolateDistributionProblem();
            //int res=c.DistributionProblem(arr, 3);

            //int[] arr = { 1, 0, 2 };
            //Problem1 p = new Problem1();
            //int res=p.GetRatings(arr);

            //Problem5 p = new Problem5();
            //int []arr= { 100, 180, 260, 310, 40, 535, 695 };
            //p.stockBuySell(arr, arr.Length);

            //SumofPairs p = new SumofPairs();
            //int[] arr = {1, 4, 45,
            //            6, 10, 8};
            //p.Pairs(arr, 16);

            //Problem13 p = new Problem13();
            //string start = "TOON";
            //string target = "PLEA";
            //string[] dic = { "POON", "PLEE", "SAME", "POIE", "PLEA", "PLIE", "POIN" };
            //p.ShortesChain(start, target, dic);

            //Node n = new Node(1);
            //n.left = new Node(2);
            //n.right = new Node(3);
            //n.left.left = new Node(4);
            //n.left.right = new Node(5);
            //Problem17 p = new Problem17();

            int[]     arr = { 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            Problem20 p   = new Problem20();
            int       res = p.FindPivot(arr);
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Problem 1
            int[] arr = new int[4] {
                10, 15, 3, 7
            int k      = 17;
            var result = new Problem1().problem1(arr, k);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Problem 1: " + result);
            // Expected output 10,7 or 7, 10
            Debug.Assert(Tuple.Equals(result, Tuple.Create(10, 7)) || Tuple.Equals(result, Tuple.Create(7, 10)));

            // Problem 2
            arr = new int[3] {
                3, 2, 1
            System.Console.Write("Problem 2: ");
            int[] res = new Problem2().problem2(arr);
            res.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write((x) + " "));
            Debug.Assert(res.SequenceEqual(new int[] { 2, 3, 6 }));
            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 2_1: ");
            res = new Problem2().problem2_1(arr);
            res.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write((x) + " "));
            // Expected output == [2, 3, 6]
            Debug.Assert(res.SequenceEqual(new int[] { 2, 3, 6 }));

            // Problem 3
            var root  = new Problem3().populateNode();
            var nodes = new Problem3().serialize(root);

            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 3: ");
            // Expected output == left.left
            Debug.Assert(new Problem3().deserialize(nodes).Left.Left.Val == "left.left");

            // Problem 4
            arr = new int[] { 3, 4, -1, 1 };
            System.Console.Write("Problem 4: ");
            int res4 = new Problem4().problem4(arr);

            // Expected output == 2
            Debug.Assert(res4 == 2);

            // Problem 6
            var prob6 = new Problem6().problem6();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 6: {prob6}");
            Debug.Assert(prob6 == 2);

            // Problem 7
            var prob7 = new Problem7().problem7("111");

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 7: {prob7}");

            // Problem simple ecryption
            var encr = new SimpleEncryptedString().encrypt("This is a test!", 1);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem encrypted string: {encr}");
            Debug.Assert(encr == "hsi  etTi sats!");

            var decrypt = new SimpleEncryptedString().decrypt(encr, 1);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem decrypted string: {decrypt}");
            Debug.Assert(decrypt == "This is a test!");

            encr = new SimpleEncryptedString().encrypt("This is a test!", 2);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem encrypted string: {encr}");
            Debug.Assert(encr == "s eT ashi tist!");

            decrypt = new SimpleEncryptedString().decrypt(encr, 2);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem decrypted string: {decrypt}");
            Debug.Assert(decrypt == "This is a test!");

            // Sort odd in-place
            var arrVal = new int[6] {
                5, 3, 2, 8, 1, 4
            var output = new Kata().SortArray(arrVal);

            System.Console.Write("Sort Odd Values in Array: ");
            output.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write((x) + " "));
            Debug.Assert(output.SequenceEqual(new int[] { 1, 3, 2, 8, 5, 4 }));

            // Unival tree
            var prob8 = new Problem8();

            int unival = prob8.problem8();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nProblem 8: {unival}");
            Debug.Assert(unival == 5, "Unival count should be 5");

            // Find all anagrams in a string
            var         anagram        = new AllAnagramsInString();
            IList <int> expectedOutput = anagram.FindAnagrams("cbaebabacd", "abc");

            System.Console.Write("Problem: All anagrams index in String: ");
            expectedOutput.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write((x) + " "));
            Debug.Assert(expectedOutput.SequenceEqual(new int[2] {
                0, 6

            expectedOutput = anagram.FindAnagrams("abab", "ab");
            System.Console.Write("\nProblem: All anagrams index in String: ");
            expectedOutput.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write((x) + " "));
            Debug.Assert(expectedOutput.SequenceEqual(new int[3] {
                0, 1, 2

            // Problem 9
            int prob9 = new Problem9().problem9(new int[5] {
                2, 4, 6, 2, 5

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nProblem 9: {prob9}");
            Debug.Assert(prob9 == 13);

            prob9 = new Problem9().problem9(new int[4] {
                5, 1, 1, 5
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 9: {prob9}");
            Debug.Assert(prob9 == 10);

            // Problem 11
            var problem11 = new Problem11();


            var results = problem11.Search("de");

            System.Console.Write("Problem 11: ");
            results.ToList().ForEach(x => System.Console.Write(x + " "));
            Debug.Assert(results.SequenceEqual(new string[] { "deer", "deal" }));

            System.Console.Write($"\nProblem 11 - Delete key `deal`: {problem11.deleteNode("deal")}");
            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 11- Search deleted key(`deal`): ");
            problem11.Search("deal").ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_));

            // Problem 12
            var problem12 = new Problem12();
            var output12  = problem12.problem12(5, new int[] { 1, 3, 5 });

            System.Console.Write($"\nProblem 12: {output12}");
            Debug.Assert(output12 == 5);

            // Problem 13
            var    prob13   = new Problem13();
            string output13 = prob13.problem13(text: "abcba", k: 2);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nProblem 13: {output13}");
            Debug.Assert(output13 == "bcb");
            output13 = prob13.problem13("aabbcc", 2);
            System.Console.Write($"Problem 13: {output13}");
            Debug.Assert(output13 == "aabb" || output13 == "bbcc");
            output13 = prob13.problem13Another("aabbcc", 3);
            System.Console.Write($"\nProblem 13: {output13}");
            Debug.Assert(output13 == "aabbcc");
            output13 = prob13.problem13("aabbcc", 4);
            System.Console.Write($"\nProblem 13: {output13}");
            Debug.Assert(output13 == String.Empty);

            // Problem Delete Multiple Items
            var delItem = new DeleteMultipleItems();

            int[] actual   = delItem.DeleteNth(new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, 3);
            var   expected = new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 2, 2, 2 };


            // Problem 15
            var prob15 = new Problem15();
            IEnumerable <int> prob15Output = prob15.problem15(10);

            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 15: ");
            prob15Output.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_ + " "));

            // Problem 16
            // input = 100
            var prob16         = new Problem16();
            var prob16Expected = prob16.problem16();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nProblem 16: {prob16Expected}");
            Debug.Assert(prob16Expected == 95);

            // Problem 17
            var prob17       = new Problem17();
            int prob17Output = prob17.problem17("dir\n\tsubdir1\n\tsubdir2\n\t\tfile.ext");

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 17: {prob17Output}");
            Debug.Assert(prob17Output == 20);
            prob17Output = prob17.problem17("dir\n\tsubdir1\n\t\tfile1.ext\n\t\tsubsubdir1\n\tsubdir2\n\t\tsubsubdir2\n\t\t\tfile2.ext");
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 17: {prob17Output}");
            Debug.Assert(prob17Output == 32);

            // Problem 18
            var prob18 = new Problem18();
            IEnumerable <int> prob18Output = prob18.problem18(array: new int[] { 10, 5, 2, 7, 8, 7 }, k: 3);

            System.Console.Write("Problem 18: ");
            prob18Output.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_ + " "));
            prob18Output = prob18.problem18Optimized(array: new int[] { 11, 12, 13, 12, 14, 11, 10, 9 }, k: 3);
            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 18: ");
            prob18Output.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_ + " "));

            // Problem 22
            var prob22       = new Problem22();
            var text         = "thequickbrownfox";
            var dic          = new string[] { "quick", "brown", "the", "fox" };
            var prob22Output = prob22.problem22(text, dic);

            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 22: ");
            prob22Output.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_ + " "));
            Debug.Assert(prob22Output.SequenceEqual(new string[] { "the", "quick", "brown", "fox" }));

            var prob22Other = prob22.prob22Another("bedbathandbeyond", new string[] { "bed", "bath", "bedbath", "and",
                                                                                      "beyond" });

            System.Console.Write("\nProblem 22: ");
            prob22Other.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_ + " "));

            // Problem 26
            var prob26       = new Problem26();
            var prob26Output = prob26.problem26(2);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nProblem 26: {prob26Output}");

            // Problem min window
            var minWindow = new MinWindowProblem();
            IEnumerable <String> minOutput = minWindow.minWindowOther("this is a test string", "tist");

            System.Console.Write("Min Window: ");
            minOutput.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.WriteLine(_));
            // Debug.Assert(minOutput == "t stri");
            minOutput = minWindow.minWindowOther("a", "b");
            System.Console.Write("\nMin Window: ");
            minOutput.ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.WriteLine(_));
            // Debug.Assert(minOutput == "");

            // Remove duplicates recursively
            var    remDups   = new RemoveDuplicates();
            string dupOutput = remDups.removeDuplicates("careermonk");

            System.Console.WriteLine($"\nRemove duplicates: {dupOutput}");
            Debug.Assert(dupOutput == "camonk");
            dupOutput = remDups.removeDuplicates("geeksforgeeg");
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Remove duplicates: {dupOutput}");
            Debug.Assert(dupOutput == "gksfor");

            // word boggle
            char[,] matrix =
                { 'o', 'a', 'a', 'n' },
                { 'e', 't', 'a', 'e' },
                { 'i', 'h', 'k', 'r' },
                { 'i', 'f', 'l', 'v' }
            string[] words = { "oath", "pea", "eat", "rain" };
            System.Console.Write("Word boggle: ");
            var boggle = new Boggle().boggle(matrix, words);

            System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", boggle));
            Debug.Assert(boggle.OrderBy(x => x).ToList().SequenceEqual(new string[] { "eat", "oath" }));

            // Candy problem
            var candy       = new Candy().candy(new int[] { 1, 0, 2 });
            var candyOutput = 5;

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum Candies: {candy}");
            Debug.Assert(candy == candyOutput);
            candy       = new Candy().candy(new int[] { 1, 2, 2 });
            candyOutput = 4;
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum Candies: {candy}");
            Debug.Assert(candy == candyOutput);

            // Lowest Common Ancestor - BST
            var lcaBst       = new LowestCommonAncestorBST();
            var lcabstOutput = lcaBst.lca();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"LCA BST: {lcabstOutput}");
            Debug.Assert(lcabstOutput == 12);

            // Lowest Common Ancestor - BT
            var lcaBt       = new LowestCommonAncestorBT();
            var lcabtOutput = lcaBt.lca();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"LCA BT: {lcabtOutput}");
            Debug.Assert(lcabtOutput == 2);

            // Topology Sort
            var topo       = new TopologySort();
            var topoOutput = topo.topologySort();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Topology sort: {string.Join(',', topoOutput.ToList())}");
            Debug.Assert(topoOutput.SequenceEqual(new int[] { 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 }));

            // LRU
            var lru = new LRU(4);

            lru.put(1, 1);
            lru.put(10, 15);
            lru.put(15, 10);
            lru.put(10, 16);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"LRU cache size: {lru.getCacheSize()}"); // 3
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Get LRU key-10: {lru.get(10)}");        // 16

            lru.put(12, 15);
            lru.put(18, 10);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"LRU cache size: {lru.getCacheSize()}"); // 4
            lru.put(13, 16);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"LRU cache size: {lru.getCacheSize()}"); // 4
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Get LRU key-1: {lru.get(1)}");          // -1
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Get LRU key-15: {lru.get(15)}");        // -1
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Get LRU key-18: {lru.get(18)}");        // 10
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Get LRU key-13: {lru.get(13)}");        // 16

            // Number Of Islands
            int[,] islands =
                { 0, 1 },
                { 1, 0 },
                { 1, 1 },
                { 1, 0 }
            int connected = new NumberOfIslands().numerOfIslands(islands);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Number of Connected islands is: {connected}");
            Debug.Assert(connected == 1);
            islands = new int[, ] {
                { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 }
            connected = new NumberOfIslands().numerOfIslands(islands);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Number of Connected islands is: {connected}");
            Debug.Assert(connected == 2);

            // Minimum number of swaps
            int[] array    = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
            int   minswaps = new MinimumSwapsToSort().minimumSwaps(array);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum swap for array -> {string.Join(",", array)} : {minswaps}");
            Debug.Assert(minswaps == 2);

            array    = new int[] { 1, 5, 4, 3, 2 };
            minswaps = new MinimumSwapsToSort().minimumSwaps(array);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum swap for array -> {string.Join(",", array)} : {minswaps}");
            Debug.Assert(minswaps == 2);

            // Snakes and Ladder
            // int[] positions = {3, 22, 5, 8, 11, 26, 20, 29,
            //     17, 4, 19, 7, 27, 1, 21, 9};
            (int rows, int cols) = (5, 6);
            int steps = rows * cols;

            int[] moves = new int[steps];
            Enumerable.Range(0, steps).ToList().ForEach(x =>
                moves[x] = -1;

            // Ladders
            moves[2]  = 21;
            moves[4]  = 7;
            moves[10] = 25;
            moves[19] = 28;

            // Snakes
            moves[26] = 0;
            moves[20] = 8;
            moves[16] = 3;
            moves[18] = 6;

            int minDistance = new SnakesNLadders().snakesnLadder(moves, steps);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Snakes n Ladder: Minimum dice roll needed: {minDistance}");
            Debug.Assert(minDistance == 3);

            // Alternating array
            var altArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

            System.Console.Write($"Alternating array output for array - {String.Join(", ", altArray)}");
            new AlternateArray().alternateArray(altArray);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" is: " + String.Join(", ", altArray));

            // Minimum platforms
            int[] arrivals   = new int[] { 0900, 0940, 0950, 1100, 1500, 1800 };
            int[] departures = new int[] { 0910, 1200, 1120, 1130, 1900, 2000 };

            int minPlatforms = new MinimumPlatforms().findPlatforms(arrivals, departures, arrivals.Length);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Mininum platforms needed: {minPlatforms}");
            Debug.Assert(minPlatforms == 3);

            arrivals   = new int[] { 0900, 1100, 1235 };
            departures = new int[] { 1000, 1200, 1240 };

            minPlatforms = new MinimumPlatforms().findPlatforms(arrivals, departures, arrivals.Length);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Mininum platforms needed: {minPlatforms}");
            Debug.Assert(minPlatforms == 1);

            // Reverse array in groups of size K
            int[] revArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            k = 3;
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Reverse array: {String.Join(", ", revArray)} in group of \"{k}\"");
            new ReverseArrays().reverArrays(revArray, k);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Reversed array: {String.Join(", ", revArray)}");

            // Cycle in undirected graph
            var hasCycle = new CyclesInUndirectedGraph(5).DetectCycle();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Is the Graph cyclic: {hasCycle}");
            Debug.Assert(hasCycle == true);

            // Cycle in directed graph
            var dgCycle = new CycleInDirectedGraph(4).detectCycle();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Is the Graph cyclic: {dgCycle}");
            Debug.Assert(dgCycle == false);

            // Typeahead
            var typeAhead = new Typeahead();

            words = new string[] { "table", "tablet", "mobile", "mob", "mobbed" };
            var ranks = new int[] { 9, 4, 8, 3, 1 };

            foreach (var(word, rank) in Enumerable.Zip(words, ranks))
                typeAhead.AddNode(word, rank);

            typeAhead.BuildMostSearchWords(wordLimit: 3);

            System.Console.Write("Most searched words by Rank:");
            typeAhead.GetMostSearchedWordsByRank().ToList().ForEach(_ => System.Console.Write(_.ToString() + ", "));
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nStrings starting with mob: " + string.Join(", ", typeAhead.SearchAllChildren("mob")));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Strings starting with tab: " + string.Join(", ", typeAhead.PrefixSearch("tab")));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Strings starting with let: " + string.Join(", ", typeAhead.SearchAllChildren("let")));

            // Problem 20
            var prob20 = new Problem20().problem20(new int[] { 3, 7, 8, 10 }, new int[] { 99, 1, 8, 101 });

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 20: {prob20}");
            Debug.Assert(prob20 == 8);

            // Problem 21
            int prob21 = new Problem21(new int[] { 30, 75, 0, 50, 60, 150 }).problem21();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 21: {prob21}, for sequence - [30, 75, 0, 50, 60, 150]");
            Debug.Assert(prob21 == 2);
            prob21 = new Problem21(new int[] { 30, 75, 0, 50, 60, 150, 25, 45 }).problem21();
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 21: {prob21}, for sequence - [30, 75, 0, 50, 60, 150, 25, 45]");
            Debug.Assert(prob21 == 3);

            // Problem 28
            string[]             sequence = { "the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the",
                                              "lazy",            "dog" };
            IEnumerable <string> prob28 = new Problem28().problem28(sequence, k: 16);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 28: for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", sequence)}] - {string.Join(", ", prob28)}");

            sequence = new string[] { "This", "is", "an", "example", "of", "text", "justification" };
            prob28   = new Problem28().problem28(sequence, k: 16);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 28: for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", sequence)}] - {string.Join(", ", prob28)}");

            // Make maximum sum
            arr = new int[] { 1, 1, 3 };
            int probMaxSum = new RemoveMinSum().removeMinSum(arr);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Remove Min Sum for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", arr)}] is: {probMaxSum}");
            Debug.Assert(probMaxSum == 3);

            arr        = new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 };
            probMaxSum = new RemoveMinSum().removeMinSum(arr);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Remove Min Sum for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", arr)}] is: {probMaxSum}");
            Debug.Assert(probMaxSum == 11);

            // string permutation
            text = "abca";
            IEnumerable <string> stringPerm = new StringPermutation().permute(text, "");

            System.Console.WriteLine($"String permutation - {string.Join(", ", stringPerm)}");

            // linked list grouping
            var llGroup = new GroupLinkedListsByIntersectionPoint().getLinkedListsByGroup().ToList();

            System.Console.WriteLine("Group LinkedList by intersection nodes:");
            for (int i = 0; i < llGroup.Count; i++)
                System.Console.WriteLine($"Group {i + 1}: [{string.Join(", ", llGroup[i])}]");

            // minimum repetitive window
            arr = new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 };
            int minimumRepetitionWindow = new MinimumRepetitionWindow().minimumRepetitionWindow(arr);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum repetitive window for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", arr)}] is: {minimumRepetitionWindow}");
            Debug.Assert(minimumRepetitionWindow == 3);

            arr = new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 };
            minimumRepetitionWindow = new MinimumRepetitionWindow().minimumRepetitionWindow(arr);
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Minimum repetitive window for sequence - [{string.Join(", ", arr)}] is: {minimumRepetitionWindow}");
            Debug.Assert(minimumRepetitionWindow == 5);

            // problem 24
            var prob24 = new Problem24();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Problem 24: [{string.Join(", ", prob24.problem24())}]");