public void carp() { Carpy carp = new Carpy(); this.Name = "MagiCarp "; this._numberOfLegs = 0; this.CanSwim = true; Console.WriteLine("Carps are the fish of freshwater"); Console.WriteLine("The fish name is " + this.Name); Console.WriteLine("It has " + this._numberOfLegs + " legs"); Console.WriteLine(this.CanSwim + " that it can do swimmingly, but in a game they have a hard time doing so"); }
public void koi() { Carpy koi = new Carpy(); this.Name = "Kai"; this._numberOfLegs = 0; this.CanSwim = true; Console.WriteLine("A very colorful Fish, The Koi"); Console.WriteLine(this.Name + " is the Kois' name"); Console.WriteLine("It has " + this._numberOfLegs + "number of legs but has fins"); Console.WriteLine("It is " + this.CanSwim + " that it can swim, its a fish"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Snake snake = new Snake(); snake.GetClass(); snake.GetType(); snake.snek(); Console.WriteLine("-->"); Axolotl axolotl = new Axolotl(); axolotl.immortal(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); Mammoth mammoth = new Mammoth(); mammoth.GetClass(); mammoth.GetType(); mammoth.mammothstuff(); Console.WriteLine("-->"); Bear bear = new Bear(); bear.bearstash(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); Crow crow = new Crow(); crow.GetClass(); crow.GetType(); crow.crowsnest(); Console.WriteLine("-->"); Sparrow dove = new Sparrow(); dove.Pokeball(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); Carpy goldfish = new Carpy(); goldfish.GetClass(); goldfish.GetType(); goldfish.Kphish(); Console.WriteLine("-->"); Carp carp = new Carp(); carp.GetClass(); carp.GetType(); carp.carpinfo(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); KD kd = new KD(); kd.GetClass(); kd.GetType(); kd.Dlair(); Console.WriteLine(""); Iguana iguana = new Iguana(); iguana.iggy(); }
public void Kphish() { Carpy kai = new Carpy(); kai.koi(); }