// the method that edits a book, this method prompts // the user for a specific value to edit, and it allows // them to enter in a new value. this includes error handling // as well as updating and re-reading the same original Books.TXT file. public static Books[] EditBook() { BooksFile booksFile = new BooksFile("books.txt"); Books[] myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); BooksReports booksReports = new BooksReports(myBooks); BooksUtility booksUtility = new BooksUtility(myBooks); string isbnInput = ""; string titleInput = ""; string authorInput = ""; string genreInput = ""; string runTimeInput = ""; string continueInput = ""; string editInput = ""; string copiesInput = ""; double isbnDoubleInput = 0; int searchIndex = 0; int intTest = 0; Console.WriteLine(); booksReports.PrintAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Select an ISBN to Edit:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); do { Console.Write("-- "); isbnInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (isbnInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } else if (isbnInput.Length > 10) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {isbnInput} is an Invalid ISBN, Try Again"); } else if (isbnInput.Length < 10) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {isbnInput} is an Invalid ISBN, Try Again"); } else if (isbnInput.Length == 10) { isbnDoubleInput = Convert.ToDouble(isbnInput); searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(isbnDoubleInput); if (searchIndex == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Book does not exist"); } else { Console.Clear(); } } } while (isbnInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && isbnInput.Length != 10); string isbnValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn().ToString(); string titleValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle().ToString(); string authorValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor().ToString(); string genreValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre().ToString(); string runTimeValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime().ToString(); string copiesValue = myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies().ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Which value would you like to edit?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"ISBN : {isbnValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"Title : {titleValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"Author : {authorValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"Genre : {genreValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"Runtime : {runTimeValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"Copies : {copiesValue}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.WriteLine("Enter either the category or specific value:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); editInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (editInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { // return myBooks; } else if (editInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && editInput.ToUpper() != "ISBN" && editInput.ToUpper() != isbnValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "TITLE" && editInput.ToUpper() != titleValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "AUTHOR" && editInput.ToUpper() != authorValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "GENRE" && editInput.ToUpper() != genreValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "RUNTIME" && editInput.ToUpper() != runTimeValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "COPIES" && editInput.ToUpper() != copiesValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {editInput} is not a valid selection, Try Again"); } } while (editInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && editInput.ToUpper() != "ISBN" && editInput.ToUpper() != isbnValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "TITLE" && editInput.ToUpper() != titleValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "AUTHOR" && editInput.ToUpper() != authorValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "GENRE" && editInput.ToUpper() != genreValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "RUNTIME" && editInput.ToUpper() != runTimeValue.ToUpper() && editInput.ToUpper() != "COPIES" && editInput.ToUpper() != copiesValue.ToUpper()); if (editInput.ToUpper() == "ISBN" || editInput.ToUpper() == isbnValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current ISBN: {isbnValue}"); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the new ISBN:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); isbnInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (isbnInput.Length == 10) { break; } else if (isbnInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } // ISBN Error Handling messages if (isbnInput.Length != 10) { if (!int.TryParse(isbnInput, out intTest)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{isbnInput}' is not a number, Try Again."); } else if (isbnInput.Length < 10) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{isbnInput}' is less than 10 digits, Try Again."); } else if (isbnInput.Length > 10) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{isbnInput}' is more than 10 digits, Try Again."); } } } while (isbnInput.Length != 10 || isbnInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL"); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old ISBN: {isbnValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New ISBN: {isbnInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetIsbn(Convert.ToDouble(isbnInput)); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); } else if (editInput.ToUpper() == "TITLE" || editInput.ToUpper() == titleValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Title: {titleValue}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Title:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); titleInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (titleInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old Title: {titleValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New Title: {titleInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetTitle(titleInput); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); } else if (editInput.ToUpper() == "AUTHOR" || editInput.ToUpper() == authorValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Author: {authorValue}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Author:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); authorInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (authorInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old Author: {authorValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New Author: {authorInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetAuthor(authorInput); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); } else if (editInput.ToUpper() == "GENRE" || editInput.ToUpper() == genreValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Genre: {genreValue}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Genre:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); genreInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (genreInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old Genre: {genreValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New Genre: {genreInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetGenre(genreInput); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); } else if (editInput.ToUpper() == "RUNTIME" || editInput.ToUpper() == runTimeValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Runtime: {runTimeValue}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Runtime:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); do { Console.Write("-- "); runTimeInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (genreInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } else if (!int.TryParse(runTimeInput, out intTest)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {runTimeInput} is not a number, Try Again"); } } while (runTimeInput != "CANCEL" && (!int.TryParse(runTimeInput, out intTest))); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old Runtime: {runTimeValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New Runtime: {runTimeInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetRuntime(Convert.ToDouble(runTimeInput)); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); Console.WriteLine($"Current Genre: {genreValue}"); } else if (editInput.ToUpper() == "COPIES" || editInput.ToUpper() == copiesValue.ToUpper()) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Copies: {copiesValue}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new amount of Copies:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); do { Console.Write("-- "); copiesInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (copiesInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myBooks); } else if (!int.TryParse(copiesInput, out intTest)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {copiesInput} is not a number, Try Again"); } } while (copiesInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && (!int.TryParse(copiesInput, out intTest))); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Old Copies: {copiesValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"New Copies: {copiesInput}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); continueInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (continueInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetCopies(Convert.ToDouble(copiesInput)); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been edited, new value is:"); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex].ToString()); return(myBooks); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (continueInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && continueInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); } return(myBooks); }
// This is the method for Historical Rentals, specifically by every book // followed by every person that rented the book, followed with when // they rented the book, as well as how many copies of the book they rented // and how many times it has been rented in total private void HistoricalRentals(BooksUtility booksUtility, Books[] myBooks) { SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> > > dictionary = new SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> > >(); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); string book = transactionInfo[1]; string customer = transactionInfo[2]; string date = transactionInfo[4]; SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> > books; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(book)) { books = new SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> >(); dictionary[book] = books; } else { books = dictionary[book]; } SortedDictionary <string, int> customers; if (!books.ContainsKey(customer)) { customers = new SortedDictionary <string, int>(); books[customer] = customers; } else { customers = books[customer]; } if (!customers.ContainsKey(date)) { customers[date] = 0; } customers[date] += 1; } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Historical Customer Rentals"); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 50)); foreach (var book in dictionary) { int isbnIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(book.Key)); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[isbnIndex].GetTitle()); foreach (var customer in book.Value) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + customer.Key); int total = 0; foreach (var date in customer.Value) { Console.WriteLine($"\t\t{date.Key}\t\t" + String.Format("{0,2}", date.Value)); total++; } Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 50)); Console.WriteLine("\t\t \t\t" + String.Format("{0,2}", total)); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to print this information to a file?"); Console.WriteLine("'Yes' to Create New File"); Console.WriteLine("'No' or 'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.WriteLine("Select an option:"); string printInput; do { Console.Write("-- "); printInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); switch (printInput) { case "YES": File.Create("HistoricalCustomerRentals.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("HistoricalCustomerRentals.txt")) { sw.WriteLine("Historical Customer Rentals"); sw.WriteLine(new String('-', 50)); foreach (var book in dictionary) { int isbnIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(book.Key)); sw.WriteLine(myBooks[isbnIndex].GetTitle()); foreach (var customer in book.Value) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + customer.Key); int total = 0; foreach (var date in customer.Value) { sw.WriteLine($"\t\t{date.Key}\t\t" + String.Format("{0,2}", date.Value)); total++; } sw.WriteLine(new String('-', 50)); sw.WriteLine("\t\t \t\t" + String.Format("{0,2}", total)); } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("HistoricalCustomerRentals.txt has been created"); break; case "NO": return; case "CANCEL": return; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection"); break; } } while (printInput != "YES" && printInput != "NO" && printInput != "CANCEL"); }
// This is the extra method I did, this one prints out a table relatively // similar to the other/individual Historical Rentals. This one instead // breaks each section down by the overall genre of the book, and prints // the amount of rentals per month by year, as well the total overall. private void HistoricalGenre(BooksUtility booksUtility, Books[] myBooks) { SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <int, int[]> > dictionary = new SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <int, int[]> >(); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); string book = transactionInfo[1]; string date = transactionInfo[4]; int isbnIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(book)); string genre = myBooks[isbnIndex].GetGenre(); string[] dates = date.Split('/'); int year = int.Parse(dates[2]); int month = int.Parse(dates[0]); SortedDictionary <int, int[]> genres; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(genre)) { genres = new SortedDictionary <int, int[]>(); dictionary[genre] = genres; } else { genres = dictionary[genre]; } SortedDictionary <int, int[]> years; if (!genres.ContainsKey(year)) { years = new SortedDictionary <int, int[]>(); genres[year] = new int[12]; } genres[year][month - 1] += 1; } } string[] monthNames = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Historical Genre Report"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var genre in dictionary) { Console.WriteLine(genre.Key); Console.WriteLine(" \t\t" + String.Join('\t', monthNames)); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 110)); foreach (var year in genre.Value) { Console.Write(" \t" + year.Key + "\t"); int total = 0; foreach (var month in year.Value) { Console.Write(String.Format("{0,2}", month) + "\t"); total += month; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 110)); Console.WriteLine(" \tTotal" + String.Format("{0,93}", total)); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to print this information to a file?"); Console.WriteLine("'Yes' to Create New File"); Console.WriteLine("'No' or 'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.WriteLine("Select an option:"); string printInput; do { Console.Write("-- "); printInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); switch (printInput) { case "YES": File.Create("HistoricalGenre.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("HistoricalGenre.txt")) { sw.WriteLine("Historical Genre Report"); sw.WriteLine(); foreach (var genre in dictionary) { sw.WriteLine(genre.Key); sw.WriteLine(" \t\t" + String.Join('\t', monthNames)); sw.WriteLine(new String('-', 110)); foreach (var year in genre.Value) { sw.Write(" \t" + year.Key + "\t"); int total = 0; foreach (var month in year.Value) { sw.Write(String.Format("{0,2}", month) + "\t"); total += month; } sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine(new String('-', 110)); sw.WriteLine(" \tTotal" + String.Format("{0,93}", total)); sw.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.WriteLine("HistoricalGenre.TXT has been created"); break; case "NO": return; case "CANCEL": return; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection"); break; } } while (printInput != "YES" && printInput != "NO" && printInput != "CANCEL"); }
// method to rent the book, returns myTransactions value // this method recalls every object in itself multiple times // which I have actually learned not to necessarily do public Transactions[] RentBook() { TransactionsFile transactionsFile = new TransactionsFile("transactions.txt"); Transactions[] myTransactions = transactionsFile.GetAllTransactions(); TransactionsReports transactionsReports = new TransactionsReports(myTransactions); TransactionsUtility transactionsUtility = new TransactionsUtility(myTransactions); BooksFile booksFile = new BooksFile("books.txt"); Books[] myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); BooksReports booksReports = new BooksReports(myBooks); BooksUtility booksUtility = new BooksUtility(myBooks); string customerNameInput = ""; string customerEmailInput = ""; string isbnInput = ""; string confirmInput = ""; string defaultReturnDate = "0/0/0000"; double isbnDoubleInput = 0; int searchIndex = 0; int transactionLength = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt").Length; double rentalId = transactionLength + 1; DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; Console.WriteLine(); booksReports.PrintAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Select an ISBN to Rent:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); do { Console.Write("-- "); isbnInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (isbnInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myTransactions); } else if (isbnInput.Length > 10) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {isbnInput} is an Invalid ISBN, Try Again"); } else if (isbnInput.Length < 10) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {isbnInput} is an Invalid ISBN, Try Again"); } else if (isbnInput.Length == 10) { isbnDoubleInput = Convert.ToDouble(isbnInput); searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(isbnDoubleInput); if (searchIndex == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Book does not exist"); } else { Console.Clear(); } } if (myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: There are no copies left"); return(myTransactions); } Console.WriteLine("Checking out:"); Console.WriteLine($"Rental ID: {rentalId:0000}"); Console.WriteLine($"Title: {myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Customer Email:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); customerEmailInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (customerEmailInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myTransactions); } string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); if (transactionInfo[3] == customerEmailInput) { if (transactionInfo[1] == isbnInput) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error: You already have a copy of this book"); return(myTransactions); } } } } } while (isbnInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && isbnInput.Length != 10); Console.WriteLine("Enter Customer Name:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); customerNameInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (customerNameInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myTransactions); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Checking out:"); Console.WriteLine($"Rental ID: {rentalId:0000}"); Console.WriteLine($"Title: {myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Customer Name: {customerNameInput}"); Console.WriteLine($"Customer Email: {customerEmailInput}"); Console.WriteLine($"Rental Date: {currentDate:d}"); Console.WriteLine($"Return Date: {defaultReturnDate}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'Confirm' to Change"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Change"); Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection:"); do { Console.Write("-- "); confirmInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (confirmInput.ToUpper()) { case "CONFIRM": int bookFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt").Length; string[] tempBooks = File.ReadAllLines("books.txt"); myBooks[searchIndex].SetCopies(Convert.ToDouble(myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()) - 1); tempBooks[searchIndex] = ($"{myBooks[searchIndex].GetIsbn()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetAuthor()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetGenre()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetRuntime()}#{myBooks[searchIndex].GetCopies()}"); File.Create("books.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("books.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != bookFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(tempBooks[i]); } } using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("transactions.txt")) { sw.WriteLine($"{rentalId:0000}#{isbnInput}#{customerNameInput}#{customerEmailInput}#{currentDate:d}#{defaultReturnDate}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Transaction has been added."); myBooks = booksFile.GetAllBooks(); myTransactions = transactionsFile.GetAllTransactions(); return(myTransactions); case "CANCEL": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (confirmInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL" && confirmInput.ToUpper() != "CONFIRM"); return(myTransactions); }
// This is the method that prints out all the individual rentals tied // to a particular email private void IndividualRentals(BooksUtility booksUtility, Books[] myBooks) { string customerEmailInput = ""; int searchIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter email address:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); customerEmailInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (customerEmailInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Individual Customer Rentals:"); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); if (transactionInfo[3] == customerEmailInput) { searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(transactionInfo[1])); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex]); } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to print this information to a file?"); Console.WriteLine("'Yes' to Create New File"); Console.WriteLine("'No' or 'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.WriteLine("Select an option:"); string printInput; do { Console.Write("-- "); printInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); switch (printInput) { case "YES": File.Create("IndividualCustomerRentals.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("IndividualCustomerRentals.txt")) { sw.WriteLine("Individual Customer Rentals:"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); if (transactionInfo[3] == customerEmailInput) { searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(transactionInfo[1])); sw.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex]); } } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("IndividualCustomerRentals.TXT has been created"); break; case "NO": return; case "CANCEL": return; default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection"); break; } } while (printInput != "YES" && printInput != "NO" && printInput != "CANCEL"); }
// ReturnBook method which properly references and recalls objects // this method also properly (or semi-properly) updates everything // as well as returning to the main function, or Programs.cs public Transactions[] ReturnBook(Transactions[] myTransactions, TransactionsFile transactionsFile, TransactionsReports transactionsReports, TransactionsUtility transactionsUtility, Books[] myBooks, BooksUtility booksUtility, BooksReports booksReports) { string customerEmailInput = ""; string isbnInput = ""; string confirmInput = ""; int searchIndex = 0; int searchIndexTransaction = 0; double doubleTest = 0; int transactionFileLength = myTransactions.Length; DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Today; Console.WriteLine("Enter email address:"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); Console.Write("-- "); customerEmailInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (customerEmailInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myTransactions); } int testRentalCount = 0; int otherRentalCount = 0; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Books currently checked out:"); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (lines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in lines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); if (transactionInfo[3] == customerEmailInput) { if (transactionInfo[5] == "0/0/0000") { // Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDouble(transactionInfo[1])); searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(transactionInfo[1])); // Console.WriteLine(searchIndex); Console.WriteLine(myBooks[searchIndex]); otherRentalCount++; testRentalCount++; } } } // foreach (string line in lines) // { // string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); // if(transactionInfo[5] != "0/0/0000") // { // } // } if (testRentalCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: There are no books that need to be returned"); return(myTransactions); } if (otherRentalCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: There are no books checked out under this email"); return(myTransactions); } } else if (lines.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: There are no books currently checked out"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ISBN"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel"); do { Console.Write("-- "); isbnInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (isbnInput.ToUpper() == "CANCEL") { return(myTransactions); } if (!double.TryParse(isbnInput, out doubleTest)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {isbnInput} is not a number, Try Again:"); } } while (!double.TryParse(isbnInput, out doubleTest)); searchIndex = booksUtility.SequentialSearch(Convert.ToDouble(isbnInput)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Customer Email: {customerEmailInput}"); Console.WriteLine($"Book Return: {myBooks[searchIndex].GetTitle()}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to return this book?"); Console.WriteLine("'Return' to Confirm Return"); Console.WriteLine("'Cancel' to Cancel Return"); do { Console.Write("-- "); confirmInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (confirmInput.ToUpper()) { case "RETURN": string[] newLines = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); if (newLines.Length != 0) { foreach (string line in newLines) { string[] transactionInfo = line.Split('#'); if (transactionInfo[1] == isbnInput) { if (transactionInfo[5] == "0/0/0000") { searchIndexTransaction = transactionsUtility.SequentialSearch(isbnInput); myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].SetReturnDate(currentTime.ToString()); transactionFileLength = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt").Length; string[] transactionFile = File.ReadAllLines("transactions.txt"); transactionFile[searchIndexTransaction] = ($"{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetRentalId():0000}#{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetIsbn()}#{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetCustomerName()}#{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetCustomerEmail()}#{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetRentalDate()}#{myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetReturnDate()}"); File.Create("transactions.txt").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("transactions.txt")) { for (int i = 0; i != transactionFileLength; i++) { sw.WriteLine(transactionFile[i]); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book has been returned."); Console.WriteLine($"Return Date: {myTransactions[searchIndexTransaction].GetReturnDate()}"); myTransactions = transactionsFile.GetAllTransactions(); return(myTransactions); case "CANCEL": return(myTransactions); default: Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Selection, Try Again"); break; } } while (confirmInput.ToUpper() != "RETURN" && confirmInput.ToUpper() != "CANCEL"); return(myTransactions); }