/// <summary> /// Constructor of the game main loop. /// </summary> public GameLoop() { Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; _graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); _graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 448; _graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 576; _graphics.ApplyChanges(); _ghosts = new Ghost[4]; _map = new Map(_ghosts); _pacman = new Pacman(_map); Blinky blinky = new Blinky(_map, _pacman); Pinky pinky = new Pinky(_map, _pacman); Inky inky = new Inky(_map, _pacman, blinky); Clyde clyde = new Clyde(_map, _pacman); _ghosts[0] = blinky; _ghosts[1] = pinky; _ghosts[2] = inky; _ghosts[3] = clyde; _score = 0; _eatingScore = 0; _life = 3; _level = 1; _ready = 60 * 4; this.IsMouseVisible = true; _isOnHomeScreen = true; _homeScreen = new HomeScreen(_score, _highScore); }