//Logs the session if it's a LogOn or LogOff event.
        public bool Log(SessionChangeDescription changeDescription, SessionProperties properties)
            if (m_server == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No MongoDB Connection present.");

            string username = "******";
            if (properties != null)
                UserInformation ui = properties.GetTrackedSingle<UserInformation>();
                if ((bool)Settings.Store.UseModifiedName)
                    username = ui.Username;
                    username = ui.OriginalUsername;

            //Logon Event
            if (changeDescription.Reason == SessionChangeReason.SessionLogon)
                if (m_server.State != MongoServerState.Connected)

                string table = Settings.Store.SessionTable;
                string databaseName = Settings.Store.Database;

                var database = m_server.GetDatabase(databaseName);
                var collection = database.GetCollection<Event>(table);

                //Update the existing entry for this machine/ip if it exists.
                var query = Query.And(
                    Query.EQ("machine", Environment.MachineName),
                    Query.EQ("ipaddress", getIPAddress())
                var update = Update.Set("logoutstamp", DateTime.UtcNow);
                collection.Update(query, update);

                //Insert new entry for this logon event
                var pGinaSession = new Session { username = username, machine = Environment.MachineName, ipaddress = getIPAddress(), loginstamp = DateTime.UtcNow };

                m_logger.DebugFormat("Logged LogOn event for {0} at {1}", username, getIPAddress());


            //LogOff Event
            else if (changeDescription.Reason == SessionChangeReason.SessionLogoff)
                if (m_server.State != MongoServerState.Connected)

                string table = Settings.Store.SessionTable;
                string databaseName = Settings.Store.Database;

                var database = m_server.GetDatabase(databaseName);
                var collection = database.GetCollection<Event>(table);

                //Update the existing entry for this machine/ip if it exists.
                var query = Query.And(
                    Query.EQ("username", username),
                    Query.EQ("machine", Environment.MachineName),
                    Query.EQ("ipaddress", getIPAddress())
                var update = Update.Set("logoutstamp", DateTime.UtcNow);
                m_logger.DebugFormat("Logged LogOff event for {0} at {1}", username, getIPAddress());
            return true;
        //Tests the table based on the registry data. Returns a string indicating the table status.
        public string TestTable()
            if (m_server == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No MongoDB Connection present.");
            //Open the connection if it's not presently open
            if (m_server.State != MongoServerState.Connected)

            string table = Settings.Store.SessionTable;
            string databaseName = Settings.Store.Database;

            var database = m_server.GetDatabase(databaseName);
            var collection = database.GetCollection<Event>(table);

            //Update the existing entry for this machine/ip if it exists.
            var pGinaSession = new Session { username = "******"};
            return "Table exists and is setup correctly.";