public byte RegistrationDB(int Id_client, short port) { Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_client = null; is_available_client ="SELECT ID_Client FROM Server_info WHERE (ID_Client = " + Id_client + ")"); if (is_available_client.Read()) { IPEndPoint clientep; clientep = (IPEndPoint)socket.RemoteEndPoint; Client clc = new Client(clientep.Address, port); int ip = bc.ToInt32(clc.Serialize(), 0); string strConnect = "Connected with " + clientep.Address + ":" + port; Console.WriteLine(strConnect); Console.WriteLine("Registration is successful"); con.update("UPDATE Server_info SET IsOnline =" + 1 + ", Date_time_last_update ='" + DateTime.Today.Ticks + "', Port = " + port + ", IP_client = " + ip + " WHERE (Server_info.ID_Client = " + Id_client + ")"); con.con_close(); return((byte)Results_of_operations.Rgistration_Feedback_OK); } else { con.con_close(); return((byte)Results_of_operations.Rgistration_Feedback_Client_not_found); } }
public byte RegistrationDB(int Id_client, short port) { Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_client = null; is_available_client ="SELECT ID_Client FROM Server_info WHERE (ID_Client = "+Id_client+")"); if (is_available_client.Read()) { IPEndPoint clientep; clientep = (IPEndPoint)socket.RemoteEndPoint; Client clc = new Client(clientep.Address,port); int ip = bc.ToInt32(clc.Serialize(),0); string strConnect = "Connected with " + clientep.Address+":"+port ; Console.WriteLine(strConnect); Console.WriteLine("Registration is successful"); con.update("UPDATE Server_info SET IsOnline =" + 1 + ", Date_time_last_update ='" + DateTime.Today.Ticks + "', Port = " + port + ", IP_client = "+ip+" WHERE (Server_info.ID_Client = " + Id_client + ")"); con.con_close(); return (byte)Results_of_operations.Rgistration_Feedback_OK; } else { con.con_close(); return (byte)Results_of_operations.Rgistration_Feedback_Client_not_found; } }
private void Update_info() { byte[] id_mat_encript = new byte[256]; byte[] upload_encript = new byte[256]; byte[] download_encript = new byte[256]; socket.Receive(id_mat_encript); socket.Receive(upload_encript); socket.Receive(download_encript); //nc.Read(id_mat_encript, 0, 256); //nc.Read(upload_encript, 0, 256); //nc.Read(download_encript, 0, 256); long id_mat, upload, download; id_mat = Encript.Decoding(id_mat_encript); upload = Encript.Decoding(upload_encript); download = Encript.Decoding(download_encript); Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_mat = null; Console.WriteLine("Information were Encripted"); is_available_mat ="SELECT Id_material FROM materials WHERE (Id_material = " + id_mat + ")"); if (is_available_mat.Read()) { byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = (byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); b[0] = (byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK); SqlDataReader down_up ="SELECT Upload, Download FROM Server_info WHERE (ID_Client = " + id_cl + ")"); if (down_up.Read()) { long temp_down = down_up.GetInt32(1); long temp_up = down_up.GetInt32(0); download += temp_down; upload += temp_up; } con.update("UPDATE Server_info SET Download = " + download + ", Upload = " + upload + " WHERE (Server_info.ID_Client = " + id_cl + ")"); con.con_close(); Console.WriteLine("Information were update"); //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); //nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK); } else { nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_Bad_informatio); } }
private void GetClients() { byte[] id_mat = new byte[4]; socket.Receive(id_mat); Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_mat = null; is_available_mat ="SELECT Id_material FROM materials WHERE (Id_material = " + bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0) + ")"); if (is_available_mat.Read()) { SqlDataReader is_available_mat_online = null; is_available_mat_online ="SELECT ID_material_online FROM material_online WHERE (ID_material_online = " + bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0) + ") AND (Id_client = " + id_cl + ")" ); if (is_available_mat_online.Read()) { } else { con.insert("INSERT INTO material_online (ID_material_online, Id_client) VALUES (" + bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0) + ", " + id_cl + ")"); } //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.ReceiveClients); byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = (byte)CS_Protocol.ReceiveClients; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.Write(id_mat, 0, 4); socket.Send(id_mat, 4, SocketFlags.None); ReceiveClients(bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0)); con.con_close(); Console.WriteLine("Clients was got"); } else { byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = 0; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); } }
private void Update_info() { byte[] id_mat_encript = new byte[256]; byte[] upload_encript = new byte[256]; byte[] download_encript = new byte[256]; socket.Receive(id_mat_encript); socket.Receive(upload_encript); socket.Receive(download_encript); //nc.Read(id_mat_encript, 0, 256); //nc.Read(upload_encript, 0, 256); //nc.Read(download_encript, 0, 256); long id_mat, upload, download; id_mat = Encript.Decoding(id_mat_encript); upload = Encript.Decoding(upload_encript); download = Encript.Decoding(download_encript); Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_mat = null; Console.WriteLine("Information were Encripted"); is_available_mat ="SELECT Id_material FROM materials WHERE (Id_material = " + id_mat + ")"); if (is_available_mat.Read()) { byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = (byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); b[0] = (byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK); SqlDataReader down_up ="SELECT Upload, Download FROM Server_info WHERE (ID_Client = " + id_cl + ")"); if (down_up.Read()) { long temp_down = down_up.GetInt32(1); long temp_up = down_up.GetInt32(0); download += temp_down; upload+=temp_up; } con.update("UPDATE Server_info SET Download = "+download+", Upload = "+upload+" WHERE (Server_info.ID_Client = "+id_cl+")"); con.con_close(); Console.WriteLine("Information were update"); //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); //nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_OK); } else { nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.UpdateInfoFeedback); nc.WriteByte((byte)Results_of_operations.Update_Info_Feedback_Bad_informatio); } }
private void GetClients() { byte[] id_mat = new byte[4]; socket.Receive(id_mat); Conector con = new Conector(); SqlDataReader is_available_mat = null; is_available_mat ="SELECT Id_material FROM materials WHERE (Id_material = "+bc.ToInt32(id_mat,0)+")"); if (is_available_mat.Read()) { SqlDataReader is_available_mat_online = null; is_available_mat_online ="SELECT ID_material_online FROM material_online WHERE (ID_material_online = "+ bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0) +") AND (Id_client = "+ id_cl +")" ); if (is_available_mat_online.Read()) { } else { con.insert("INSERT INTO material_online (ID_material_online, Id_client) VALUES (" + bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0) + ", " + id_cl + ")"); } //nc.WriteByte((byte)CS_Protocol.ReceiveClients); byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = (byte)CS_Protocol.ReceiveClients; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); //nc.Write(id_mat, 0, 4); socket.Send(id_mat, 4, SocketFlags.None); ReceiveClients(bc.ToInt32(id_mat, 0)); con.con_close(); Console.WriteLine("Clients was got"); } else { byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = 0; socket.Send(b, 1, SocketFlags.None); } }