public static void StopSpectating(bool ExitPlayMode) { if (ExitPlayMode && GameBase.Mode == Modes.Play) { InputManager.ReplayMode = false; if (CurrentlySpectating == null) { GameBase.ChangeMode(Modes.SelectPlay, true); } else { GameBase.ChangeMode(Modes.Menu, true); } } lock (LockReplayScore) if (CurrentlySpectating != null) { BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_StopSpectating, null); GameBase.ShowMessage("Stopped spectating " + CurrentlySpectating.Name, Color.Tomato, 3000); CurrentlySpectating = null; } FellowSpectators.Clear(); ReplayQueue.Clear(); }
public static void StartSpectating(User u) { if (Lobby.Status != LobbyStatus.NotJoined) { GameBase.ShowMessage("Can't spectate while in multiplayer mode!", Color.Tomato, 3000); return; } lock (LockReplayScore) if (CurrentlySpectating != u) { FellowSpectators.Clear(); if (GameBase.Mode == Modes.Edit || GameBase.Mode == Modes.Play) { GameBase.ChangeMode(Modes.Menu, true); } CurrentlySpectating = u; iDontHaveThatBeatmap = false; InputManager.ReplayScore = null; BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_StartSpectating, new bInt(u.Id)); GameBase.ShowMessage("Started spectating " + u.Name, Color.Green, 3000); //WaitingLoad = true; } }
internal static void PurgeFrames(ReplayAction action) { if (!HasSpectators || InputManager.ReplayMode) { return; } if (action == ReplayAction.NewSong) { lock (Spectators) foreach (User u in Spectators) { u.CantSpectate = false; } } bScoreFrame scoreFrame = Player.GetScoreFrame(); BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_SpectateFrames, new bReplayFrameBundle(waitingOutgoingFrames, action, scoreFrame)); #if DEBUG /* GameBase.ShowMessage("sending " + waitingOutgoingFrames.Count + " frames to spectators", Color.LightBlue, * 200);*/ #endif waitingOutgoingFrames = new List <bReplayFrame>(); }
public void Join() { if (!Joined) { BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_ChannelJoin, new bString(name)); messageBuffer.Add(new Message("Attempting to join channel...", "", Color.LightCoral)); } }
internal static bool QueryAll() { if (lastFullPresenceRequest > 0 && GameBase.Time - lastFullPresenceRequest < 300000) { return(false); } lastFullPresenceRequest = GameBase.Time; BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_UserPresenceRequestAll, GameBase.Time); return(true); }
public static void HandleSongChange(bool resetStart) { lock (LockReplayScore) { if (CurrentlySpectating == null) { return; } Beatmap b = BeatmapManager.GetBeatmapByChecksum(CurrentlySpectating.CurrentBeatmapChecksum); if (b != null) { GameBase.ShowMessage("Host is playing:" + b.DisplayTitle, Color.Green, 1000); BeatmapManager.Current = b; InputManager.ReplayMode = true; InputManager.ReplayToEnd = false; InputManager.ReplayStreaming = true; InputManager.ReplayScore = new Score(); InputManager.ReplayScore.AllowSubmission = false; InputManager.ReplayScore.enabledMods = CurrentlySpectating.CurrentMods; if (resetStart) { InputManager.ReplayStreamingStart = 0; } ChatEngine.PendingHide = true; GameBase.ChangeMode(Modes.Play, true); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName)) { GameBase.ShowMessage("You don't have the beatmap the host is playing (" + CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName + ")"); BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_CantSpectate, null); iDontHaveThatBeatmap = true; InputManager.ReplayMode = false; if (GameBase.Mode == Modes.Play) { GameBase.ChangeMode(Modes.Menu, true); } } else { GameBase.ShowMessage("host isn't playing!"); } } WaitingLoad = false; }
public static bool StartSpectating(User u) { if (u == null) { return(false); } if (Lobby.Status != LobbyStatus.NotJoined) { NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Can't spectate while in multiplayer mode!", Color.Tomato, 3000); return(false); } bool newUser = u != CurrentlySpectating; if (u.Id == GameBase.User.Id) { StopSpectating(CurrentlySpectating != null); return(false); } lock (LockReplayScore) { NewUserAndSong = true; if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Edit || GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Play) { GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Menu, true); } CurrentlySpectating = u; InputManager.ReplayMode = false; iDontHaveThatBeatmap = false; if (newUser) { FellowSpectators.Clear(); u.RequestPresence(); NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Started spectating " + u.Name, Color.Green, 3000); GameBase.SetTitle(); } BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_StartSpectating, new bInt(u.Id)); } return(true); }
private static void scheduledFill() { lock (idToPresenceCache) { if (pendingQueries.Count > 256) { QueryAll(); } else { BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_UserPresenceRequest, new bListInt(pendingQueries)); } pendingQueries = new List <int>(); } }
internal bool PullStats(bool force) { if (StatsLoaded && !force) { return(true); } if (StatsLoading) { return(false); } if (Name.Length > 0) { StatsLoading = true; if (Sprites != null) { spriteBackground.FlashColour(Color.Crimson, 3000); spriteName.Text = Name; AvatarLoaded = false; if (firstReceived) { spriteInfo.Text = "Loading stats..."; } } if (Name == ConfigManager.sUsername) { BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_RequestStatusUpdate, null); } } else { spriteName.Text = "Guest"; spriteInfo.Text = "Please click here to login."; } return(true); }
public static void StopSpectating(bool ExitPlayMode = true) { if (GameBase.TourneySpectatorName != null) { GameBase.TourneySpectatorName.Text = string.Empty; } if (ExitPlayMode && (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Play || (GameBase.Mode != OsuModes.Menu && GameBase.Tournament))) { InputManager.ReplayMode = false; if (CurrentlySpectating == null) { GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.SelectPlay, true); } else { GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Menu, true); } } if (CurrentlySpectating != null) { lock (LockReplayScore) { BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_StopSpectating, null); NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Stopped spectating " + CurrentlySpectating.Name, Color.Tomato, 3000); CurrentlySpectating = null; InputManager.ReplayStreaming = false; } if (ChatEngine.channels.Exists(s => s.Name == "#spectator")) { ChatEngine.RemoveChannel(ChatEngine.channels.Find(s => s.Name == "#spectator"), false, true); } InputManager.ReplayStartTime = 0; } FellowSpectators.Clear(); ReplayQueue.Clear(); GameBase.SetTitle(); }
internal static void PurgeFrames(ReplayAction action, int?extra = null) { if (!HasSpectators || InputManager.ReplayMode) { return; } if (action == ReplayAction.NewSong) { lock (Spectators) foreach (User u in Spectators) { u.CantSpectate = false; } } bScoreFrame scoreFrame = Player.GetScoreFrame(); BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_SpectateFrames, new bReplayFrameBundle(waitingOutgoingFrames, action, scoreFrame, extra ?? Player.Seed)); waitingOutgoingFrames = new List <bReplayFrame>(); }
private void Display() { pDialog dialog = new pDialog(null, false); dialog.spriteManager.HandleOverlayInput = true; dialog.ButtonOffset = new Vector2(50, 60); ChatEngine.RequestUserStats(new List <User>() { User }, true); bool isSelf = User.Name == GameBase.User.Name; dialog.Closed += delegate { ActiveProfiles.Remove(this); }; if (User.IsOsu && !isSelf) { if (GameBase.Mode != OsuModes.Edit && (GameBase.Mode != OsuModes.Play || !GameBase.TestMode)) { dialog.AddOption(User == StreamingManager.CurrentlySpectating ? LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_StopSpectating) : LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_StartSpectating), Color.YellowGreen, delegate { if (Lobby.Status != LobbyStatus.NotJoined) { NotificationManager.ShowMessage( LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_CantSpectate)); return; } if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Play && !InputManager.ReplayMode) { NotificationManager.ShowMessage( LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_CantSpectate)); return; } if (User.Name == ConfigManager.sUsername || User == StreamingManager.CurrentlySpectating) { StreamingManager.StopSpectating(true); } else { StreamingManager.StartSpectating(User); } }); } } dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_ViewProfile), new Color(58, 110, 165), delegate { GameBase.ProcessStart(User.Id == 0 ? @"" : String.Format(Urls.USER_PROFILE, User.Id)); }); if (isSelf) { if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Menu && BanchoClient.AllowUserSwitching) { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_SignOut), Color.Orange, delegate { GameBase.Options.PerformLogout(); if (!GameBase.Options.Expanded) { GameBase.ShowLogin(); } }); } dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_ChangeAvatar), Color.Orange, delegate { GameBase.ProcessStart(Urls.USER_SET_AVATAR); }); } else { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_StartChat), Color.MediumPurple, delegate { ChatEngine.StartChat(User); }); if (User.IsOsu) { if (MatchSetup.Match != null) { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_Invitetogame), Color.Yellow, delegate { BanchoClient.SendRequest(new Request(RequestType.Osu_Invite, new bInt(User.Id))); NotificationManager.ShowMessageMassive(string.Format(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.ChatEngine_UserInvited), User.Name)); }); } } dialog.AddOption(User.IsFriend ? LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_CancelFriendship) : LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_AddFriend), Color.Pink, delegate { ChatEngine.ToggleFriend(User, !User.IsFriend); }); if (ShowExtraOptions && User.Id > 0) { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_ReportUser), Color.Red, delegate { UserReportDialog report = new UserReportDialog(User, ChatEngine.activeChannel); GameBase.ShowDialog(report); }); if (ChatEngine.CheckIgnore(User)) { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_UnignoreUser), Color.Gray, delegate { ChatEngine.UnignoreUser(User); }); } else { dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.UserProfile_IgnoreUser), Color.Gray, delegate { ChatEngine.IgnoreUser(User); }); } } } dialog.AddOption(LocalisationManager.GetString(OsuString.General_Close), Color.DarkGray, null); if (DisplayedUser.DrawAt(new Vector2(5, 5), true, 0)) { dialog.spriteManager.Add(DisplayedUser.Sprites); } GameBase.ShowDialog(dialog); /*if (User.Id != 0) * { * GameBase.Scheduler.Add(delegate * { * if (!dialog.IsDisplayed) return; * * if (browser == null) * { * GameBase.OnResolutionChange += GameBase_OnResolutionChange; * browser = new pBrowser(null, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(220, GameBase.WindowManager.Height - 48 * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio), 0.911f, Color.White); * browser.Disposable = false; * browser.OnLoaded += delegate * { * browser.FadeIn(500); * browser.MoveToRelative(new Vector2(88, 0), 500, EasingTypes.In); * }; * } * * browser.Transformations.Clear(); * browser.CurrentAlpha = 0; * browser.AlwaysDraw = true; * browser.CurrentPosition = new Vector2(-88, 48); * browser.Load(string.Format(Urls.USER_PROFILE_COMPACT, User.Id)); * * dialog.spriteManager.Add(browser); * }, 1000); * }*/ }
public static void HandleFrames(bReplayFrameBundle bundle) { #if DEBUG /*GameBase.ShowMessage( * "received frames (" + bundle.Action + * (bundle.ReplayFrames.Count > 0 * ? "," + bundle.ReplayFrames[0].time + "-" + bundle.ReplayFrames[bundle.ReplayFrames.Count - 1].time + * ")" * : "0)"), Color.Green, 1000);*/ #endif waitingOnHost = false; LastAction = bundle.Action; switch (bundle.Action) { case ReplayAction.Completion: InputManager.ReplayToEnd = true; break; case ReplayAction.Fail: InputManager.ReplayToEnd = true; break; case ReplayAction.WatchingOther: User u = BanchoClient.GetUserById(bundle.Extra); if (u != null && u.Id != GameBase.User.Id) { NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Following host to new user...", Color.Green, 3000); StartSpectating(u); } else { StopSpectating(); } break; case ReplayAction.NewSong: iDontHaveThatBeatmap = false; //ensure spectators use the same seed as players. Player.Seed = bundle.Extra; HandleSongChange(true, bundle.ScoreFrame.usingScoreV2); break; case ReplayAction.Skip: Player.QueueSkip(); break; case ReplayAction.Standard: if (!iDontHaveThatBeatmap && InputManager.ReplayScore == null) { if (bundle.ReplayFrames.Count > 0) { InputManager.ReplayStartTime = bundle.ReplayFrames[0].time - 50; } else // set to 1 instead of 0 to make it not doubleskip if the first frame is a skip frame. { InputManager.ReplayStartTime = 1; } Player.Seed = bundle.Extra; HandleSongChange(false, bundle.ScoreFrame.usingScoreV2); } break; case ReplayAction.Pause: if (!Player.Paused && Player.Instance != null) { Player.Instance.TogglePause(); } break; case ReplayAction.Unpause: if (Player.Paused && Player.Instance != null) { Player.Instance.TogglePause(); } break; } float lastY = 0; int lastOffset = 0; lock (LockReplayScore) { if (InputManager.ReplayScore != null && InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay != null) { foreach (bReplayFrame f in bundle.ReplayFrames) { InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay.Add(f); } if (bundle.ReplayFrames.Count > 0) { int last = bundle.ReplayFrames.Count - 1; lastY = bundle.ReplayFrames[last].mouseY; lastOffset = bundle.ReplayFrames[last].time; } if ((ScoreSyncNext <= 0 || ScoreSyncNext < InputManager.ReplayFrame || InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay.Count - 1 < ScoreSyncNext) && bundle.ScoreFrame.totalScore > 0) { ScoreSyncNext = InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay.Count - 1; ScoreSyncFrame = bundle.ScoreFrame; } } } if (HasSpectators && CurrentlySpectating != null && CurrentlySpectating.Id != GameBase.User.Id && GameBase.Time - lastFollowNotification > 10000) { //tell spectators we are watching someone else. BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_SpectateFrames, new bReplayFrameBundle(new List <bReplayFrame>(), ReplayAction.WatchingOther, new bScoreFrame(), CurrentlySpectating.Id)); lastFollowNotification = GameBase.Time; } }
public static void HandleSongChange(bool resetStart, bool useScoreV2) { lock (LockReplayScore) { if (CurrentlySpectating == null) { return; } Beatmap b = BeatmapManager.GetBeatmapByChecksum(CurrentlySpectating.CurrentBeatmapChecksum); if (b != null) { NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Host is playing:" + b.DisplayTitle, Color.Green, 1000); BeatmapManager.Current = b; InputManager.ReplayMode = true; InputManager.ReplayToEnd = false; InputManager.ReplayStreaming = true; InputManager.ReplayScore = ScoreFactory.Create(CurrentlySpectating.PlayMode, null, BeatmapManager.Current, useScoreV2); InputManager.ReplayScore.InvalidateSubmission(); InputManager.ReplayScore.EnabledMods = CurrentlySpectating.CurrentMods; if (resetStart) { InputManager.ReplayStartTime = 0; } if (NewUserAndSong) { GameBase.Scheduler.Add(delegate { if (ChatEngine.IsVisible) { ChatEngine.Visibility = ChatVisibility.ChatOnly; } }); NewUserAndSong = false; } GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Play, true); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName)) { if (CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId > 0 && (BanchoClient.Permission & Permissions.Supporter) > 0) { if (OsuDirect.ActiveDownloads.Find(d => d.beatmap != null && d.beatmap.beatmapId == CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId) == null && (OsuDirect.RespondingBeatmap == null || OsuDirect.RespondingBeatmap.beatmapId != CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId)) { OsuDirect.HandlePickup(LinkId.Beatmap, CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId, RestartSpectating); } } else { string message = string.Format("You don't have the beatmap the host is playing ({0}).", CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName); NotificationManager.ShowMessage(message); } BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_CantSpectate, null); iDontHaveThatBeatmap = true; InputManager.ReplayMode = false; if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Play) { GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Menu, true); } } } }