public static void main(string[] args) { UDDIClient clerkManager = null; Transport transport = null; UDDIClerk clerk = null; try { clerkManager = new UDDIClient("uddi.xml"); transport = clerkManager.getTransport("default_non_root"); UDDI_Security_SoapBinding security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding inquiry = transport.getUDDIInquiryService(); UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding publish = transport.getUDDIPublishService(); clerk = clerkManager.getClerk("default_non_root"); //Wadl Import example application app = WADL2UDDI.ParseWadl("..\\..\\..\\\\resources\\sample.wadl"); List<Uri> urls = WADL2UDDI.GetBaseAddresses(app); Uri url = urls[0]; String domain = url.Host; tModel keygen = UDDIClerk.createKeyGenator("uddi:" + domain + ":keygenerator", domain, "en"); //save the keygen save_tModel stm = new save_tModel(); stm.authInfo = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()); stm.tModel = new tModel[] { keygen }; publish.save_tModel(stm); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("keyDomain", domain); properties.put("businessName", domain); properties.put("serverName", url.Host); properties.put("serverPort", url.Port.ToString()); //wsdlURL = wsdlDefinition.getDocumentBaseURI(); WADL2UDDI wadl2UDDI = new WADL2UDDI(clerk, properties); businessService businessServices = wadl2UDDI.createBusinessService(new QName("MyWasdl.namespace", "Servicename"), app); HashSet<tModel> portTypeTModels = wadl2UDDI.createWADLPortTypeTModels(url.ToString(), app); //When parsing a WSDL, there's really two things going on //1) convert a bunch of stuff (the portTypes) to tModels //2) convert the service definition to a BusinessService //Since the service depends on the tModel, we have to save the tModels first save_tModel tms = new save_tModel(); tms.authInfo = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()); HashSet<tModel>.Enumerator it = portTypeTModels.GetEnumerator(); List<tModel> ts = new List<tModel>(); while (it.MoveNext()) { ts.Add(it.Current); } tModel[] tmodels = ts.ToArray(); tms.tModel = tmodels; if (tms.tModel.Length > 0) //important, you'll need to save your new tModels, or else saving the business/service may fail publish.save_tModel(tms); //finaly, we're ready to save all of the services defined in the WSDL //again, we're creating a new business, if you have one already, look it up using the Inquiry getBusinessDetails // inquiry.find_tModel(new find_tModel save_business sb = new save_business(); // sb.setAuthInfo(rootAuthToken.getAuthInfo()); businessEntity be = new businessEntity(); be.businessKey = (businessServices.businessKey); //TODO, use some relevant here = new name[] { new name(domain, "en") }; be.businessServices = new businessService[] { businessServices }; sb.authInfo = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()); sb.businessEntity = new businessEntity[] { be }; publish.save_business(sb); Console.Out.WriteLine("Saved!"); } catch (Exception ex) { while (ex != null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } } finally { if (transport != null && transport is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)transport).Dispose(); } if (clerk != null) clerk.Dispose(); } }
/** * Registers a UDDI Business referencing the specified Node from the * config file * * @param business * @param node * @return a possibility modified business entity as registered */ public org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity register(org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity business, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node) { org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity businessEntity = null;"Registering business " +[0].Value + " with key " + business.businessKey); try { String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl); save_business saveBusiness = new save_business(); saveBusiness.authInfo = (authToken); saveBusiness.businessEntity = new businessEntity[1]; saveBusiness.businessEntity[0] = business; using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl)) { org.uddi.apiv3.businessDetail businessDetail = pub.save_business(saveBusiness); businessEntity = businessDetail.businessEntity[0]; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Registering businessEntity " +[0].Value + " completed."); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to register business " +[0].Value + " ." + e.Message, e); } return businessEntity; }
/// <remarks/> public void save_businessAsync(save_business save_business1, object userState) { if ((this.save_businessOperationCompleted == null)) { this.save_businessOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.Onsave_businessOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("save_business", new object[] { save_business1}, this.save_businessOperationCompleted, userState); }
/// <remarks/> public void save_businessAsync(save_business save_business1) { this.save_businessAsync(save_business1, null); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult Beginsave_business(save_business save_business1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("save_business", new object[] { save_business1}, callback, asyncState); }
internal static void Run(string[] args) { UDDIClient clerkManager = null; Transport transport = null; UDDIClerk clerk = null; try { clerkManager = new UDDIClient("uddi.xml"); transport = clerkManager.getTransport("uddiv2"); UDDI_Security_SoapBinding security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding inquiry = transport.getUDDIInquiryService(); UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding publish = transport.getUDDIPublishService(); clerk = clerkManager.getClerk("uddiv2"); save_business sb = new save_business(); get_authToken rq=new get_authToken(); rq.cred = "username"; rq.userID="username"; String token=security.get_authToken(rq).authInfo; System.Console.WriteLine("Got an auth token..."); sb.authInfo = token; sb.businessEntity = new businessEntity[1]; sb.businessEntity[0] = new businessEntity(); sb.businessEntity[0].name = new name[] { new name("test business from .net via uddi2 translation", "en") }; sb.businessEntity[0].description = new description[] { new description("a description", "en") }; businessDetail detail= publish.save_business(sb); System.Console.WriteLine("business saved"); PrintUDDI<businessDetail> p = new PrintUDDI<businessDetail>(); Console.Out.WriteLine(p.print(detail)); save_service ss = new save_service(); ss.authInfo = token; ss.businessService = new businessService[1]; ss.businessService[0] = new businessService(); ss.businessService[0].name = new name[] { new name("hello world", "en") }; ss.businessService[0].businessKey = detail.businessEntity[0].businessKey; serviceDetail sd = publish.save_service(ss); System.Console.WriteLine("service saved"); PrintUDDI<serviceDetail> p1 = new PrintUDDI<serviceDetail>(); Console.Out.WriteLine(p1.print(sd)); save_binding sbd = new save_binding(); sbd.authInfo = token; sbd.bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate[1]; sbd.bindingTemplate[0] = new bindingTemplate(); sbd.bindingTemplate[0].Item = new accessPoint("http://localhost", "endPoint"); sbd.bindingTemplate[0].serviceKey = sd.businessService[0].serviceKey; bindingDetail bd = publish.save_binding(sbd); System.Console.WriteLine("binding saved"); PrintUDDI<bindingDetail> p2 = new PrintUDDI<bindingDetail>(); Console.Out.WriteLine(p2.print(bd)); save_tModel stm = new save_tModel(); stm.authInfo = token; stm.tModel = new tModel[1]; stm.tModel[0] = new tModel(); stm.tModel[0].name = new name("a uddiv2 tmodel", "en"); tModelDetail td = publish.save_tModel(stm); System.Console.WriteLine("tModel saved"); PrintUDDI<tModelDetail> p3 = new PrintUDDI<tModelDetail>(); Console.Out.WriteLine(p3.print(td)); } catch (Exception ex) { while (ex != null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } } finally { if (transport != null && transport is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)transport).Dispose(); } if (clerk != null) clerk.Dispose(); } }