예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates BAM network architecture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsCount">
        ///            number of neurons in input layer </param>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsCount">
        ///            number of neurons in output layer </param>
        /// <param name="neuronProperties">
        ///            neuron properties </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount, NeuronProperties neuronProperties)
            // set network type
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.BAM;

            // create input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            // add input layer to network

            // create output layer
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            // add output layer to network

            // create full connectivity from in to out layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);
            // create full connectivity from out to in layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(outputLayer, inputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set Hebbian learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new BinaryHebbianLearning();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Kohonen network architecture with specified number of neurons in
        /// input and map layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsCount">
        ///            number of neurons in input layer </param>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsCount">
        ///            number of neurons in output layer </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount)
            // specify input neuron properties (use default: weighted sum input with
            // linear transfer)
            NeuronProperties inputNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            // specify map neuron properties
            NeuronProperties outputNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties(typeof(Neuron), typeof(Difference), typeof(Linear));             // transfer function -  input function -  neuron type

            // set network type
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.KOHONEN;

            // createLayer input layer
            Layer inLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, inputNeuronProperties);


            // createLayer map layer
            Layer mapLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, outputNeuronProperties);


            // createLayer full connectivity between input and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inLayer, mapLayer);

            // set network input and output cells
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            this.LearningRule = new KohonenLearning();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of Unsuervised Hebian net with specified number
        /// of neurons in input layer and output layer, and transfer function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsNum">
        ///            number of neurons in input layer </param>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsNum">
        ///            number of neurons in output layer </param>
        /// <param name="transferFunctionType">
        ///            transfer function type </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsNum, int outputNeuronsNum, TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType)
            // init neuron properties
            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            //		neuronProperties.setProperty("bias", new Double(-Math
            //				.abs(Math.random() - 0.5))); // Hebbian network cann not work
            // without bias
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType.ToString());
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", 1);

            // set network type code
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.UNSUPERVISED_HEBBIAN_NET;

            // createLayer input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsNum, neuronProperties);


            // createLayer output layer
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsNum, neuronProperties);


            // createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set appropriate learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new UnsupervisedHebbianLearning();
            //this.setLearningRule(new OjaLearning(this));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates MaxNet network architecture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neuronNum">
        ///            neuron number in network </param>
        /// <param name="neuronProperties">
        ///            neuron properties </param>
        private void createNetwork(int neuronsCount)
            // set network type
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.MAXNET;

            // createLayer input layer in layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(neuronsCount, new NeuronProperties());


            // createLayer properties for neurons in output layer
            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            neuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", typeof(CompetitiveNeuron));
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Ramp.ToString());

            // createLayer full connectivity in competitive layer
            CompetitiveLayer competitiveLayer = new CompetitiveLayer(neuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            // add competitive layer to network

            double competitiveWeight = -(1 / (double)neuronsCount);

            // createLayer full connectivity within competitive layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(competitiveLayer, competitiveWeight, 1);

            // createLayer forward connectivity from input to competitive layer
            ConnectionFactory.forwardConnect(inputLayer, competitiveLayer, 1);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of Supervised Hebbian Network with specified number
        /// of neurons in input layer, output layer and transfer function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsNum">
        ///            number of neurons in input layer </param>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsNum">
        ///            number of neurons in output layer </param>
        /// <param name="transferFunctionType">
        ///            transfer function type </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsNum, int outputNeuronsNum, TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType)
            // init neuron properties
            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType.ToString());
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", 1);
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", 1);
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xHigh", 1);
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", -1);
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xLow", -1);

            // set network type code
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.SUPERVISED_HEBBIAN_NET;

            // createLayer input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsNum, neuronProperties);


            // createLayer output layer
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsNum, neuronProperties);


            // createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set appropriate learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new SupervisedHebbianLearning();
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Outstar architecture with specified number of neurons in
        /// output layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsCount">
        ///            number of neurons in output layer </param>
        private void createNetwork(int outputNeuronsCount)
            // set network type
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.OUTSTAR;

            // init neuron settings for this type of network
            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Step.ToString());

            // create input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(1, neuronProperties);


            // createLayer output layer
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Ramp.ToString());
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);


            // create full conectivity between input and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set outstar learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new OutstarLearning();
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates weights for the hopfield net to learn the specified training
        /// set
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingSet">
        ///            training set to learn </param>
        public override void learn(DataSet trainingSet)
            int   M             = trainingSet.size();
            int   N             = neuralNetwork.getLayerAt(0).NeuronsCount;
            Layer hopfieldLayer = neuralNetwork.getLayerAt(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    if (j == i)
                    Neuron     ni  = hopfieldLayer.getNeuronAt(i);
                    Neuron     nj  = hopfieldLayer.getNeuronAt(j);
                    Connection cij = nj.getConnectionFrom(ni);
                    Connection cji = ni.getConnectionFrom(nj);
                    double     w   = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < M; k++)
                        DataSetRow trainingSetRow = trainingSet.getRowAt(k);
                        double     pki            = trainingSetRow.Input[i];
                        double     pkj            = trainingSetRow.Input[j];
                        w = w + pki * pkj;
                    }                     // k
                    cij.Weight.Value = w;
                    cji.Weight.Value = w;
                }         // j
            }             // i
예제 #8
        private void createMatrixLayers()
            matrixLayers    = new MatrixLayer[sourceNetwork.LayersCount];
            matrixLayers[0] = new MatrixInputLayer(sourceNetwork.getLayerAt(0).NeuronsCount);

            MatrixLayer prevLayer = matrixLayers[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < sourceNetwork.LayersCount; i++)
                Layer          layer      = sourceNetwork.getLayerAt(i);
                MatrixMlpLayer newBpLayer = new MatrixMlpLayer(layer, prevLayer, new Tanh());
                matrixLayers[i] = newBpLayer;
                prevLayer       = newBpLayer;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Hopfield network architecture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neuronsCount">
        ///            neurons number in Hopfied network </param>
        /// <param name="neuronProperties">
        ///            neuron properties </param>
        private void createNetwork(int neuronsCount, NeuronProperties neuronProperties)
            // set network type
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.HOPFIELD;

            // createLayer neurons in layer
            Layer layer = LayerFactory.createLayer(neuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            // createLayer full connectivity in layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(layer, 0.1);

            // add layer to network

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set Hopfield learning rule for this network
            //this.setLearningRule(new HopfieldLearning(this));
            this.LearningRule = new BinaryHebbianLearning();
예제 #10
        // three layers: input, hidden, output
        // as mlp add context layer
        // jordan  connect output of output  layer to input of context layer
        // output of context to input of hidden layer

        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int hiddenNeuronsCount, int contextNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount)
            // create input layer
            InputLayer inputLayer = new InputLayer(inputNeuronsCount);

            inputLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());

            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            // neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Sigmoid.ToString());             // use linear or logitic function! (TR-8604.pdf)

            Layer hiddenLayer = new Layer(hiddenNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            hiddenLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());

            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, hiddenLayer);

            Layer contextLayer = new Layer(contextNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

            addLayer(contextLayer);                             // we might also need bias for context neurons?

            Layer outputLayer = new Layer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);


            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(hiddenLayer, outputLayer);

            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(outputLayer, contextLayer);
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(contextLayer, hiddenLayer);

            // set input and output cells for network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set learnng rule
            this.LearningRule = new BackPropagation();
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates adaline network architecture with specified number of input neurons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsCount">
        ///              number of neurons in input layer </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount)
            // set network type code
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.ADALINE;

            // create input layer neuron settings for this network
            NeuronProperties inNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            inNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Linear.ToString());

            // createLayer input layer with specified number of neurons
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, inNeuronProperties);

            inputLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());                             // add bias neuron (always 1, and it will act as bias input for output neuron)

            // create output layer neuron settings for this network
            NeuronProperties outNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Ramp.ToString());
            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", 1);
            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", 1);
            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xHigh", 1);
            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", -1);
            outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xLow", -1);

            // createLayer output layer (only one neuron)
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(1, outNeuronProperties);


            // createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set LMS learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new LMS();
예제 #12
 private void createProductLabels(Layer layer)
     layer.getNeuronAt(0).Label  = "Samsung LCD TV LE-32A330";
     layer.getNeuronAt(1).Label  = "Samsung LCD TV LE-32A558";
     layer.getNeuronAt(2).Label  = "LG LCD TV 32LG2000";
     layer.getNeuronAt(3).Label  = "LG LCD TV 32LG5010";
     layer.getNeuronAt(4).Label  = "Sony LCD TV KDL-32L4000K";
     layer.getNeuronAt(5).Label  = "Sony LCD TV KDL-32S4000";
     layer.getNeuronAt(6).Label  = "Sony LCD TV KDL-32W4000K";
     layer.getNeuronAt(7).Label  = "Samsung Digital Camera S760";
     layer.getNeuronAt(8).Label  = "Samsung Digital Camera L100";
     layer.getNeuronAt(9).Label  = "Samsung Digital Camera S850";
     layer.getNeuronAt(10).Label = "LG Digital Camera DMCLS80E";
     layer.getNeuronAt(11).Label = "LG Digital Camera DMCLZ8E";
     layer.getNeuronAt(12).Label = "Sony Digital Camera DSCW120S";
     layer.getNeuronAt(13).Label = "Sony Digital Camera DSCW130S";
     layer.getNeuronAt(14).Label = "Samsung Mobile Phone E251";
     layer.getNeuronAt(15).Label = "Samsung Mobile Phone U600";
     layer.getNeuronAt(16).Label = "Sony Mobile Phone KP100";
     layer.getNeuronAt(17).Label = "Sony Mobile Phone KE850";
     layer.getNeuronAt(18).Label = "LG Mobile Phone K330";
     layer.getNeuronAt(19).Label = "LG Mobile Phone K660";
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates RBFNetwork architecture with specified number of neurons in input
        /// layer, output layer and transfer function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputNeuronsCount">
        ///		number of neurons in input layer </param>
        /// <param name="rbfNeuronsCount">
        ///		number of neurons in rbf layer </param>
        /// <param name="outputNeuronsCount">
        ///		number of neurons in output layer </param>
        private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int rbfNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount)
            // init neuron settings for this network
            NeuronProperties rbfNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            rbfNeuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction", typeof(Difference));
            rbfNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", util.TransferFunctionType.Gaussian.ToString());

            // set network type code
            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.RBF_NETWORK;

            // create input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, TransferFunctionType.Linear);


            // create rbf layer
            Layer rbfLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(rbfNeuronsCount, rbfNeuronProperties);


            // create output layer
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, TransferFunctionType.Linear);


            // create full conectivity between input and rbf layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, rbfLayer);
            // create full conectivity between rbf and output layer
            ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(rbfLayer, outputLayer);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // set appropriate learning rule for this network
            this.LearningRule = new RBFLearning();
예제 #14
        public virtual void createDemoNetwork()
            int productsCount = 20;
            int typesCount    = 3;
            int brandsCount   = 3;
            int priceCount    = 3;
            int promoCount    = 3;

            this.NetworkType = NeuralNetworkType.RECOMMENDER;
            // init neuron settings for this type of network
            NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();

            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.Ramp.ToString());
            // for sigmoid and tanh transfer functions
            neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", 1);

            // create input layer
            Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(productsCount, neuronProperties);


            // create product types layer
            Layer typeLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(typesCount, neuronProperties);


            // create brands layer
            Layer brandLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(brandsCount, neuronProperties);


            // create price layer
            Layer priceLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(priceCount, neuronProperties);


            // create price layer
            Layer promoLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(promoCount, neuronProperties);


            // create output layer
            Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(productsCount, neuronProperties);



            // create reccurent self connections in output layer
            foreach (Neuron neuron in this.getLayerAt(outputLayerIdx).Neurons)
                neuron.addInputConnection(neuron, 1);

            // set input and output cells for this network
            NeuralNetworkFactory.DefaultIO = this;

            // dont learn the self connections
            // moze cak i posle svakog prolaza da se primenjuje hebbianovo pravilo a ne samo nakon kupovine
            // napravi vise varijanti
            // ako kupuje onda moze da se primenjje winner takes all hebbian learning
            this.LearningRule = new UnsupervisedHebbianLearning();
예제 #15
 private void createPromoLabels(Layer layer)
     layer.getNeuronAt(0).Label = "Sales";
     layer.getNeuronAt(1).Label = "New";
     layer.getNeuronAt(2).Label = "Bestseller";
예제 #16
 private void createPriceLabels(Layer layer)
     layer.getNeuronAt(0).Label = "Low Price";
     layer.getNeuronAt(1).Label = "Mid Price";
     layer.getNeuronAt(2).Label = "High Price";
예제 #17
 private void createBrandLabels(Layer layer)
     layer.getNeuronAt(0).Label = "Samsung";
     layer.getNeuronAt(1).Label = "LG";
     layer.getNeuronAt(2).Label = "Sony";
예제 #18
 private void createTypeLabels(Layer layer)
     layer.getNeuronAt(0).Label = "LCD TV";
     layer.getNeuronAt(1).Label = "Digital Camera";
     layer.getNeuronAt(2).Label = "Mobile Phone";