private async Task <bool> UpdateInstancePositionAsync() { string testName = "UpdateInstancePosition"; string testPhase = "unknown"; List <BT.ItemId> createdItems = new List <BT.ItemId>(); double baseX = 10.0; double baseY = 10.0; double baseZ = 10.0; try { testPhase = "Creating displayable"; BT.ItemId displayableId = await CreateTestDisplayable(); createdItems.Add(displayableId); // Place it in the world somewhere testPhase = "Placing instance in the world"; BT.Props resp = await CreateInstanceAt(displayableId, baseX, baseY, baseZ); BT.ItemId instanceId = new BT.ItemId(resp["ItemId"]); createdItems.Add(instanceId); // Move the object slowly so the viewer can see it testPhase = "Moving instance in the world"; for (int ii = 0; ii < 100; ii += 10) { Thread.Sleep(500); BT.Props props = new BT.Props { { "Pos", BT.AbilityBase.VectorToString(new double[] { baseX + ii, baseY + ii, baseZ + ii } ) } }; BT.Props resp2 = await Client.UpdatePropertiesAsync(instanceId, props); } BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST SUCCESS", _logHeader, testName); } catch (BasilException be) { var temp = be; BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST FAILED: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, be); } catch (Exception e) { BasilTest.log.ErrorFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST EXCEPTION: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, e); } finally { CleanUpTest(createdItems); } return(true); }
// Utility routine to place an instance at location in the world. // Returns an awaitable thingy that returns the properties from the response. private Task <BT.Props> CreateInstanceAt(BT.ItemId dispId, double xx, double yy, double zz) { BT.Props props = new BT.Props(); BT.AbilityList abilities = new BT.AbilityList { new BT.AbilityInstance() { DisplayableItemId = dispId, Pos = new double[] { xx, yy, zz } } }; return(Client.CreateItemAsync(props, abilities)); }
private async Task <bool> CreateObjectsInDifferentFormatsAsync() { string testName = "CreateObjectsInDifferentFormats"; string testPhase = "unknown"; List <BT.ItemId> createdItems = new List <BT.ItemId>(); List <BT.ItemId> createdDisplayables = new List <BT.ItemId>(); List <string> urls = new List <string>() { "", // "", // "", "", "" }; double baseX = 10.0; double baseY = 10.0; double baseZ = 10.0; try { // Create displayables for each of the display types foreach (var url in urls) { testPhase = "Creating formated displayable " + url; BT.ItemId createdDisplayable = await CreateTestDisplayable(url); createdItems.Add(createdDisplayable); createdDisplayables.Add(createdDisplayable); } // Place the items in world for everyone to enjoy testPhase = "Placing displayables in world"; double displace = 0.0; foreach (BT.ItemId item in createdDisplayables) { BT.Props resp2 = await CreateInstanceAt(item, baseX + displace, baseY, baseZ); createdItems.Add(new BT.ItemId(resp2["ItemId"])); displace += 10.0; } // Verify everything was created by asking for its properties foreach (var item in createdItems) { testPhase = "Verifying existance of " + item.Id; BT.Props resp3 = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(item, null); } BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST SUCCESS", _logHeader, testName); } catch (BasilException be) { var temp = be; BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST FAILED: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, be); } catch (Exception e) { BasilTest.log.ErrorFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST EXCEPTION: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, e); } finally { CleanUpTest(createdItems); } return(true); }
// TEST: create displayable, verify created, create 125 (5**3) instances // of displayable, verify all created, delete one random instance, // verify all instances still there except for one deleted. private async Task <bool> Create125InstancesDeleteOneAsync() { string testName = "Create125InstancesDeleteOne"; string testPhase = "unknown"; List <BT.ItemId> createdItems = new List <BT.ItemId>(); // Collect and output timing information BTimeSpan.Enable = true; // The dimension of the cube int rangeMax = BasilTest.parms.P <int>("125BlockSize"); // default is 5 try { // Create the item of a displayable testPhase = "Creating displayable"; BT.ItemId createdDisplayableId = await CreateTestDisplayable(); createdItems.Add(createdDisplayableId); // Start up all the creation of all the instances IEnumerable <int> range = Enumerable.Range(0, rangeMax); // Create the instances testPhase = "Creating instances"; using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / createdItems.Count); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s {3}ms/req to create {4} instances", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds, msPerOp, rangeMax * rangeMax * rangeMax); })) { var createAllTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (int xx in range) { foreach (int yy in range) { foreach (int zz in range) { createAllTasks.Add(Task.Run(async() => { testPhase = "Creating instance of displayable"; BT.Props resp2 = await CreateInstanceAt(createdDisplayableId, 100.0 + (10.0 * xx), 100.0 + (10.0 * yy), 100.0 + (10.0 * zz)); BT.ItemId createdInstanceId = new BT.ItemId(resp2["ItemId"]); createdItems.Add(createdInstanceId); })); } ; } ; } ; await Task.WhenAll(createAllTasks); } // Verify all the instances are there by getting their parameters BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: verifying instances created", _logHeader, testName); testPhase = "Verifying all instances were created"; using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / createdItems.Count); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s {3}ms/req to verify {4} instances", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds, msPerOp, createdItems.Count); })) { foreach (var item in createdItems) { BT.Props resp3 = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(item, null); } } // Choose one of the instances to delete var rand = new Random(); var deletedInstanceId = createdItems[rand.Next(createdItems.Count)]; // Delete the one selected instance BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: deleting one instance", _logHeader, testName); testPhase = "Deleting instance"; BT.Props resp5 = await Client.DeleteItemAsync(deletedInstanceId); // Let them be in the world for a second. Thread.Sleep(1000); // Verify all the instances are still there except for the one deleted one BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: verifying non-deleted instances exist", _logHeader, testName); testPhase = "Verifying instances except for deleted instance"; using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / createdItems.Count); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s {3}ms/req to verify non-deleted instances", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds, msPerOp); })) { foreach (var item in createdItems) { bool success = true; try { BT.Props resp6 = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(item, null); } catch (BasilException be) { var temp = be; if (item.Id != deletedInstanceId.Id) { success = false; } } if (!success) { throw new BasilException("Other instance missing: " + item.Id); } } } BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST SUCCESS", _logHeader, testName); } catch (BasilException be) { var temp = be; BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST FAILED: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, be); } catch (Exception e) { BasilTest.log.ErrorFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST EXCEPTION: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, e); } finally { CleanUpTest(createdItems); } return(true); }
// TEST: create 10 displayables, verify they exist, delete one random displayable, // verify all displayables are there except for the one deleted private async Task <bool> CreateTenDisplayablesAndDeleteOne() { string testName = "CreateTenDisplayablesAndDeleteOne"; string testPhase = "unknown"; List <BT.ItemId> createdItems = new List <BT.ItemId>(); int numToCreate = 10; try { using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / createdItems.Count); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s to complete test", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds); })) { testPhase = "Creating displayables"; using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / numToCreate); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s {3}ms/req to create {4} displayables", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds, msPerOp, numToCreate); })) { /* * Task.WaitAll(Enumerable.Range(0, numToCreate).Select(nn => { * return Task.Run(async () => { * BT.ItemId createdItemId = await CreateTestDisplayable(); * createdItems.Add(createdItemId); * }); * }).ToArray()); */ for (int ii = 0; ii < numToCreate; ii++) { BT.ItemId createdItemId = await CreateTestDisplayable(); createdItems.Add(createdItemId); } } // Verify all ten exist by fetching their parameters. testPhase = "Verifying displayables created"; foreach (var item in createdItems) { BT.Props resp2 = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(item, null); } // Choose one of the instances to delete var rand = new Random(); BT.ItemId deletedDisplayableId = createdItems[rand.Next(createdItems.Count)]; // Delete the one selected instance testPhase = "Deleting displayable"; BT.Props resp3 = await Client.DeleteItemAsync(deletedDisplayableId); // Verify all the displayables are still there except for the one deleted one testPhase = "Verifying displayables except for deleted displayable"; foreach (var item in createdItems) { bool success = true; try { BT.Props resp4 = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(item, null); } catch (BasilException) { if (item.Id != deletedDisplayableId.Id) { success = false; } } if (!success) { throw new BasilException("Other instance missing: " + item.Id); } } BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST SUCCESS", _logHeader, testName); } } catch (BasilException be) { BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST FAILED: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, be); } catch (Exception e) { BasilTest.log.ErrorFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST EXCEPTION: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, e); } finally { CleanUpTest(createdItems); } return(false); }
// TEST: Create displayable, verify created, create instance of displayable, // verify created, delete instance, verify deleted private async Task <bool> CreateAndDeleteInstanceAsync() { string testName = "CreateAndDeleteInstance"; string testPhase = "unknown"; List <BT.ItemId> createdItems = new List <BT.ItemId>(); try { using (new BTimeSpan(span => { var msPerOp = (float)(span.TotalMilliseconds / createdItems.Count); BasilTest.log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}: {2}s to complete test", _logHeader, testName, span.TotalSeconds); })) { // Create an item that has a displayable testPhase = "Creating displayable"; BT.ItemId createdDisplayableId = await CreateTestDisplayable(); createdItems.Add(createdDisplayableId); // Verify the item has been created with a displayable by asking for it's parameters testPhase = "verifying created item has been created"; BT.Props resp = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(createdDisplayableId, null); if (!resp.ContainsKey("DisplayableType")) { throw new BasilException("Created item did not have Displayable properties"); } ; // Add AbilityInstance to the item to put it in the world testPhase = "Adding AbilityInstance to displayable item"; resp = await CreateInstanceAt(createdDisplayableId, 10, 11, 12); BT.ItemId createdInstanceId = new BT.ItemId(resp["ItemId"]); createdItems.Add(createdInstanceId); // Verify the instance exists by fetching it's parameters. testPhase = "Verifiying instance by fetching parameters"; resp = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(createdInstanceId, null); if (!resp.ContainsKey("Pos")) { throw new BasilException("After adding AbilityInstance, property 'Pos' not present"); } // Delete the instance. testPhase = "Deleting instance"; resp = await Client.DeleteItemAsync(createdInstanceId); createdItems.Remove(createdInstanceId); // Make sure the item is deleted testPhase = "Verifying cannot get fetch parameters of deleted instance"; bool success = false; try { resp = await Client.RequestPropertiesAsync(createdInstanceId, null); } catch (BasilException be) { success = true; var temp = be; // suppress non-use warning } if (!success) { throw new BasilException("Fetched forgotton instance parameters"); } BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST SUCCESS", _logHeader, testName); } } catch (BasilException be) { BasilTest.log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST FAILED: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, be); } catch (Exception e) { BasilTest.log.ErrorFormat("{0}: {1}: TEST EXCEPTION: {2}: {3}", _logHeader, testName, testPhase, e); } finally { CleanUpTest(createdItems); } return(false); }