예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        public static Boolean bExportDataToSql(String sDatabaseLocation, Boolean bDebug)
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);
            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();

            ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection();
            ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.Recordset();

            clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Exporting data to sql ...");

            String sSql;
            String sSqlfile = sDatabaseLocation + "\\data\\OneLanData.sql";
            String sString = null;
            String sPropertyInsertIntoHeader = null;
            String sAccomInsertIntoHeader = null;
            Int16 i = 0;

            //String sSql = null;
            // Variable to hold website information - needed to strip any single quotes out
            String sWebsite = null;

            if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bExportDataToSql, sSqlfile = " + sSqlfile); }


                // Open connection to database
                conn.Open(gcDSN + sDatabaseLocation + "\\" + gsOneLanDatabase);

                // Remove previous versions of the file
                if (File.Exists(sSqlfile)) { File.Delete(sSqlfile); }

                // Open streamwriter obbject
                StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(sSqlfile);

                // Set the insert commands
                sw.WriteLine("-- File : "+ sSqlfile);
                sw.WriteLine("-- Date : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
                sw.WriteLine("-- Author : auto-sgenerated / NRE www.rmount.co.uk");
                sw.WriteLine("-- Client : Raeburn Christie, Aberdeen");
                sw.WriteLine("-- Purpose : Repopulate Raeburn mysql database of property data, for use in property screens");
                sw.WriteLine("-- To apply mysql -pusername -ppassword < " + sSqlfile);
                sw.WriteLine("-- Purge accom table ...");
                sw.WriteLine("DELETE FROM accom;");
                sw.WriteLine("-- Purge Property table ...");
                sw.WriteLine("DELETE FROM property;");
                sw.WriteLine("-- Repopulate Property table ...");
                sPropertyInsertIntoHeader = " INSERT INTO `property` (`PropID`, `PropertyAddress1`, `PropertyAddress2`, `PropertyAddress3`, `Price`, `OffersOverEtc`, `ClosingDate`, `UnderOffer`, `PropertyAddress4`, `Postcode`, `RCCWOffice`) VALUES";
                sAccomInsertIntoHeader = "INSERT INTO `accom` (`PropID`, `Accom`, `Website`) VALUES";

                // Open the recordset
                //rs.Open("SELECT * FROM property ORDER BY PropID", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1);
                sSql= "SELECT PropID" +
                      "     , PropertyAddress1" +
                      "     , PropertyAddress2" +
                      "     , PropertyAddress3" +
                      "     , Price"  +
                      "     , OffersOverEtc"  +
                      "     , Format(ClosingDate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS') as cd" +
                      "     , UnderOffer"  +
                      "     , PropertyAddress4"  +
                      "     , Postcode"  +
                      "     , RCCWOffice" +
                      "  FROM property" +
                      " ORDER BY PropID";
                clsLog_.mLog("INFO", "property extract sql = " + sSql);
                rs.Open (sSql,conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1);

                if (!rs.EOF)
                    while (!rs.EOF)
                        if (i == 150)
                            i = 0;

                     //   sString = "(" + rs.Fields["PropID"].Value + ",'" +
                     //             rs.Fields["PropertyAddress1"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["PropertyAddress2"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["PropertyAddress3"].Value + "'," +
                     //             rs.Fields["Price"].Value + ",'" +
                     //             rs.Fields["OffersOverEtc"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["ClosingDate"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["UnderOffer"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["PropertyAddress4"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["Postcode"].Value + "','" +
                     //             rs.Fields["RCCWOffice"].Value + "')";
                        sString = "(" + rs.Fields["PropID"].Value + ",'" +
                                  rs.Fields["PropertyAddress1"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["PropertyAddress2"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["PropertyAddress3"].Value + "'," +
                                  rs.Fields["Price"].Value + ",'" +
                                  rs.Fields["OffersOverEtc"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["cd"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["UnderOffer"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["PropertyAddress4"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["Postcode"].Value + "','" +
                                  rs.Fields["RCCWOffice"].Value + "')";
                        //sString = " i = " + i + ", PropID = " + rs.Fields["PropID"].Value;
                        if (i<150)
                        {sString = sString + ",";
                        sString = sString + ";";

                        // Replace '' with NULL
                        sString = sString.Replace("''", "NULL");
                        // Force mysql null date format
                        sString = sString.Replace("30/12/1899 00:00:00", "1899-12-30 00:00:00");
                        if (!rs.EOF) { sw.WriteLine(sString); }
                    // end while

                // End if
                // Replace last comma with a semi colon
                // Replace '' with NULL
                //sString = sString.Replace("''", "NULL");
                sString = sString.Remove(sString.Length - 1, 1) + ";";
                // Add the last line

                // Now do the accom
                sw.WriteLine("-- Purge accom table ...");
                sw.WriteLine("DELETE FROM accom;");
                sw.WriteLine("-- Repopulate accom table ...");
                rs.Open("SELECT * FROM accom ORDER BY PropID", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1);
                if (!rs.EOF)
                    while (!rs.EOF)
                        if (i == 150)
                            i = 0;
                        sWebsite = "";
                        sWebsite = rs.Fields["Website"].Value;
                        // strip any single quotes off website information
                        sWebsite = sWebsite.Replace("'", "");
                        sString = "(" + rs.Fields["PropID"].Value + "," +
                                  "NULL" + ",'" +
                                  sWebsite + "')";
                        if (i < 150)
                            sString = sString + ",";
                            sString = sString + ";";

                        // Replace '' with NULL
                        sString = sString.Replace("''", "NULL");
                        if (!rs.EOF) { sw.WriteLine(sString); }
                        // end while

                    // End if
                // Replace last comma with a semi colon
                // Replace '' with NULL
                sString = sString.Replace("''", "NULL");
                sString = sString.Remove(sString.Length - 1, 1) + ";";
                // Add the last line


                return true;

            catch (Exception e)
                clsError_.mLogError("Problem exporting data to sql", "onelan", "bExportDataToSql", e, msVersionData, msLogFile, false);
                return false;

            // End of export data to ssql
예제 #2
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String sSourceDir = null;
            String sTargetDir = null;
            String sDatabaseLocation = null;
            String sNewFolder = null;
            String sFtpSite = null;
            String sFtpSiteUserName = null;
            String sFtpSitePassword = null;
            String sHostKey = null;
            String  sDebug = null;
            Boolean bDebug = false;

            String sPostToSftp = null;
            Boolean bPostToSftp = false;

            Boolean bOk = false;

            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);


                if (!Directory.Exists("M:\\Property\\onelan")) {
                  //  msLogFile =  Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()+"onelan.log";
                    Console.Write("Failed to open "+msLogFile);
                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "");
                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "");
                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "*** Starting RC Onelan Interface ...");

                // Collect settings
                sSourceDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourceDir"];
                sTargetDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TargetDir"];
                sDatabaseLocation = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseLocation"];
                sFtpSite= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpSite"];
                sFtpSiteUserName= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpSiteUserName"];
                sFtpSitePassword= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpSitePassword"];
                sHostKey= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostKey"];
                sDebug= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Debug"];
                sPostToSftp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PostToSftp"];

                if (sDebug == "true") { bDebug = true; }
                 if (sPostToSftp == "true") { bPostToSftp = true; }

                //msLogFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logfile"];

                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "SourceDir = " + sSourceDir); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "TargetDir = " + sTargetDir); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "DatabaseLocation = " + sDatabaseLocation); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "PostToSftp = " + bPostToSftp); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "FtpSite = " + sFtpSite); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "Debug = " + bDebug); }

                // Check we can log to file
               // if DirectoryNotFoundException

                // Parse source folders
                String[] sSourcefolders = Directory.GetDirectories(sSourceDir);
                foreach (String sSourcefolder in sSourcefolders)
                    //String lastFolderName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(folder)); // = live properties
                   // String lastFolderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(folder);
                   String sLastSourceFolderName = sSourcefolder.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last();

                    //Console.WriteLine("lastFolderName  = " + sLastSourceFolderName);
                    // Check if folder exists in target location, and if not create it
                    sNewFolder =sTargetDir+"\\"+sLastSourceFolderName;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(sNewFolder)) {
                        clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Creating new folder " + sNewFolder);
                    // Process images
                     bProcessImage(sSourcefolder + "\\Main","0.jpg", sNewFolder);
                     bProcessImage(sSourcefolder + "\\Medium","1.jpg", sNewFolder);
                     bProcessImage(sSourcefolder + "\\Medium","2.jpg", sNewFolder);
                     bProcessImage(sSourcefolder + "\\Medium","3.jpg", sNewFolder);


                // Refresh data
                bOk = bRefreshData(sDatabaseLocation, bDebug);
                // Export to xml
               // if (bOk){ bOk = bExportDataToXML(sDatabaseLocation, bDebug);}
                if (bOk) { bOk = bExportDataToSql(sDatabaseLocation, bDebug); }
                // Post of sftp site
                if (bOk && bPostToSftp) { bOk = bsFtp(sFtpSite, sFtpSiteUserName, sFtpSitePassword, sHostKey, sDatabaseLocation, false, bDebug, false); }
            catch (Exception e)

                clsError_.mLogError("Problem running onelan interface", "onelan", "Main", e, msVersionData, msLogFile, bAlertUser);

                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Processing complete, status = " + bOk);
                Console.WriteLine("Processing complete, status = " + bOk);

            // End of main process
예제 #3
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        // End of bExportDataToXML
        // Post data via sftp
        public static Boolean bsFtp(String sFtpSite, String sUserName, String sPassword, String sSshHostKeyFingerprint, String sDatabaseLocation, Boolean bSearchAll = false, Boolean bDebug = false, Boolean bExposeCredentials = false)
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);
            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();

               // String sAuditRootUCase = "";
               // String sTRAMSFtpAuditRootDir = "";
            // String sTRAMSFtpRootDir = "";
            SynchronizationResult synchronizationResult;


                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Posting data to sftp site ...");

                byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(sPassword);
                String decodedSitePassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                //clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "");
               // clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "onelan.bsFtp, sftp (winscp) process starting **************");
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent +"onelan.bsFtp, sftpSite = " + sFtpSite); }
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, sUserName = "******"************ Credentials *****************");
                    clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent +"onelan.bsFtp, sPassword = "******"onelan.bsFtp, sSshHostKeyFingerprint = " + sSshHostKeyFingerprint);
                    clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "");
                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, local root folder = " + sDatabaseLocation); }
               // clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "onelan.bsFtp, SearchAll = " + bSearchAll);
               // clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "onelan.bsFtp, Debug = " + bDebug);

                // Setup session options
                SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
                    Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
                    HostName = sFtpSite,
                    UserName = sUserName,
                    Password = decodedSitePassword,
                    SshHostKeyFingerprint = sSshHostKeyFingerprint


                using (Session session = new Session())
                    // Connect
                    if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, connecting ..."); }

                    // Upload files
                    if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, uploading ..."); }

                    // Get list of directories to transfer

                    // Will continuously report progress of synchronization
                   // if (bDebug) { session.FileTransferred += FileTransferred; }

                    if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, Processing sql files ..."); }
                    // Synchronise the xml directory
                    synchronizationResult = session.SynchronizeDirectories(SynchronizationMode.Remote, sDatabaseLocation + "\\data", "onelan/data", true);

                    if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bsFtp, Posting images ..."); }
                    synchronizationResult = session.SynchronizeDirectories(SynchronizationMode.Remote, sDatabaseLocation + "\\images", "onelan/images", false);

                    // Clean up

               // clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "********** Completed sftp processing **********");
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                clsError_.mLogError("Problem running sftpTransfer", "onelan", "bsFtp", e, msVersionData, msLogFile, false);
                return false;



            // End of Post data via sftp
예제 #4
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        // Refresh data
        public static Boolean bRefreshData(String sDatabaseLocation, Boolean bDebug)
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);
            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();

            String sSql = null;
            ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection();
            object RecordsAffected = null;


                clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Refreshing data ...");

                if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bRefreshData, database =" + sDatabaseLocation +"\\" + gsOneLanDatabase); }
                // Open connection to database
                conn.Open(gcDSN + sDatabaseLocation + "\\" + gsOneLanDatabase);

                 //1.1 Purge accom table for properities no longer current
                sSql = "DELETE FROM accom a" +
                       " WHERE NOT EXISTS (" +
                       "  SELECT 1" +
                       "    FROM PropertyDetailsRC rc" +
                       "   WHERE rc.propid = a.propid" +
                       "     AND rc.sold =0 and pending = 0)";

                conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);

                                //1.2 Purge Property table for properities no longer current
                sSql = "DELETE FROM Property p" +
                        " WHERE NOT EXISTS (" +
                        "  SELECT 1" +
                        "    FROM PropertyDetailsRC rc" +
                        "   WHERE rc.propid = p.propid" +
                        "     AND rc.sold =0 AND pending =0)";
                conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);

                //1.3 Add new properties
                sSql = "INSERT INTO Property (" +
                        " PropID" +
                        ",PropertyAddress1" +
                        ",PropertyAddress2" +
                        ",PropertyAddress3" +
                        ",PropertyAddress4" +
                        ",PostCode" +
                        ",Price" +
                        ",OffersOverEtc" +
                        ",RCCWOffice" +
                        ",UnderOffer" +
                        ",ClosingDate )";

                sSql = sSql  + "SELECT " +
                        " rc.PropID" +
                        ",rc.PropertyAddress1" +
                        ",rc.PropertyAddress2" +
                        ",rc.PropertyAddress3" +
                        ",rc.PropertyAddress4" +
                        ",rc.PostCode" +
                        ",rc.Price" +
                        ",rc.OffersOverEtc" +
                        ",rc.RCCWOffice" +
                        ",iif(ISNULL(rc.OfferDate),0,1)" +
                        ",rc.ClosingDate" +
                        "  FROM PropertyDetailsRC rc" +
                        " WHERE rc.sold=0" +
                        "   AND pending =0" +
                        " AND NOT EXISTS (" +
                        "  SELECT 1" +
                        "    FROM Property p2" +
                        "   WHERE p2.propid = rc.propid)";
                conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);
                // UNderOffer
               // clsLog_.mLog("INFO", sSql);
               // Debug.WriteLine(" insert sql = " + sSql);

                //1.4 Update property details to ensure current with main system
                sSql = "UPDATE property p," +
                        "       PropertyDetailsRC rc  SET " +
                        "       p.PropertyAddress1 = rc.PropertyAddress1" +
                        "      ,p.PropertyAddress2 = rc.PropertyAddress2" +
                        "      ,p.PropertyAddress3 = rc.PropertyAddress3" +
                        "      ,p.PropertyAddress4 = rc.PropertyAddress4" +
                        "      ,p.PostCode= rc.PostCode" +
                        "      ,p.Price= rc.Price" +
                        "      ,p.OffersOverEtc= rc.OffersOverEtc" +
                        "      ,p.ClosingDate= rc.ClosingDate" +
                        "      ,p.UnderOffer  = iif(ISNULL(rc.OfferDate),0,1)" +
                        " WHERE p.Propid = rc.Propid" +
                        "   AND (" +
                        "       p.PropertyAddress1 <> rc.PropertyAddress1" +
                        "    OR p.PropertyAddress2 <> rc.PropertyAddress2" +
                        "    OR p.PropertyAddress3 <> rc.PropertyAddress3" +
                        "    OR p.PropertyAddress4 <> rc.PropertyAddress4" +
                        "    OR p.PostCode <> rc.PostCode" +
                        "    OR p.Price <> rc.Price" +
                        "    OR p.OffersOverEtc <> rc.OffersOverEtc" +
                        "    OR p.ClosingDate <> rc.ClosingDate" +
                        "    OR (p.UnderOffer= '0' AND rc.OfferDate IS NOT NULL)" +
                        " )";
              //  clsLog_.mLog("INFO", sSql);
                conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);
                // Fix the closing date
                //1.4.1 Update null closing date to 00:00:00

                sSql = "Update Property" +
                " Set closingdate = '00:00:00'" +
                " Where closingdate Is Null or format(closingDate,'dd-mmm-yyyy')=''";
              	            conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);

                //1.4 Add new ACC
                sSql = "  INSERT INTO ACCOM (Propid,Accom, Website)" +
                        " SELECT rca.Propid,rca.Accom, rca.Website" +
                        "   FROM ACCOMRC rca," +
                        "        property p " +
                        " WHERE p.propid= rca.propid" +
                        " AND NOT EXISTS (" +
                        "     SELECT 1" +
                        "       FROM accom a" +
                        "      WHERE a.propid = p.propid)";
              	            conn.Execute(sSql, out RecordsAffected, -1);


                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                clsError_.mLogError("Problem running onelan interface", "onelan", "bRefreshData", e, msVersionData, msLogFile,false);
                return false;
예제 #5
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        // Process a single image
        public static Boolean bProcessImage(String sSourceFolder, String sSourceImage, String sNewFolder)
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);
            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();

            // Flag to indicate file should be copied
            Boolean bDoCopy = false;
                // Test
              //  if (sSourceFolder=="C:\\Projects\\mantis\\1541OneLan\\LiveProperties\\12901\\Main") {
               //     Console.WriteLine("onelane.bProcessImage, sSourceFolder = " + sSourceFolder);
                  //  Console.WriteLine("onelane.bProcessImage,  sSourceImage= "+sSourceImage);
                 //   Console.WriteLine("onelane.bProcessImage,  sNewFolder= " + sNewFolder);

                    // Specify source and target file name and location
                    // Note  0.jpg => 0.jpg_s.jpg
                    String sSourceImageLocation = sSourceFolder + "\\" + sSourceImage;
                    String sTargetImageLocation = sNewFolder+"\\"+sSourceImage+"_s.jpg";

                    //If source file does not exist then quit
                    if (!File.Exists(sSourceImageLocation)){ return true;}
                    // Check if file is not present in target location
                     if (!File.Exists(sTargetImageLocation))
                         bDoCopy= true;
                    // If file exists then need to compare date stamps
                         DateTime DateTimeSource = File.GetLastWriteTime(sSourceImageLocation);
                         DateTime DateTimeTarget = File.GetLastWriteTime(sTargetImageLocation);
                         int result = DateTime.Compare(DateTimeSource, DateTimeTarget);
                         if (result > 0) { bDoCopy = true; }

                    // if bDoCopy FlagsAttribute has been set ToolBar true then copy the file over
                    if( bDoCopy) {
                        clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "onelan.bProcessImage,  Copying file"+sSourceImageLocation);
                 //   }


                return true;
            catch (Exception e)

                clsError_.mLogError("Problem processing image", "onelan", "Main", e, msVersionData, msLogFile, false);
                return false;
예제 #6
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: rmount/onelan
        // Output data to xml
        public static Boolean bExportDataToXML(String sDatabaseLocation, Boolean bDebug)
            clsLog clsLog_ = new clsLog(msLogFile, msVersionData);
            clsError clsError_ = new clsError();

            ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection();
            ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.Recordset();

            clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, "Exporting data to xml ...");

            String sOneLanPropertyfile = sDatabaseLocation + "\\xml\\OneLanProperty.xml";
            String sOneLanAccomfile = sDatabaseLocation + "\\xml\\OneLanAccom.xml";

            if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bExportDataToXML, sOneLanPropertyfile = " + sOneLanPropertyfile); }
            if (bDebug) { clsLog_.mLog(Constants.gcInfo, sIndent + "onelan.bExportDataToXML, sOneLanAccomfile = " + sOneLanAccomfile); }

                // Open connection to database
                conn.Open(gcDSN + sDatabaseLocation + "\\" + gsOneLanDatabase);

                // Remove previous versions of the files
                if (File.Exists(sOneLanPropertyfile)) {File.Delete(sOneLanPropertyfile);}
                if (File.Exists(sOneLanAccomfile)) {File.Delete(sOneLanAccomfile);}

                // Open the recordset
                rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Property", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1);
                rs.Save(sOneLanPropertyfile, ADODB.PersistFormatEnum.adPersistXML);

                rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Accom", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1);
                rs.Save(sOneLanAccomfile, ADODB.PersistFormatEnum.adPersistXML);


                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
               clsError_.mLogError("Problem exporting data to xml", "onelan", "bExportDataToXML", e, msVersionData, msLogFile, false);
               return false;