private static Account Load(Group.List groups, string name) { try { string filename = "accounts/" + name + "." + host.Extension; string rootName; Node node = host.Load(filename, out rootName); if (rootName != "account") { return(null); } string n = (string)node["name"].Value; if (n.ToLower() != name.ToLower()) { return(null); } Group group = groups[(string)node["group"].Value]; if (group == null) { return(null); } Account account = new Account(n); Node statistics = node["statistics"]; = group; account.logins = (int)statistics["logins"].Value; = TimeSpan.Parse((string)statistics["total"].Value); account.lastLogin = DateTime.Parse((string)statistics["lastLogin"].Value); account.lastLogout = DateTime.Parse((string)statistics["lastLogout"].Value); account.lastIP = (string)statistics["lastIP"].Value; account.fileModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(filename); account.custom = node["custom"] ?? account.custom; return(account); } catch { return(null); } }
internal void Load(Group.List groups) { accounts.Clear(); this.groups = groups; int loaded = 0; int failed = 0; int cursor = Console.CursorLeft; if (!Directory.Exists("accounts")) { return; } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles("accounts", "*." + host.Extension)) { string name = file.Substring(9, file.Length - host.Extension.Length - 10); Account account = Account.Load(groups, name); if (account == null) { failed++; } else { loaded++; accounts.Add(, account); } Console.Write(loaded + " account" + (loaded == 1?"":"s") + " loaded" + (failed == 0?"":" (" + failed + " failed)") + "."); Console.CursorLeft = cursor; } Console.Write(loaded + " account" + (loaded == 1?"":"s") + " loaded" + (failed == 0?"":" (" + failed + " failed)") + "."); }
public Server(TextWriter log) { this.log = log; Name = "Custom Minecraft server"; Motd = "Welcome to my custom Minecraft server!"; Public = false; Verify = true; Slots = 16; Help = "&eTo show a list of commands, type '/help commands'."; listener.AcceptEvent += Accept; heartbeat = new Heartbeat(this); updateThread = new Thread(UpdateBodies); lua = new Lua(this); Commands = new Command.List(this); Groups = new Group.List(); Accounts = new Account.List(); Queue = new UpdateQueue(this); }
internal void Load(Group.List groups) { accounts.Clear(); this.groups = groups; int loaded = 0; int failed = 0; int cursor = Console.CursorLeft; if (!Directory.Exists("accounts")) { return; } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles("accounts","*."+host.Extension)) { string name = file.Substring(9,file.Length-host.Extension.Length-10); Account account = Account.Load(groups,name); if (account==null) { failed++; } else { loaded++; accounts.Add(,account); } Console.Write(loaded+" account"+(loaded==1?"":"s")+" loaded"+(failed==0?"":" ("+failed+" failed)")+"."); Console.CursorLeft = cursor; } Console.Write(loaded+" account"+(loaded==1?"":"s")+" loaded"+(failed==0?"":" ("+failed+" failed)")+"."); }