예제 #1
파일: RAPI.cs 프로젝트: SayHalou/ospy
        private void HandleRapiHandshake()
            RAPIConnectionState state = RAPIConnectionState.HANDSHAKE;

            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
            TransactionNode parentNode, node;
            string str;
            UInt32 val;

            // Read and verify the initial request
            UInt32 initialRequest = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            if (initialRequest != NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE && initialRequest != NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY)
                logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, unknown initial request {0}", initialRequest);

            node = new TransactionNode((initialRequest == 0) ? "RAPIInitialHandshake" : "RAPIConnectionStart");
            node.Description = node.Name;

            node.AddField("InitialRequest", (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE) ? "NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE" : "NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY", "Initial request.", slices);

            // Now it's our turn
            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE)
                UInt32 firstPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPing", firstPing, "First ping, should be 3.", slices);

                // And the first pong
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                UInt32 firstPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPong", firstPong, "First pong, should be 4 for older WM5, 6 for newer versions.", slices);

                if (firstPong == 6)
                    // Now we're supposed to send 4 DWORDs
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue1", secondPing, "Second ping value #1, should be 7.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue2", secondPing, "Second ping value #2, should be 8.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue3", secondPing, "Second ping value #3, should be 4.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue4", secondPing, "Second ping value #4, should be 1.", slices);

                    // And the device should reply
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPong", secondPong, "Second pong, should be 4.", slices);

                // Got it

                parentNode = new TransactionNode("RAPIDeviceInfo");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                UInt32 deviceInfoLen = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                UInt32 remainingDevInfoLen = deviceInfoLen;
                parentNode.AddField("Length", deviceInfoLen, "Device info length.", slices);

                if (deviceInfoLen > MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH)
                    logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, length of the device info package should be below {0}, was {1}", MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH, deviceInfoLen);

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "DeviceInfo");

                Guid guid = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16, slices));
                str = String.Format("{{0}}", guid.ToString());
                node.AddField("DeviceGUID", str, "Device GUID.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 16;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMajor", val, "OS version, major.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMinor", val, "OS version, minor.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceNameLength", val, "Device name length (in characters, not bytes).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                // calculate the string size in unicode, with terminating NUL word
                val = (val + 1) * 2;
                str = stream.ReadCStringUnicode((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceName", str, "Device name.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= val;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceVersion", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device version.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceProcessorType", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device processor type.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Unknown1", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Counter or a flag? ANDed with 0xFFFFFFFE in the code (should take a closer look at this).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("CurrentPartnerId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current partner id.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current device id. Lives in HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Services\\Partners\\<DeviceIdentifier>.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                dw = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("PlatformNameLength", dw, "Platform name length.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;*/

                // Don't swallow the 4 last
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)remainingDevInfoLen, slices);
                node.AddField("UnknownData1", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Unknown device info data.", slices);

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("PasswordMask", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Password mask. Non-zero if a password is set.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                state = (val != 0) ? RAPIConnectionState.AUTH : RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

                // Now it's our turn
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = parentNode;
                state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

            // Add the last node for each case

            while (state == RAPIConnectionState.AUTH)
                parentNode = new TransactionNode("RAPIAuthAttempt");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Request");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Length", val, "Authentication data length.", slices);

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("Data", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Authentication data.", slices);

                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Response");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Success", (val != 0) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", "Whether the authentication attempt was successful.", slices);


                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                if (val != 0)
                    state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;