public byte[] method_13(byte[] byte_0, string string_0) { byte[] array = new byte[byte_0.Length]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0) && (byte_0.Length >= 1)) { string text1 = string_0 + "#"; try { byte_0.CopyTo(array, 0); Class100 class2 = new Class100(); string[] strArray = string_0.Split(new char[] { ';' }); if ((strArray != null) && (strArray.Length >= 1)) { array = this.method_16(array, new byte[] { Convert.ToByte(strArray.Length) }); for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { string[] strArray2 = strArray[i].Split(new char[] { ',' }); if ((strArray2 != null) && (strArray2.Length > 0)) { Class96 class3 = new Class96 { FPDM = strArray2[0], FPNO = strArray2[1] }; class3 = class2.method_3(Class97.dataTable_0, class3.FPNO, class3.FPDM); string dZSYH = "0"; if ((class3 != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(class3.DZSYH)) { dZSYH = class3.DZSYH; Class101.smethod_0("组装密文地址索引号:fpdm:" + strArray2[0] + " fphm:" + strArray2[1] + " dzsyh:" + dZSYH); } else { Class101.smethod_0("组装密文地址索引号--fprow为null或者空:fpdm:" + strArray2[0] + " fphm:" + strArray2[1]); dZSYH = this.method_12(strArray2[1], strArray2[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dZSYH)) { Class101.smethod_0("组装密文无地址索引号--补0:fpdm:" + strArray2[0] + " fphm:" + strArray2[1]); dZSYH = "0"; } } byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(dZSYH)); bytes = this.method_17(bytes); array = this.method_16(array, bytes); } } return(array); } Class101.smethod_1("(发票下载)组装地址索引号异常:受理序列号为空"); return(array); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(发票下载)组装地址索引号异常:" + exception.ToString()); array = byte_0; } return(array); } Class101.smethod_1("(发票下载)组装地址索引号异常:受理序列号为空"); return(array); }
public void method_1(bool bool_2, bool bool_3) { try { this.dateTime_0 = DateTime.Now; string str = string.Empty; if (bool_2 || (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count < Class87.int_0)) { if (((Class94.dictionary_0 != null) && bool_2) && (HttpsSender.TestConnect(Class94.dictionary_0, out str) != 0)) { Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)不进行发票上传,原因:" + str); } else { Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)开始,是否在主线程运行:" + bool_2); this.method_0(bool_2, bool_3, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)结束,是否在主线程运行:" + bool_2); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("发票上传异常!" + exception.ToString()); } }
public string method_19(string string_0) { string str = "s"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) { Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)通过受理序列号查询fpzl:" + string_0); try { Dictionary <string, object> parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameter.Add("SLXLH", string_0); str = this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <string>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.GetFPZLBySLXLH", parameter); switch (str) { case null: case "": Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)通过受理序列号查询fpzl不存在!初始化为s"); str = "s"; break; } Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)通过受理序列号查询fpzl:" + str); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("获取发票上传时间异常!" + exception.ToString()); } } return(str); }
public Dictionary <string, string> method_4(DataRow dataRow_0, string string_0) { if (dataRow_0 == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { dictionary.Add("FPDM", dataRow_0["FPDM"].ToString()); dictionary.Add("FPHM", dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString()); dictionary.Add("BSZT", dataRow_0["FPStatus"].ToString()); if (string_0 == "up") { dictionary.Add("BSRZ", this.method_5(dataRow_0["FPDM"].ToString(), int.Parse(dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString()).ToString())); } else { dictionary.Add("BSRZ", this.method_6(dataRow_0["FPDM"].ToString(), int.Parse(dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString()).ToString())); } string str = string.Empty; if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("ZYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "s"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("PTFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "c"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("HYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "f"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("JDCFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "j"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("DZFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "p"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("JSFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "q"; } else { str = dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString(); } dictionary.Add("FPZL", str); Class101.smethod_0("组装Linux开票服务器dict:FPDM-" + dataRow_0["FPDM"].ToString() + " FPHM-" + dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString() + " fpzl-" + str + " bszt-" + dataRow_0["FPStatus"].ToString() + " bsrz-" + dictionary["BSRZ"]); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("组装Linux开票服务器dict异常:" + exception.ToString()); } return(dictionary); }
public bool method_1(List <string> sqlID, List <Dictionary <string, object> > param, bool bool_0) { bool flag = false; if (((sqlID != null) && (sqlID.Count >= 1)) && ((param != null) && (param.Count >= 1))) { try { int num = this.ibaseDAO_0.未确认DAO方法1(sqlID.ToArray(), param); if (num > 0) { flag = true; } if (!bool_0 && (num > 0)) { MessageHelper.MsgWait(); Class86.smethod_8(Class95.string_2 + "更新成功,请及时维护" + Class95.string_2 + "库。"); Class95.bool_1 = true; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "更新成功,请及时维护" + Class95.string_2 + "库。"; return(flag); } if (!bool_0 && (num <= 0)) { MessageHelper.MsgWait(); Class86.smethod_7(Class95.string_2 + "更新失败,请选择手动更新或去税局下载更新包导入更新。"); Class95.bool_1 = true; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "更新失败,请选择手动更新或去税局下载更新包导入更新。"; return(flag); } if (num <= 0) { Class95.bool_1 = true; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "更新失败,请选择手动更新或去税局下载更新包导入更新。"; return(flag); } Class95.bool_1 = true; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "更新成功,请及时维护" + Class95.string_2 + "库。"; } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("UpdateSPFLTable异常:" + exception.ToString()); if (!bool_0) { MessageHelper.MsgWait(); Class86.smethod_7(Class95.string_2 + "更新失败,请选择手动更新或去税局下载更新包导入更新:" + exception.Message); } Class95.bool_1 = true; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "更新失败,请选择手动更新或去税局下载更新包导入更新:" + exception.Message; } return(flag); } Class101.smethod_0("sqlid为空或者param为空"); return(flag); }
public string method_11(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2) { string str = "0"; Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)开始获取地址索引号--fpdm:" + string_1 + " fphm:" + string_0); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) { try { string str2 = ""; if (string_2.Equals("ZYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "s"; } else if (string_2.Equals("PTFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "c"; } else if (string_2.Equals("HYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "f"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JDCFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "j"; } else if (string_2.Equals("DZFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "p"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JSFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str2 = "q"; } else { str2 = string_2; } int result = 0; int.TryParse(string_0, out result); Dictionary <string, object> parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameter.Add("FPHM", result); parameter.Add("FPDM", string_1); parameter.Add("FPZL", str2); str = this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <string>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.GetDZSHY", parameter); Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)获取地址索引号结束--fpdm:" + string_1 + " fphm:" + string_0 + " dzsyh:" + str); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("获取发票上传时间异常!" + exception.ToString()); } } return(str); }
public void method_3(string string_0) { try { Class87.string_4 = string_0; this.class90_0.method_0(); this.dateTime_0 = DateTime.Now; this.class90_0.method_1(); Class101.smethod_0("发票上传-批量接口:设置包大小" + Class87.int_3.ToString()); this.method_0(false, false, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string_0); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("在主线程启用上传异常!" + exception.ToString()); } }
public bool method_7(XmlDocument xmlDocument_0, XmlDocument xmlDocument_1) { if ((xmlDocument_0 != null) && (xmlDocument_1 != null)) { Class84 class2 = new Class84(); string str = ""; try { string str2 = string.Empty; string str3 = class2.method_11(xmlDocument_0, ref str, out str2); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string str4 = "已执行发票上传,服务器处理异常"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { str4 = str4 + "。"; } else { str4 = str4 + ",服务器返回错误信息:" + str2; } Class87.string_0 = "-0005"; Class87.string_1 = "服务器处理异常,发票上传失败!"; class2.method_20(xmlDocument_1, str4, 0); Class101.smethod_1("(发票上传):局端处理错误:" + str3); return(false); } Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)开始解析卷票上传结果中序列号"); class2.method_13(xmlDocument_1, str); class2.method_20(xmlDocument_1, "已执行发票上传,发票报送状态已置为报送中。", 3); Class87.string_0 = "0000"; Class87.string_1 = str; return(true); } catch (Exception) { } return(false); } Class101.smethod_1("(发票上传):无返回信息!"); return(false); }
private void method_1() { if (File.Exists(this.string_1)) { File.Delete(this.string_1); } if ((this.string_0 != "") && (this.string_1 != "")) { try { string str = ""; Class101.smethod_0("开始企业信息上传,【企业参数同步】上传报文:" + this.string_0); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0001", this.string_0, out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("企业信息上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class95.bool_0 = false; Class95.string_0 = "企业参数更新失败:" + str; Class95.bool_1 = false; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "同步失败:" + str; if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "0"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = str; } } else { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(str); document.Save(this.string_1); } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("DownloadQYSQXX异常:" + exception.ToString()); } } else { Class101.smethod_0("开始企业参数同步:contentToServer" + this.string_0 + " filename:" + this.string_1); } }
public int method_3(string string_0) { int num = 0; Class101.smethod_0("UpdateBMBBBH version:" + string_0); if (string_0 != "") { try { Dictionary <string, object> parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameter.Add("VERSION", string_0); num = this.ibaseDAO_0.未确认DAO方法2_疑似updateSQL("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.ReplaceSPBMBBBH", parameter); Class101.smethod_0("UpdateBMBBBH version结束:" + num); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("UpdateBMBBBH:" + exception.ToString()); } } return(num); }
private void method_2() { try { Class101.smethod_0("进入beginDownloadTread"); Class87.list_1.Clear(); if (this.bool_0) { this.int_0 = 0; this.int_1 = 0; this.dataTable_0 = this.class100_0.method_4(); } if (((this.dataTable_0 != null) && (this.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= 1)) && ((this.int_0 < this.dataTable_0.Rows.Count) && (this.int_1 < this.dataTable_0.Rows.Count))) { this.int_1 = this.int_0 + 10; if (this.int_1 > this.dataTable_0.Rows.Count) { this.int_1 = this.dataTable_0.Rows.Count; } this.bool_0 = false; this.dataTable_1.Clear(); for (int i = this.int_0; i < this.int_1; i++) { this.dataTable_1.Rows.Add(this.dataTable_0.Rows[i].ItemArray); } this.list_0.Clear(); this.list_0 = this.class84_0.method_5(this.dataTable_1); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); string str = ""; Class101.smethod_0("Begin For Loop : " + this.list_0.Count.ToString()); for (int j = 0; j < this.list_0.Count; j++) { Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)开始下载发票信息!"); Class103.smethod_0(this.list_0[j], "DownMethodToServer" + j); string str2 = this.class84_0.method_28(this.list_0[j]); Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)通过受理序列号得到的票种为:" + str2); if (!str2.Equals("q") && !str2.Equals("JSFP")) { if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0004", this.list_0[j].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) == 0) { goto Label_02AC; } this.class84_0.method_22(this.list_0[j], str, 3); Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)发票下载失败! " + str); continue; } Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)开始卷票上传,原文:" + this.list_0[j].InnerXml); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0030", this.list_0[j].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { this.class84_0.method_22(this.list_0[j], str, 3); Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)发票下载失败! " + str); continue; } Label_02AC: Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程)开始下载发票信息结束,准备解析服务器返回数据:" + str); document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "DownMethodFromServer" + j); Class101.smethod_0("开始调用AnalyzeDownMethodXmlDoc,发送给局端数据:" + this.list_0[j].InnerXml); this.class84_0.method_9(document, this.list_0[j]); } Class88.smethod_1(); Class88.smethod_4(); this.int_0 += 10; } else { this.bool_0 = true; this.dataTable_0.Clear(); this.dataTable_1.Clear(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)发票下载失败!" + exception.ToString()); } }
public bool method_1(Class96 class96_0, Enum10 enum10_0) { if (class96_0 != null) { Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)存临时表开始:fpdm:" + class96_0.FPDM + " fphm:" + class96_0.FPNO + " fpzl:" + class96_0.Fplx + " method:" + enum10_0.ToString()); try { lock (Class97.dataTable_0) { if (enum10_0 == Enum10.Insert) { if (this.method_3(Class97.dataTable_0, class96_0.FPNO, class96_0.FPDM) != null) { return(this.method_1(class96_0, Enum10.Update)); } DataRow row = Class97.dataTable_0.NewRow(); row["FPNO"] = class96_0.FPNO; row["FPDM"] = class96_0.FPDM; row["FPSLH"] = class96_0.FPSLH; row["FPStatus"] = class96_0.FPStatus; row["FPSQHRecieveTime"] = class96_0.FPSQHRecieveTime; row["Fplx"] = class96_0.Fplx; row["FpUploadTime"] = class96_0.FpUploadTime; row["FpNSRSBH"] = class96_0.FpNSRSBH; row["FpSBBH"] = class96_0.FpSBBH; row["FpKPJH"] = class96_0.FpKPJH; row["IsFpUpFailed"] = class96_0.IsFpUpFailed; row["ISFpDownFailed"] = class96_0.ISFpDownFailed; row["isDBUpdated"] = class96_0.Boolean_0; row["ZFBZ"] = class96_0.ZFBZ; row["DZSYH"] = class96_0.DZSYH; Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Add(row); Class97.dataTable_0.AcceptChanges(); return(true); } if (enum10_0 == Enum10.Update) { DataRow[] rowArray = Class97.dataTable_0.Select("FPNO='" + class96_0.FPNO + "' AND FPDM='" + class96_0.FPDM + "' AND FPLX='" + class96_0.Fplx + "'"); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Length >= 1)) { rowArray[0]["FPSLH"] = class96_0.FPSLH; rowArray[0]["FPDM"] = class96_0.FPDM; rowArray[0]["FPStatus"] = class96_0.FPStatus; rowArray[0]["FPSQHRecieveTime"] = class96_0.FPSQHRecieveTime; rowArray[0]["Fplx"] = class96_0.Fplx; rowArray[0]["FpUploadTime"] = class96_0.FpUploadTime; rowArray[0]["FpNSRSBH"] = class96_0.FpNSRSBH; rowArray[0]["FpSBBH"] = class96_0.FpSBBH; rowArray[0]["FpKPJH"] = class96_0.FpKPJH; rowArray[0]["IsFpUpFailed"] = class96_0.IsFpUpFailed; rowArray[0]["ISFpDownFailed"] = class96_0.ISFpDownFailed; rowArray[0]["isDBUpdated"] = class96_0.Boolean_0; rowArray[0]["ZFBZ"] = class96_0.ZFBZ; rowArray[0]["DZSYH"] = class96_0.DZSYH; Class97.dataTable_0.AcceptChanges(); return(true); } return(false); } if (enum10_0 == Enum10.Delete) { DataRow[] rowArray2 = Class97.dataTable_0.Select("FPNO='" + class96_0.FPNO + "' AND FPDM='" + class96_0.FPDM + "' AND FPLX='" + class96_0.Fplx + "'"); if ((rowArray2 != null) && (rowArray2.Length >= 1)) { Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Remove(rowArray2[0]); Class97.dataTable_0.AcceptChanges(); return(true); } return(false); } } Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)存临时表结束:fpdm:" + class96_0.FPDM + " fphm:" + class96_0.FPNO + " fpzl:" + class96_0.Fplx); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("Update UpDownload FpTableInfo Error!" + exception.ToString()); } } return(false); }
public bool method_9(string string_0, string string_1, int int_0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_1)) { try { Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载):发票明文串:" + string_0); string[] strArray = string_0.Split(new char[] { ';' }); Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载):fpxl长度:" + strArray.Length); if ((strArray != null) && (strArray.Length >= 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { Dictionary <string, object> item = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string[] strArray2 = strArray[i].Split(new char[] { ',' }); Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载):fp长度:" + strArray2.Length); if ((strArray2 != null) && (strArray2.Length > 0)) { Class96 class2 = new Class96 { FPDM = strArray2[0], FPNO = strArray2[1] }; Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)解析成功明文开始:" + string_0 + " fpdm:" + strArray2[0] + " fphm:" + strArray2[1]); class2 = this.method_3(Class97.dataTable_0, class2.FPNO, class2.FPDM); if (class2 != null) { Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)解析成功明文-从临时表获取发票信息:" + string_0 + " fpdm:" + class2.FPDM + " fphm:" + class2.FPNO + " fpzl:" + class2.Fplx); class2.FPSQHRecieveTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_1)) { class2.Boolean_0 = false; class2.FPStatus = "1"; if ((int_0 != 0) && (i >= (int_0 - 1))) { class2.FPStatus = "999"; } this.method_1(class2, Enum10.Update); } item.Add("FPDM", class2.FPDM); int result = 0; if (int.TryParse(class2.FPNO, out result)) { item.Add("FPHM", result); } if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.PTFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "c"); } else if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.ZYFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "s"); } else if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.HYFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "f"); } else if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.JDCFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "j"); } else if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.DZFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "p"); } else if (class2.Fplx.Equals(FPLX.JSFP.ToString())) { item.Add("FPZL", "q"); } else { item.Add("FPZL", class2.Fplx); } if ((int_0 != 0) && (i >= (int_0 - 1))) { item.Add("BSRZ", "已执行发票上传结果查询,底层更新发票异常,状态已置为报送失败,请做发票修复以重新上传该发票。"); item.Add("BSZT", 2); } else { item.Add("BSRZ", "已执行发票上传结果查询,发票报送状态已置为已报送。"); item.Add("BSZT", 1); } if (item.Count >= 4) { Class87.list_1.Add(item); } } } } return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("发票上传结果下载接口查询结果解析--对于上传成功的发票 失败!" + exception.ToString()); } } return(false); }
public Class96 method_3(DataTable dataTable_0, string string_0, string string_1) { if ((dataTable_0 == null) || (dataTable_0.Rows.Count < 1)) { return(null); } Class96 class2 = new Class96(); try { DataRow[] rowArray; lock (Class97.dataTable_0) { rowArray = dataTable_0.Select("FPNO='" + string_0 + "' AND FPDM='" + string_1 + "'"); } if ((rowArray == null) || (rowArray.Length < 1)) { return(null); } class2.FpKPJH = rowArray[0]["FpKPJH"].ToString(); class2.FPNO = rowArray[0]["FPNO"].ToString(); class2.FPDM = rowArray[0]["FPDM"].ToString(); class2.FpNSRSBH = rowArray[0]["FpNSRSBH"].ToString(); class2.FpSBBH = rowArray[0]["FpSBBH"].ToString(); class2.FPSLH = rowArray[0]["FPSLH"].ToString(); class2.FPSQHRecieveTime = rowArray[0]["FPSQHRecieveTime"].ToString(); class2.ZFBZ = Convert.ToBoolean(rowArray[0]["ZFBZ"]); Class101.smethod_0("GetOneFpRow--fpdm:" + rowArray[0]["FPDM"].ToString() + " fphm:" + rowArray[0]["FPNO"].ToString() + " fpzl:" + rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString()); int result = -1; if (int.TryParse(rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString(), out result) && (result > -1)) { class2.Fplx = Enum.GetName(typeof(FPLX), result); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "c") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.PTFP.ToString(); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "s") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.ZYFP.ToString(); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "f") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.HYFP.ToString(); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "j") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.JDCFP.ToString(); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "p") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.DZFP.ToString(); } else if (rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString() == "q") { class2.Fplx = FPLX.JSFP.ToString(); } else { class2.Fplx = rowArray[0]["Fplx"].ToString(); } class2.FPStatus = rowArray[0]["FPStatus"].ToString(); class2.FpUploadTime = rowArray[0]["FpUploadTime"].ToString(); class2.IsFpUpFailed = Convert.ToBoolean(rowArray[0]["IsFpUpFailed"]); class2.ISFpDownFailed = Convert.ToBoolean(rowArray[0]["ISFpDownFailed"]); class2.Boolean_0 = Convert.ToBoolean(rowArray[0]["isDBUpdated"]); class2.DZSYH = Convert.ToString(rowArray[0]["DZSYH"]); return(class2); } catch (Exception) { } return(class2); }
public bool method_6(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3) { bool flag = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) { string str = ""; if (string_2.Equals("ZYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "s"; } else if (string_2.Equals("PTFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "c"; } else if (string_2.Equals("HYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "f"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JDCFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "j"; } else if (string_2.Equals("DZFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "p"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JSFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "q"; } else { str = string_2; } int result = 0; int.TryParse(string_0, out result); int num = 0; int.TryParse(string_3, out num); switch (num) { case 0: case 2: case 4: { int num2 = this.method_5(string_0, string_1, string_2); if (num2 >= Class87.int_5) { return(flag); } if (num != 4) { if (num2 < (Class87.int_5 - 1)) { num = 0; } else { num = 2; } } num2++; Dictionary <string, object> parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameter.Add("FPHM", result); parameter.Add("FPDM", string_1); parameter.Add("FPZL", str); parameter.Add("BSZT", num); parameter.Add("BSCS", num2); try { if (this.ibaseDAO_0.未确认DAO方法2_疑似updateSQL("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.SetBSZTAndBSCS", parameter) > 0) { flag = true; Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程-SetFpBSZTAndBSCS)更新数据库:发票号码:" + parameter["FPHM"].ToString().PadLeft(8, '0') + " 发票代码:" + parameter["FPDM"].ToString() + " 发票状态:" + parameter["BSZT"].ToString() + " 报送次数:" + parameter["BSCS"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)更新数据库报送状态和报送次数失败!" + exception.ToString()); } break; } } } return(flag); }
private void method_0(bool bool_2, bool bool_3, string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3) { try { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); UpdateTransMethod wBS = UpdateTransMethod.WBS; string str = string.Empty; this.dateTime_0 = DateTime.Now; this.bool_0 = false; Class87.list_0.Clear(); if (bool_3) { this.int_0 = this.method_5(UpdateTransMethod.BSZ); wBS = UpdateTransMethod.BSZ; } else if (this.int_0 < 1) { this.int_0 = this.method_5(UpdateTransMethod.WBS); wBS = UpdateTransMethod.WBS; } if (Class87.bool_3) { this.int_0 = 1; } else { if (this.int_0 < 1) { this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; this.bool_0 = true; Class101.smethod_0("发票上传:没有需要上传的发票"); return; } if (bool_3) { this.bool_0 = true; } else { this.bool_0 = false; } } if (Class87.bool_3) { this.int_1 = 1; this.int_2 = this.int_0 + 1; } else if ((!bool_2 && !bool_3) && !FormMain.bContinuUpload) { this.int_1++; this.int_2 = this.int_1 + 1; } else { this.int_1 = 1; this.int_2 = this.int_0 + 1; } if (((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_2)) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_3)) { this.int_1 = 1; this.int_2 = 2; wBS = UpdateTransMethod.BszAndWbs; } bool flag = false; int num = this.int_1; while (true) { if (num >= this.int_2) { break; } this.list_0.Clear(); this.list_1.Clear(); this.list_2.Clear(); this.list_3.Clear(); this.list_4.Clear(); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始获取待上传的发票信息"); if (!this.class84_0.method_3(ref this.list_0, ref this.list_1, ref this.list_2, ref this.list_3, ref this.list_4, num, wBS, string_1, string_0, string_2, string_3)) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)没有需要上传的发票信息"); this.bool_0 = true; this.int_0 = 0; this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)获取待上传的发票信息结束"); try { str = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < this.list_0.Count; i++) { if (!bool_2 && (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= Class87.int_0)) { goto Label_0398; } Class103.smethod_0(this.list_0[i], "UpMethodZPToServer" + i); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始专普发票上传"); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0003", this.list_0[i].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)专普发票上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class87.bool_0 = false; int index = str.IndexOf("["); int num3 = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((index > -1) && (num3 > index)) { Class87.string_0 = str.Substring(index + 1, num3 - 1); } if (num3 > 0) { Class87.string_1 = str.Substring(num3 + 1); } else { Class87.string_1 = str; } this.class84_0.method_19(this.list_0[i], "执行发票上传失败,原因:" + str, 0); this.bool_0 = this.bool_0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始解析专普发票上传结果。"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "UpMethodZPFromServer" + i); if (this.class100_0.method_6(document, this.list_0[i])) { Class87.bool_0 = true; this.bool_0 = true; flag = true; Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)专普发票上传结束!"); } } } } goto Label_03A6; Label_0398: this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; Label_03A6: this.list_0.Clear(); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)专普发票上传失败!" + exception.ToString()); } try { str = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < this.list_1.Count; j++) { if (!bool_2 && (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= Class87.int_0)) { goto Label_0575; } Class103.smethod_0(this.list_1[j], "UpMethodHYTOServer" + j); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始上传货运发票!"); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0005", this.list_1[j].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)货运发票上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class87.bool_0 = false; int num6 = str.IndexOf("["); int num7 = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((num6 > -1) && (num7 > num6)) { Class87.string_0 = str.Substring(num6 + 1, num7 - 1); } if (num7 > 0) { Class87.string_1 = str.Substring(num7 + 1); } else { Class87.string_1 = str; } this.class84_0.method_21(this.list_1[j], "f", "执行发票上传失败,原因:" + str, 0); this.bool_0 = this.bool_0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("<上传线程>开始解析货运发票上传结果。"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "UpMethodHYFromServer" + j); if (this.class100_0.method_8(document, this.list_1[j], "f")) { this.bool_0 = true; Class87.bool_0 = true; flag = true; Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)货运发票上传结束!"); } } } } goto Label_0583; Label_0575: this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; Label_0583: this.list_1.Clear(); } catch (Exception exception2) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)货运发票上传失败!" + exception2.ToString()); } try { for (int k = 0; k < this.list_2.Count; k++) { if (!bool_2 && (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= Class87.int_0)) { goto Label_0752; } str = string.Empty; Class103.smethod_0(this.list_2[k], "UpMethodJDCTOServer" + k); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始上传机动车发票!"); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0005", this.list_2[k].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)机动车发票上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class87.bool_0 = false; int num10 = str.IndexOf("["); int num9 = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((num10 > -1) && (num9 > num10)) { Class87.string_0 = str.Substring(num10 + 1, num9 - 1); } if (num9 > 0) { Class87.string_1 = str.Substring(num9 + 1); } else { Class87.string_1 = str; } this.class84_0.method_21(this.list_2[k], "j", "执行发票上传失败,原因:" + str, 0); this.bool_0 = this.bool_0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始解析机动车发票上传结果。"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "UpMethodJDCFromServer" + k); if (this.class100_0.method_8(document, this.list_2[k], "j")) { Class87.bool_0 = true; this.bool_0 = true; flag = true; Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)机动车发票上传结束!"); } } } } goto Label_0760; Label_0752: this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; Label_0760: this.list_2.Clear(); } catch (Exception exception3) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)机动车发票上传失败! " + exception3.ToString()); } try { str = string.Empty; for (int m = 0; m < this.list_3.Count; m++) { if (!bool_2 && (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= Class87.int_0)) { goto Label_0925; } Class103.smethod_0(this.list_3[m], "UpMethodZPToServer" + m); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始电子发票上传"); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0031", this.list_3[m].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)电子发票上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class87.bool_0 = false; int num13 = str.IndexOf("["); int num12 = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((num13 > -1) && (num12 > num13)) { Class87.string_0 = str.Substring(num13 + 1, num12 - 1); } if (num12 > 0) { Class87.string_1 = str.Substring(num12 + 1); } else { Class87.string_1 = str; } this.class84_0.method_19(this.list_3[m], "执行发票上传失败,原因:" + str, 0); this.bool_0 = this.bool_0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始解析电子发票上传结果。"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "UpMethodZPFromServer" + m); if (this.class100_0.method_6(document, this.list_3[m])) { Class87.bool_0 = true; flag = true; this.bool_0 = true; Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)电子发票上传结束!"); } } } } goto Label_0933; Label_0925: this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; Label_0933: this.list_3.Clear(); } catch (Exception exception4) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)电子发票上传失败!" + exception4.ToString()); } try { str = string.Empty; for (int n = 0; n < this.list_4.Count; n++) { if (!bool_2 && (Class97.dataTable_0.Rows.Count >= Class87.int_0)) { goto Label_0B08; } Class103.smethod_0(this.list_4[n], "UpMethodJSFPToServer" + n); Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始卷式发票上传"); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0029", this.list_4[n].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)卷式发票上传失败! " + str.ToString()); Class87.bool_0 = false; int num16 = str.IndexOf("["); int num15 = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((num16 > -1) && (num15 > num16)) { Class87.string_0 = str.Substring(num16 + 1, num15 - 1); } if (num15 > 0) { Class87.string_1 = str.Substring(num15 + 1); } else { Class87.string_1 = str; } this.class84_0.method_20(this.list_4[n], "执行发票上传失败,原因:" + str, 0); this.bool_0 = this.bool_0; } else { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)开始解析卷式发票上传结果。"); Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)上传卷票返回:" + str); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { document.LoadXml(str); Class103.smethod_0(document, "UpMethodZPFromServer" + n); if (this.class100_0.method_7(document, this.list_4[n])) { Class87.bool_0 = true; flag = true; this.bool_0 = true; Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)卷式发票上传结束!"); } } } } goto Label_0B16; Label_0B08: this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; Label_0B16: this.list_4.Clear(); } catch (Exception exception5) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)卷式发票上传失败!" + exception5.ToString()); } } num++; } Class88.smethod_0(); if (Class87.bool_2) { this.class81_0.method_15(); } Class88.smethod_3(); if ((this.int_2 > this.int_0) && (this.int_0 != 1)) { this.int_1 = 0; this.int_2 = 0; this.int_0 = 0; this.bool_0 = true; } if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_2) && !flag)) { Class96 class2 = this.class100_0.method_3(Class97.dataTable_0, string_0, string_1); if ((class2 != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(class2.FPSLH)) { Class87.bool_0 = true; Class87.string_0 = "0000"; Class87.string_1 = class2.FPSLH; } else { Class87.bool_0 = false; Class87.string_0 = "-0007"; Class87.string_1 = "上传失败,未查询到受理序列号!"; } } } catch (Exception exception6) { Class101.smethod_1("<上传线程>发票上传异常:" + exception6.ToString()); } finally { this.list_0.Clear(); this.list_1.Clear(); this.list_2.Clear(); this.list_3.Clear(); this.list_4.Clear(); } }
public bool method_2(string string_0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_0)) { if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "2"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = "企业信息无变化!"; } Class95.bool_0 = false; Class95.string_0 = "企业信息无变化!"; Class101.smethod_0("企业信息无变化,无需更新! "); return(true); } TaxCard card = TaxCard.CreateInstance(CTaxCardType.const_7); try { Class101.smethod_0("企业参数同步前局端信息:" + string_0); byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(string_0); if ((buffer != null) && (buffer.Length >= 1)) { Class101.smethod_0("开始企业参数同步"); card.UpdateCompanyInfo(buffer, Convert.ToUInt32(buffer.Length)); Class101.smethod_0("企业参数同步结束"); string location = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; string path = location.Substring(0, location.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + @"\" + AttributeName.QYXXFileName; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } if (card.RetCode == 0) { Class101.smethod_0("更新企业信息成功! "); if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "3"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = "更新底层信息成功!"; } Class95.string_0 = "更新企业信息成功!"; Class95.bool_0 = true; return(true); } if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "4"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = "更新企业信息失败!"; } Class95.bool_0 = true; Class95.string_0 = "更新企业信息失败! ErrorCode=" + card.RetCode; Class101.smethod_1("更新企业信息失败! ErrorCode=" + card.RetCode); } return(false); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("更新设备企业信息失败!" + exception.ToString()); Class95.bool_0 = true; Class95.string_0 = "更新设备企业信息失败!" + exception.Message; } return(false); }
public Dictionary <string, object> method_0(DataRow dataRow_0) { if (dataRow_0 == null) { return(null); } Class101.smethod_0("getDictWithStatus FPDM:" + dataRow_0["FPDM"].ToString() + " FPHM:" + dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString() + " fpzl:" + dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString() + " BSZT:" + dataRow_0["FPStatus"].ToString()); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (dataRow_0["FPStatus"].ToString() == "999") { dictionary.Add("BSZT", "2"); } else { dictionary.Add("BSZT", dataRow_0["FPStatus"]); } dictionary.Add("FPHM", int.Parse(dataRow_0["FPNO"].ToString())); dictionary.Add("FPDM", dataRow_0["FPDM"]); dictionary.Add("SCSJ", dataRow_0["FpUploadTime"]); string str = string.Empty; if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("ZYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "s"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("PTFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "c"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("HYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "f"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("JDCFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "j"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("DZFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "p"; } else if (dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("JSFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "q"; } else { str = dataRow_0["Fplx"].ToString(); } dictionary.Add("FPZL", str); string str2 = string.Empty; if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataRow_0["ZFBZ"])) { str2 = "1"; } else { str2 = "0"; } dictionary.Add("ZFBZ", str2); return(dictionary); }
public void method_0() { Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程)开始查询下载结果"); this.method_2(); Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程)结束查询下载结果"); }
public void method_1(string string_0) { try { Class84 class2 = new Class84(); class2.method_40(string_0); Class87.list_1.Clear(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("FPSLH", typeof(string)); DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["FPSLH"] = string_0; table.Rows.Add(row); table.AcceptChanges(); this.list_0.Clear(); this.list_0 = this.class84_0.method_5(table); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); string str = ""; int num4 = (this.list_0.Count > 5) ? 5 : this.list_0.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++) { Class103.smethod_0(this.list_0[i], "DownMethodToServer" + i); string str2 = this.class84_0.method_28(this.list_0[i]); Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)通过受理序列号得到的票种为:" + str2); if (!str2.Equals("q") && !str2.Equals("JSFP")) { if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0004", this.list_0[i].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) == 0) { goto Label_023F; } Class87.bool_1 = false; int index = str.IndexOf("["); int num = str.IndexOf("]"); if ((index > -1) && (num > index)) { Class87.string_3 = str.Substring(index + 1, num - 1); } if (num > 0) { Class87.string_2 = str.Substring(num + 1); } else { Class87.string_2 = str; } Class87.xmlDocument_1 = class2.method_26(1); class2.method_22(this.list_0[i], str, 3); continue; } Class101.smethod_0("(发票下载)开始卷票上传,原文:" + this.list_0[i].InnerXml); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0030", this.list_0[i].InnerXml.ToString(), out str) != 0) { class2.method_22(this.list_0[i], str, 3); Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)发票下载失败! " + str); continue; } Label_023F: Class87.bool_1 = true; document.LoadXml(str); if (Class87.bool_2) { XmlDocument document2 = new XmlDocument(); document2.LoadXml(document.InnerXml); Class101.smethod_0("发票下载-批量接口:局端返回报文处理前:" + document2.InnerXml); Class87.xmlDocument_1 = this.class84_0.method_25(document2); Class101.smethod_0("发票下载-批量接口:局端返回报文处理后:" + document2.InnerXml); } Class103.smethod_0(document, "DownMethodFromServer" + i); Class101.smethod_0("开始调用AnalyzeDownMethodXmlDoc-Single"); this.class84_0.method_9(document, this.list_0[i]); } Class88.smethod_1(); Class88.smethod_4(); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("DownLoadBySingle异常:" + exception.ToString()); } }
public int method_9(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2) { int num = 0; string str = ""; if (string_2.Equals("ZYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "s"; } else if (string_2.Equals("PTFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "c"; } else if (string_2.Equals("HYFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "f"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JDCFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "j"; } else if (string_2.Equals("DZFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "p"; } else if (string_2.Equals("JSFP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { str = "q"; } else { str = string_2; } int result = 0; int.TryParse(string_0, out result); Dictionary <string, object> parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameter.Add("FPHM", result); parameter.Add("FPDM", string_1); parameter.Add("FPZL", str); parameter.Add("BSCS", "0"); TaxCard card = TaxCard.CreateInstance(CTaxCardType.const_7); try { Dictionary <int, int> dictionary2 = this.method_10(); int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(card.GetCardClock().ToString("yyyyMM")); int num4 = Convert.ToInt32(this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <int>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.GetSSYF", parameter)); int num5 = Convert.ToInt32(this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <int>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.GetBSQ", parameter)); Class101.smethod_0(string.Concat(new object[] { "发票延签作废:fpdm:", string_1, " fphm:", string_0, " fpzl:", str, " _ssyf:", num4, " _JSPYearAndMonth:", num3, " _BSQ:", num5, " _dictCurrentPeriod[(int)FPLX.DZFP]:", dictionary2[0x33] })); if ((num4 == num3) && (num5 == dictionary2[0x33])) { Class101.smethod_0("延签作废:1"); parameter.Add("BSRZ", "【" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "】验签失败,系统已自动作废该发票,稍后系统会重新上传该张发票!"); num = this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <int>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.SetBSCSAndBSRZ", parameter); object[] objArray2 = ServiceFactory.InvokePubService("Aisino.Fwkp.Fpkj.FPYiKaiZuoFeiWenBenJieKouShareMethods", new object[] { "p", string_1, string_0, 3 }); if (Class87.bool_2) { Class87.string_3 = "-0009"; Class87.string_2 = "验签失败,系统已自动作废该发票,稍后系统会重新上传该张发票!"; return(num); } if ((objArray2 != null) && ((bool)objArray2[0])) { Class101.smethod_0("电子发票延签失败自动作废成功:fpdm:" + string_1 + " fphm:" + string_1); new Class84().method_29(string_1, string_0); Class86.smethod_4(string_1, string_0); return(num); } Class101.smethod_0("电子发票延签失败无法自动作废:fpdm:" + string_1 + " fphm:" + string_1); Class86.smethod_5(string_1, string_0); return(num); } Class101.smethod_0("延签作废:2"); parameter.Add("BSRZ", "【" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "】验签失败,该发票已跨月或者已抄税,系统无法作废该发票,请开红票冲销该张发票!"); num = this.ibaseDAO_0.queryValueSQL <int>("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.SetBSCSAndBSRZ", parameter); if (Class87.bool_2) { Class87.string_3 = "-0008"; Class87.string_2 = "验签失败,该发票已跨月或者已抄税,系统无法作废该发票,请开红票冲销该张发票!"; return(num); } Class101.smethod_0("延签作废:3"); Class86.smethod_5(string_1, string_0); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)设置报送次数失败!" + exception.ToString()); } return(num); }
public bool method_2(ref List <Fpxx> list_0, ref List <Fpxx> list_1, ref List <Fpxx> list_2, ref List <Fpxx> list_3, ref List <Fpxx> list_4, string string_0, UpdateTransMethod updateTransMethod_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3, string string_4) { List <Fpxx> list = new GetFpInfoDal().GetFpInfo(string_0, Class87.int_1.ToString(), updateTransMethod_0, string_2, string_1, string_3, string_4); Class81 class2 = new Class81(); if ((list != null) && (list.Count >= 1)) { Class96 class3 = new Class96(); TaxCard card = TaxCard.CreateInstance(CTaxCardType.const_7); try { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Class101.smethod_0("发票类型:" + list[i].fplx.ToString()); if ((list[i].bszt.ToString() == "3") && !Class87.bool_3) { class3.FpKPJH = card.Machine.ToString(); class3.FPNO = list[i].fphm; class3.FPDM = list[i].fpdm; class3.FpNSRSBH = card.TaxCode; class3.FpSBBH = card.GetInvControlNum(); class3.Fplx = list[i].fplx.ToString(); class3.ISFpDownFailed = false; class3.IsFpUpFailed = false; class3.Boolean_0 = true; class3.FpUploadTime = this.class81_0.method_1(class3.FPNO, class3.FPDM, class3.Fplx).ToString(); class3.FPSQHRecieveTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); class3.FPSLH = class2.method_3(class3.FPNO, class3.FPDM, class3.Fplx); string str = this.class81_0.method_2(class3.FPNO, class3.FPDM, class3.Fplx); class3.DZSYH = list[i].dzsyh; Class101.smethod_0("(发票上传)上传报送中发票--fpdm:" + list[i].fpdm + " fphm:" + list[i].fphm + " dzsyh:" + list[i].dzsyh + " zfbz:" + str + " fpslh:" + class3.FPSLH); if (str.Equals("1")) { class3.ZFBZ = true; } else if (str.Equals("0")) { class3.ZFBZ = false; } else { class3.ZFBZ = list[i].zfbz; } if ((class3.FPSLH != null) && !(class3.FPSLH == "")) { class3.FPStatus = list[i].bszt.ToString(); } else { class3.FPStatus = "0"; } this.method_1(class3, Enum10.Insert); } else if ((list[i].fplx != FPLX.PTFP) && (list[i].fplx != FPLX.ZYFP)) { if (list[i].fplx == FPLX.HYFP) { list_1.Add(list[i]); } else if (list[i].fplx == FPLX.JDCFP) { list_2.Add(list[i]); } else if (list[i].fplx == FPLX.DZFP) { list_3.Add(list[i]); } else if (list[i].fplx == FPLX.JSFP) { list_4.Add(list[i]); } } else { list_0.Add(list[i]); } Class101.smethod_0("发票上传:fpdm:" + list[i].fpdm + " 发票号码:" + list[i].fphm.ToString() + " 发票种类:" + list[i].fplx.ToString() + " 报送状态:" + list[i].bszt.ToString()); } return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(上传线程)分发发票信息表到上传线程表出错!" + exception.ToString()); } finally { list.Clear(); list = null; } Class101.smethod_0("(上传线程)分发发票信息表到上传线程表出错!"); return(false); } return(false); }
public void method_0() { try { string location = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; this.string_1 = location.Substring(0, location.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + @"\" + AttributeName.QYXXFileName; XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); if (!Class87.bool_3) { if (File.Exists(this.string_1)) { Class101.smethod_0("更新企业参数同步数据:数据文件已存在。"); document.Load(this.string_1); Class101.smethod_0("更新企业参数同步数据:! " + document.InnerXml); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(document.InnerXml)) { if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "1"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = "服务器端异常,返回信息为空"; } return; } this.class84_0.method_18(document); if (File.Exists(this.string_1)) { File.Delete(this.string_1); } MessageHelper.MsgWait(); Class86.smethod_9(); } document = this.class84_0.method_16(); this.string_0 = document.InnerXml; ThreadStart start = new ThreadStart(this.method_1); new Thread(start).Start(); } else { document = this.class84_0.method_16(); if (document != null) { Class103.smethod_0(document, "OptionToServer"); string str2 = ""; Class101.smethod_0("开始企业信息上传,【企业参数同步】上传报文:" + document.InnerXml); if (HttpsSender.SendMsg("0001", document.InnerXml.ToString(), out str2) != 0) { Class101.smethod_1("企业信息上传失败! " + str2.ToString()); Class95.bool_0 = false; Class95.string_0 = "企业参数更新失败:" + str2; Class95.bool_1 = false; Class95.string_1 = Class95.string_2 + "同步失败:" + str2; if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "0"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = str2; } } else { Class101.smethod_0("企业参数同步,局端返回数据:! " + str2.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { if (Class87.bool_3) { Class87.dictionary_0["UpdateBZ"] = "1"; Class87.dictionary_0["Message"] = "服务器端异常,返回信息为空"; } } else { XmlDocument document2 = new XmlDocument(); document2.LoadXml(str2); Class103.smethod_0(document2, "OptionFromServer"); this.class84_0.method_18(document2); MessageHelper.MsgWait(); Class86.smethod_9(); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("更新企业参数信息失败!" + exception.ToString()); } }
public static void smethod_1() { try { lock (Class97.dataTable_0) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); List <Dictionary <string, object> > parameter = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); List <Dictionary <string, object> > list3 = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); Class89 class2 = new Class89(); IBaseDAO baseDAOSQLite = BaseDAOFactory.GetBaseDAOSQLite(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > list4 = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); TaxCard card = TaxCard.CreateInstance(CTaxCardType.const_7); DataRow[] rowArray = Class97.dataTable_0.Select("(FPStatus = '0' OR FPStatus = '2' OR FPStatus = '4') AND isDBUpdated=false"); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Length >= 1)) { Class81 class3 = new Class81(); foreach (DataRow row in rowArray) { if (row["FPStatus"].ToString() == "0") { list.Add("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.UpdateFpStatus"); parameter.Add(class2.method_0(row)); list.Add("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.replaceFPSLH"); parameter.Add(class2.method_1(row)); } else { if (!row["Fplx"].ToString().Equals("DZFP")) { class3.method_6(row["FPNO"].ToString(), row["FPDM"].ToString(), row["Fplx"].ToString(), row["FPStatus"].ToString()); } list.Add("Aisino.Framework.MainForm.UpDown.DeleteFPSLH"); parameter.Add(class2.method_1(row)); } list3.Add(class2.method_2(row)); if (card.SubSoftVersion == "Linux") { list4.Add(class2.method_4(row, "down")); } } if (card.SubSoftVersion == "Linux") { string str = new Class84().method_30(list4); Class101.smethod_0("发送给Linux服务器端数据:" + str); Class101.smethod_0("GeneralCmdHandle返回:" + card.GeneralCmdHandle("C028", str)); string errCode = card.ErrCode; Class101.smethod_0(string.Concat(new object[] { "ErrorCode:", errCode, " retCode:", card.RetCode })); string messageInfo = MessageManager.GetMessageInfo(errCode); Class101.smethod_0("RetCode:" + card.RetCode); Class101.smethod_0("底层返回信息:ErrCode:" + errCode + " 描述信息:" + messageInfo); if (((card.RetCode == 0) && (baseDAOSQLite.未确认DAO方法1(list.ToArray(), parameter) > 0)) && (list3.Count >= 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < list3.Count; i++) { class2.method_3(list3[i]); Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程)更新数据库:发票代码:" + list3[i]["FPDM"].ToString() + " 发票号码:" + list3[i]["FPHM"].ToString() + " 报送状态:" + list3[i]["BSZT"].ToString()); } } } else if ((baseDAOSQLite.未确认DAO方法1(list.ToArray(), parameter) > 0) && (list3.Count >= 1)) { for (int j = 0; j < list3.Count; j++) { class2.method_3(list3[j]); Class101.smethod_0("(下载线程)更新数据库:发票代码:" + list3[j]["FPDM"].ToString() + " 发票号码:" + list3[j]["FPHM"].ToString() + " 报送状态:" + list3[j]["BSZT"].ToString()); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Class101.smethod_1("(下载线程)批量更新数据库(0-2)失败!" + exception.ToString()); } }