//adds a new country to the database if it is not already in it public static void createLand(string land) { using (DBEntities dbConnection = new DBEntities()) { List<Land> foundLand = dbConnection.Land.Where(x => x.landName.Equals(land)).ToList(); if (foundLand.Count > 0) { } else { Land newLand = new Land(); newLand.landName = land; dbConnection.Land.Add(newLand); dbConnection.SaveChanges(); } } }
//creates a new city in the database if it is not already in it public static void createStadt(string stadt, int plz, string land) { using (DBEntities dbConnection = new DBEntities()) { List<Land> foundLand = dbConnection.Land.Where(x => x.landName.Equals(land)).ToList(); int landID; Land newLand = new Land(); if (foundLand.Count > 0) { landID = foundLand.First().landID; } else { newLand.landName = land; dbConnection.Land.Add(newLand); dbConnection.SaveChanges(); landID = newLand.landID; } List<Stadt> foundStadt = dbConnection.Stadt.Where(x => x.stadtName.Equals(stadt)).ToList(); Stadt newStadt = new Stadt(); if (foundStadt.Count > 0) { } else { newStadt.stadtName = stadt; newStadt.stadtPLZ = plz; newStadt.landID = landID; dbConnection.Stadt.Add(newStadt); dbConnection.SaveChanges(); } } }