public void AddRelatedDocument(act_CDAParentDocument relatedDoc) { if (relatedDocument == null) { relatedDocument = new List<act_CDAParentDocument>(); } relatedDocument.Add(relatedDoc); }
static void DummyMain(string[] args) { ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02 doc = new ClinicalDocument_POCD_MT010011GB02(); // Initialise the CDA document. #region set up entry class // Set up some config options doc.Config.SchemaLocation = @"../../../SchemaLibrary/Schemas/POCD_MT000002UK01.xsd"; // Create the document //doc.SetDocumentCodeSnomedCTComposition("25581000000101", "310061009", "Discharge from Gynaecology Service"); doc.SetDocumentCodeLocal("DISCH001", "Emergency Care Discharge", ""); doc.Title = "Discharge Report from Gynaecology Services Department"; doc.SetEffectiveTime(DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:00:42")); doc.ConfidentialityCode = CDAConfidentialityCode.Normal; doc.Id = new Guid("A709A442-3CF4-476E-8377-376500E829C9"); doc.SetId = new Guid("411910CF-1A76-4330-98FE-C345DDEE5553"); doc.VersionNumber = 1; #endregion // Create and add the "Record Target" participation - this is the details of the individual that the CDA // document is for ( i.e. the patient ). #region Add recordTarget :: TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal rt = new TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal(); rt.AddPatientIdLocalNumber("K12345", "RA9:SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST"); rt.AddPatientIdNhsTraced("1234567891"); rt.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "99a County Lodge", StreetLine2 = "Woodtown", City = "Cheshire", Postcode = "CH7 FS1", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress, UseablePeriod = new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Now, High = DateTime.Now } } ); rt.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "Hightown Retirement Home", StreetLine2 = "2, Brancaster Road", StreetLine3 = "Medway", City = "Kent", Postcode = "ME5 FL5", Use = AD_AddressUse.PhysicalVisit } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 775667" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.None, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 775667" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.VacationHome, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "01634 451628" } ); rt.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); rt.SetPatientBirthTime(new DateTime(1949, 1, 1), TS_Precision.Day); rt.SetPatientGenderCode(TP145201GB01_PatientUniversal.administrativeGender.Male); PN_Helper patient_name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Mark", Family = "Smith", Use = PN_NameUse.Preferred }; rt.SetPatientName(patient_name); rt.SetPatientLanguageCode("en"); rt.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396F", "Medway Medical Practice"); rt.AddOrgTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); rt.SetOrgStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "Springer Street", StreetLine2 = "Medway", Postcode = "ME5 5TY", Use = AD_AddressUse.WorkPlace } ); doc.SetRecordTarget(rt); #endregion // // Add some document authors using templates // #region Add author :: TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal author = new TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal(); author.SetAuthorIdSDS("userid"); author.SetAuthorCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "OOH02", "Nurse Practitioner"); author.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.AnsweringService, URI = "0123456789" } ); author.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Fax, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.EmergencyContact, URI = "1111456789" } ); author.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Clinic", StreetLine2 = "23a, The High Street", StreetLine3 = "Someplace", City = "SomeTown", Postcode = "AA12 3TT", Use = AD_AddressUse.WorkPlace } ); author.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Dr", Given1 = "Mary", Given2 = "Louise", Family = "Jones", Suffix = "O.B.E.", Use = PN_NameUse.PreviousBirth } ); author.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("5L399", "Medway NHS Foundation Trust"); doc.AddAuthor(author, new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 00, 0, 0)); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal authorDevice = new TP145207GB01_AuthorDeviceUniversal(); authorDevice.SetAuthorIdNull(); authorDevice.SetManufacturerModelName("Motiva", "GT2001", "name goes here"); authorDevice.SetSoftwareName("Software name goes here"); authorDevice.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("XX123", "Test Trust Name"); doc.AddAuthor(authorDevice, new DateTime(2009, 05, 18, 00, 01, 0, 0)); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal authorWG = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); authorWG.SetId("1.2.826.0.1285.", "102016309999"); authorWG.SetCode("ABC123", "Care Team"); authorWG.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { URI = "*****@*****.**", Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.VacationHome } ); authorWG.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); PN_Helper authorWG_name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mrs", Given1 = "Jessica", Given2 = "Jane", Family = "Brown", Suffix = "OBE" }; authorWG.SetPersonName(authorWG_name); doc.AddAuthor(authorWG, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion #region Add author :: TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal authorNNP = new TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal(); authorNNP.SetAuthorIdNull(); authorNNP.SetAuthorCode("NR0620", "Staff Nurse"); authorNNP.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); doc.AddAuthor(authorNNP, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion // // Add the data enterer // #region Add dataEnterer TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal de = new TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal(); de.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "100"); PN_Helper this_name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Steve", Family = "Stafford" }; de.SetPersonName(this_name); doc.AddDataEnterer(de); #endregion // // Add the data informant // #region Add informant TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity informant = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); informant.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); informant.SetStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Laurels", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); informant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); informant.SetTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); doc.AddInformant(informant); #endregion // // Add the data custodian // #region Add custodian TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal custodian = new TP145018UK03_CustodianOrganizationUniversal(); custodian.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("SL3", "Medway NHS Foundation Trust"); doc.SetCustodian(custodian); #endregion // // Add the recipients of the document ( there are two in this example ) // #region Add Information Recipient(s) #region TP145202GB01 TP145202GB01_RecipientPersonUniversal recipient1 = new TP145202GB01_RecipientPersonUniversal(); recipient1.SetJobRoleCode("NR0600", "Specialist Nurse Practitioner"); recipient1.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "1234512345"); PN_Helper name = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Terence", Family = "Hall" }; recipient1.SetPersonName(name); recipient1.SetJobRoleCode("AA1122", "Job Role goes here"); recipient1.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396A", "Medway PCT"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient1); #endregion #region TP145202GB02 TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal recipient2 = new TP145202GB02_RecipientPersonUniversal(); recipient2.SetJobRoleCode("NR0260", "General Medical Practitioner"); recipient2.SetIdNull(); recipient2.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" } ); recipient2.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient2.SetAddress( new AD_Helper() { StreetLine1 = "The Vicarage", StreetLine2 = "Oak Lane", City = "Pleasant Town", Postcode = "AA11 1ZZ" } ); recipient2.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddTrackerInformationRecipient(recipient2); #endregion #region TP145203GB02 TP145203GB02_RecipientOrganizationUniversal recipient3 = new TP145203GB02_RecipientOrganizationUniversal(); name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" }; recipient3.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient3.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "0113 2000000" } ); recipient3.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient3); #endregion #region TP145203GB03 TP145203GB03_RecipientOrganizationUniversal recipient4 = new TP145203GB03_RecipientOrganizationUniversal(); name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Pauline", Family = "Shelley" }; recipient4.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); recipient4.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper() { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Telephone, URI = "0113 2000000" } ); recipient4.SetAddress( new AD_Helper() { StreetLine1 = "The Vicarage", StreetLine2 = "Oak Lane", City = "Pleasant Town", Postcode = "AA11 1ZZ" } ); recipient4.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("W123A", "Medway Medical Practice"); doc.AddPrimaryInformationRecipient(recipient4); #endregion #region TP145204GB02 TP145204GB02_RecipientWorkgroupUniversal recipient5 = new TP145204GB02_RecipientWorkgroupUniversal(); #endregion #endregion // // Add the document authenticator // #region Add authenticator TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal authenticator = new TP145205GB01_PersonUniversal(); authenticator.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "100"); PN_Helper this_auth_name = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Bruce", Family = "Berresford" }; authenticator.SetPersonName(this_auth_name); doc.AddAuthenticator(authenticator, new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 15, 0, 0)); #endregion // // Add extra participations // #region Add participant TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal participant = new TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal(TP145214GB01_DocumentParticipantUniversal.ClassCode.Assigned); participant.AddId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "000000000"); participant.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "Medway PCT"); participant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Bill Lydon" } ); doc.AddParticipant(participant, CDAParticipationType.WIT, CDAParticipationFunction.ADMPHYS); TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity template_participant2 = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); // Set the person relationship type for the participant template_participant2.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); // Set the name of the participant template_participant2.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Hector Maynard" } ); // Add the participant template to the CDA document, specifying type of participation. doc.AddParticipant(template_participant2, CDAParticipationType.CALLBCK); #endregion // // Add authrozation/consent // #region Add authrozation/consent TP146226GB02_Consent auth = new TP146226GB02_Consent(); auth.AddId(Guid.NewGuid()); auth.SetCode(OIDStore.OIDCodeSystemSnomedCT, "319951000000105", "consent given to share patient data with specified third party"); doc.AddAuthorization(auth); TP146226GB02_Consent auth2 = new TP146226GB02_Consent(); auth2.AddId("AA234KL", "XX00:ABC NHS TRUST"); auth2.SetCodeSnomedCT("319951000000105", "consent given to share patient data with specified third party"); doc.AddAuthorization(auth2); #endregion // // Add a Service Event // #region Add a service event #region #1 TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent template_serviceEvent = new TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent(TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent.ActCode.PROC); // Add the GUID id for the service event. template_serviceEvent.AddId(new Guid("8371D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023103CF")); // Add a code ( SNOMED ) for the type of service event being described. template_serviceEvent.SetCodeSnomedCT("73761001", "colonoscopy"); // Add a timespan for the service event. template_serviceEvent.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/05/19 20:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); // Add a 'performer' using template :: TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal template_serviceEventPerformer1 = new TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal(); // No id available so use a NULL template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetIdNull(); // Add the performer's name template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Given1 = "Joe", Family = "Bloggs" } ); // Set the performer's organisation template_serviceEventPerformer1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("8785675885765767", "xx organisation"); // Add the performer to the service event template // Note : This is very clunky, needs to be fixed in a future release. template_serviceEvent.AddPerformer( template_serviceEventPerformer1, nhs.itk.hl7v3.cda.classes.p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.PRF, null ); #endregion // Add the service event template to the CDA document. doc.AddDocumentationOf(template_serviceEvent); #region #2 TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent se = new TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent(TP146227GB02_ServiceEvent.ActCode.PROC); se.AddId(new Guid("8371D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023103CF")); se.SetCode(OIDStore.OIDCodeSystemSnomedCT, "73761001", "colonoscopy"); se.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/12 09:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/04/12 09:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal serviceEventPerformer1 = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); serviceEventPerformer1.SetId("1.2.826.0.1285.", "102016309999"); serviceEventPerformer1.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "01", "CHC Team"); serviceEventPerformer1.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("V396AA", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); PN_Helper seName = new PN_Helper() { Given1 = "Mary", Family = "Mooney" }; serviceEventPerformer1.SetPersonName(seName); se.AddPerformer( serviceEventPerformer1, p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.PRF, p_performer_000091.participationFunction.MDWF, new IVLTS_Helper() { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/08/12 09:45"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Second, } ); se.AddPerformer( serviceEventPerformer1, p_performer_000091.serviceEventPerformer.SPRF, null ); #endregion //doc.AddDocumentationOf(se); #endregion // // Add the encompassing encounter // #region Add the encompassing encounter TP146228GB01_EncompassingEncounter ee = new TP146228GB01_EncompassingEncounter(); // // Populate the entry class // ee.AddId(new Guid("3D3B95B5-24AA-42ED-9F77-BE7ECEB78C3E")); ee.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "11429006", "Consultation"); ee.SetEffectiveTime( new IVLTS_Helper { Low = new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 19, 45, 0), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Second, High = new DateTime(2011, 05, 19, 20, 15, 0), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Second } ); ee.SetDischargeDispositionCodeNull(); #region location :: TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal // // Populate the location (health care facility) participation // TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal hcf = new TP145211GB01_HealthCareFacilityUniversal(); hcf.AddId("", "testID001"); hcf.AddLocalId("MyLocalID002", "ZZ1:MY TEST TRUST"); hcf.SetCareSettingTypeCode("313161000000107", "Example Care Setting"); hcf.SetPlaceName("The Acme Care Clinic"); //hcf.SetPlaceNameNullNI(); hcf.SetPlaceAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "ACME House", StreetLine2 = "45 New Lane", StreetLine3 = "Someplace", City = "SomeTown", Postcode = "KL12 9HY", Use = AD_AddressUse.PostalAddress } ); hcf.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("XX123", "Test Trust Name"); ee.SetLocationTemplate(hcf); #endregion #region encounterParticipant :: TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal att_part = new TP145212GB02_WorkgroupUniversal(); att_part.SetId("", "myId00002"); att_part.SetCodeNull(); //att_part.SetCode("code001"); att_part.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); att_part.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); ee.AddEncounterParticipantTemplate( att_part, p_participation_000089.EncounterParticipationType.Consultant, new IVLTS_Helper { Low = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/12 09:00"), LowPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute, High = DateTime.Parse("2011/04/12 09:45"), HighPrecision = TS_Precision.Minute } ); ee.AddEncounterParticipantTemplate( att_part, p_participation_000089.EncounterParticipationType.Referrer ); #endregion #region responsibleParty :: TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversa TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal respParty = new TP145210GB01_PersonWithOrganizationUniversal(); //respParty.AddId(new HL7V3_II(HL7V3_NullType.NoInformation)); respParty.SetIdNull(); respParty.SetCode("R0100", "Medical Director"); PN_Helper this_name1 = new PN_Helper() { Prefix = "Mr", Given1 = "Dave", Family = "Donaldson" }; respParty.SetPersonName(this_name1); respParty.SetOrgSDSOrgCode("VDE232323", "Medway South Out of Hours Centre"); ee.SetResponsiblePartyTemplate(respParty); #endregion // doc.AddComponentOf(ee); #endregion // // Add a related parent document // #region Add a related parent document act_CDAParentDocument pd1 = new act_CDAParentDocument(); pd1.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); pd1.SetId = Guid.NewGuid(); pd1.VersionNumber = 2; // pd1.SetCodeSnomedCT("185291000000100", "Emergency Department Report"); doc.AddRelatedDocument(pd1); #endregion // // Add the structured text // #region Add Structured Text TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS1 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection(); sTextDS1.Title = "Document Section"; sTextDS1.Text = "<content>Some Text</content>"; sTextDS1.Id = "E27F4264-C005-4BC3-BFA1-57C3E64B30B7"; #region Create/Add Author TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal text_author = new TP145200GB01_AuthorPersonUniversal(); text_author.AddAuthorId("2.16.840.1.113883.", "101"); text_author.SetAuthorCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "OOH02", "Nurse Practitioner"); text_author.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Mary", Given2 = "Molly", Family = "McDonald" } ); text_author.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("AB345", "Medway South Out of Hours Centre"); sTextDS1.SetAuthorTemplate(text_author, new DateTime(2007, 08, 01, 20, 11,12)); #endregion doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS1); TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS2 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection() { Title = "Document Section", Text = "<content>Some Text</content>", Id = "773110DB-288F-4B32-8DE1-362646A65E9A" }; doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS2); TP146229GB01_TextSection sTextDS3 = new TP146229GB01_TextSection() { Title = "Document Section", Text = "<content>Some Text</content>", Id = "8271D2F1-123F-4A14-A1AC-C6C8023203CF" }; sTextDS3.section.Add( new TP146229GB01_TextSection.TextSubSection() { Text = "<content>SUB SECTION TEXT</content>", Id = Guid.NewGuid() } ); doc.AddStructuredBodyTemplate(sTextDS3); #endregion // // Add a "ReferenceURL" Coded entry // #region Entry : ReferenceURL TP146248GB01_ReferenceURL entryURL = new TP146248GB01_ReferenceURL(); entryURL.SetCodeURL(); //entryURL.SetCode("2.16.840.1.113883.", "01", "URL"); entryURL.SetId(new Guid("7DAC2CE0-AE1A-11EC-98EE-B18E1E0994CD")); entryURL.SetReferenceURL(""); string entryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); doc.AddEntryTemplate(entryURL); #endregion // // Add an "Attachment" Coded entry // #region Entry : Attachment TP146224GB02_Attachment entryAttachement = new TP146224GB02_Attachment(); entryAttachement.SetId(Guid.NewGuid()); entryAttachement.SetAttachmentB64("text/xml", "../../TestData/anAttachment.xml"); #region attachment:subject TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject subject = new TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject(); subject.AddStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Lodge", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); subject.AddTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); subject.AddPersonName( new PN_Helper { UnstructuredName = "Bill Lydon" } ); subject.AddPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Tabitha", Family = "Taylor", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); subject.SetBirthTime(new DateTime(1949, 2, 1), TS_Precision.Day); subject.SetGenderCode(TP145213GB01_RelatedSubject.administrativeGender.Male); entryAttachement.AddSubjectTemplate(subject, CDATargetAwareness.MarginallyAware); #endregion #region attachment:author TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal att_author = new TP145208GB01_AuthorNonNamedPersonUniversal(); att_author.SetAuthorIdNull(); att_author.SetAuthorCode("NR0620", "Staff Nurse"); att_author.SetOrgSDSSiteCode("V396", "East Cheshire NHS Trust"); entryAttachement.SetAuthorTemplate(att_author, DateTime.Parse("2010/10/20 15:15:00")); #endregion #region attachment:informant TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity att_informant = new TP145007UK03_RelatedEntity(); att_informant.SetPersonRelationTypeCode("01", "Spouse"); att_informant.SetStructuredAddress( new AD_Helper { StreetLine1 = "The Laurels", StreetLine2 = "Pleasant Village", StreetLine3 = "Niceplace", City = "LovelyTown", Postcode = "AA22 9LJ", Use = AD_AddressUse.HomeAddress } ); att_informant.SetPersonName( new PN_Helper { Prefix = "Miss", Given1 = "Abigail", Family = "Anderson", Use = PN_NameUse.None } ); att_informant.SetTelecom( new TEL_Helper { Type = TEL_TelecomType.Email, Use = TEL_TelecomUse.Home, URI = "*****@*****.**" } ); entryAttachement.SetInformantTemplate(att_informant); #endregion doc.AddEntryTemplate(entryAttachement); #endregion // // Create the CDA XML document at the specififed file location. // doc.CreateXML("NewTestCDA.xml"); }