예제 #1
        // Construction.  The preconditions for calling the constructor are
        // 1 <= degree && degree < numControls <= numSamples - degree - 1.
        // The samples points are contiguous blocks of 'dimension' double values
        // stored in sampleData.
        public BSplineCurveFit(Vector3[] sampleData, int degree, int numControls)
            this.numSamples  = sampleData.Length;
            this.sampleData  = sampleData;
            this.degree      = degree;
            this.numControls = numControls;
            this.controlData = new Vector3[numControls];

            Debug.Assert(1 <= degree && degree < numControls, "Invalid degree.");
            Debug.Assert(sampleData != null, "Invalid sample data.");
            Debug.Assert(numControls <= this.numSamples - degree - 1, "Invalid number of controls.");

            BasisFunctionInput input = new BasisFunctionInput();

            input.NumControls                 = numControls;
            input.Degree                      = degree;
            input.Uniform                     = true;
            input.Periodic                    = false;
            input.NumUniqueKnots              = numControls - degree + 1;
            input.UniqueKnots                 = new UniqueKnot[input.NumUniqueKnots];
            input.UniqueKnots[0].T            = 0.0;
            input.UniqueKnots[0].Multiplicity = degree + 1;

            int    last   = input.NumUniqueKnots - 1;
            double factor = 1.0 / last;

            for (int i = 1; i < last; ++i)
                input.UniqueKnots[i].T            = factor * i;
                input.UniqueKnots[i].Multiplicity = 1;
            input.UniqueKnots[last].T            = 1.0;
            input.UniqueKnots[last].Multiplicity = degree + 1;
            this.basisFunction = new BasisFunction(input);

            // Fit the data points with a B-spline curve using a least-squares
            // error metric.  The problem is of the form A^T*A*Q = A^T*P,
            // where A^T*A is a banded matrix, P contains the sample data, and
            // Q is the unknown vector of control points.
            double tMultiplier = 1.0 / (this.numSamples - 1.0);
            double t;
            int    i0, i1, i2, imin, imax;

            // Construct the matrix A^T*A.
            int          degp1    = this.degree + 1;
            int          numBands = this.numControls > degp1 ? degp1 : this.degree;
            BandedMatrix ATAMat   = new BandedMatrix(this.numControls, numBands, numBands);

            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls; i0++)
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < i0; i1++)
                    ATAMat[i0, i1] = ATAMat[i1, i0];

                int i1Max = i0 + this.degree;
                if (i1Max >= this.numControls)
                    i1Max = this.numControls - 1;

                for (i1 = i0; i1 <= i1Max; i1++)
                    double value = 0.0;
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < this.numSamples; i2++)
                        t = tMultiplier * i2;
                        this.basisFunction.Evaluate(t, 0, out imin, out imax);
                        if (imin <= i0 && i0 <= imax && imin <= i1 && i1 <= imax)
                            double b0 = this.basisFunction.GetValue(0, i0);
                            double b1 = this.basisFunction.GetValue(0, i1);
                            value += b0 * b1;
                    ATAMat[i0, i1] = value;

            // Construct the matrix A^T.
            double[] ATMat = new double[this.numControls * this.numSamples];

            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls; i0++)
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.numSamples; i1++)
                    t = tMultiplier * i1;
                    this.basisFunction.Evaluate(t, 0, out imin, out imax);
                    if (imin <= i0 && i0 <= imax)
                        ATMat[i0 * this.numSamples + i1] = this.basisFunction.GetValue(0, i0);

            // Compute X0 = (A^T*A)^{-1}*A^T by solving the linear system
            // A^T*A*X = A^T.
            bool solved = ATAMat.SolveSystem(ref ATMat, this.numSamples);

            Debug.Assert(solved, "Failed to solve linear system.");

            // The control points for the fitted curve are stored in the
            // vector Q = X0*P, where P is the vector of sample data.
            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls; i0++)
                Vector3 Q = this.controlData[i0];
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.numSamples; i1++)
                    Vector3 P      = this.sampleData[i1];
                    double  xValue = ATMat[i0 * this.numSamples + i1];
                    Q += xValue * P;

                this.controlData[i0] = Q;

            // TRANSLATION NOTE
            // In the original code the first and last controls are set to the same position of the sample data
            // but the purpose of fitting a curve that averages the points of the sample data I do not expect that
            // the first and last controls are exactly int the same positions as the first and last points of the sample data
            // A similar situation we have with the BSplineReduction class but vice versa.
            // The original code do not set the first and last points to be the same as the original control points,
            // but in this case I expect them to be the same.
            // END

            // Set the first and last output control points to match the first
            // and last input samples.  This supports the application of
            // fitting keyframe data with B-spline curves.  The user expects
            // that the curve passes through the first and last positions in
            // order to support matching two consecutive keyframe sequences.
            //this.controlData[0] = this.sampleData[0];
            //this.controlData[this.controlData.Length - 1] = this.sampleData[this.sampleData.Length - 1];
예제 #2
        // Support for explicit creation in classes that have std::array
        // members involving BasisFunction.  This is a call-once function.
        public void Create(BasisFunctionInput input)
            Debug.Assert(input.NumControls >= 2, "Invalid number of control points.");
            Debug.Assert(1 <= input.Degree && input.Degree < input.NumControls, "Invalid degree.");
            Debug.Assert(input.NumUniqueKnots >= 2, "Invalid number of unique knots.");

            this.numControls = input.Periodic ? input.NumControls + input.Degree : input.NumControls;
            this.degree      = input.Degree;
            this.tMin        = 0;
            this.tMax        = 0;
            this.tLength     = 0;
            this.open        = false;
            this.uniform     = input.Uniform;
            this.periodic    = input.Periodic;
            this.jet         = new double[4][][];

            this.uniqueKnots = new UniqueKnot[input.UniqueKnots.Length];
            input.UniqueKnots.CopyTo(this.uniqueKnots, 0);

            double u = this.uniqueKnots[0].T;

            for (int i = 1; i < input.NumUniqueKnots - 1; i++)
                double uNext = this.uniqueKnots[i].T;
                Debug.Assert(u < uNext, "Unique knots are not strictly increasing.");
                u = uNext;

            int mult0 = this.uniqueKnots[0].Multiplicity;

            Debug.Assert(mult0 >= 1 && mult0 <= this.degree + 1, "Invalid first multiplicity.");

            int mult1 = this.uniqueKnots[this.uniqueKnots.Length - 1].Multiplicity;

            Debug.Assert(mult1 >= 1 && mult1 <= this.degree + 1, "Invalid last multiplicity.");

            for (int i = 1; i <= input.NumUniqueKnots - 2; i++)
                int mult = this.uniqueKnots[i].Multiplicity;
                Debug.Assert(mult >= 1 && mult <= this.degree + 1, "Invalid interior multiplicity.");

            this.open = mult0 == mult1 && mult0 == this.degree + 1;

            this.knots = new double[this.numControls + this.degree + 1];
            this.keys  = new Key[input.NumUniqueKnots];
            int sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < input.NumUniqueKnots; i++)
                double tCommon = this.uniqueKnots[i].T;
                int    mult    = this.uniqueKnots[i].Multiplicity;
                for (int k = 0; k < mult; k++, j++)
                    this.knots[j] = tCommon;

                this.keys[i] = new Key(tCommon, sum - 1);
                sum         += mult;

            this.tMin    = this.knots[this.degree];
            this.tMax    = this.knots[this.numControls];
            this.tLength = this.tMax - this.tMin;

            int numRows = this.degree + 1;
            int numCols = this.numControls + this.degree;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                this.jet[i] = new double[numRows][];
                for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++)
                    this.jet[i][j] = new double[numCols];
예제 #3
        // Construction.  The preconditions for calling the constructor are
        //   1 <= degree0 && degree0 + 1 < numControls0 <= numSamples0
        //   1 <= degree1 && degree1 + 1 < numControls1 <= numSamples1
        // The sample data must be in row-major order.  The control data is
        // also stored in row-major order.
        public BSplineSurfaceFit(int degree0, int numControls0, int numSamples0, int degree1, int numControls1, int numSamples1, Vector3[] sampleData)
            Debug.Assert(1 <= degree0 && degree0 + 1 < numControls0, "Invalid degree.");
            Debug.Assert(numControls0 <= numSamples0, "Invalid number of controls.");
            Debug.Assert(1 <= degree1 && degree1 + 1 < numControls1, "Invalid degree.");
            Debug.Assert(numControls1 <= numSamples1, "Invalid number of controls.");
            Debug.Assert(sampleData != null, "Invalid sample data.");

            this.sampleData     = sampleData;
            this.controlData    = new Vector3[numControls0 * numControls1];
            this.degree         = new[] { degree0, degree1 };
            this.numSamples     = new[] { numSamples0, numSamples1 };
            this.numControls    = new[] { numControls0, numControls1 };
            this.basisFunctions = new BasisFunction[2];

            BasisFunctionInput input = new BasisFunctionInput();

            double[] tMultiplier = new double[2];
            int      dim;

            for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++)
                input.NumControls                 = this.numControls[dim];
                input.Degree                      = this.degree[dim];
                input.Uniform                     = true;
                input.Periodic                    = false;
                input.NumUniqueKnots              = this.numControls[dim] - this.degree[dim] + 1;
                input.UniqueKnots                 = new UniqueKnot[input.NumUniqueKnots];
                input.UniqueKnots[0].T            = 0.0;
                input.UniqueKnots[0].Multiplicity = this.degree[dim] + 1;
                int    last   = input.NumUniqueKnots - 1;
                double factor = 1.0 / last;
                for (int i = 1; i < last; i++)
                    input.UniqueKnots[i].T            = factor * i;
                    input.UniqueKnots[i].Multiplicity = 1;

                input.UniqueKnots[last].T            = 1.0;
                input.UniqueKnots[last].Multiplicity = this.degree[dim] + 1;
                tMultiplier[dim] = 1.0 / (this.numSamples[dim] - 1.0);

                this.basisFunctions[dim] = new BasisFunction(input);

            // Fit the data points with a B-spline surface using a
            // least-squares error metric.  The problem is of the form
            // A0^T*A0*Q*A1^T*A1 = A0^T*P*A1, where A0^T*A0 and A1^T*A1 are
            // banded matrices, P contains the sample data, and Q is the
            // unknown matrix of control points.
            double t;
            int    i0, i1, i2, imin, imax;

            // Construct the matrices A0^T*A0 and A1^T*A1.
            BandedMatrix[] ATAMat =
                new BandedMatrix(this.numControls[0], this.degree[0] + 1, this.degree[0] + 1),
                new BandedMatrix(this.numControls[1], this.degree[1] + 1, this.degree[1] + 1)

            for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++)
                for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls[dim]; i0++)
                    for (i1 = 0; i1 < i0; i1++)
                        ATAMat[dim][i0, i1] = ATAMat[dim][i1, i0];

                    int i1Max = i0 + this.degree[dim];
                    if (i1Max >= this.numControls[dim])
                        i1Max = this.numControls[dim] - 1;

                    for (i1 = i0; i1 <= i1Max; i1++)
                        double value = 0;
                        for (i2 = 0; i2 < this.numSamples[dim]; i2++)
                            t = tMultiplier[dim] * i2;
                            this.basisFunctions[dim].Evaluate(t, 0, out imin, out imax);
                            if (imin <= i0 && i0 <= imax && imin <= i1 && i1 <= imax)
                                double b0 = this.basisFunctions[dim].GetValue(0, i0);
                                double b1 = this.basisFunctions[dim].GetValue(0, i1);
                                value += b0 * b1;

                        ATAMat[dim][i0, i1] = value;

            // Construct the matrices A0^T and A1^T.  A[d]^T has
            // mNumControls[d] rows and mNumSamples[d] columns.
            double[][] ATMat = new double[2][];
            for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++)
                ATMat[dim] = new double[this.numControls[dim] * this.numSamples[dim]];
                for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls[dim]; i0++)
                    for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.numSamples[dim]; i1++)
                        t = tMultiplier[dim] * i1;
                        this.basisFunctions[dim].Evaluate(t, 0, out imin, out imax);
                        if (imin <= i0 && i0 <= imax)
                            ATMat[dim][i0 * this.numSamples[dim] + i1] = this.basisFunctions[dim].GetValue(0, i0);

            // Compute X0 = (A0^T*A0)^{-1}*A0^T and X1 = (A1^T*A1)^{-1}*A1^T
            // by solving the linear systems A0^T*A0*X0 = A0^T and
            // A1^T*A1*X1 = A1^T.
            for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++)
                bool solved = ATAMat[dim].SolveSystem(ref ATMat[dim], this.numSamples[dim]);
                Debug.Assert(solved, "Failed to solve linear system in BSplineSurfaceFit constructor.");

            // The control points for the fitted surface are stored in the matrix
            // Q = X0*P*X1^T, where P is the matrix of sample data.
            for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.numControls[1]; i1++)
                for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.numControls[0]; i0++)
                    Vector3 sum = Vector3.Zero;
                    for (int j1 = 0; j1 < this.numSamples[1]; j1++)
                        double x1Value = ATMat[1][i1 * this.numSamples[1] + j1];
                        for (int j0 = 0; j0 < this.numSamples[0]; j0++)
                            double  x0Value = ATMat[0][i0 * this.numSamples[0] + j0];
                            Vector3 sample  = this.sampleData[j0 + this.numSamples[0] * j1];
                            sum += x0Value * x1Value * sample;

                    this.controlData[i0 + this.numControls[0] * i1] = sum;
예제 #4
 // Construction and destruction.  The determination that the curve is
 // open or floating is based on the multiplicities.  The 'uniform'
 // input is used to avoid misclassifications due to floating-point
 // rounding errors.  Specifically, the breakpoints might be equally
 // spaced (uniform) as real numbers, but the floating-point
 // representations can have rounding errors that cause the knot
 // differences not to be exactly the same constant.  A periodic curve
 // can have uniform or nonuniform knots.  This object makes copies of
 // the input arrays.
 public BasisFunction(BasisFunctionInput input)
예제 #5
        public BSplineReduction(Vector3[] inControls, int degree, double fraction)
            : this()
            int numSamples = inControls.Length;

            this.sampleData = inControls;
            Debug.Assert(numSamples >= 2 && 1 <= degree && degree < numSamples, "Invalid input.");

            // Clamp the number of control points to [degree+1,quantity-1].
            int numControls = (int)Math.Round(fraction * numSamples);

            if (numControls >= numSamples)
                this.controlData = inControls;

            if (numControls < degree + 1)
                numControls = degree + 1;

            // Set up basis function parameters.  Function 0 corresponds to
            // the output curve.  Function 1 corresponds to the input curve.
            this.degree      = degree;
            this.quantity[0] = numControls;
            this.quantity[1] = numSamples;

            for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
                this.numKnots[j] = this.quantity[j] + this.degree + 1;
                this.knot[j]     = new double[this.numKnots[j]];

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i <= this.degree; ++i)
                    this.knot[j][i] = 0.0;

                double denom  = this.quantity[j] - this.degree;
                double factor = 1.0 / denom;
                for (/**/; i < this.quantity[j]; ++i)
                    this.knot[j][i] = (i - this.degree) * factor;

                for (/**/; i < this.numKnots[j]; ++i)
                    this.knot[j][i] = 1.0;

            // Construct matrix A (depends only on the output basis function).
            double value, tmin, tmax;
            int    i0, i1;

            this.mBasis[0] = 0;
            this.mBasis[1] = 0;

            double integrand(double t)
                double value0 = this.F(this.mBasis[0], this.mIndex[0], this.degree, t);
                double value1 = this.F(this.mBasis[1], this.mIndex[1], this.degree, t);
                double result = value0 * value1;


            BandedMatrix A = new BandedMatrix(this.quantity[0], this.degree, this.degree);

            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.quantity[0]; ++i0)
                this.mIndex[0] = i0;
                tmax           = this.MaxSupport(0, i0);

                for (i1 = i0; i1 <= i0 + this.degree && i1 < this.quantity[0]; ++i1)
                    this.mIndex[1] = i1;
                    tmin           = this.MinSupport(0, i1);

                    value     = Integration.Romberg(8, tmin, tmax, integrand);
                    A[i0, i1] = value;
                    A[i1, i0] = value;

            // Construct A^{-1}.
            // scheme to invert A?
            GMatrix invA       = new GMatrix(this.quantity[0], this.quantity[0]);
            bool    invertible = A.ComputeInverse(invA.Elements.Vector);

            Debug.Assert(invertible, "Failed to invert matrix.");

            // Construct B (depends on both input and output basis functions).
            this.mBasis[1] = 1;
            GMatrix B = new GMatrix(this.quantity[0], this.quantity[1]);

            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.quantity[0]; ++i0)
                this.mIndex[0] = i0;
                double tmin0 = this.MinSupport(0, i0);
                double tmax0 = this.MaxSupport(0, i0);

                for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.quantity[1]; ++i1)
                    this.mIndex[1] = i1;
                    double tmin1 = this.MinSupport(1, i1);
                    double tmax1 = this.MaxSupport(1, i1);

                    double[]         interval0 = { tmin0, tmax0 };
                    double[]         interval1 = { tmin1, tmax1 };
                    FIQueryIntervals result    = new FIQueryIntervals(interval0, interval1);
                    if (result.NumIntersections == 2)
                        value = Integration.Romberg(8, result.Overlap[0], result.Overlap[1], integrand);

                        B[i0, i1] = value;
                        B[i0, i1] = 0.0;

            // Construct A^{-1}*B.
            GMatrix prod = invA * B;

            // Allocate output control points.
            // Construct the control points for the least-squares curve.
            this.controlData = new Vector3[numControls];
            for (i0 = 0; i0 < this.quantity[0]; ++i0)
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < this.quantity[1]; ++i1)
                    this.controlData[i0] += inControls[i1] * prod[i0, i1];

            // TRANSLATION NOTE
            // In the original code the first and last controls are not set to the same position of the sample data
            // but when reducing the control points of a curve I expect that
            // the first and last controls are exactly int the same positions as the first and last controls of the original curve
            // A similar situation we have with the BSplineFit class but vice versa.
            // The original code sets the first and last points to be the same as the original control points,
            // but in this case I do not expect them to be the same.
            // END

            // Set the first and last output control points to match the first
            // and last input samples.  This supports the application of
            // reducing keyframe data with B-spline curves.  The user expects
            // that the curve passes through the first and last positions in
            // order to support matching two consecutive keyframe sequences.
            this.controlData[0] = inControls[0];
            this.controlData[this.controlData.Length - 1] = inControls[inControls.Length - 1];

            BasisFunctionInput input = new BasisFunctionInput(numControls, degree);

            this.basisFunction = new BasisFunction(input);