/// <summary> /// Gets the access token of an user that associate with a session and return a JSON Web Token /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">The string that presents the identity of the user</param> /// <param name="sessionID">The string that presents the identity of the associated session</param> /// <param name="roles">The collection that presents the roles that the user was belong to</param> /// <param name="privileges">The collection that presents the access privileges that the user was got</param> /// <param name="key">The key used to encrypt and sign</param> /// <param name="onCompleted">The action to run to modify playload (if needed) when the processing is completed</param> /// <param name="hashAlgorithm">The hash algorithm used to hash and sign (md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd/ripemd160, blake128, blake/blake256, blake384, blake512)</param> /// <returns>A JSON Web Token that presents the access token</returns> public static string GetAccessToken(string userID, string sessionID, IEnumerable <string> roles, IEnumerable <Privilege> privileges, BigInteger key, Action <JObject> onCompleted = null, string hashAlgorithm = "BLAKE256") { var token = new JObject { { "jti", sessionID }, { "uid", userID }, { "rls", (roles ?? new List <string>()).Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToJArray() }, { "pls", (privileges ?? new List <Privilege>()).ToJArray() } }.ToString(Formatting.None); var hash = token.GetHash(hashAlgorithm); var signature = key.Sign(hash); var publicKey = key.GenerateECCPublicKey(); var payload = new JObject { { "iat", DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimestamp() }, { "exp", DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToUnixTimestamp() }, { "nbf", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).ToUnixTimestamp() }, { "jti", publicKey.Encrypt(sessionID.HexToBytes()).ToHex() }, { "uid", userID }, { "atk", publicKey.Encrypt(token, true) }, { "ath", hash.ToHex() }, { "sig", ECCsecp256k1.GetSignature(signature) } }; onCompleted?.Invoke(payload); return(JSONWebToken.Encode(payload, ECCsecp256k1.GetPublicKey(publicKey).ToHex(), hashAlgorithm)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the given authenticate token and return an <see cref="User">UserIdentity</see> object /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticateToken">The JSON Web Token that presents the authenticate token</param> /// <param name="encryptionKey">The passphrase that used to generate the encryption key for decrypting data using AES</param> /// <param name="signKey">The passphrase that used to sign and verify the token</param> /// <param name="expiredAfter">The seconds that the token is expired (default is 60 seconds) </param> /// <param name="onCompleted">The action to run when the processing is completed</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="User">UserIdentity</see> object that presented by the authenticate token</returns> public static User ParseAuthenticateToken(this string authenticateToken, string encryptionKey, string signKey, int expiredAfter = 0, Action <JObject, User> onCompleted = null) { try { // decode JSON Web Token var payload = JSONWebToken.DecodeAsJson(authenticateToken, signKey); var token = payload.ToExpandoObject(); // issued at (expired after XXX seconds) var issuedAt = token.Get <long>("iat"); if (DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimestamp() - issuedAt > (expiredAfter > 0 ? expiredAfter : 60)) { throw new TokenExpiredException(); } // identities var tokenID = token.Get <string>("jti"); var userID = token.Get <string>("uid"); var audienceID = token.Get <string>("aud"); var sessionID = token.Get <string>("sid"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenID) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sessionID) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audienceID) || userID == null) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } sessionID = sessionID.HexToBytes().Decrypt(encryptionKey.GenerateHashKey(256), encryptionKey.GenerateHashKey(128)).ToHex(); if (!tokenID.Equals($"{userID}@{sessionID}".GetHMACBLAKE256(encryptionKey))) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } if (userID.Equals("") && !audienceID.Equals(UtilityService.BlankUUID.GetHMACBLAKE128(signKey))) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } else if (!userID.Equals("") && !audienceID.Equals(userID.GetHMACBLAKE128(signKey))) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } // create user identity var user = new User(userID, sessionID, null, null); // callback onCompleted?.Invoke(payload, user); // return user identity return(user); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TokenExpiredException || ex is InvalidTokenSignatureException || ex is InvalidTokenException) { throw; } throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid authenticate token", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the authenticate token of an user that associate with a session and return a JSON Web Token /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">The string that presents identity of an user</param> /// <param name="sessionID">The string that presents identity of working session that associated with user</param> /// <param name="encryptionKey">The passphrase that used to encrypt data using AES</param> /// <param name="signKey">The passphrase that used to sign the token</param> /// <param name="onCompleted">The action to run when the processing is completed</param> /// <returns>A JSON Web Token that presents the authenticate token</returns> public static string GetAuthenticateToken(string userID, string sessionID, string encryptionKey, string signKey, Action <JObject> onCompleted = null) { var payload = new JObject { { "iat", DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimestamp() }, { "jti", $"{userID}@{sessionID}".GetHMACBLAKE256(encryptionKey) }, { "sid", sessionID.HexToBytes().Encrypt(encryptionKey.GenerateHashKey(256), encryptionKey.GenerateHashKey(128)).ToHex() }, { "aud", (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID) ? UtilityService.BlankUUID : userID).GetHMACBLAKE128(signKey) }, { "uid", userID } }; onCompleted?.Invoke(payload); return(JSONWebToken.Encode(payload, signKey)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the given access token and return an <see cref="User">User</see> object /// </summary> /// <param name="accessToken">The JSON Web Token that presents the access token</param> /// <param name="key">The key used to decrypt and verify</param> /// <param name="onCompleted">The action to run to update user information (if needed) when the processing is completed</param> /// <param name="hashAlgorithm">The hash algorithm used to hash and sign (md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd/ripemd160, blake128, blake/blake256, blake384, blake512)</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="User">User</see> object that presented by the access token</returns> public static User ParseAccessToken(this string accessToken, BigInteger key, Action <JObject, User> onCompleted = null, string hashAlgorithm = "BLAKE256") { try { // decode JSON Web Token var publicKey = key.GenerateECCPublicKey(); var payload = JSONWebToken.DecodeAsJson(accessToken, ECCsecp256k1.GetPublicKey(publicKey).ToHex()); var token = payload.ToExpandoObject(); // times var issuedAt = token.Get <long>("iat").FromUnixTimestamp(); var expiresAt = token.Get <long>("exp").FromUnixTimestamp(); var notBefore = token.Get <long>("nbf").FromUnixTimestamp(); if (DateTime.Now > expiresAt || DateTime.Now < notBefore || issuedAt > expiresAt || issuedAt < notBefore) { throw new TokenExpiredException(); } // identities var tokenID = token.Get <string>("jti"); var userID = token.Get <string>("uid"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenID) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } else { tokenID = key.Decrypt(tokenID.HexToBytes()).ToHex(); } // signature var hash = token.Get <string>("ath").HexToBytes(); var signature = ECCsecp256k1.GetSignature(token.Get <string>("sig")); if (!publicKey.Verify(hash, signature)) { throw new InvalidTokenSignatureException(); } accessToken = key.Decrypt(token.Get <string>("atk"), true); if (!hash.SequenceEqual(accessToken.GetHash(hashAlgorithm))) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Not matched"); } // info of access token token = accessToken.ToExpandoObject(); if (!userID.IsEquals(token.Get <string>("uid")) || !tokenID.IsEquals(token.Get <string>("jti"))) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid identity"); } var roles = token.Get <List <string> >("rls"); var privileges = token.Get <List <Privilege> >("pls"); // create new user identity var user = new User(userID, tokenID, roles, privileges); // callback onCompleted?.Invoke(payload, user); // return user identity return(user); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TokenExpiredException || ex is InvalidTokenSignatureException || ex is InvalidTokenException) { throw; } throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid access token", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Decodes a given JSON Web Token and return the JSON payload /// </summary> /// <param name="token">The JSON Web Token</param> /// <param name="key">The key that were used to sign the JSON Web Token</param> /// <param name="verify">Whether to verify the signature</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="JObject">JObject</see> object that representing the payload</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidTokenSignatureException">Thrown if the verify parameter was true and the signature was NOT valid or if the JWT was signed with an unsupported algorithm</exception> public static JObject DecodeAsJson(string token, string key, bool verify = true) => JObject.Parse(JSONWebToken.Decode(token, key, verify));