public defaultFFplayController(config.config config, Process process, play.Player player) { this.config = config; this.process = process; this.player = player; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); try { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.Location = new Point(int.Parse(config.get("defaultControllerX")), int.Parse(config.get("defaultControllerY"))); // Left = int.Parse(config.get("X")); // Top = int.Parse(config.get("Y")); } catch (Exception e) { util.debugWriteLine(e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace + " " + e.Source + " " + e.TargetSite); } volumeBarArea.Width = int.Parse(config.get("volume")); volumeTip.Text = "音量:" + volumeBarArea.Width; timeLabel.Paint += timeBorderPaint; volumeTip.Paint += volumeTipBorderPaint; muteTip.Paint += muteTipBorderPaint; reconnectTip.Paint += reconnectTipBorderPaint; // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // }
public TimeShiftOptionForm(string[] lastFileTime, string segmentSaveType, config.config config, bool isChase, int prepTime, bool isFmp4) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); this.lastFileTime = lastFileTime; this.segmentSaveType = segmentSaveType; setLastFileTime(lastFileTime); isRenketuLastFile.Visible = (segmentSaveType == "0"); /* * var isUrlList = bool.Parse(config.get("IsUrlList")); * var openListCommand = config.get("openUrlListCommand"); * * isUrlListChkBox.Checked = isUrlList; * openListCommandText.Text = openListCommand; * openListCommandText.Enabled = isUrlList; * * if (bool.Parse(config.get("IsM3u8List"))) * isM3u8RadioBtn.Checked = true; * updateListSecondText.Text = config.get("M3u8UpdateSeconds"); * isOpenListCommandChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsOpenUrlList")); * updateIsM3u8RadioBtn_CheckedChanged(); * updateIsOpenListCommandChkBoxCheckedChanged(); * updateUrlListChkBoxCheckedChanged(); */ isSetVposStartTime.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsVposStartTime")); isAfterStartTimeCommentChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsAfterStartTimeComment")); isBeforeEndTimeCommentChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsBeforeEndTimeComment")); isDeletePosTimeChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("tsIsDeletePosTime")); updateTimeShiftStartTimeChkBox(); updateIsManualEndTimeRadioBtn(); this.config = config; this.isFmp4 = isFmp4; if (isChase) { Text = "追っかけ録画設定"; isFromLastTimeRadioBtn.Visible = false; lastFileInfoLabel.Visible = false; isRenketuLastFile.Visible = false; openLastFileBtn.Visible = false; } if (prepTime > 0) { isOpenTimeBaseStartChkBox.Visible = isOpenTimeBaseEndChkBox.Visible = true; this.prepTime = prepTime; } util.setFontSize(int.Parse(config.get("fontSize")), this, false); }
public VersionForm(config.config config) { this.config = config; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // versionLabel.Text = util.versionStr + " (" + util.versionDayStr + ")"; //communityLinkLabel.Links.Add(0, communityLinkLabel.Text.Length, ""); }
public optionForm(config.config cfg, MainForm form) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; //util.debugWriteLine(p.X + " " + p.Y); InitializeComponent(); //this.Location = p; this.cfg = cfg; this.form = form; nicoSessionComboBox1.Selector.PropertyChanged += Selector_PropertyChanged; // nicoSessionComboBox2.Selector.PropertyChanged += Selector2_PropertyChanged; //setFormFromConfig(); }
public VersionForm(config.config config, MainForm form) { this.config = config; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); this.form = form; // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // versionLabel.Text = util.versionStr + " (" + util.versionDayStr + ")"; //communityLinkLabel.Links.Add(0, communityLinkLabel.Text.Length, ""); util.setFontSize(int.Parse(config.get("fontSize")), this, false); lastVersionLabel.Font = new Font(lastVersionLabel.Font, FontStyle.Italic); }
public TimeShiftOptionForm(string[] lastFileTime, string segmentSaveType, config.config config) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); this.lastFileTime = lastFileTime; this.segmentSaveType = segmentSaveType; if (lastFileTime != null) { lastFileInfoLabel.Text = "(" + lastFileTime[0] + "時間" + lastFileTime[1] + "分" + lastFileTime[2] + "秒まで録画済み)"; } else { lastFileInfoLabel.Text = "(前回の録画ファイルが見つかりませんでした)"; isRenketuLastFile.Enabled = false; isFromLastTimeRadioBtn.Enabled = false; } //isRenketuLastFile.Visible = (segmentSaveType == "0"); updateTimeShiftStartTimeChkBox(); var isUrlList = bool.Parse(config.get("IsUrlList")); var openListCommand = config.get("openUrlListCommand"); isUrlListChkBox.Checked = isUrlList; openListCommandText.Text = openListCommand; openListCommandText.Enabled = isUrlList; if (bool.Parse(config.get("IsM3u8List"))) { isM3u8RadioBtn.Checked = true; } updateListSecondText.Text = config.get("M3u8UpdateSeconds"); isOpenListCommandChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsOpenUrlList")); isSetVposStartTime.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsVposStartTime")); updateIsM3u8RadioBtn_CheckedChanged(); updateIsOpenListCommandChkBoxCheckedChanged(); updateUrlListChkBoxCheckedChanged(); this.config = config; }
public optionForm(config.config cfg, MainForm form) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; //util.debugWriteLine(p.X + " " + p.Y); InitializeComponent(); //this.Location = p; this.cfg = cfg; this.form = form; nicoSessionComboBox1.Selector.PropertyChanged += Selector_PropertyChanged; setBackColor(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(cfg.get("alartBackColor")))); setForeColor(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(cfg.get("alartForeColor")))); util.setFontSize(int.Parse(cfg.get("fontSize")), this, false); }
// private string public optionForm(config.config cfg) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; //util.debugWriteLine(p.X + " " + p.Y); InitializeComponent(); //this.Location = p; this.cfg = cfg; nicoSessionComboBox1.Selector.PropertyChanged += Selector_PropertyChanged; // nicoSessionComboBox2.Selector.PropertyChanged += Selector2_PropertyChanged; setFormFromConfig(); setBackColor(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(cfg.get("recBackColor")))); setForeColor(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(cfg.get("recForeColor")))); }
public commentForm(config.config config, MainForm form) { this.config = config; this.form = form; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); try { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Location = new Point(int.Parse(config.get("defaultCommentFormX")), int.Parse(config.get("defaultCommentFormY"))); Width = int.Parse(config.get("defaultCommentFormWidth")); Height = int.Parse(config.get("defaultCommentFormHeight")); } catch (Exception e) { util.debugWriteLine("comment foerm init " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace + " " + e.Source + " " + e.TargetSite); } commentList.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = commentList.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor; commentList.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Color.FromArgb(114, 114, 114); visitLabel.Text = form.visitLabel.Text; commentLabel.Text = form.commentLabel.Text; if (form.rec.communityNum != null) { communityLabel.Text = form.rec.communityNum; } is184ChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("Is184")); Task.Run(() => connectMessageServer()); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // util.setFontSize(int.Parse(config.get("fontSize")), this, false); }
public PopupForm(RssItem item, config.config config, PopupDisplay pd, int showIndex, AlartInfo ai, bool isTest = false, string poploc = null, int poptime = 0, bool isClickClose = true, bool isTopMost = true, bool isColor = true, double opacity = 0.9) { this.config = config; this.ri = item; this.pd = pd; this.showIndex = showIndex; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); //var dt = DateTime.Now; var dtStr = ""; if (item.pubDate != null && item.pubDate != "") { var dt = DateTime.Parse(item.pubDate); dtStr = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd(ddd) HH:mm") + "開始"; } util.debugWriteLine(dtStr); //var t = "【弾幕歓迎】BOOWY関係リク枠!放送のしかた覚えてるかな?覚えてなかったらごめんlt;(_ _)gt;"; var t = item.title; if (isOkStrWidth(t + " - ")) { t += " - "; } if (isOkStrWidth(t + dtStr)) { t += dtStr; } titleLabel.Text = util.removeTag(t); //titleLabel.Text = (item.isMemberOnly ? "(限定)" : "") + titleLabel.Text; hostNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.hostName); communityNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.comName); descryptionLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.description); //var _Text = item.hostName + "/" + item.comName; if (ai != null && ai.keyword != null && ai.keyword != "") { Text = ai.keyword + "-" + Text; } if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup"))) { BackColor = ai.backColor; ForeColor = ai.textColor; } //Text = Text; if (isTest && isColor) { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 224, 255); ForeColor = Color.Black; } else if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup"))) { BackColor = ai.backColor; ForeColor = ai.textColor; } var url = "" + item.lvId; titleLabel.Links.Add(0, titleLabel.Text.Length, url); if (isTest) { this.isTopMostPara = isTopMost; } else { this.isTopMostPara = bool.Parse(config.get("IsTopMostPopup")); } Opacity = isTest ? (opacity / 100) : double.Parse(config.get("popupOpacity")) / 100; // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // this.isTestClosePopup = isClickClose; this.testPopTime = poptime; this.isTest = isTest; ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1; setAppliMenuVisible(); if (item.isMemberOnly) { ShowIcon = true; var icon = new Icon(util.getJarPath()[0] + "/Icon/lock.ico"); Icon = icon; } }
public TimeShiftOptionForm(string[] lastFileTime, string segmentSaveType, config.config config, bool isChase, int prepTime) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); this.lastFileTime = lastFileTime; this.segmentSaveType = segmentSaveType; if (lastFileTime != null) { lastFileInfoLabel.Text = "(" + lastFileTime[0] + "時間" + lastFileTime[1] + "分" + lastFileTime[2] + "秒まで録画済み)"; } else { lastFileInfoLabel.Text = "(前回の録画ファイルが見つかりませんでした)"; isRenketuLastFile.Enabled = false; isFromLastTimeRadioBtn.Enabled = false; } isRenketuLastFile.Visible = (segmentSaveType == "0"); var isUrlList = bool.Parse(config.get("IsUrlList")); var openListCommand = config.get("openUrlListCommand"); isUrlListChkBox.Checked = isUrlList; openListCommandText.Text = openListCommand; openListCommandText.Enabled = isUrlList; if (bool.Parse(config.get("IsM3u8List"))) { isM3u8RadioBtn.Checked = true; } updateListSecondText.Text = config.get("M3u8UpdateSeconds"); isOpenListCommandChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsOpenUrlList")); isSetVposStartTime.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsVposStartTime")); isAfterStartTimeCommentChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsAfterStartTimeComment")); isBeforeEndTimeCommentChkBox.Checked = bool.Parse(config.get("IsBeforeEndTimeComment")); updateTimeShiftStartTimeChkBox(); updateIsM3u8RadioBtn_CheckedChanged(); updateIsOpenListCommandChkBoxCheckedChanged(); updateUrlListChkBoxCheckedChanged(); updateIsManualEndTimeRadioBtn(); this.config = config; if (isChase) { Text = "追っかけ録画設定"; isFromLastTimeRadioBtn.Visible = false; lastFileInfoLabel.Visible = false; isRenketuLastFile.Visible = false; } if (prepTime > 0) { isOpenTimeBaseStartChkBox.Visible = isOpenTimeBaseEndChkBox.Visible = true; this.prepTime = prepTime; } util.setFontSize(int.Parse(config.get("fontSize")), this, false); }
public SmallPopupForm(RssItem item, config.config config, PopupDisplay pd, int showIndex, AlartInfo ai, bool isTest = false, string poploc = null, int poptime = 0, bool isClickClose = true, bool isTopMost = true, Color[] isColor = null, double opacity = 0.9) { this.config = config; this.ri = item; this.pd = pd; this.showIndex = showIndex; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); //var dt = DateTime.Now; var dtStr = ""; if (item.pubDate != null && item.pubDate != "") { var dt = DateTime.Parse(item.pubDate); dtStr = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd(ddd) HH:mm") + "開始"; } // util.debugWriteLine(dtStr); //var t = "haimasa_qm(歌ってみた)fw"; var t = item.title; if (isOkStrWidth(t + " - ")) { t += " - "; } if (isOkStrWidth(t + dtStr)) { t += dtStr; } titleLabel.Text = util.removeTag(t); //titleLabel.Text = (item.isMemberOnly ? "(限定)" : "") + titleLabel.Text; hostNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.hostName); communityNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.comName); descryptionLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.description); var _Text = util.removeTag(item.hostName + "/" + item.comName); if (ai != null && ai.keyword != null && ai.keyword != "") { _Text = ai.keyword + "-" + _Text; } Text = _Text; if (isTest && isColor != null) { BackColor = isColor[0]; //Color.FromArgb(255,224,255); ForeColor = isColor[1]; //Color.Black; titleLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor; } else if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup"))) { BackColor = ai.backColor; ForeColor = ai.textColor; titleLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor; } var url = "" + item.lvId; titleLabel.Links.Add(0, titleLabel.Text.Length, url); if (isTest) { this.isTopMostPara = isTopMost; } else { this.isTopMostPara = bool.Parse(config.get("IsTopMostPopup")); } Opacity = isTest ? (opacity / 100) : double.Parse(config.get("popupOpacity")) / 100; this.isTestClosePopup = isClickClose; this.testPopTime = poptime; this.isTest = isTest; // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1; setAppliMenuVisible(); if (item.isMemberOnly) { try { ShowIcon = true; var icon = new Icon(util.getJarPath()[0] + "/Icon/lock.ico"); Icon = util.changeIconColor(icon, ColorTranslator.FromHtml(config.get("onlyIconColor"))); } catch (Exception e) { util.debugWriteLine(e.Message + e.Source + e.StackTrace + e.TargetSite); } } }