예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The below section of code is used to get the List of Authors from the Page table and display them in a dropdown box.

            CMSDB            db       = new CMSDB();
            List <HTTP_Page> pageList = new List <HTTP_Page>();

            //Query to select  distinct Authors from the table to be displayed in the dropdown box.
            pageList = db.ListPages("select distinct pageauthor from page;");

            //Code to insert the list of Authors in the dropdown menu 'page_author_list' present in CreatePage.aspx. ***Not a part of the initial wireframe***
            //Using the foreach loop Authors are retrieved from the pageList object and stored in 'ListItem' which will be added to the drop down list.
            foreach (HTTP_Page page in pageList)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text  = page.GetPageAuthor();
                item.Value = page.GetPageAuthor();

            //Adding a final List Item which will be used to 'add new authors' into the table. Clicking this will show another textbox in which new author can be added.
            ListItem newAuthorItem = new ListItem();

            newAuthorItem.Text  = "-------------- Add a new Author --------------";
            newAuthorItem.Value = "New";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Creating an object for the CMSDB file to call its functions.
            CMSDB db = new CMSDB();

            //Query to select the pages which are published
            string query = "select * from page where pagestatus=true";

            //Creating an List of <HTTP_Page> object to hold the List of objects returned by the 'public List<HTTP_Page> ListPages(string query)' method in CMSDB.
            List <HTTP_Page> pageList = db.ListPages(query);

            //Code to insert the HTML markup using the 'InnerHtml' property of the 'UserControlHeading1' div tag
            UserControlHeading1.InnerHtml = "<ul class=\"nav navbar-nav\">";
            foreach (HTTP_Page page in pageList)
                UserControlHeading1.InnerHtml += "<li><a runat=\"server\" href=\"ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + page.GetPageId().ToString() + "\">" + page.GetPageTitle() + "</a></li>";
            UserControlHeading1.InnerHtml += "</ul>";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                //If the page is not being loaded in response to a postBack the ShowPage()
                CMSDB db = new CMSDB();

                // The below section of code is used to get the List of Authors from the Page table and display them in a dropdown box. Similar to CreatePage.aspx.cs
                List <HTTP_Page> pageList = new List <HTTP_Page>();
                pageList = db.ListPages("select distinct pageauthor from page;");
                foreach (HTTP_Page page in pageList)
                    ListItem item = new ListItem();
                    item.Text  = page.GetPageAuthor();
                    item.Value = page.GetPageAuthor();
                ListItem newAuthorItem = new ListItem();
                newAuthorItem.Text  = "-------------- Add a new Author --------------";
                newAuthorItem.Value = "New";

                //Getting the pageid from the Request object
                string pageid = Request.QueryString["pageid"];

                //If pageid is empty the custom error message will be written, otherwise the page details will be fetched from the database and shown in the input fields.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageid))
                    page_update.InnerHtml = "There was an error finding that student.";
                    HTTP_Page page_record = db.ViewPage(Int32.Parse(pageid));
                    page_update.InnerHtml          = page_record.GetPageTitle();
                    page_title.Text                = page_record.GetPageTitle();
                    page_content.Text              = page_record.GetPageContent();
                    page_author_list.SelectedValue = page_record.GetPageAuthor();
                    page_publish_date.Text         = page_record.GetPagePublishDate();
예제 #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Creating a CMSDB object to call the ListPages(String query) function.
            CMSDB db = new CMSDB();

            //Query that will be passed to the ListPages(String query) function.
            String query = "Select * from Page";

            //Code to get the text entered in the searchbox.
            string searchkey = "";

            if (Page.IsPostBack)
                searchkey = page_title_search.Text;
            //If text is entered in the searchbox a 'Where' clause with 'like' is added to the query.
            if (searchkey != "")
                query += " WHERE PAGETITLE like '%" + searchkey + "%' ";

            //Creating an List of <HTTP_Page> object to hold the List of objects returned by the 'public List<HTTP_Page> ListPages(string query)' method in CMSDB.
            List <HTTP_Page> pageList = db.ListPages(query);

            //Code to loop through pageList, which contains a List of HTTP_Page object, and get the required details which will be appeded to the table.
            foreach (HTTP_Page page in pageList)
                //Getting the required fields from each record in the table.
                int    pageid          = page.GetPageId();
                string pagetitle       = page.GetPageTitle();
                string pageauthor      = page.GetPageAuthor();
                string pagepublishdate = page.GetPagePublishDate();
                //Creating a DateTime object to hold the Page Publish Date.
                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(pagepublishdate);
                string   pagepublishstatus = page.GetPagePublishStatus().ToString();

                //Creating a HtmlTableRow object trow which will be used to store a single row and eventually be inserted in the HTML markup's <table id="table1"> tag
                HtmlTableRow trow = new HtmlTableRow();

                //Creating a HtmlTableCell object which will contain individual cells that will be put into the HtmlTableRow tRow that was just created.
                HtmlTableCell cell1 = new HtmlTableCell();
                if (pagepublishstatus.ToLower() == "true")
                    cell1.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + pageid + "\">" + pagetitle + "</a>";
                    cell1.InnerText = pagetitle;
                //Adding the current HtmlTableCell (cell1) in the HttpTableRow tRow.

                //Creating and adding  HtmlTableCell (cell2) in the HttpTableRow tRow.
                HtmlTableCell cell2 = new HtmlTableCell();
                cell2.InnerText = pageauthor;

                //Creating and adding  HtmlTableCell (cell3) in the HttpTableRow tRow.
                HtmlTableCell cell3 = new HtmlTableCell();
                //Displaying the Date in the 'dd/MMM/yyyy' format in the markup by using the ToString function of dateTime.
                cell3.InnerText = date.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");

                //Creating and adding  HtmlTableCell (cell4) in the HttpTableRow tRow.
                HtmlTableCell cell4 = new HtmlTableCell();
                if (pagepublishstatus.ToLower() == "true")
                    cell4.InnerHtml = "<p> Published </p>";
                    cell4.InnerHtml = "<p> Unpublished </p>";

                //Creating and adding  HtmlTableCell (cell5) in the HttpTableRow tRow.
                HtmlTableCell cell5 = new HtmlTableCell();
                if (pagepublishstatus.ToLower() == "true")
                    cell5.InnerHtml += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"View\" onclick=\"location.href='ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + page.GetPageId().ToString() + "'\" class=\"btn btn-primary rowButton\"/>";
                    cell5.InnerHtml += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"View\" onclick=\"location.href='ViewPage.aspx?pageid=" + page.GetPageId().ToString() + "'\" class=\"btn btn-primary rowButton\" disabled/>";
                cell5.InnerHtml += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Edit\" onclick=\"location.href='UpdatePage.aspx?pageid=" + page.GetPageId().ToString() + "'\" class=\"btn btn-primary rowButton\"/>";

                //Adding the current row to the Table