private void FullScreen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow(); foreach (SHDocVw.WebBrowser IE in shellWindows) { if (IE.HWND.Equals(handle.ToInt32())) { doc = IE.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; } } if (doc != null) { mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection elemColl = null; elemColl = doc.getElementsByTagName("button") as mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection; foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement elem in elemColl) { if (elem.getAttribute("class") != null) { if (elem.className == "ytp-size-button ytp-button") {; Console.WriteLine("yy"); break; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 挑入网页加载完毕监听 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Pickwebbrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { string uri = pickWebBrowser.Source.ToString(); if (pickurl.IndexOf(uri) > -1) { //页面加载完毕执行挑入 IHTMLDocument2 pickdoc = (IHTMLDocument2)pickWebBrowser.Document; IHTMLWindow2 pickwin = (IHTMLWindow2)pickdoc.parentWindow; mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = pickWebBrowser.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; var head = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("head").Cast <HTMLHeadElement>().First(); var script = (IHTMLScriptElement)htmlDoc.createElement("script"); script.src = ""; head.appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)script); InjectJs inject = new InjectJs(this.pickWebBrowser); Thread thr = new Thread(() => { //这里还可以处理些比较耗时的事情。 Thread.Sleep(1000);//延时10秒 this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { pickwin.execScript(inject.getOverridePickInJs(), "javascript"); pickwin.execScript("_shy_.alert_close();", "javascript");//关闭弹窗JS pickwin.execScript("selectOpp.getWidget('').select(0,true);", "javascript"); pickwin.execScript("overrDoPick()", "javascript"); })); }); thr.Start(); } }
private void Pin_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { mshtml.HTMLDocument Dom = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)Pin.Document; = "hidden"; //隐藏浏览器的滚动条 Dom.body.setAttribute("scroll", "no"); //禁用浏览器的滚动条 }
/// <summary> /// When the button is clicked, it will execute the Exec method of the /// IOleCommandTarget interface. /// </summary> public int Exec(GUID pguidCmdGroup, int nCmdID, int nCmdexecopt, object[] pvaIn, int pvaOut) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); string user_code; string path = Path.GetTempPath() + "merlin.txt"; using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path)) { user_code = sr.ReadLine(); } mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = ieInstance.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; IHTMLElementCollection head_collect = doc.all.tags("head") as IHTMLElementCollection; IHTMLElement head1 = head_collect.item(null, 0) as IHTMLElement; IHTMLScriptElement script_Element = doc.createElement("script") as IHTMLScriptElement; script_Element.type = "text/javascript"; script_Element.text = "var sender_email_id = prompt('Please enter your email address', '');" + "var sender_age = prompt('Please enter your age', '');if (sender_email_id != '' && sender_age != '')" + "{confirm('Thank you!');var mesg = 'age_group: ' + sender_age + ' ' + 'email_id: ' + sender_email_id;document.getElementById('age_email').value=mesg}"; string asp = "<input type='hidden' id='age_email' value=''>"; doc.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", asp); ((HTMLHeadElement)head1).appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)script_Element); var mesg = doc.getElementById("age_email"); IHTMLInputElement mesgElement = mesg as IHTMLInputElement; send_data = mesgElement.value + ' ' + user_code; websocket = new WebSocket("ws://"); websocket.Opened += new EventHandler(websocket_Opened); websocket.Open(); return(0); }
public static void AutoComplete(DriveInfo foundDrives) { try { SHDocVw.ShellWindows sws = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); foreach (SHDocVw.InternetExplorer iw in sws) { //MessageBox.Show(iw.LocationURL); if (iw.LocationName == "微博-随时随地发现新鲜事" && iw.LocationURL.Contains("")) { //MessageBox.Show(doc.DomDocument.ToString()); mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)iw.Document; //MessageBox.Show(doc.body.toString()); //HtmlDocument d = new HtmlDocument(); //d.Load(doc.documentElement.innerHTML); //MessageBox.Show((doc.getElementsByName("username").length.ToString())); var ih = new IniFiles(foundDrives.RootDirectory + "\\" + "Sec.ini"); NameValueCollection Values = new NameValueCollection(); ih.ReadSectionValues("Blog", Values); ((HTMLInputTextElement)(doc.getElementsByName("username").item(0))).value = Values["User"]; ((HTMLInputTextElement)(doc.getElementsByName("password").item(0))).focus(); ((HTMLInputTextElement)(doc.getElementsByName("password").item(0))).value = Values["Pwd"]; //((HTMLButtonElement)doc.getElementById("btn_login")).click(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } //MessageBox.Show(winTxt); }
void Login_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow(); foreach (SHDocVw.WebBrowser IE in shellWindows) { if (IE.HWND.Equals(handle.ToInt32())) { doc = IE.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; } } if (doc != null) { // Document 속성 읽기 Uri uri = new Uri(doc.url); String host = uri.Host; if (host.Contains(naver) || host.Contains(nid_naver)) { mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection elemColl = null; elemColl = doc.getElementsByTagName("input") as mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection; foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement elem in elemColl) { if (elem.getAttribute("id") != null) { if ( == "id") { elem.setAttribute("value", login_ID); } else if ( == "pw") { elem.setAttribute("value", login_PW); } } else if (elem.getAttribute("title") != null) { if (elem.title == "로그인") {; } } } }/* * else if (host.Contains(daum) || host.Contains(google)) * { * IHTMLElement q = doc.getElementsByName("q").item("q", 0); * q.setAttribute("value", Clipboard.GetText()); * * IHTMLFormElement form_google = doc.forms.item(Type.Missing, 0); * form_google.submit(); * }*/ else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("naver google daum 쓰세요"); } isLogin = false; } }
public static String Search(string name) { buffer1 = new mshtml.HTMLDocument(); buffer2 = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)buffer1; Console.WriteLine("Downloading search page for: {0}", name); string Data = Storage.wc.DownloadString($"{name}"); buffer2.write(Data); // Write all the data to buffer1 so that we can enumerate it. mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection collection; Console.WriteLine("Searching for video-block"); collection = buffer1.getElementsByTagName("li"); //Get all collections with the <li> tag. foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement obj in collection) { if (obj.className == "video-block " || obj.className == "video-block click-hover") //if the element has a classname of "video-block " then we are dealing with a show. { Console.WriteLine("Found video-block!"); node = obj; // set node to object. break; // escape the foreach loop. } } Expressions.vidStreamRegex = new Regex(Expressions.searchVideoRegex); // Don't say anything about parsing html with REGEX. This is a better than importing another library for this case. if (node == null) { return("E"); } Match m = Expressions.vidStreamRegex.Match(node.innerHTML); return(m.Groups.Count >= 1 ? "" + m.Groups[1].Value : "E"); }
//해당 ID와 PW로 로그인하기 public void loginMethod() { dataGridView1.ClearSelection(); dataGridView1.Rows[nextRowIndex].Selected = true; string id = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string pw = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); inputId(id); inputPassword(pw); mshtml.HTMLDocument dd = ie.Document; var divs = dd.getElementsByTagName("div"); foreach (IHTMLElement div in divs) { string divInnterHtml = div.innerText; if (divInnterHtml != null && divInnterHtml.Equals("로그인")) { Console.WriteLine("로그인 버튼 클릭");; Thread.Sleep(5000); mshtml.HTMLDocument dda = ie.Document; var alertP = dda.getElementById("slfErrorAlert"); if (alertP == null) { //로그인 성공 FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); string strData = id + " " + pw; StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8); streamWriter.WriteLine(strData); streamWriter.Close(); fileStream.Close(); return; } //else //{ // FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); // string strData = id + " " + pw; // StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8); // streamWriter.WriteLine(strData); // streamWriter.Close(); // fileStream.Close(); // //로그인 실패 // return; //} } } }
private void webView_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { WebBrowser web = (WebBrowser)sender; //HTMLDocument htmldocument = (HTMLDocument)web.Document; mshtml.HTMLDocument dom = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)web.Document; //定义HTML // = "hidden"; //隐藏浏览器的滚动条 //dom.body.setAttribute("scroll", "no"); //禁用浏览器的滚动条 dom.getElementById("inputText").innerText = "Исключение, которое выбрасывается, в случае возникновения ошибки при работе с сетью."; dom.getElementById("translateBtn").click(); //task2.Wait(1000); Thread.Sleep(1000); var s = web.DataContext; string result = dom.getElementById("translateBtn").outerHTML.ToString(); httpListenner(dom); //webView_DataContextChanged //if (!dom.body.innerHTML.Contains("123456")) //{ // string szTmp = ""; // Uri uri = new Uri(szTmp); // CamWeb.Navigate(uri); //} }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBox1.Items.Add("locating IE with google web page "); _doc = HookingIE.AttachToIEFromWebAddressExample(); _doc.InjectJavascript("alert('TEST')"); button3.Enabled = true; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox1.Items.Add("locating IE with google web page "); if (_doc == null) { _doc = HookingIE.AttachToIEFromWebAddressExample(); } else { listBox1.Items.Add("Document already attached, using corrent document "); } if (_doc == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to locate window with google chrome"); return; } listBox1.Items.Add("IE found attaching load events"); var windowEvts = (_doc.parentWindow as HTMLWindowEvents2_Event); windowEvts.onload += WindowEvtsOnOnload; button3.Enabled = true; // DOMEventHandler onmousedownhandler = new DOMEventHandler(_doc); // onmousedownhandler.Handler += new DOMEvent(Mouse_Down); }
// search input complete void Keyboard_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow(); foreach (SHDocVw.WebBrowser IE in shellWindows) { if (IE.HWND.Equals(handle.ToInt32())) { doc = IE.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; } } if (doc != null) { // Document 속성 읽기 Uri uri = new Uri(doc.url); String host = uri.Host; if (host.Contains("")) { //검색어 셋팅 IHTMLElement q = doc.getElementsByName("search_query").item("search_query", 0); q.setAttribute("value", System.Windows.Clipboard.GetText()); doc.getElementById("search-btn").click(); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("이곳은 유튜브가 아닙니다."); } } }
public void WebBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = webBrowser.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection coll = (mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection)(doc.getElementsByTagName("button")); mshtml.IHTMLElement coll_id_start_explorer = (mshtml.IHTMLElement)(doc.getElementById("id_start_explorer")); mshtml.IHTMLElement coll_id_start_dialog = (mshtml.IHTMLElement)(doc.getElementById("id_start_dialog")); // /* * foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement obj in coll) * { * HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event htmlButtonEvent = obj as HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event; * htmlButtonEvent.onclick += clickElementHandler; * } * //*/ if (coll_id_start_dialog != null) { HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event htmlButtonEvent = coll_id_start_dialog as HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event; htmlButtonEvent.onclick += start_dialog; } if (coll_id_start_explorer != null) { HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event htmlButtonEvent = coll_id_start_explorer as HTMLButtonElementEvents_Event; htmlButtonEvent.onclick += start_explorer; } }
private void webView_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { WebBrowser web1 = (WebBrowser)sender; mshtml.HTMLDocument dom2 = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)web1.Document; //定义HTML string result = dom2.getElementById("outputText").outerText; IHTMLElement element = dom2.getElementById("outputText"); }
void Webbrowser2_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { mshtml.HTMLDocument mhtml = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)Webbrowser2.Document; string html = mhtml.body.innerHTML; IHtmlDocument document = new JumonyParser().Parse(html); IEnumerable <IHtmlElement> result = document.Find("ul").Where(x => x.Identity() == "houselist-mod-new"); IEnumerable <IHtmlElement> result_li = result.Find("li"); IEnumerable <IHtmlElement> result_li1 = document.Find("li>.list-item"); }
public static String extractDownloadUri(string episodeUri) { Console.WriteLine("Extracting Download URL for {0}", episodeUri); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string Data = wc.DownloadString(episodeUri); buffer3 = new mshtml.HTMLDocument(); wc.Dispose(); buffer3.designMode = "off"; buffer4 = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)buffer3; buffer4.write(Data); // beware the hang. Expressions.vidStreamRegex = new Regex(Expressions.videoIDRegex); IHTMLElementCollection col = buffer3.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME"); Match match; string id = null; foreach (IHTMLElement elem in col) { match = Expressions.vidStreamRegex.Match(elem.getAttribute("src")); if (match.Success) { id = match.Groups[0].Value; break; } else { return(null); } } col = null; buffer3.clear(); buffer4.clear(); Task <String> response = Storage.client.GetStringAsync($"{id}"); Expressions.vidStreamRegex = new Regex(Expressions.downloadLinkRegex); match = Expressions.vidStreamRegex.Match(response.Result); if (match.Success) { string ursTruly = match.Groups[0].Value.Replace("\\", string.Empty); int ids = Extensions.indexOfEquals(ursTruly) + 1; if (ursTruly.Contains("goto.php")) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(ursTruly); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; WebResponse res = request.GetResponse(); string s = res.ResponseUri.ToString(); return(s); } else { return(ursTruly); } } return(null); }
public void InjectJSScript(mshtml.HTMLDocument doc, IHTMLScriptElement JavaSCript) { IHTMLElementCollection nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("head"); foreach (IHTMLElement elem in nodes) { var head = (HTMLHeadElement)elem; head.appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)JavaSCript); } }
public void injectScriptCode(mshtml.HTMLDocument doc, string JSCode) { var script = (IHTMLScriptElement)doc.createElement("SCRIPT"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.text = JSCode; InjectJSScript(doc, script); }
void webbrowser1_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { mshtml.HTMLDocument mhtml = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)Webbrowser1.Document; string html = mhtml.body.innerHTML; NewMethod(html, ref fristLoad, ref L_Class); if (shaixuan.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string str = shaixuan.Text.Trim(); L_Class = L_Class.Where(x => x.Address.Contains(str)).ToList <Class1>(); } DataGrid.ItemsSource = L_Class; CB_qy.ItemsSource = Quyulist_58; CB_qy.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; CB_qy.SelectedIndex = CB_qy.SelectedIndex == -1 ? 0 : CB_qy.SelectedIndex; #region 老版本方法 //mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlt =(mshtml.HTMLDocument)Webbrowser1.Document; //if (htmlt.getElementById("verify_code") == null) //{ // page = 1; // Webbrowser1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // DataGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // RoutedEventArgs es = new RoutedEventArgs(); // Button_Click(sender, es); //} //else //{ // var thist = htmlt.getElementById("verify_code").getAttribute("placeholder"); // if ((string)thist != "请输入验证码") // { // page = 1; // Webbrowser1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // DataGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // RoutedEventArgs es = new RoutedEventArgs(); // Button_Click(sender, es); // } //} // msl = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)Webbrowser1.Document; //if (Webbrowser1.Source.ToString() != "") //{ // URL = Webbrowser1.Source.ToString(); // List<Class1> L_Class = new List<Class1>(); // if (GO_58com(L_Class)) // { // return; // } // DataGrid.ItemsSource = L_Class; //} #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 构建鼠标点击事件,同时遍历iframe /// </summary> private void InspectMouseEvent() { mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = browser.WebbrowserObject.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; mshtml.DispHTMLDocument disp = htmlDoc as mshtml.DispHTMLDocument; DHTMLEventHandler onmousedownhandler = new DHTMLEventHandler(htmlDoc); onmousedownhandler.Handler += new DHTMLEvent(Mouse_Down); disp.onmousedown = onmousedownhandler; IHTMLElementCollection col = BrowserExtensions.GetFrames((IHTMLDocument2)htmlDoc); InspectFrameMouseEvent(col); }
public void SetAutoWrap(bool value) { mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = this.wb.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.HTMLDocument; if (doc != null) { mshtml.HTMLBody body = doc.body as mshtml.HTMLBody; if (body != null) { body.noWrap = !value; } } }
//-----------< Source Code Of The Selected Web Page Event >-------------- private void menu_ViewSourceCode(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { swin = new SelectionWindow(); swin.setMainWindow(this); swin.Show(); mshtml.HTMLDocument document = webBrwsrPreview.Document as HTMLDocument; if (document != null) { var x = document.doctype; string source = document.documentElement.innerHTML; swin.Add(source); } }
public int UpdateUI() { if (this.mFullyActive && (this.m_document != null) && (this.container.mDesignMode == true)) { try { mshtml.HTMLDocument thisdoc = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)m_document; //we need IDisplayServices to get the caret position mshtml.IDisplayServices ds = (IDisplayServices)thisdoc; if (ds == null) { return(HRESULT.S_OK); } IHTMLCaret caret; ds.GetCaret(out caret); if (caret == null) { Debug.WriteLine("caret was null"); return(HRESULT.S_OK); } tagPOINT pt = new tagPOINT(); caret.GetLocation(out pt, 1); IHTMLElement el = thisdoc.elementFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y); if (el == null) { Debug.WriteLine("pt was null"); return(HRESULT.S_OK); } container.mcurrentElement = el; container.InvokeUpdateUI(el); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } //should always return S_OK unless error return(HRESULT.S_OK); }
private IEnumerable <string> ParseProxies(mshtml.HTMLDocument document) { foreach (var column in document.getElementsByTagName("td").OfType <IHTMLElement>()) { } /*foreach (IHTMLElement element in document.body.children) * { * if (element.tagName == "table") * { * * } * }*/ return(null); }
void findByKeyword(string keyword) { mshtml.HTMLDocument dd = ie.Document; var buttons = dd.getElementsByTagName("button"); foreach (IHTMLElement button in buttons) { string buttonInnerHtml = button.innerText; if (buttonInnerHtml != null && buttonInnerHtml.Equals(keyword)) {; return; } } }
/// <summary> /// 页面加载完成 /// 注入js /// </summary> private void replaceJs() { mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = webBrower.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument; var head = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("head").Cast <HTMLHeadElement>().First(); var script = (IHTMLScriptElement)htmlDoc.createElement("script"); script.src = ""; head.appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)script); getWinScript(); if (inject == null) { inject = new InjectJs(this.webBrower); } win.execScript(inject.getOverrideJs(), "javascript");//替换JS }
private void InjectDisableScript() { mshtml.HTMLDocument doc2 = (HTMLDocument)ViewWebBrowser.Document; IHTMLScriptElement scriptErrorSuppressed = (IHTMLScriptElement)doc2.createElement("SCRIPT"); scriptErrorSuppressed.type = "text/javascript"; scriptErrorSuppressed.text = DisableScriptError; IHTMLElementCollection nodes = mDocument.getElementsByTagName("head"); foreach (IHTMLElement elem in nodes) { HTMLHeadElement head = (HTMLHeadElement)elem; head.appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)scriptErrorSuppressed); } }
//로그인 버튼 클릭 public void loginButtonClick() { mshtml.HTMLDocument dd = ie.Document; var buttons = dd.getElementsByTagName("button"); foreach (IHTMLElement button in buttons) { string buttonInnerHtml = button.innerText; if (buttonInnerHtml != null && buttonInnerHtml.Equals("로그인")) {; return; } } }
private void confirmDelete() { int flag = 0; /* * if (doc.GetElementById("slrct") != null && doc.GetElementById("slrct").InnerText.IndexOf("삭제하시겠습니까?") > -1) * { * mshtml.HTMLDocument hdom = doc.DomDocument as mshtml.HTMLDocument; * * foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement hel in (mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection)hdom.body.all) * { * if (hel.tagName.ToLower().Equals("input") && hel.getAttribute("type").ToString().ToLower().Equals("image") && hel.getAttribute("accesskey").ToString().ToLower().Equals("s") && hel.getAttribute("alt").ToString().Equals("확인")) * { * nStep = "confirmdelete"; * flag++; *; * break; * } * } * * if (flag == 0) * MessageBox.Show("확인버튼 못찾음"); * } * else * deletelist(); */ mshtml.HTMLDocument hdom = doc.DomDocument as mshtml.HTMLDocument; foreach (mshtml.IHTMLElement hel in (mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection)hdom.body.all) { if (hel.tagName.ToLower().Equals("input") && hel.getAttribute("type").ToString().ToLower().Equals("image") && hel.getAttribute("alt").ToString().Equals("확인")) { nStep = "confirmdelete"; flag++;; break; } } if (flag == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("확인버튼 못찾음"); deletelist(); } }
//첫번째 _8-yf5가 좋아요, 두번째가 댓글달기. //좋아요 버튼 클릭 private void likeButton() { log.Debug("likeButton method start"); mshtml.HTMLDocument document = ie.Document; var svgs = document.getElementsByTagName("svg"); foreach (IHTMLElement svg in svgs) { string svgClassName = svg.className.Trim(); if (svgClassName != null && svgClassName.Equals("_8-yf5")) {; log.Debug("likeButton method end"); return; } } }
private void browser_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e) { try { SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2 doc=e.pDisp as SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2; if (doc==(sender as AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser).GetOcx()) { try { HTMLDocument = (IHTMLDocument2) this.browserControl.Document; this.myDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)HTMLDocument; //this.window2 = (mshtml.IHTMLWindow2)HTMLDocument.parentWindow; //this.window2.onscroll=new mshtml.HTMLWindowEvents2_onscrollEventHandler //mshtml.HTMLWindowEvents2_onscrollEventHandler(this.HTMLWindow_onscroll); // //this.htmlViewerEvent2 -= new htmlViewerEventHandler2(mouseEvent2); // this.htmlViewerEvent2 += new htmlViewerEventHandler2(mouseEvent2); // //this.htmlViewerEvent -= new htmlViewerEventHandler(mouseEvent);//kill the extra event handlers // this.htmlViewerEvent += new htmlViewerEventHandler(mouseEvent); // // this.HTMLDocument.body.onmouseup = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.onclick = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.onselectstart = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.onmousedown = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.onmousemove = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.ondragstart = this; // this.HTMLDocument.body.onmouseout = this; // this.myDocument.oncontextmenu = this; // this.window2.onscroll = this;// //// IHTMLDocument2 HTMLDoc1 = (IHTMLDocument2)this.browserControl.Document; //// IHTMLWindow2 HTMLWin1 = (mshtml.IHTMLWindow2)HTMLDocument.parentWindow; //// this.HTMLWindow.onscroll = new mshtml.HTMLWindowEvents2_onscrollEventHandler(this.HTMLWindow_onscroll); // //mshtml.HTMLWindowEvents2_onscrollEventHandler(this.HTMLWindow_onscroll); // //HTMLWindow.o //Trace.WriteLine("Page is completed"); } catch(Exception ex) { WebMeeting.Client.ClientUI.getInstance().ShowExceptionMessage("Module ::: WebSharing private void browser_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)",ex,"",false); } } } catch(Exception ex) { WebMeeting.Client.ClientUI.getInstance().ShowExceptionMessage("Module ::: WebSharing private void browser_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)",ex,"",false); } }
/// <summary> /// Add document body, turn on design mode on the whole document, /// and overred the context menu /// </summary> private void SetupBrowser() { webBrowser1.DocumentText = "<html lang='" + language + "'><body></body></html>"; doc = webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as mshtmlDocument; doc.designMode = "On"; webBrowser1.Document.ContextMenuShowing += new HtmlElementEventHandler(Document_ContextMenuShowing); }