public static DataTable Get_UserRoles(int id) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_UserRoles "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE ID = @ID "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ID", id) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d(string acShortTitle, string acVATNumber) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM Customers "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE acShortTitle LIKE @acShortTitle and acVATNumber LIKE @acVATNumber "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acShortTitle", acShortTitle), new SqlParameter("@acVATNumber", acVATNumber) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_UserBySession(string pUsername, string pSessionID) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_Users"); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE acUserName = @acUserName and acSesionID = @acSesionID "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acUserName", pUsername), new SqlParameter("@acSesionID", pSessionID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d() { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT TOP 500 * FROM DevicesData "); sSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY ID desc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_w() { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT C.*, P.acTitle as PostTitle, P.acCode as PostCode, Cy.acTitle as CountryTitle FROM Customers C "); sSQL.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN Posts P ON P.anPostID = C.anPostID "); sSQL.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN Countrys Cy ON Cy.anCountryID = C.anCountryID "); sSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY C.acShortTitle asc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d(string acTitle, string acCode) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("select * from Posts where acTitle LIKE @acTitle and acCode LIKE @acCode ORDER BY acTitle asc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acTitle", acTitle), new SqlParameter("@acCode", acCode) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_URoles() { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_URoles "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_UserRoles() { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_UserRoles "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); //SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { // new SqlParameter("@acSystem", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["systemID"]) // }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d(int anCountryID, string acTypeID) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("select * from SubTypes where acTypeID=@id and anCountryID = @anCountryID ORDER BY acTitle asc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@id", acTypeID), new SqlParameter("@anCountryID", anCountryID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_w() { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT S.*, Cy.acTitle as CountryTitle FROM SubTypes S "); sSQL.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN Countrys Cy ON Cy.anCountryID = S.anCountryID "); sSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY S.acTitle asc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d(string acDevID) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("select TOP 500 * from DevicesData where acDevID=@id ORDER BY ID desc "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@id", acDevID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static DataTable Get_d(int anCountryID) { cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM Countrys "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE anCountryID=@id "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@id", anCountryID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); return(lTmpDT); }
public static int Check_UserAccess(string pHash, int pUserID, string pModulGroup, string pModul, Boolean pChLic = true) { int lResponse = 0; // Preveri Klasiko SesionID in UserID cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_Users "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE anUserID = @anUserID and acSesionID = @acSesionID "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acSesionID", pHash), new SqlParameter("@anUserID", pUserID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } if (lTmpDT.Rows.Count > 0) { lResponse = 1; } //if ((lResponse == 1) && (pChLic)) //{ // // Preveri če je pravica do modula // string lCurrModul = pModulGroup + "--" + pModul; // string[] lModules = Convert.ToString(Nastavitve.LicData["Modules"]).Split(','); // if (!lModules.Contains(lCurrModul)) { return 0; } //} return(lResponse); }
public static string Get(string pGroup, string pKey, string pDefaultValue = "") { string lResponse = pDefaultValue; cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lAppName = "Registrations"; string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(lAppName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("select acKeyValue from _mrt_Settings "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE acGroup = @acGroup AND acKey = @acKey "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acGroup", pGroup), new SqlParameter("@acKey", pKey) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } if (lTmpDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow lrow = lTmpDT.Rows[0]; lResponse = (lrow["acKeyValue"].ToString()); } return(lResponse); }
public static void Get_UserLoginData(int pUserID, out string pUserName, out string pUserPassword) { pUserName = ""; pUserPassword = ""; cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("Select * FROM _mrt_Users "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE anUserID = @anUserID "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@anUserID", pUserID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } if (lTmpDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow lrow = lTmpDT.Rows[0]; pUserName = Convert.ToString(lrow["acUserName"]).Trim(); pUserPassword = Convert.ToString(lrow["acPassword"]).Trim(); } }
public static int Get_UserID(string pDivID) { int lResponse = 0; cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("Select ISNULL(anUserID,0) as anUserID FROM _mrt_Clients "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE acClientid = @acClientid and anIsActive = 1 "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@acClientid", pDivID) }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } if (lTmpDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow lrow = lTmpDT.Rows[0]; lResponse = Convert.ToInt32(lrow["anUserID"]); } return(lResponse); }
public static int Get_MaxID() { int lResp = 0; string lErr; cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); lErr = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("select MAX(anPostID) as maxValue from Posts "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lTmpDT.Rows.Count > 0) { lResp = (DBNull.Value.Equals(lTmpDT.Rows[0]["maxValue"])) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(lTmpDT.Rows[0]["maxValue"]); } return(lResp); }
public static int Get_LoggedUsers() { int lresponse = 0; cSettings.GetSettings(""); cSQL lSql = new cSQL(); string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * "); sSQL.AppendLine("FROM _mrt_Users (NOLOCK) WHERE anLogedIn = 1 "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); //SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { // new SqlParameter("@acSystem", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["systemID"]) // }; string lErr; DataTable lTmpDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lErr); } lresponse = lTmpDT.Rows.Count; return(lresponse); }
private int login(string username, string password, string pDivID, int pForceLogin, out string pDT) { int lResponse = -1; pDT = ""; string lUsername, lpassword; _DesktopApp = true; lUsername = username; lpassword = password; // Preveri ali se prijavlja servis, ali uporabnik if ((lUsername.Length == 0) && (pDivID.Length > 0)) { _DesktopApp = false; int lUserID = Uporabniki.Get_UserID(pDivID); if (lUserID > 0) { Uporabniki.Get_UserLoginData(lUserID, out lUsername, out lpassword); } } string lResp = lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); if (lResp.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(lResp); } StringBuilder sSQL = new StringBuilder(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lpassword)) { lpassword = ""; } sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM _mrt_Users "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE acUserName = @username and acPassword = @password "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); sSQL.AppendLine(" "); SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@username", lUsername), new SqlParameter("@password", lpassword) }; string lErr = ""; DataTable lDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow lrow = lDT.Rows[0]; int lUserID = Convert.ToInt32(lrow["anUserID"]); string lUserSessionID = (lrow["acSesionID"].ToString()); bool lUserActive = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anActive"]); bool lAppLogedIn = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anAppLogedIn"]); bool lLogedIn = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anLogedIn"]); pDT = Splosno.SerializeDataTable_json(lDT); if (lUserActive == true) { int maxLic; //int.TryParse(Nastavitve.Get("", "LicNumber", "0"), out maxLic); int.TryParse(Nastavitve.LicData["LicNumberValue"], out maxLic); int currLogedUsers = Uporabniki.Get_LoggedUsers(); bool lCheckLicNumber = Convert.ToBoolean(Nastavitve.LicData["LicNumberCheck"]); if ((!lCheckLicNumber) || (maxLic >= (currLogedUsers + 1))) { if ((lAppLogedIn != true && !lLogedIn) || (pForceLogin == 1)) { string lNewSessionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Če je uporabnik prijavljen v drugem sistemu, ohrani sesionID, da ga ne vržemo ven! //if ((lLogedIn) || (lAppLogedIn)) { lNewSessionID = lUserSessionID; } Set_UserUpdate(lUserID, true, lNewSessionID, _DesktopApp); // Ponovno pridobi podatke o userju z novim sessionid-jem DataTable lDT1 = Uporabniki.Get_UserBySession(lUsername, lNewSessionID); pDT = Splosno.SerializeDataTable_json(lDT1); lSql.ConnectSQL(Splosno.AppSQLName); sSQL.Remove(0, sSQL.Length); sSQL.AppendLine("SELECT UR.acRoleID FROM _mrt_UserRoles UR WITH(NOLOCK) "); sSQL.AppendLine("WHERE (UR.acUserName = @UserName) "); sqlParams = null; sqlParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@UserName", lUsername) }; lDT = null; lDT = lSql.FillDT(sSQL, sqlParams, out lErr); lSql.DisconnectSQL(); if (lDT.Rows.Count > 0) { _pravice = Splosno.SerializeDataTable_json(lDT); } else { _pravice = "[]"; } lrow = lDT1.Rows[0]; _id = Convert.ToInt32(lrow["anUserID"]); _username = Convert.ToString(lrow["acUserName"]); _ime = Convert.ToString(lrow["acFirstName"]); _priimek = Convert.ToString(lrow["acLastName"]); _ModifiedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lrow["adTimeMod"]); _active = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anActive"]); _AppLogedIn = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anAppLogedIn"]); _logged_in = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anLogedIn"]); _SessionID = Convert.ToString(lrow["acSesionID"]); _Email = Convert.ToString(lrow["acEmail"]); _Gsm = Convert.ToString(lrow["acGSM"]); _admin = Convert.ToBoolean(lrow["anAdmin"]); lResponse = 0; } else { lResponse = 103; //Uporabnik je že prijavljen! } } else { lResponse = 102; } } else { lResponse = 101; } } else { lResponse = 100; } return(lResponse); }