public ConfWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; SearchControl.SearchTextBox.TextChanged += SearchTextBox_TextChanged; LoadConf(core.ConfPath); LoadConf(App.ConfPath); LoadSettings(); InitialContent = GetCompareString(); SearchControl.Text = RegistryHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "ConfigEditorSearch"); FilterListBox.SelectedItem = SearchControl.Text.TrimEnd(':'); }
public static void ExecuteMpvCommand() // deprecated 2019 { InvokeOnMainThread(new Action(() => { string command = VB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a mpv command to be executed.", "Execute Command", RegistryHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return; } RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand", command); mp.command(command, false); })); }
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { base.OnClosed(e); RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "ConfigEditorSearch", SearchControl.Text); if (InitialContent == GetCompareString()) { return; } File.WriteAllText(mp.ConfPath, GetContent("mpv")); File.WriteAllText(App.ConfPath, GetContent("mpvnet")); Msg.Show("Changes will be available on next startup."); }
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); SaveWindowProperties(); RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); if (core.IsQuitNeeded) { core.commandv("quit"); } if (!core.ShutdownAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(10000)) { Msg.ShowError("Shutdown thread failed to complete within 10 seconds."); } }
public static void Unregister() { RegistryHelp.RemoveKey($@"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" + ExeFilename); RegistryHelp.RemoveKey($@"HKCR\Applications\" + ExeFilename); RegistryHelp.RemoveKey($@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\"); RegistryHelp.RemoveKey($@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\video\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename); RegistryHelp.RemoveKey($@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\audio\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename); RegistryHelp.RemoveValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications", ""); foreach (string id in Registry.ClassesRoot.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (id.StartsWith(ExeFilenameNoExt + ".")) { Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKeyTree(id); } RegistryHelp.RemoveValue($@"HKCR\Software\Classes\{id}\OpenWithProgIDs", ExeFilenameNoExt + id); RegistryHelp.RemoveValue($@"HKLM\Software\Classes\{id}\OpenWithProgIDs", ExeFilenameNoExt + id); } }
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "PosX", Left + Width / 2); RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "PosY", Top + Height / 2); } RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); if (mp.IsQuitNeeded) { mp.commandv("quit"); } if (!mp.ShutdownAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(10000)) { Msg.ShowError("Shutdown thread failed to complete within 10 seconds."); } }
public static void Register(string[] types) { Types = types; RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" + ExeFilename, null, ExePath); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\Applications\" + ExeFilename, "FriendlyAppName", " media player"); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\Applications\{ExeFilename}\shell\open\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationDescription", " media player"); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationName", ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\video\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename, null, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\audio\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename, null, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications", "", @"SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities"); foreach (string ext in Types) { RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\Applications\{ExeFilename}\SupportedTypes", "." + ext, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, null, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + "." + ext + @"\OpenWithProgIDs", ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext, ""); if (App.VideoTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "video"); } if (App.AudioTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "audio"); } if (App.ImageTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "image"); } RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext + @"\shell\open\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities\FileAssociations", "." + ext, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); } }
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); SaveWindowProperties(); RegistryHelp.SetValue(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); if (mp.IsQuitNeeded) { mp.commandv("quit"); } if (!mp.ShutdownAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(10000)) { Msg.ShowError("Shutdown thread failed to complete within 10 seconds."); } try { // PowerShell 5.1 might not be available foreach (PowerShell ps in PowerShell.Instances) { ps.Runspace.Dispose(); } } catch {} }
public static async void CheckOnline(bool showUpToDateMessage = false) { try { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(RegistryHelp.ApplicationKey, "UpdateCheckLast", DateTime.Now.DayOfYear); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", ""); var response = await client.GetAsync(""); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Match match = Regex.Match(content, @"""mpv\.net-([\d\.]+)-portable\.zip"""); Version onlineVersion = Version.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); Version currentVersion = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version; if (onlineVersion <= currentVersion) { if (showUpToDateMessage) { Msg.Show($"{Application.ProductName} is up to date."); } return; } if ((RegistryHelp.GetString("UpdateCheckVersion") != onlineVersion.ToString() || showUpToDateMessage) && Msg.ShowQuestion( $"New version {onlineVersion} is available, update now?") == MsgResult.OK) { string url = $"{onlineVersion}/{onlineVersion}"; using (Process proc = new Process()) { proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); proc.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File \"{Folder.Startup + "Setup\\update.ps1"}\" \"{url}\" \"{Folder.Startup.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}\""; if (Folder.Startup.Contains("Program Files")) { proc.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; } proc.Start(); } core.command("quit"); } RegistryHelp.SetValue(RegistryHelp.ApplicationKey, "UpdateCheckVersion", onlineVersion.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (showUpToDateMessage) { Msg.ShowException(ex); } } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); try { object recent = RegistryHelp.GetValue(App.RegPath, "Recent"); if (recent is string[] r) { RecentFiles = new List <string>(r); } else { RecentFiles = new List <string>(); } Instance = this; Hwnd = Handle; ConsoleHelp.Padding = 60; core.Init(); core.Shutdown += Shutdown; core.VideoSizeChanged += VideoSizeChanged; core.FileLoaded += FileLoaded; core.Idle += Idle; core.Seek += () => UpdateProgressBar(); core.observe_property("window-maximized", PropChangeWindowMaximized); core.observe_property("window-minimized", PropChangeWindowMinimized); core.observe_property_bool("pause", PropChangePause); core.observe_property_bool("fullscreen", PropChangeFullscreen); core.observe_property_bool("ontop", PropChangeOnTop); core.observe_property_bool("border", PropChangeBorder); core.observe_property_string("sid", PropChangeSid); core.observe_property_string("aid", PropChangeAid); core.observe_property_string("vid", PropChangeVid); core.observe_property_int("edition", PropChangeEdition); core.observe_property_double("window-scale", PropChangeWindowScale); if (core.GPUAPI != "vulkan") { core.ProcessCommandLine(false); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => App.ShowException(e.ExceptionObject); Application.ThreadException += (sender, e) => App.ShowException(e.Exception); Msg.SupportURL = ""; Text = " " + Application.ProductVersion; TaskbarButtonCreatedMessage = WinAPI.RegisterWindowMessage("TaskbarButtonCreated"); ContextMenu = new ContextMenuStripEx(components); ContextMenu.Opened += ContextMenu_Opened; ContextMenu.Opening += ContextMenu_Opening; if (core.Screen == -1) { core.Screen = Array.IndexOf(Screen.AllScreens, Screen.PrimaryScreen); } int targetIndex = core.Screen; Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; if (targetIndex < 0) { targetIndex = 0; } if (targetIndex > screens.Length - 1) { targetIndex = screens.Length - 1; } Screen screen = screens[Array.IndexOf(screens, screens[targetIndex])]; Rectangle target = screen.Bounds; Left = target.X + (target.Width - Width) / 2; Top = target.Y + (target.Height - Height) / 2; if (!core.Border) { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; } int posX = RegistryHelp.GetInt(App.RegPath, "PosX"); int posY = RegistryHelp.GetInt(App.RegPath, "PosY"); if (posX != 0 && posY != 0 && App.RememberPosition) { Left = posX - Width / 2; Top = posY - Height / 2; } if (core.WindowMaximized) { SetFormPosAndSize(1, true); WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } if (core.WindowMinimized) { SetFormPosAndSize(1, true); WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } } catch (Exception ex) { Msg.ShowException(ex); } }
void SetFormPosAndSize(double scale = 1, bool force = false) { if (!force) { if (WindowState != FormWindowState.Normal) { return; } if (core.Fullscreen) { CycleFullscreen(true); return; } } Screen screen = Screen.FromControl(this); int autoFitHeight = Convert.ToInt32(screen.WorkingArea.Height * core.Autofit); if (core.VideoSize.Height == 0 || core.VideoSize.Width == 0 || core.VideoSize.Width / (float)core.VideoSize.Height < App.MinimumAspectRatio) { core.VideoSize = new Size((int)(autoFitHeight * (16 / 9f)), autoFitHeight); } Size videoSize = core.VideoSize; int height = videoSize.Height; if (core.WasInitialSizeSet || scale != 1) { height = ClientSize.Height; } else { int savedHeight = RegistryHelp.GetInt(App.RegPath, "Height"); if (App.StartSize == "always" && savedHeight != 0) { height = savedHeight; } else if (App.StartSize != "video") { height = autoFitHeight; } core.WasInitialSizeSet = true; } height = Convert.ToInt32(height * scale); int width = height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height; int maxHeight = screen.WorkingArea.Height - (Height - ClientSize.Height); int maxWidth = screen.WorkingArea.Width - (Width - ClientSize.Width); if (height < maxHeight * core.AutofitSmaller) { height = Convert.ToInt32(maxHeight * core.AutofitSmaller); width = Convert.ToInt32(height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height); } if (height > maxHeight * core.AutofitLarger) { height = Convert.ToInt32(maxHeight * core.AutofitLarger); width = Convert.ToInt32(height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height); } if (width > maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; height = (int)Math.Ceiling(width * videoSize.Height / (double)videoSize.Width); } Point middlePos = new Point(Left + Width / 2, Top + Height / 2); var rect = new WinAPI.RECT(new Rectangle(screen.Bounds.X, screen.Bounds.Y, width, height)); NativeHelp.AddWindowBorders(Handle, ref rect); int left = middlePos.X - rect.Width / 2; int top = middlePos.Y - rect.Height / 2; Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; int minLeft = screens.Select(val => val.WorkingArea.X).Min(); int maxRight = screens.Select(val => val.WorkingArea.Right).Max(); int minTop = screens.Select(val => val.WorkingArea.Y).Min(); int maxBottom = screens.Select(val => val.WorkingArea.Bottom).Max(); if (left < minLeft) { left = minLeft; } if (left + rect.Width > maxRight) { left = maxRight - rect.Width; } if (top < minTop) { top = minTop; } if (top + rect.Height > maxBottom) { top = maxBottom - rect.Height; } WinAPI.SetWindowPos(Handle, IntPtr.Zero /* HWND_TOP */, left, top, rect.Width, rect.Height, 4 /* SWP_NOZORDER */); }
void SetFormPosAndSize(bool force = false, bool checkAutofit = true) { if (!force) { if (WindowState != FormWindowState.Normal) { return; } if (core.Fullscreen) { CycleFullscreen(true); return; } } Screen screen = Screen.FromControl(this); int autoFitHeight = Convert.ToInt32(screen.WorkingArea.Height * core.Autofit); if (core.VideoSize.Height == 0 || core.VideoSize.Width == 0 || core.VideoSize.Width / (float)core.VideoSize.Height < App.MinimumAspectRatio) { core.VideoSize = new Size((int)(autoFitHeight * (16 / 9f)), autoFitHeight); } Size videoSize = core.VideoSize; int height = videoSize.Height; int width = videoSize.Width; if (App.StartSize == "previous") { App.StartSize = "height-session"; } if (core.WasInitialSizeSet) { if (App.StartSize == "always") { width = ClientSize.Width; height = ClientSize.Height; } else if (App.StartSize == "height-always" || App.StartSize == "height-session") { height = ClientSize.Height; width = height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height; } else if (App.StartSize == "width-always" || App.StartSize == "width-session") { width = ClientSize.Width; height = (int)Math.Ceiling(width * videoSize.Height / (double)videoSize.Width); } } else { int savedHeight = RegistryHelp.GetInt("Height"); int savedWidth = RegistryHelp.GetInt("Width"); if (App.StartSize == "height-always" && savedHeight != 0) { height = savedHeight; width = height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height; } else if (App.StartSize == "height-session") { height = autoFitHeight; width = height * videoSize.Width / videoSize.Height; } if (App.StartSize == "width-always" && savedHeight != 0) { width = savedWidth; height = (int)Math.Ceiling(width * videoSize.Height / (double)videoSize.Width); } else if (App.StartSize == "width-session") { width = autoFitHeight / 9 * 16; height = (int)Math.Ceiling(width * videoSize.Height / (double)videoSize.Width); } else if (App.StartSize == "always" && savedHeight != 0) { height = savedHeight; width = savedWidth; } core.WasInitialSizeSet = true; } SetSize(width, height, screen, checkAutofit); }