public card getCard(dealer deal) {//the player gets a card from the dealer int place = this.numOfCards(); card c = deal.giveCard(; this.deckinhand.hand[place] = c; return(c); }
}// end of yesOrNo static void Main(string[] args) { int pl = 0; int com = 0; card c, cc; Console.WriteLine("IF U WANT TO START A GAME TYPE 's' IF NOT TYPE 'end'"); string newgame = Console.ReadLine(); //loop for a new game while (newgame == "s") { player p = new player("player"); player comp = new player("computer"); deck dealerdeck = new deck("dealer"); dealer deal = new dealer("dealer", dealerdeck); deal.shuffle(); //מערבבים את החפיסה c = p.getCard(deal); //שחקן מקבל קלף Console.WriteLine("A card for the player {0}", c.ToString()); cc = comp.getCard(deal); Console.WriteLine("A card for the computer {0}", cc.ToString()); // מחשב מקבל קלף int numofcardsp = p.numOfCards(); int numofcardsc = comp.numOfCards(); int sump = c.Value; int sumc = cc.Value; Console.WriteLine("Your total score= {0}", sump); c = p.getCard(deal); // שחקן מקבל עוד קלף Console.WriteLine("Another card for the player {0}", c.ToString()); cc = comp.getCard(deal);//מחשב מקבל עוד קלף Console.WriteLine("Another card for the computer {0}", cc.ToString()); numofcardsp = p.numOfCards(); Console.WriteLine("Your total score= {0}", sump); Console.WriteLine("The computer total score= {0}", sumc); numofcardsc = comp.numOfCards(); sump = sump + c.Value;; sumc = sumc + cc.Value; char ch; bool flag = true; //הצגת סכום כולל של שחקן while ((sumc < 21) && (sump < 21) && flag) { Console.WriteLine("The computer total score = {0}", sumc); Console.WriteLine("HI player , your total score = {0}", sump); Console.WriteLine("Do you want a card ?type 'y' or 'n'"); ch = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //מסננת קלט ch = yesOrNo(ch); if (ch == 'y') { c = p.getCard(deal); Console.WriteLine("You have got the card {0} ", c.ToString()); numofcardsp = p.numOfCards(); int cardvaluep = c.Value; if ((21 - sump >= 11) && (cardvaluep == 1)) { cardvaluep = 11; } sump = sump + cardvaluep; } if ((21 - sumc > 21 - sump) || (ch == 'n')) { cc = comp.getCard(deal); Console.WriteLine("The computer have got the card {0} ", cc.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("The computer score = {0}", sumc); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); numofcardsc = comp.numOfCards(); int cardvaluec = cc.Value; if ((21 - sumc >= 11) && (cardvaluec == 1)) { cardvaluec = 11; } sumc = sumc + cardvaluec; } if (pl == sump && com == sumc) { flag = false; } } Console.WriteLine("Result for player = {0}", sump); Console.WriteLine("Result for compter = {0}", sumc); if ((sump > 21) && (sumc > 21)) { Console.WriteLine("The winner is computer"); } if ((sump <= 21) && (sumc > 21)) { Console.WriteLine("The winner is player"); } if ((sump > 21) && (sumc <= 21)) { Console.WriteLine("The winner is computer"); } if ((sump <= 21) && (sumc <= 21)) { if (sump < sumc) { Console.WriteLine("The winner is computer"); } if (sump > sumc) { Console.WriteLine("The winner is player"); } if (sump == sumc) { Console.WriteLine("Tiko"); } } Console.WriteLine("IF U WANT TO START A GAME TYPE 's' IF NOT TYPE 'end'"); newgame = Console.ReadLine(); pl = 0; com = 0; } Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(" "); }