public static void video_frame_update() { Atime current_time = Timer.global_basetime; if (!Mame.paused) { finish_screen_updates(); } Keyboard.Update(); Inptport.frame_update_callback(); UI.ui_update_and_render(); if (Machine.FORM.cheatform.lockState == ui.cheatForm.LockState.LOCK_FRAME) { Machine.FORM.cheatform.ApplyCheat(); } GDIDraw(); if (effective_throttle()) { update_throttle(current_time); } recompute_speed(current_time); if (Mame.paused) { //Thread.Sleep(5); } else { video_eof_callback(); } }
private static void handle_load() { sHandle2 = GetForegroundWindow().ToString(); if (sHandle1 == sHandle2) { is_foreground = true; } else { is_foreground = false; } if (is_foreground) { Video.sDrawText = "Select position to load from"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 1000; if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(Key.Escape)) { Video.sDrawText = "Load cancelled"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; mame_pause(false); UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; return; } char file; foreach (Key key1 in { if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(key1)) { file = Inptport.getcharbykey(key1); if (!File.Exists("sta\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".sta")) { Video.sDrawText = "Load fail"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; Thread.Sleep(500); mame_pause(false); UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; return; } FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("sta\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".sta", FileMode.Open); BinaryReader br1 = new BinaryReader(fs1); State.loadstate_callback(br1); br1.Close(); fs1.Close(); postload(); Video.sDrawText = "Load from position " + file; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; Thread.Sleep(500); mame_pause(false); return; } } } }
public static void init_machine() { Inptport.input_init(); Generic.generic_machine_init(); Timer.timer_init(); soft_reset_timer = Timer.timer_alloc_common(soft_reset, "soft_reset", false); Inptport.input_port_init(); Cpuexec.cpuexec_init(); Watchdog.watchdog_init(); Cpuint.cpuint_init(); Video.video_init(); Sound.sound_init(); State.state_init(); Machine.machine_start(); }
public static void init_machine() { //fileio_init(); //config_init(); Inptport.input_init(); //output_init(); //render_init(); //ui_init(); Generic.generic_machine_init(); Timer.timer_init(); soft_reset_timer = Timer.timer_alloc_common(soft_reset, "soft_reset", false); //osd_init(); //time(&mame->base_time); Inptport.input_port_init(); //if (newbase != 0) // mame->base_time = newbase; /* intialize UI input */ //ui_input_init(); //rom_init(); //memory_init(); Cpuexec.cpuexec_init(); Watchdog.watchdog_init(); //cps1_gfx_decode(); //device_list_start(); Video.video_init(); Sound.sound_init(); State.state_init(); Machine.machine_start(); }
public static byte N3ReadMemory_quester(ushort address) { byte result; if (address == 0x1400) { if ((strobe & 0x20) == 0) { result = (byte)((uint)(byte0 & 0x90) | (uint)(strobe & 0x40) | (Inptport.input_port_read_direct(Inptport.analog_p0) & 0x0f)); } else { result = (byte)((uint)(byte0 & 0x90) | (uint)(strobe & 0x40) | (Inptport.input_port_read_direct(Inptport.analog_p1) & 0x0f)); } strobe ^= 0x40; } else if (address == 0x1401) { if ((strobe & 0x20) == 0) { result = (byte)((uint)(byte1 & 0x90) | 0x00 | (Inptport.input_port_read_direct(Inptport.analog_p0) >> 4)); } else { result = (byte)((uint)(byte1 & 0x90) | 0x20 | (Inptport.input_port_read_direct(Inptport.analog_p1) >> 4)); } if ((strobe & 0x40) == 0) { strobe ^= 0x20; } } else { result = N3ReadMemory(address); } return(result); }
public static void loop_inputports_ns1_quester() { if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D5)) { byte2 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x10); } else { byte2 |= 0x10; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D6)) { byte2 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x08); } else { byte2 |= 0x08; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D1)) { byte0 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x80); } else { byte0 |= 0x80; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D2)) { byte1 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x80); } else { byte1 |= 0x80; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.J)) { byte0 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x10); } else { byte0 |= 0x10; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.K)) { byte0 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x20); } else { byte0 |= 0x20; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.L)) { byte0 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x40); } else { byte0 |= 0x40; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad1)) { byte1 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x10); } else { byte1 |= 0x10; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad2)) { byte1 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x20); } else { byte1 |= 0x20; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad3)) { byte1 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x40); } else { byte1 |= 0x40; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.R)) { byte2 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x20); } else { byte2 |= 0x20; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.T)) { byte2 &= unchecked ((byte)~0x40); } else { byte2 |= 0x40; } Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_quester_p0(Inptport.analog_p0); Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_quester_p1(Inptport.analog_p1); }
private static void handle_replay() { sHandle2 = GetForegroundWindow().ToString(); if (sHandle1 == sHandle2) { is_foreground = true; } else { is_foreground = false; } if (is_foreground) { if (playState == PlayState.PLAY_REPLAYSTART) { Video.sDrawText = "Select position to replay from"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 1000; if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(Key.Escape)) { Video.sDrawText = "Replay cancelled"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; mame_pause(false); UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; return; } char file; foreach (Key key1 in { if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(key1)) { file = Inptport.getcharbykey(key1); if (!File.Exists("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".sta") || !File.Exists("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".inp")) { Video.sDrawText = "Replay fail"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; Thread.Sleep(500); mame_pause(false); UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; return; } if (bwRecord != null) { bwRecord.Close(); bwRecord = null; } if (fsRecord != null) { fsRecord.Close(); fsRecord = null; } if (brRecord != null) { brRecord.Close(); brRecord = null; } FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".sta", FileMode.Open); BinaryReader br1 = new BinaryReader(fs1); State.loadstate_callback(br1); br1.Close(); fs1.Close(); postload(); fsRecord = new FileStream("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".inp", FileMode.Open); brRecord = new BinaryReader(fsRecord); Memory.memory_reset(); Inptport.bReplayRead = true; Inptport.replay_port_callback(); Video.sDrawText = "Replay from position " + file; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_REPLAYRUNNING; UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; Thread.Sleep(500); mame_pause(false); return; } } } } if (playState == PlayState.PLAY_REPLAYEND) { Video.sDrawText = "Replay end"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; brRecord.Close(); brRecord = null; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; } }
private static void handle_record() { sHandle2 = GetForegroundWindow().ToString(); if (sHandle1 == sHandle2) { is_foreground = true; } else { is_foreground = false; } if (is_foreground) { if (playState == PlayState.PLAY_RECORDSTART) { Video.sDrawText = "Select position to record to"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 1000; if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(Key.Escape)) { Video.sDrawText = "Record cancelled"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; mame_pause(false); UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; return; } char file; foreach (Key key1 in { if (Keyboard.IsTriggered(key1)) { file = Inptport.getcharbykey(key1); if (!Directory.Exists("inp\\" + Machine.sName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory("inp\\" + Machine.sName); } FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".sta", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw1 = new BinaryWriter(fs1); State.savestate_callback(bw1); bw1.Close(); fs1.Close(); if (bwRecord != null) { bwRecord.Close(); bwRecord = null; } FileStream fs2 = new FileStream("inp\\" + Machine.sName + "\\" + file + ".inp", FileMode.Create); bwRecord = new BinaryWriter(fs2); Memory.memory_reset2(); Inptport.record_port_callback(); Video.sDrawText = "Record to position " + file; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RECORDRUNNING; UI.ui_handler_callback = UI.handler_ingame; Thread.Sleep(500); mame_pause(false); return; } } } else if (playState == PlayState.PLAY_RECORDEND) { Video.sDrawText = "Record end"; Video.popup_text_end = Wintime.osd_ticks() + Wintime.ticks_per_second * 2; bwRecord.Close(); bwRecord = null; playState = PlayState.PLAY_RUNNING; } } }
public static void loop_inputports_neogeo_irrmaze() { if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D5)) { short3 &= ~0x0001; } else { short3 |= 0x0001; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D6)) { short3 &= ~0x0002; } else { short3 |= 0x0002; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D1)) { short2 &= ~0x0100; } else { short2 |= 0x0100; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D2)) { short2 &= ~0x0400; } else { short2 |= 0x0400; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.J)) { short1 &= ~0x1000; } else { short1 |= 0x1000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.K)) { short1 &= ~0x2000; } else { short1 |= 0x2000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad1)) { short1 &= ~0x4000; } else { short1 |= 0x4000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad2)) { short1 &= unchecked ((short)~0x8000); } else { short1 |= unchecked ((short)0x8000); } Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_irrmaze_p0(Inptport.analog_p0); Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_irrmaze_p1(Inptport.analog_p1); }
public static void loop_inputports_cps2_ecofghtr() { if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D5)) { short2 &= ~0x1000; } else { short2 |= 0x1000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D6)) { short2 &= ~0x2000; } else { short2 |= 0x2000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D1)) { short2 &= ~0x0100; } else { short2 |= 0x0100; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D2)) { short2 &= ~0x0200; } else { short2 |= 0x0200; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D)) { short0 &= ~0x0001; } else { short0 |= 0x0001; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.A)) { short0 &= ~0x0002; } else { short0 |= 0x0002; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.S)) { short0 &= ~0x0004; } else { short0 |= 0x0004; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.W)) { short0 &= ~0x0008; } else { short0 |= 0x0008; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.J)) { short0 &= ~0x0010; } else { short0 |= 0x0010; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.K)) { short0 &= ~0x0020; } else { short0 |= 0x0020; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.L)) { short0 &= ~0x0040; } else { short0 |= 0x0040; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Right)) { short0 &= ~0x0100; } else { short0 |= 0x0100; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Left)) { short0 &= ~0x0200; } else { short0 |= 0x0200; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Down)) { short0 &= ~0x0400; } else { short0 |= 0x0400; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Up)) { short0 &= ~0x0800; } else { short0 |= 0x0800; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad1)) { short0 &= ~0x1000; } else { short0 |= 0x1000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad2)) { short0 &= ~0x2000; } else { short0 |= 0x2000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad3)) { short0 &= ~0x4000; } else { short0 |= 0x4000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.R)) { short2 &= ~0x0004; } else { short2 |= 0x0004; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.T)) { short2 &= ~0x0002; } else { short2 |= 0x0002; } Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_ecofghtr_p0(Inptport.analog_p0); Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_ecofghtr_p1(Inptport.analog_p1); }
public static void loop_inputports_cps1_forgottn() { if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D5)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x01; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x01; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D6)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x02; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x02; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D1)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x10; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x10; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D2)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x20; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x20; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.D)) { short1 &= ~0x01; } else { short1 |= 0x01; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.A)) { short1 &= ~0x02; } else { short1 |= 0x02; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.S)) { short1 &= ~0x04; } else { short1 |= 0x04; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.W)) { short1 &= ~0x08; } else { short1 |= 0x08; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.J)) { short1 &= ~0x10; } else { short1 |= 0x10; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Right)) { short1 &= ~0x0100; } else { short1 |= 0x0100; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Left)) { short1 &= ~0x0200; } else { short1 |= 0x0200; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Down)) { short1 &= ~0x0400; } else { short1 |= 0x0400; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Up)) { short1 &= ~0x0800; } else { short1 |= 0x0800; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.NumPad1)) { short1 &= ~0x1000; } else { short1 |= 0x1000; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.R)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x04; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x04; } if (Keyboard.IsPressed(Key.T)) { sbyte0 &= ~0x40; } else { sbyte0 |= 0x40; } Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_forgottn_p0(Inptport.analog_p0); Inptport.frame_update_analog_field_forgottn_p1(Inptport.analog_p1); }