/// <summary> /// add number /// </summary> /// <param name="_code"></param> /// <param name="_newVal"></param> public void add(string _code, string _newVal) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var r = DB.tblStatistics.Single(p => p.Code == _code); long oldVal = long.Parse(r.Value); long newVal = long.Parse(_newVal); if (oldVal > 0 || newVal > 0) { oldVal += newVal; } r.Value = oldVal.ToString(); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); } }
/// <summary> /// change state of function is ON /// </summary> /// <param name="_code"></param> /// <param name="_username"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool changeStateON(string _code, string _reason, string _username) { try { if (_reason.Length >= 500) { _reason = _reason.Substring(0, 499); } using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); var record = DB.tblAdmins.Single(p => p.Code == _code); record.State = true; record.Reason = _reason.Trim(); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, _username, BaseServices.createMsgByTemplate(CommonConstants.SQL_CHANGE_STATE_ON, _code)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, ex.Message); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Lấy bài dựa theo id /// </summary> /// <param name="_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static tblEnglish getEnglish(int _id) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = from record in DB.tblEnglishes where record.ID == _id select record; if (lst.Count() > 0) { return lst.ElementAt(0); } return null; }
public void addLatestLoginUser(string username) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { username = BaseServices.nullToBlank(username); using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var r = DB.tblStatistics.Single(p => p.Code == CommonConstants.SF_LATEST_LOGIN); if (!BaseServices.isNullOrBlank(r.Value)) { string[] arrayUser = r.Value.Split(CommonConstants.COMMA_CHAR); if (arrayUser[0].Contains(username)) return; if (arrayUser.Length >= 10) { r.Value = CommonConstants.BLANK; for (int i = 0; i < arrayUser.Length - 1; i++) { r.Value += arrayUser[i]; r.Value += CommonConstants.COMMA; } r.Value = r.Value.Substring(0, r.Value.Length - 1); } if (!r.Value.StartsWith(CommonConstants.COMMA)) { username += CommonConstants.COMMA; } username += r.Value.Trim(); r.Value = username; } else { r.Value = username; } DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); } }
/// <summary> /// Lấy tag /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string getTag(int ID) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = from record in DB.tblEnglishes where record.ID == ID select record; if (lst.Count() > 0) { return lst.ElementAt(0).Tag.Trim(); } return CommonConstants.BLANK; }
/// <summary> /// set new value /// </summary> /// <param name="_code"></param> /// <param name="_value"></param> public void setValue(string _code, string _value) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var r = DB.tblStatistics.Single(p => p.Code == _code); r.Value = _value; DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); } }
public void resetToDefault(string _code) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var r = DB.tblStatistics.Single(p => p.Code == _code); if (BaseServices.nullToBlank(_code).StartsWith("NUM")) { r.Value = "0"; } else { r.Value = CommonConstants.BLANK; } DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); } }
/// <summary> /// Lấy điểm checker /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int getScore(int ID) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = from record in DB.tblEnglishes where record.ID == ID select record; if (lst.Count() > 0) { return (int)lst.ElementAt(0).Score; } return 0; }
/// <summary> /// Xóa 1 record quảng cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="_id"></param> /// <param name="_username"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool deleteAds(int _id, string _username) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var ads = DB.tblAdvertisements.Single(a => a.ID == _id); DB.tblAdvertisements.DeleteOnSubmit(ads); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, _username, BaseServices.createMsgByTemplate (CommonConstants.SQL_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL_TEMPLATE, _id.ToString(), CommonConstants.SQL_TABLE_ADVERTISEMENT)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, _username, BaseServices.createMsgByTemplate(CommonConstants.SQL_DELETE_FAILED_TEMPLATE, _id.ToString(), CommonConstants.SQL_TABLE_ADVERTISEMENT)); log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, _username, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); return false; } return true; }
public int countAdsListByLocation() { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); int num = (from record in DB.tblAdvertisements where record.Code.Trim() != CommonConstants.ADS_INACTIVE select record).Count(); return num; }
public IEnumerable<tblEnglish> searchArticleByClassAndTime(ArticleSCO articleSCO) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); int start = 0; int end = 0; int year = BaseServices.getYearFromString(articleSCO.Time); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = null; //if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_COMMON) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CLASS_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CLASS_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_MAJOR) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_CERT) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_CLASS_1_TO_9) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CLASS_1; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CLASS_9; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_MATH_ECO) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_MATH; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_ECO; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_CHEM_BIO_MAT) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_CHEM; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_MATERIAL; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_PHY_TELE_IT) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_PHY; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_IT; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_OTHER_MJ) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_IT + 1; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_MJ_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_TOEIC) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_TOEIC_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_TOEIC_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_TOEFL) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_TOEFL_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_TOEFL_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_IELTS) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_IELTS_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_IELTS_END; //} //else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.PARAM_EL_ABC) //{ // start = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_ABC_START; // end = CommonConstants.AT_EL_CERT_ABC_END; //} locateArticleIndex(articleSCO, out start, out end); if (start > 0 && end > 0 && end >= start) { lst = (from p in DB.tblEnglishes where p.Posted.Year <= year && p.State != CommonConstants.STATE_UNCHECK && p.StickyFlg == false && p.Class >= start && p.Class <= end && p.DeleteFlg == false orderby p.Posted descending select p).Skip(articleSCO.FirstRecord).Take(articleSCO.NumArticleOnPage); } else if (articleSCO.Classes == CommonConstants.ALL) { lst = (from p in DB.tblEnglishes where p.Posted.Year <= year && p.State != CommonConstants.STATE_UNCHECK && p.StickyFlg == false && p.DeleteFlg == false orderby p.Posted descending select p).Skip(articleSCO.FirstRecord).Take(articleSCO.NumArticleOnPage); } return lst; }
public Boolean Like(int _id) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var english = DB.tblEnglishes.Single(e => e.ID == _id); english.Point += 1; DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); return false; } return true; }
public IList<tblEnglish> listEnglish(string _keyword) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = from record in DB.tblEnglishes where (record.Title.Contains(_keyword) || record.Tag.Contains(_keyword) || record.Contents.Contains(_keyword)) && record.DeleteFlg == false select record; return lst.ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// Thêm một bài giảng/bài tập/đề thi anh văn /// </summary> /// <param name="_title"></param> /// <param name="_type"></param> /// <param name="_content"></param> /// <param name="_author"></param> /// <param name="_posted"></param> /// <param name="_location"></param> /// <param name="_tag"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Boolean insertEnglish(string _title, int _type, string _content, string _author, DateTime _posted, int _class, string _location, string _tag, string folderId) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { tblEnglish record = new tblEnglish(); record.Title = _title; record.Type = _type; record.Contents = _content; record.Author = _author; record.Posted = _posted; record.Class = _class; record.Location = _location; record.State = 0; record.Point = 0; record.Score = 0; record.Tag = _tag; record.StickyFlg = false; record.Class = _class; record.FolderID = folderId; record.DeleteFlg = false; DB.tblEnglishes.InsertOnSubmit(record); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } ltktDAO.Statistics statisticDAO = new ltktDAO.Statistics(); statisticDAO.add(CommonConstants.SF_NUM_UPLOAD, CommonConstants.CONST_ONE); } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, _author, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Thêm một bài viết mới /// </summary> /// <param name="record"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Boolean insertEnglish(tblEnglish record) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { DB.tblEnglishes.InsertOnSubmit(record); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } ltktDAO.Control controlDao = new ltktDAO.Control(); long keyCode = controlDao.getValueByLong(CommonConstants.CF_KEY_CODE_EL); controlDao.setValue(CommonConstants.CF_KEY_CODE_EL, (keyCode + 1).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, record.Author, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); return false; } return true; }
public Boolean insertComment(int _id, string _newComment) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var english = DB.tblEnglishes.Single(e => e.ID == _id); english.Comment += _newComment; english.Comment += "<br /><br />;"; DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); //Cho cái này vào bị lỗi liên tục //2011-09-27 16:09 tktung bỏ //ltktDAO.Statistics statDAO = new ltktDAO.Statistics(); //statDAO.add(CommonConstants.SF_NUM_COMMENT_A_DAY, "1"); } } catch (Exception e) { writeException(e); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Tống tất cả các bài viết (ltđh, anh văn, tin học) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int sumArticle() { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); int sumContest = (from contest in DB.tblContestForUniversities select contest).Count(); int sumEnglish = (from english in DB.tblEnglishes select english).Count(); int sumInformatics = (from informatics in DB.tblInformatics select informatics).Count(); return (sumContest + sumEnglish + sumInformatics); }
/// <summary> /// Get record of TblAdmin /// </summary> /// <param name="_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<tblAdmin> getRecord(string _code) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblAdmin> item = DB.tblAdmins.Where(p => p.Code == _code); return item; }
/// <summary> /// get max point article /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public tblEnglish getMaxPoint() { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = from p in DB.tblEnglishes where p.Point == DB.tblEnglishes.Max(p2 => p2.Point) && p.DeleteFlg == false orderby p.Posted descending select p; if (lst.Count() > 0) { return lst.ElementAt(BaseServices.random(0, lst.Count() - 1)); } return null; }
public void setReason(string _code, string _reason) { try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); var record = DB.tblAdmins.Single(p => p.Code == _code); record.Reason = _reason.Trim(); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Tổng số quảng cáo /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int countAds() { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); return (from record in DB.tblAdvertisements select record).Count(); }
public IEnumerable<tblAdvertisement> fetchAdsListByLocation(int start, int count) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblAdvertisement> lst = (from record in DB.tblAdvertisements where record.Code.Trim() != CommonConstants.ADS_INACTIVE orderby record.toDate descending select record).Skip(start).Take(count); return lst; }
public int countAdsListByState(int state) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); int num = (from record in DB.tblAdvertisements where record.State == state select record).Count(); return num; }
public void resetState(string _code) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { var ads = DB.tblAdvertisements.Single(a => a.Code == _code); ads.Code = CommonConstants.ADS_INACTIVE; DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); } }
public IEnumerable<tblAdvertisement> fetchAdsList(int state, int start, int count) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblAdvertisement> lst = (from record in DB.tblAdvertisements where record.State == state orderby record.toDate descending select record).Skip(start).Take(count); return lst; }
/// <summary> /// Lấy bài viết liên quan theo loại /// </summary> /// <param name="_type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList<tblEnglish> getRelativeByType(int _type, int _numberRecords) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblEnglish> lst = (from record in DB.tblEnglishes where record.Type == _type && record.DeleteFlg == false select record).Take(_numberRecords); return lst.ToList(); }
public ArrayList getUnfreeLocationList() { ArrayList lst = new ArrayList(); LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_LEADER_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_LEADER_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_RIGHT_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_RIGHT_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_MIDDLE_RIGHT_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_MIDDLE_RIGHT_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_RIGHT_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_RIGHT_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_LEADER_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_TOP_LEADER_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_MIDDLE_LEFT_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_MIDDLE_LEFT_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_LEFT_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_LEFT_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_1_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_1_BANNER); } if (isExisted(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_2_BANNER)) { lst.Add(CommonConstants.ADS_BOTTOM_2_BANNER); } return lst; }
/// <summary> /// Get all record /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<tblAdmin> getAll() { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); IEnumerable<tblAdmin> items = from p in DB.tblAdmins select p; return items; }
public int cloneAds(string _companyName, string _address, string _email, string _phone, DateTime _from, DateTime _end, string _location, string _navigateUrl, string _description) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); int id = -1; try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { tblAdvertisement record = new tblAdvertisement(); record.Company = _companyName; record.Address = _address; record.Email = _email; record.Phone = _phone; record.fromDate = _from; record.toDate = _end; record.Price = 0; record.FilePath = CommonConstants.BLANK; record.Location = _location; record.Code = CommonConstants.ADS_INACTIVE; record.ClickCount = 0; record.NavigateUrl = _navigateUrl; record.FilePath = CommonConstants.BLANK; record.Description = _description; record.Size = CommonConstants.DEFAULT_ADS_IMG_SIZE; record.State = CommonConstants.STATE_UNCHECK; DB.tblAdvertisements.InsertOnSubmit(record); DB.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete(); id = record.ID; log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, BaseServices.createMsgByTemplate(CommonConstants.SQL_INSERT_SUCCESSFUL_TEMPLATE, record.ID.ToString(), CommonConstants.SQL_TABLE_ADVERTISEMENT)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.writeLog(DBHelper.strPathLogFile, e.Message + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.Source + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.StackTrace + CommonConstants.NEWLINE + e.HelpLink); return -1; } return id; }
public tblStatistic getRecord(string Code) { LTDHDataContext DB = new LTDHDataContext(@strPathDB); var p = DB.tblStatistics.Single(r => r.Code == Code.Trim()); return p; }