public void conductPendingTest(DataGridView grid)
            dbLab   lab = new dbLab();
            DataSet ds  = lab.retrievePendingTestsDetails();

            grid.DataSource = ds.Tables["labtest"].DefaultView;
        public void displayLabOrders(DataGridView grid)
            dbLab   lab   = new dbLab();
            string  today = getdate();
            DataSet ds    = lab.getLabTestOrders(today);

            grid.DataSource = ds.Tables["labtest"].DefaultView;
        public void saveTestResults(TextBox mrn, TextBox resultDate, DataGridView reportGrid)
            bool statusFlag     = false;
            bool impressionFlag = false;

            int rowcount = reportGrid.RowCount - 2;

            while (rowcount >= 0)
                DataGridViewRow row        = reportGrid.Rows[rowcount];
                string          status     = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                string          impression = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString();

                if (status == "Pending" || status == "Complete" || status == "retest")
                    statusFlag = true;

                if (impression == "Normal" || impression == "Abnormal")
                    impressionFlag = true;

            if (!statusFlag)
                MessageBox.Show("Check for the 'Teststatus'!!\nEnter Pending or Complete");
            if (!impressionFlag)
                MessageBox.Show("Check for the 'Impression' column!!\nEnter either 'Normal' or 'Abnormal' only");

            if (statusFlag && impressionFlag)
                int count      = reportGrid.RowCount - 2;
                int cellsCount = reportGrid.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
                while (count >= 0)
                    DataGridViewRow currentRow    = reportGrid.Rows[count];
                    string          testName      = currentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    string          testOrderDate = currentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                    string          status        = currentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                    string          result        = currentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString();
                    string          reference     = currentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString();
                    string          impression    = currentRow.Cells[5].Value.ToString();

                    dbLab l   = new dbLab();
                    int   MRN = Convert.ToInt16(mrn.Text);
                    l.saveTestReport(MRN, testName, testOrderDate, resultDate.Text, status, result, reference, impression);

                    //MessageBox.Show("Test Report Saved successfully!!!");
                MessageBox.Show("Test Report Saved successfully!!!");
        public void conductNewTest(int mrn, string orderDate, DataGridView reportGrid, TextBox MRN, TextBox first, TextBox middle, TextBox last, TextBox date)
            string  fname, mname, lname;
            dbLab   lab = new dbLab();
            DataSet ds  = lab.retrieveTestsInfo(mrn, orderDate, out fname, out mname, out lname);

            reportGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables["labtest"].DefaultView;
            first.Text            = fname;
            middle.Text           = mname;
            last.Text             = lname;
            MRN.Text  = mrn.ToString();
            date.Text = getdate();