예제 #1
        private DrInputStreamManager CreateInputNode(DryadLINQApp app, VertexInfo info, string inputName)
            DrInputStreamManager s;
            int err = 0;


            if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.PARTITIONEDFILE)
                DrPartitionInputStream input = new DrPartitionInputStream();

                err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]);
                if (!SUCCEEDED(err))
                    string msg = String.Format("Could not read DSC input file {0}", info.sources[0]);
                    throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err);

                DrManagerBase        inputStage   = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName);
                DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage);

                s = inputManager;
            //else if ( info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.STREAM )
            //    DrDscInputStream input = new DrDscInputStream();

            //    DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening DSC input fileset");

            //    err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]);
            //    if (!SUCCEEDED(err))
            //    {
            //        string msg = String.Format("Could not read DSC input fileset {0}", info.sources[0]);
            //        throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err);
            //    }

            //    DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened DSC input fileset");

            //    DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName);
            //    DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage);

            //    s = inputManager;
            else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.HDFS_STREAM)
                DrHdfsInputStream input = new DrHdfsInputStream();

                DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening HDFS input fileset");

                err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]);
                if (!SUCCEEDED(err))
                    string msg = String.Format("Could not read HDFS input fileset {0}", info.sources[0]);
                    throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err);

                DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened HDFS input fileset");

                DrManagerBase        inputStage   = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName);
                DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage);

                s = inputManager;
                string msg = String.Format("Unknown input type {0}", info.ioType);
                throw new LinqToDryadException(msg);

예제 #2
        private void CreateVertexSet(Vertex v, DryadLINQApp app, Query query, Dictionary <int, GraphStageInfo> graphStageMap)
            SortedDictionary <int, Vertex> queryPlan = query.queryPlan;
            DrVertexSet    nodes      = null;
            DrStageManager newManager = null;


            DrGraphParameters parameters    = app.GetGraph().GetParameters();
            string            stdVertexName = "MW";

            if (v.type == Vertex.Type.INPUTTABLE)
                DrInputStreamManager input = CreateInputNode(app, v.info, v.name);
                newManager = input.GetStageManager();
                nodes      = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), input);
            else if (v.type == Vertex.Type.OUTPUTTABLE)
                DrOutputStreamManager output = CreateOutputNode(app, v.info, v.name);
                newManager = output.GetStageManager();
                nodes      = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), output, v.partitions);
            else if (v.type == Vertex.Type.CONCAT)
                newManager = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), v.name);

                // the set of nodes in a concat is just the set of nodes in the predecessor stages concatenated
                nodes = new DrVertexSet();
                foreach (Predecessor p in v.info.predecessors)
                    GraphStageInfo value = null;
                    if (graphStageMap.TryGetValue(p.uniqueId, out value))
                        nodes.InsertRange(nodes.Count, value.members);
                        throw new LinqToDryadException(String.Format("Concat: Failed to find predecessor {0} in graph stage map", p.uniqueId));
                newManager = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), v.name);

                DrVertex vertex;
                if (v.type == Vertex.Type.TEE)
                    DrTeeVertex teeVertex = new DrTeeVertex(newManager);
                    vertex = teeVertex;
                    DrActiveVertex activeVertex = new DrActiveVertex(newManager, parameters.m_defaultProcessTemplate, parameters.m_defaultVertexTemplate);


                    vertex = activeVertex;

                nodes = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), vertex, v.partitions);

                if (v.machines != null && v.machines.Length != 0 && v.type != Vertex.Type.TEE)
                    for (int i = 0; i < v.partitions; i++)
                        DrResource r = app.GetUniverse().LookUpResource(v.machines[i]);

                        if (r != null)
                            DrVertex       baseVertex   = nodes[i];
                            DrActiveVertex activeVertex = baseVertex as DrActiveVertex;


                FileStream mapfile = app.GetIdentityMapFile();
                if (mapfile != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < v.partitions; i++)
                        DrVertex jmv     = nodes[i];
                        string   message = String.Format("Mapping {0}[{1}] to {2}\n", v.uniqueId, i, jmv.GetId());
                        System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                        mapfile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                        mapfile.Write(encoding.GetBytes(message), 0, message.Length);

            graphStageMap.Add(v.uniqueId, new GraphStageInfo(nodes, v, newManager));