public void setUp() { string filename = "../../sbml/annotation/test/test-data/annotationL3.xml"; d = libsbml.readSBML(filename); m = d.getModel(); c = m.getCompartment(0); }
public void test_SBMLConvertStrict_convertNonStrictSBO() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); Model m = d.createModel(); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId( "c"); c.setConstant(false); (c).setSBOTerm(64); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,3,true) == false ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 4 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,2,true) == false ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 4 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,1,true) == true ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 1 ); Compartment c1 = d.getModel().getCompartment(0); assertTrue( (c1).getSBOTerm() == -1 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(1,2,true) == true ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 1 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 2 ); Compartment c2 = d.getModel().getCompartment(0); assertTrue( (c2).getSBOTerm() == -1 ); d = null; }
public void test_SBMLConvertStrict_convertL1ParamRule() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(1,2); Model m = d.createModel(); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId( "c"); Parameter p = m.createParameter(); p.setId( "p"); Parameter p1 = m.createParameter(); p1.setId( "p1"); ASTNode math = libsbml.parseFormula("p"); Rule ar = m.createAssignmentRule(); ar.setVariable( "p1"); ar.setMath(math); ar.setUnits( "mole"); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,1,true) == true ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 1 ); Rule r1 = d.getModel().getRule(0); assertTrue( r1.getUnits() == "" ); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_FunctionDefinition() { FunctionDefinition fd; ASTNode math; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <functionDefinition id='pow3' name='cubed'>" + " <math>" + " <lambda>" + " <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>" + " <apply>" + " <power/>" + " <ci> x </ci>" + " <cn> 3 </cn>" + " </apply>" + " </lambda>" + " </math>" + " </functionDefinition>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumFunctionDefinitions() == 1 ); fd = M.getFunctionDefinition(0); assertTrue( fd != null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetId() ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetName() ); assertTrue(( "pow3" == fd.getId() )); assertTrue(( "cubed" == fd.getName() )); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetMath() ); math = fd.getMath(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "lambda(x, pow(x, 3))" == formula )); }
public void test_SBMLConvertStrict_convertToL1() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); Model m = d.createModel(); (m).setMetaId( "_m"); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId( "c"); (c).setSBOTerm(240); Species s = m.createSpecies(); s.setId( "s"); s.setCompartment( "c"); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(1,2,true) == true ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 1 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 2 ); Model m1 = d.getModel(); assertTrue( (m1).getMetaId() == "" ); Compartment c1 = m1.getCompartment(0); assertTrue( (c1).getSBOTerm() == -1 ); Species s1 = m1.getSpecies(0); assertTrue( s1.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits() == false ); d = null; }
public void test_SBMLConvert_convertToL3_localParameters() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(1,2); Model m = d.createModel(); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId( "c" ); Species s = m.createSpecies(); s.setId( "s"); s.setCompartment( "c"); Reaction r = m.createReaction(); SpeciesReference sr = r.createReactant(); sr.setSpecies( "s"); KineticLaw kl = r.createKineticLaw(); kl.setFormula( "s*k"); Parameter p = kl.createParameter(); p.setId( "k"); assertTrue( kl.getNumLocalParameters() == 0 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(3,1,false) == true ); m = d.getModel(); r = m.getReaction(0); kl = r.getKineticLaw(); assertTrue( kl.getNumLocalParameters() == 1 ); LocalParameter lp = kl.getLocalParameter(0); d = null; }
public void test_SBMLConvert_convertFromL3_modelUnits() { UnitDefinition ud; SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(3,1); Model m = d.createModel(); m.setVolumeUnits( "litre"); assertTrue( m.getNumUnitDefinitions() == 0 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(1,2,false) == true ); m = d.getModel(); assertTrue( m.getNumUnitDefinitions() == 1 ); ud = m.getUnitDefinition(0); assertTrue(( "volume" == ud.getId() )); assertTrue( ud.getNumUnits() == 1 ); assertTrue( ud.getUnit(0).getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITRE ); }
public void test_Model_ancestor_create() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(); Model m = d.createModel(); assertTrue( m.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == d ); Model obj = d.getModel(); assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == d ); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_metaid() { SBase sb; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <functionDefinition metaid='fd'/>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + "<listOfUnitDefinitions>" + " <unitDefinition metaid='ud'/>" + "</listOfUnitDefinitions>" + "<listOfCompartments>" + " <compartment metaid='c'/>" + "</listOfCompartments>" + "<listOfSpecies>" + " <species metaid='s'/>" + "</listOfSpecies>" + "<listOfParameters>" + " <parameter metaid='p'/>" + "</listOfParameters>" + "<listOfRules>" + " <rateRule metaid='rr'/>" + "</listOfRules>" + "<listOfReactions>" + " <reaction metaid='rx'/>" + "</listOfReactions>" + "<listOfEvents>" + " <event metaid='e'/>" + "</listOfEvents>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); sb = M.getFunctionDefinition(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "fd" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getUnitDefinition(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "ud" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getCompartment(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "c" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getSpecies(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "s" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getParameter(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "p" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getRule(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "rr" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getReaction(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "rx" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getEvent(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "e" == sb.getMetaId() )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_line_col_numbers() { //setXMLParser(); SBase sb; string s = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + "<sbml xmlns='' level='2' version='1'>\n" + " <model id='testModel' name='testModel'>\n" + " <listOfReactions> <reaction/> </listOfReactions>\n" + " </model>\n" + "</sbml>\n"; D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); sb = M; sb = M.getListOfReactions(); sb = M.getReaction(0); }
public void test_ReadSBML_KineticLaw_Parameter() { Reaction r; KineticLaw kl; Parameter p; string s = wrapSBML_L1v2("<listOfReactions>" + " <reaction name='J1'>" + " <kineticLaw formula='k1*X0'>" + " <listOfParameters>" + " <parameter name='k1' value='0'/>" + " </listOfParameters>" + " </kineticLaw>" + " </reaction>" + "</listOfReactions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumReactions() == 1 ); r = M.getReaction(0); kl = r.getKineticLaw(); assertTrue(( "k1*X0" == kl.getFormula() )); assertTrue( kl.getNumParameters() == 1 ); p = kl.getParameter(0); assertTrue(( "k1" == p.getId() )); assertTrue( p.getValue() == 0 ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_KineticLaw_L2() { Reaction r; KineticLaw kl; ASTNode math; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfReactions>" + " <reaction id='J1'>" + " <kineticLaw>" + " <math>" + " <apply>" + " <times/>" + " <ci> k </ci>" + " <ci> S2 </ci>" + " <ci> X0 </ci>" + " </apply>" + " </math>" + " </kineticLaw>" + " </reaction>" + "</listOfReactions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumReactions() == 1 ); r = M.getReaction(0); assertTrue( r != null ); kl = r.getKineticLaw(); assertTrue( kl != null ); assertEquals( true, kl.isSetMath() ); math = kl.getMath(); formula = kl.getFormula(); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "k * S2 * X0" == formula )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_KineticLaw() { Reaction r; KineticLaw kl; string s = wrapSBML_L1v2("<listOfReactions>" + " <reaction name='J1'>" + " <kineticLaw formula='k1*X0'/>" + " </reaction>" + "</listOfReactions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumReactions() == 1 ); r = M.getReaction(0); kl = r.getKineticLaw(); assertTrue(( "k1*X0" == kl.getFormula() )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_FunctionDefinition_OnlyBVars() { FunctionDefinition fd; SBMLError error; int numErrors; ASTNode math; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <functionDefinition id='invalid'>" + " <math xmlns=''>" + " <lambda>" + " <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>" + " <bvar><ci> y </ci></bvar>" + " <bvar><ci> z </ci></bvar>" + " </lambda>" + " </math>" + " </functionDefinition>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); D.checkInternalConsistency(); D.checkConsistency(); numErrors = (int)D.getNumErrors(); assertTrue( numErrors == 1 ); error = D.getError(0); int errorId = (int)error.getErrorId(); assertTrue( errorId == libsbml.NoBodyInFunctionDef ); assertTrue( M.getNumFunctionDefinitions() == 1 ); fd = M.getFunctionDefinition(0); assertTrue( fd != null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetId() ); assertEquals( false, fd.isSetName() ); assertTrue(( "invalid" == fd.getId() )); assertTrue( fd.getBody() == null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetMath() ); math = fd.getMath(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "lambda(x, y, z)" == formula )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_FunctionDefinition_MathReturnsCN() { FunctionDefinition fd; ASTNode math; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <functionDefinition id='getNumber'>" + " <math>" + " <lambda>" + " <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>" + " <cn> 42 </cn>" + " </lambda>" + " </math>" + " </functionDefinition>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumFunctionDefinitions() == 1 ); fd = M.getFunctionDefinition(0); assertTrue( fd != null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetId() ); assertEquals( false, fd.isSetName() ); assertTrue(( "getNumber" == fd.getId() )); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetMath() ); math = fd.getMath(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "lambda(x, 42)" == formula )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_notes() { Reaction r; KineticLaw kl; string s = wrapSBML_L2v3("<listOfReactions>" + "<reaction name='J1'>" + " <kineticLaw formula='k1*X0'>" + " <notes>This is a test note.</notes>" + " <listOfParameters>" + " <parameter name='k1' value='0'/>" + " </listOfParameters>" + " </kineticLaw>" + "</reaction>" + "</listOfReactions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); r = M.getReaction(0); kl = r.getKineticLaw(); assertTrue( kl.getNotes() != null ); string notes = kl.getNotes().getChild(0).getCharacters(); assertTrue( ( "This is a test note." != notes ) == false ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_notes_ListOf() { SBase sb; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <notes>My Functions</notes>" + " <functionDefinition/>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + "<listOfUnitDefinitions>" + " <notes>My Units</notes>" + " <unitDefinition/>" + "</listOfUnitDefinitions>" + "<listOfCompartments>" + " <notes>My Compartments</notes>" + " <compartment/>" + "</listOfCompartments>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); sb = M.getListOfFunctionDefinitions(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetNotes() ); string notes = sb.getNotes().getChild(0).getCharacters(); assertTrue( ( "My Functions" != notes ) == false ); sb = M.getListOfUnitDefinitions(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetNotes() ); notes = sb.getNotes().getChild(0).getCharacters(); assertTrue( ( "My Units" != notes ) == false ); sb = M.getListOfCompartments(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetNotes() ); notes = sb.getNotes().getChild(0).getCharacters(); assertTrue( ( "My Compartments" != notes ) == false ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_metaid_Event() { SBase sb; Event e; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfEvents>" + " <event metaid='e'>" + " <listOfEventAssignments metaid='loea'>" + " <eventAssignment metaid='ea'/>" + " </listOfEventAssignments>" + " </event>" + "</listOfEvents>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); e = M.getEvent(0); sb = e; assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "e" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = e.getListOfEventAssignments(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "loea" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = e.getEventAssignment(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "ea" == sb.getMetaId() )); }
public void test_Model_ancestor_add() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); Model m = new Model(2,4); d.setModel(m); assertTrue( d == d.getModel().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) ); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_metaid_ListOf() { SBase sb; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions metaid='lofd'/>" + "<listOfUnitDefinitions metaid='loud'/>" + "<listOfCompartments metaid='loc'/>" + "<listOfSpecies metaid='los'/>" + "<listOfParameters metaid='lop'/>" + "<listOfRules metaid='lor'/>" + "<listOfReactions metaid='lorx'/>" + "<listOfEvents metaid='loe'/>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); sb = M.getListOfFunctionDefinitions(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lofd" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfUnitDefinitions(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "loud" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfCompartments(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "loc" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfSpecies(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "los" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfParameters(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lop" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfRules(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lor" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfReactions(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lorx" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = M.getListOfEvents(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "loe" == sb.getMetaId() )); }
public void test_Model_parent_add() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4); Model m = new Model(2,4); d.setModel(m); assertTrue( d == d.getModel().getParentSBMLObject() ); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_metaid_Reaction() { SBase sb; Reaction r; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfReactions>" + " <reaction metaid='r'>" + " <listOfReactants metaid='lor'>" + " <speciesReference metaid='sr1'/>" + " </listOfReactants>" + " <listOfProducts metaid='lop'>" + " <speciesReference metaid='sr2'/>" + " </listOfProducts>" + " <listOfModifiers metaid='lom'>" + " <modifierSpeciesReference metaid='msr'/>" + " </listOfModifiers>" + " <kineticLaw metaid='kl'/>" + " </reaction>" + "</listOfReactions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); r = M.getReaction(0); sb = r; assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "r" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getListOfReactants(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lor" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getReactant(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "sr1" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getListOfProducts(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lop" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getProduct(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "sr2" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getListOfModifiers(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lom" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getModifier(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "msr" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = r.getKineticLaw(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "kl" == sb.getMetaId() )); }
public void test_SBMLConvert_convertToL2v4_DuplicateAnnotations_model() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,1); Model m = d.createModel(); string annotation = "<rdf/>\n<rdf/>"; int i = (m).setAnnotation(annotation); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 1 ); assertTrue( (m).getAnnotation().getNumChildren() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,4,true) == true ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 4 ); m = d.getModel(); assertTrue( (m).getAnnotation().getNumChildren() == 1 ); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_metaid_Unit() { SBase sb; UnitDefinition ud; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfUnitDefinitions>" + " <unitDefinition metaid='ud'>" + " <listOfUnits metaid='lou'>" + " <unit metaid='u'/>" + " </listOfUnits>" + " </unitDefinition>" + "</listOfUnitDefinitions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M != null ); ud = M.getUnitDefinition(0); sb = ud; assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "ud" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = ud.getListOfUnits(); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "lou" == sb.getMetaId() )); sb = ud.getUnit(0); assertEquals( true, sb.isSetMetaId() ); assertTrue(( "u" == sb.getMetaId() )); }
public void test_SBMLConvert_convertToL3_stoichiometryMath() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,1); Model m = d.createModel(); Compartment c = m.createCompartment(); c.setId( "c" ); Species s = m.createSpecies(); s.setId( "s"); s.setCompartment( "c"); Reaction r = m.createReaction(); SpeciesReference sr = r.createReactant(); sr.setSpecies( "s"); StoichiometryMath sm = sr.createStoichiometryMath(); ASTNode ast = libsbml.parseFormula("c*2"); sm.setMath(ast); assertTrue( m.getNumRules() == 0 ); assertTrue( sr.isSetId() == false ); assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(3,1,false) == true ); m = d.getModel(); r = m.getReaction(0); sr = r.getReactant(0); assertTrue( m.getNumRules() == 1 ); assertTrue( sr.isSetId() == true ); Rule rule = m.getRule(0); assertTrue(( rule.getVariable() == sr.getId() )); d = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_AlgebraicRule() { Rule ar; string s = wrapSBML_L1v2("<listOfRules>" + " <algebraicRule formula='x + 1'/>" + "</listOfRules>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumRules() == 1 ); ar = M.getRule(0); assertTrue(( "x + 1" == ar.getFormula() )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_Model() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml level='1' version='1'>" + " <model name='testModel'></model>" + "</sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue(( "testModel" == M.getId() )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_Model_L2() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml level='2' version='1'>" + " <model id='testModel'> </model>" + "</sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertEquals( true, M.isSetId() ); assertEquals( false, M.isSetName() ); assertTrue(( "testModel" == M.getId() )); }
//=============================================================================== // // // Helper functions for writing/validating the given SBML documents. // // //=============================================================================== /** * * Validates the given SBMLDocument. * * This function is based on validateSBML.cpp implemented by * Sarah Keating, Ben Bornstein, and Michael Hucka. * */ private static bool validateExampleSBML(SBMLDocument sbmlDoc) { if (sbmlDoc == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("validateExampleSBML: given a null SBML Document"); return false; } string consistencyMessages = ""; string validationMessages = ""; bool noProblems = true; int numCheckFailures = 0; int numConsistencyErrors = 0; int numConsistencyWarnings = 0; int numValidationErrors = 0; int numValidationWarnings = 0; // LibSBML 3.3 is lenient when generating models from scratch using the // API for creating objects. Once the whole model is done and before it // gets written out, it's important to check that the whole model is in // fact complete, consistent and valid. numCheckFailures = (int)sbmlDoc.checkInternalConsistency(); if (numCheckFailures > 0) { noProblems = false; for (int i = 0; i < numCheckFailures; i++) { SBMLError sbmlErr = sbmlDoc.getError(i); if (sbmlErr.isFatal() || sbmlErr.isError()) { ++numConsistencyErrors; } else { ++numConsistencyWarnings; } } consistencyMessages = sbmlDoc.getErrorLog().toString(); } // If the internal checks fail, it makes little sense to attempt // further validation, because the model may be too compromised to // be properly interpreted. if (numConsistencyErrors > 0) { consistencyMessages += "Further validation aborted."; } else { numCheckFailures = (int)sbmlDoc.checkConsistency(); if (numCheckFailures > 0) { noProblems = false; for (int i = 0; i < numCheckFailures; i++) { SBMLError sbmlErr = sbmlDoc.getError(i); if (sbmlErr.isFatal() || sbmlErr.isError()) { ++numValidationErrors; } else { ++numValidationWarnings; } } validationMessages = sbmlDoc.getErrorLog().toString(); } } if (noProblems) return true; else { if (numConsistencyErrors > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: encountered " + numConsistencyErrors + " consistency error" + (numConsistencyErrors == 1 ? "" : "s") + " in model '" + sbmlDoc.getModel().getId() + "'."); } if (numConsistencyWarnings > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Notice: encountered " + numConsistencyWarnings + " consistency warning" + (numConsistencyWarnings == 1 ? "" : "s") + " in model '" + sbmlDoc.getModel().getId() + "'."); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(consistencyMessages); if (numValidationErrors > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: encountered " + numValidationErrors + " validation error" + (numValidationErrors == 1 ? "" : "s") + " in model '" + sbmlDoc.getModel().getId() + "'."); } if (numValidationWarnings > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Notice: encountered " + numValidationWarnings + " validation warning" + (numValidationWarnings == 1 ? "" : "s") + " in model '" + sbmlDoc.getModel().getId() + "'."); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(validationMessages); return (numConsistencyErrors == 0 && numValidationErrors == 0); } }
public void test_ReadSBML_Event_trigger() { Event e; Trigger trigger; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfEvents>" + " <event>" + " <trigger>" + " <math>" + " <apply>" + " <leq/>" + " <ci> P1 </ci>" + " <ci> t </ci>" + " </apply>" + " </math>" + " </trigger>" + " </event>" + "</listOfEvents>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( M.getNumEvents() == 1 ); e = M.getEvent(0); assertTrue( e != null ); assertEquals( false, e.isSetDelay() ); assertEquals( true, e.isSetTrigger() ); trigger = e.getTrigger(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(trigger.getMath()); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "leq(P1, t)" == formula )); }