예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test if the target village have enought storage capacity for the to-be-transfered resources
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="travianData">User game info, including target village distance and storage capacity</param>
        /// <returns>True if the transportation will overflow the target village</returns>
        public bool ExceedTargetCapacity(Data travianData)
            if (ForceGo)
            TResAmount targetCapacity = this.GetTargetCapacity(travianData, VillageID);

            if (targetCapacity == null)
                if (this.Distribution == ResourceDistributionType.BalanceTarget)
                for (int i = 0; i < targetCapacity.Resources.Length; i++)
                    if (this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] > targetCapacity.Resources[i])

예제 #2
        public int TimeCost(TResAmount ResCost)
            int time = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (ResCost.Resources[i] > Resource[i].CurrAmount)
                    int costtime = -1;
                    if (Resource[i].Produce > 0)
                        costtime = (ResCost.Resources[i] - Resource[i].CurrAmount) * 3600
                                   / Resource[i].Produce;
                    if (costtime < 0)
                        costtime = 32767;
                    if (costtime > time)
                        time = costtime;

예제 #3
 public TResAmount(TResAmount r)
     this.Resources = new int[r.Resources.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < this.Resources.Length; i++)
         this.Resources[i] = r.Resources[i];
예제 #4
 public TResAmount(TResAmount r)
     this.Resources = new int[r.Resources.Length];
     for(int i = 0; i < this.Resources.Length; i++)
         this.Resources[i] = r.Resources[i];
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper of the real doTransfer function, which
        /// 1) Verify that the tranfer amount is valid (non-zero)
        /// 2) Verify that merchant dispatched for the same mission has returned.
        /// 3) Recalculate the transfer amount for dynamic resource balance
        /// 4) Verify that the transfer won't overflow the arrival village's warehouse/granary
        /// 5) Update task status after a successful merchan dispatch
        /// 6) Remove the task from the village queue when it's no longer valid/needed
        /// </summary>
        public void Action()
            if (!IsValid)
                UpCall.DebugLog("Invalid transfer task discarded: " + Title, DebugLevel.W);

            if (MinimumDelay > 0)

            TResAmount toTransfer = new TResAmount(ResourceAmount);

            if (TargetVillageID != 0 &&
                UpCall.TD.Villages.ContainsKey(TargetVillageID) &&
                UpCall.TD.Villages[TargetVillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                UpCall.PageQuery(TargetVillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");
                CalculateResourceAmount(UpCall.TD, VillageID);

                // check if it's a crop transfer, and crop is seriously needed from target village:
                if (UpCall.TD.Villages[TargetVillageID].Resource[3].Produce < 0)
                    var temp = NeedCrop(UpCall.TD);
                    if (temp != null)
                        UpCall.DebugLog("NeedCrop rule on use. Force crop transfer.", DebugLevel.I);
                        toTransfer = temp;
                    else if (ExceedTargetCapacity(UpCall.TD))
                CalculateResourceAmount(UpCall.TD, VillageID);

            int timeCost = doTransfer(toTransfer, TargetPos);

            UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");
            if (timeCost >= 0)
                var CV = UpCall.TD.Villages[VillageID];
                MinimumDelay = Math.Max(MinimumInterval, timeCost * 2 + 30);
                if (MaxCount != 0 && Count >= MaxCount)
예제 #6
 public void RestoreQueueRes(string filename)
         var        Qs       = JsonMapper.ToObject <Dictionary <int, TMarket> >(File.ReadAllText(filename));
         var        Q        = Qs[0] as TMarket;
         TResAmount capacity = ResourceCapacity;
         if (Q.UpperLimit == null)
             Market.UpperLimit = Q.UpperLimit;
             int[] ulimits = new int[Q.UpperLimit.Resources.Length];
             for (int i = 0; i < ulimits.Length; i++)
                 if (Q.UpperLimit.Resources[i] >= capacity.Resources[i])
                     ulimits[i] = capacity.Resources[i];
                     ulimits[i] = Q.UpperLimit.Resources[i];
             TResAmount newULimit = new TResAmount(ulimits);
             Market.UpperLimit = newULimit;
         if (Q.LowerLimit == null)
             Market.LowerLimit = Q.LowerLimit;
             int[] llimits = new int[Q.LowerLimit.Resources.Length];
             for (int i = 0; i < llimits.Length; i++)
                 if (Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i] >= capacity.Resources[i] || Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i] <= 0)
                     llimits[i] = 0;
                     llimits[i] = Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i];
             TResAmount newLLimit = new TResAmount(llimits);
             if (Q.LowerLimit.TotalAmount <= 0)
                 newLLimit = null;
             Market.LowerLimit = newLLimit;
     catch { }
예제 #7
        private void BalanceDestinationResource(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            TResAmount targetAmount = this.GetTargetCapacity(travianData, VillageID);

            if (targetAmount == null)
                targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);

예제 #8
        private void BalanceSourceTime(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            // TODO: FIXME
            int        total        = ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
            int        slots        = NoCrop ? 3 : 4;
            TResAmount targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);

            if (travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(VillageID) &&
                travianData.Villages[VillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                TVillage TV = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                int[]    fulltime = new int[slots];
                int      maxtime = 0, total2 = 0, totalproduce = 0, total3 = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                    fulltime[i] = Convert.ToInt32(TV.Resource[i].LeftTime.TotalSeconds);

                    maxtime = Math.Max(maxtime, fulltime[i]);

                for (int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                    targetAmount.Resources[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt64(TV.Resource[i].Produce) * (maxtime - fulltime[i]) / 3600);

                    total2       += targetAmount.Resources[i];
                    totalproduce += TV.Resource[i].Produce;
                if (total2 > total)
                    for (int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] = Convert.ToInt32(targetAmount.Resources[i] * Convert.ToDouble(total) / total2);
                        total3 += targetAmount.Resources[i];
                    double seconds = Convert.ToDouble(total - total2) / totalproduce;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] += Convert.ToInt32(TV.Resource[i].Produce * seconds);
                        total3 += targetAmount.Resources[i];
                targetAmount.Resources[slots - 1] += total - total3;
            ResourceAmount = targetAmount;
예제 #9
        private void DoBalance(TResAmount targetAmount)
            int total = this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
            int slots = this.NoCrop ? 3 : 4;

            // Sort targetAmount by desc order
            int[] ranks = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            for (int i = 0; i < slots - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < slots; j++)
                    if (targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i]] < targetAmount.Resources[ranks[j]])
                        int temp = ranks[i];
                        ranks[i] = ranks[j];
                        ranks[j] = temp;

            // Allocate by rank
            for (int i = 1; i < slots; i++)
                int inc = targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i - 1]] - targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i]];
                if (total < this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount + inc * i)
                    inc = (total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount) / i;

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    this.ResourceAmount.Resources[ranks[j]] += inc;

            // Allocate remaining resources and round up with unit of 50
            int bonus = (total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount) / slots;

            for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
                this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] += bonus;
                this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i]  = (this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] / 50) * 50;

            // If we have anything left, give it to a lucky guy
            int luckyOne = ranks[0];

            this.ResourceAmount.Resources[luckyOne] += total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
예제 #10
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] limits = new int[this.nudLimits.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < limits.Length; i++)
                limits[i] = Convert.ToInt32(nudLimits[i].Value);

            TResAmount newLimit = new TResAmount(limits);
            if (newLimit != this.Limit)
                this.Return = newLimit;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Comparator for unit tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Another resource amount to compare with</param>
        /// <returns>True if the two amounts are equal</returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            TResAmount amount = obj as TResAmount;

            if (amount == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Resources.Length; i++)
                if (this.Resources[i] != amount.Resources[i])

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate the target village capacity when transportantion arrives, based on
        /// its current resource amount, production rate, distance, and merchant speed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="travianData">Contains game info</param>
        /// <param name="VillageID">Where the merchant starts, for computing distance</param>
        /// <returns>Estimated capacity</returns>
        private TResAmount GetTargetCapacity(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            if (travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(this.TargetVillageID) &&
                TVillage source      = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                TVillage destination = travianData.Villages[this.TargetVillageID];
                if (destination.isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                    TResource[] VR        = destination.Resource;
                    int[]       resources = new int[VR.Length];
                    int         speed     = travianData.MarketSpeed == 0 ? 24 : travianData.MarketSpeed;
                    double      timecost  = source.Coord * destination.Coord / speed;
                    for (int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++)
                        resources[i] = VR[i].Capacity * this.LimitRate / 100;
                        if (destination.Market.UpperLimit != null)
                            resources[i] = destination.Market.UpperLimit.Resources[i];

                        resources[i] -= VR[i].CurrAmount + (int)(VR[i].Produce * timecost);

                    TResAmount capacity = new TResAmount(resources);
                    foreach (TMInfo transfer in destination.Market.MarketInfo)
                        if (transfer.MType == TMType.OtherCome)
                            capacity -= transfer.CarryAmount;


예제 #13
        private void BalanceSourceResource(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            TResAmount targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);

            if (travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(VillageID) &&
                travianData.Villages[VillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                TVillage village = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                for (int i = 0; i < targetAmount.Resources.Length; i++)
                    targetAmount.Resources[i] = village.Resource[i].CurrAmount;
                    if (village.Market.LowerLimit != null)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] -= village.Market.LowerLimit.Resources[i];


예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch a transportation of a given amount of resource from one village to a given destiantion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VillageID">Unique ID of the departure village</param>
        /// <param name="Amount">Amounts of resources to transport</param>
        /// <param name="TargetPos">Position of the arrival village</param>
        /// <returns>Error return minus number. Succeed return single way transfer time cost.</returns>
        public int doTransfer(TResAmount Amount, TPoint TargetPos)
            string result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");
            if(result == null)
                return -1;
            var CV = UpCall.TD.Villages[VillageID];
            Dictionary<string, string> PostData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var m = Regex.Match(result, "name=\"id\" id=\"id\" value=\"(\\d+)\"", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                return -1;
            PostData["cmd"] = "prepareMarketplace";
            PostData["id"] = m.Groups[1].Value;

            if(result.Contains("Popup(2,5)") && Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(200 + retrycount * 20, 300 + retrycount * 30));
                UpCall.DebugLog("0:00:0?, Will retry...", DebugLevel.I);
                return -2;
            if(Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                if(retrycount > 5)
                    UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer cannot go on: MCarry({0}) * MCount({1}) < Amount({2})", CV.Market.SingleCarry, CV.Market.ActiveMerchant, Amount.TotalAmount), DebugLevel.W);
                    return -2; // Beyond transfer ability
                    UpCall.DebugLog("Error on 'ActiveMerchant'! Will retry...", DebugLevel.I);
                    resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(500 + retrycount * 20, 800 + retrycount * 30));
                    CV.Market.ActiveMerchant = Math.Min(Amount.TotalAmount / CV.Market.SingleCarry + 1, CV.Market.MaxMerchant);
                    return -2;
            retrycount = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PostData["r" + (i + 1).ToString()] = Amount.Resources[i].ToString();

            PostData["dname"] = "";
            PostData["x"] = TargetPos.X.ToString();
            PostData["y"] = TargetPos.Y.ToString();
            PostData["t"] = "5";
            PostData["x2"] = "1";

            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "ajax.php?cmd=prepareMarketplace", PostData);

            if(result == null)
                return -1;
            result = result.Replace("\\\"", "\"");
            result = result.Replace("\\/", "/");
            PostData["cmd"] = "prepareMarketplace";
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(result, "name=\"(\\w+)\" id=\"\\w+\" value=\"(\\w+)\"");
            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i ++)
                PostData[matches[i].Groups[1].Value] = matches[i].Groups[2].Value;
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PostData["r" + (i + 1).ToString()] = Amount.Resources[i].ToString();
            m = Regex.Match(result, "<td>([0-9:]{6,})</td>");
                return -1; // Parse error!
            int TimeCost = Convert.ToInt32(UpCall.TimeSpanParse(m.Groups[1].Value).TotalSeconds);
            if(UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed != 0)
                // calc market speed
                var distance = CV.Coord * TargetPos;
                UpCall.TD.Dirty = true;
                UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(distance * 3600 / TimeCost));

            UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "ajax.php?cmd=prepareMarketplace", PostData);

            // write data into target village if it's my village.
            foreach(var x in UpCall.TD.Villages)
                if(x.Value == CV)
                if(x.Value.Coord == TargetPos)
                    if(x.Value.isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                        x.Value.Market.MarketInfo.Add(new TMInfo()
                            CarryAmount = Amount.Clone(),
                            Coord = CV.Coord,
                            FinishTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(TimeCost),
                            MType = TMType.OtherCome,
                            VillageName = CV.Name
            UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer {0}({1}) => {2} {3}", CV.Coord.ToString(), VillageID, TargetPos.ToString(),
                Amount.ToString()), DebugLevel.I);
            return TimeCost;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper of the real doTransfer function, which
        /// 1) Verify that the tranfer amount is valid (non-zero)
        /// 2) Verify that merchant dispatched for the same mission has returned.
        /// 3) Recalculate the transfer amount for dynamic resource balance
        /// 4) Verify that the transfer won't overflow the arrival village's warehouse/granary
        /// 5) Update task status after a successful merchan dispatch
        /// 6) Remove the task from the village queue when it's no longer valid/needed
        /// </summary>
        public void Action()
                UpCall.DebugLog("Invalid transfer task discarded: " + Title, DebugLevel.W);

            if(MinimumDelay > 0)

            TResAmount toTransfer = new TResAmount(ResourceAmount);

            if(TargetVillageID != 0 &&
                UpCall.TD.Villages.ContainsKey(TargetVillageID) &&
                UpCall.TD.Villages[TargetVillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                UpCall.PageQuery(TargetVillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");
                CalculateResourceAmount(UpCall.TD, VillageID);

                // check if it's a crop transfer, and crop is seriously needed from target village:
                if (UpCall.TD.Villages[TargetVillageID].Resource[3].Produce < 0)
                    var temp = NeedCrop(UpCall.TD);
                    if(temp != null)
                        UpCall.DebugLog("NeedCrop rule on use. Force crop transfer.", DebugLevel.I);
                        toTransfer = temp;
                    else if(ExceedTargetCapacity(UpCall.TD))
                CalculateResourceAmount(UpCall.TD, VillageID);

            int timeCost = doTransfer(toTransfer, TargetPos);
            UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");
            if(timeCost >= 0)
                var CV = UpCall.TD.Villages[VillageID];
                MinimumDelay = Math.Max(MinimumInterval, timeCost * 2 + 30);
                if(MaxCount != 0 && Count >= MaxCount)
예제 #16
 public rinfo_array(int Length, double Ratio, TResAmount Resbase)
     resbase = Resbase;
     length = Length;
     ratio = Ratio;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Distribute a total amount based on the distribution ratio
        /// </summary>
        public TResAmount RedistributeResources(Data travianData, int villageID, int sum)
                return null;

            TVillage village = travianData.Villages[villageID];
            if(village.isBuildingInitialized != 2)
                return null;

            TResAmount target = new TResAmount(this.Distribution);
            TResAmount distribution = new TResAmount();

            // Allocate by proportion
            int residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;
            while(target.TotalAmount > 0 && residual > 10)
                double[] proportions = target.Proportions;
                for(int i = 0; i < proportions.Length; i++)
                    distribution.Resources[i] += (int)(residual * proportions[i]);
                    if(distribution.Resources[i] > village.Resource[i].Capacity)
                        distribution.Resources[i] = village.Resource[i].Capacity;
                        target.Resources[i] = 0;

                residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;

            // Don't trade if residual exceeds 50% threshold
            bool tooManyResidual = true;
            for(int i = 0; i < this.Threshold.Resources.Length; i++)
                if(residual < this.Threshold.Resources[i] * (100 - this.MinTradeRatio) / 100)
                    tooManyResidual = false;

                return null;

            // Allocate by capacity
            for(int i = 0; i < distribution.Resources.Length; i++)
                distribution.Resources[i] = Math.Min(
                    distribution.Resources[i] + residual,
                residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;

            return distribution;
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate the target village capacity when transportantion arrives, based on 
        /// its current resource amount, production rate, distance, and merchant speed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="travianData">Contains game info</param>
        /// <param name="VillageID">Where the merchant starts, for computing distance</param>
        /// <returns>Estimated capacity</returns>
        private TResAmount GetTargetCapacity(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            if(travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(this.TargetVillageID) &&
                TVillage source = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                TVillage destination = travianData.Villages[this.TargetVillageID];
                if(destination.isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                    TResource[] VR = destination.Resource;
                    int[] resources = new int[VR.Length];
                    int speed = travianData.MarketSpeed == 0 ? 24 : travianData.MarketSpeed;
                    double timecost = source.Coord * destination.Coord / speed;
                    for(int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++)
                        resources[i] = VR[i].Capacity * this.LimitRate / 100;
                        if(destination.Market.UpperLimit != null)
                            resources[i] = destination.Market.UpperLimit.Resources[i];

                        resources[i] -= VR[i].CurrAmount + (int)(VR[i].Produce * timecost);

                    TResAmount capacity = new TResAmount(resources);
                    foreach(TMInfo transfer in destination.Market.MarketInfo)
                        if(transfer.MType == TMType.OtherCome)
                            capacity -= transfer.CarryAmount;

                    return capacity;

            return null;
예제 #19
        private void BalanceSourceTime(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            // TODO: FIXME
            int total = ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
            int slots = NoCrop ? 3 : 4;
            TResAmount targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);
            if(travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(VillageID) &&
                travianData.Villages[VillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                TVillage TV = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                int[] fulltime = new int[slots];
                int maxtime = 0, total2 = 0, totalproduce = 0, total3 = 0;

                for(int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                    fulltime[i] = Convert.ToInt32(TV.Resource[i].LeftTime.TotalSeconds);

                    maxtime = Math.Max(maxtime, fulltime[i]);

                for(int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                    targetAmount.Resources[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt64(TV.Resource[i].Produce) * (maxtime - fulltime[i]) / 3600);

                    total2 += targetAmount.Resources[i];
                    totalproduce += TV.Resource[i].Produce;
                if(total2 > total)
                    for(int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] = Convert.ToInt32(targetAmount.Resources[i] * Convert.ToDouble(total) / total2);
                        total3 += targetAmount.Resources[i];

                    double seconds = Convert.ToDouble(total - total2) / totalproduce;
                    for(int i = 0; i < fulltime.Length; i++)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] += Convert.ToInt32(TV.Resource[i].Produce * seconds);
                        total3 += targetAmount.Resources[i];
                targetAmount.Resources[slots - 1] += total - total3;

            ResourceAmount = targetAmount;
예제 #20
 public void RestoreQueueRes(string filename)
         var Qs = JsonMapper.ToObject<Dictionary<int, TMarket>>(File.ReadAllText(filename));
         var Q = Qs[0] as TMarket;
         TResAmount capacity = ResourceCapacity;
         if (Q.UpperLimit == null)
             Market.UpperLimit = Q.UpperLimit;
             int[] ulimits = new int[Q.UpperLimit.Resources.Length];
             for (int i = 0; i < ulimits.Length; i++)
                 if (Q.UpperLimit.Resources[i] >= capacity.Resources[i])
                     ulimits[i] = capacity.Resources[i];
                     ulimits[i] = Q.UpperLimit.Resources[i];
             TResAmount newULimit = new TResAmount(ulimits);
             Market.UpperLimit = newULimit;
         if (Q.LowerLimit == null)
             Market.LowerLimit = Q.LowerLimit;
             int[] llimits = new int[Q.LowerLimit.Resources.Length];
             for (int i = 0; i < llimits.Length; i++)
                 if (Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i] >= capacity.Resources[i] || Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i] <= 0)
                     llimits[i] = 0;
                     llimits[i] = Q.LowerLimit.Resources[i];
             TResAmount newLLimit = new TResAmount(llimits);
             if (Q.LowerLimit.TotalAmount <= 0)
                 newLLimit = null;
             Market.LowerLimit = newLLimit;
     catch { }
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch a transportation of a given amount of resource from one village to a given destiantion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VillageID">Unique ID of the departure village</param>
        /// <param name="Amount">Amounts of resources to transport</param>
        /// <param name="Target">Position of the arrival village</param>
        /// <returns>Error return minus number. Succeed return single way transfer time cost.</returns>
        public int doTransfer(TResAmount Amount, TPoint Target)
            string result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17");
            if(result == null)
                return -1;
            var CV = UpCall.TD.Villages[VillageID];
            Dictionary<string, string> PostData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var m = Regex.Match(result, "name=\"id\" value=\"(\\d+)\"");
                return -1; // Parse error!
            PostData["id"] = m.Groups[1].Value;
            m = Regex.Match(result, "var haendler = (\\d+);");
            if (!m.Success)
                return -1;
            var MCount = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
            m = Regex.Match(result, "var carry = (\\d+);");
            if (!m.Success)
                return -1;
            var MCarry = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);

            //if (Amount.TotalAmount > MCarry * MCount)
            if(result.Contains("Popup(2,5)") && Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(200 + retrycount * 20, 300 + retrycount * 30));
                UpCall.DebugLog("0:00:0?, Will retry...", DebugLevel.W);
                return -2;
            if(Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                if(retrycount > 5)
                    UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer cannot go on: MCarry({0}) * MCount({1}) < Amount({2})", CV.Market.SingleCarry, CV.Market.ActiveMerchant, Amount.TotalAmount), DebugLevel.W);
                    return -5; // Beyond transfer ability
                    UpCall.DebugLog("Error on 'ActiveMerchant'! Will retry...", DebugLevel.W);
                    resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(500 + retrycount * 20, 800 + retrycount * 30));
                    CV.Market.ActiveMerchant = Math.Min(Amount.TotalAmount / CV.Market.SingleCarry + 1, CV.Market.MaxMerchant);
                    return -2;
            retrycount = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PostData["r" + (i + 1).ToString()] = Amount.Resources[i].ToString();

            PostData["dname"] = "";
            PostData["x"] = Target.X.ToString();
            PostData["y"] = Target.Y.ToString();
            PostData["s1"] = "ok";

            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php", PostData);
            if(result == null)
                return -1;

            m = Regex.Match(result, "<p class=\"error\">([^<]*?)</p>");
            if (m.Success)
                if (refreshcount > 2)
                    UpCall.DebugLog("Error:" + m.Groups[1].Value, DebugLevel.E);
                    return -5;
                    UpCall.DebugLog("Data isn't refreshed?! Will retry...", DebugLevel.W);
                    return -2;
            refreshcount = 0;

            m = Regex.Match(result, "name=\"sz\" value=\"(\\d+)\"");
                return -1; // Parse error!
            PostData["sz"] = m.Groups[1].Value;
            PostData["kid"] = Target.Z.ToString();
            PostData["a"] = VillageID.ToString();
            m = Regex.Match(result, "name=\"c\" value=\"(.*?)\"");
            if (m.Success)
                PostData["c"] = m.Groups[1].Value;

            m = Regex.Match(result, "<td>([0-9:]{6,})</td>");
                return -1; // Parse error!
            int TimeCost = Convert.ToInt32(UpCall.TimeSpanParse(m.Groups[1].Value).TotalSeconds);

            if(UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed != 0)
                // calc market speed
                var distance = CV.Coord * TargetPos;
                UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(distance * 3600 / TimeCost));
                UpCall.TD.Dirty = true;
                if (UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed == 0)
                    int StdSpeed = 24;
                    if (UpCall.TD.Tribe != 0)
                        StdSpeed = Buildings.BaseSpeed[UpCall.TD.Tribe][10];
                    if (UpCall.TD.Server.Substring(0, 5) == "speed")
                        StdSpeed *= 2;
                    UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed = StdSpeed;
                    UpCall.TD.Dirty = true;

            UpCall.JustTransferredData = Amount;
            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php", PostData);
            if (result == null)
                return -1;

            // write data into target village if it's my village.
            foreach(var x in UpCall.TD.Villages)
                if(x.Value == CV)
                if(x.Value.Coord == Target)
                    if(x.Value.isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                        x.Value.Market.MarketInfo.Add(new TMInfo()
                            CarryAmount = Amount.Clone(),
                            Coord = CV.Coord,
                            FinishTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(TimeCost),
                            MType = TMType.OtherCome,
                            VillageName = CV.Name
            UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer {0}({1}) => {2} {3}", CV.Coord.ToString(), VillageID, Target.ToString(),
                Amount.ToString()), DebugLevel.I);
            return TimeCost;
예제 #22
 private void SetResources(NumericUpDown[] nuds, TResAmount capacity, TResAmount value)
     for (int i = 0; i < nuds.Length; i++)
         nuds[i].Minimum = 0;
         nuds[i].Maximum = capacity.Resources[i];
         nuds[i].Increment = capacity.Resources[i] / 20;
         nuds[i].Value = value.Resources[i];
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Distribute a total amount based on the distribution ratio
        /// </summary>
        public TResAmount RedistributeResources(Data travianData, int villageID, int sum)
            if (!travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(villageID))

            TVillage village = travianData.Villages[villageID];

            if (village.isBuildingInitialized != 2)

            TResAmount target       = new TResAmount(this.Distribution);
            TResAmount distribution = new TResAmount();

            // Allocate by proportion
            int residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;

            while (target.TotalAmount > 0 && residual > 10)
                double[] proportions = target.Proportions;
                for (int i = 0; i < proportions.Length; i++)
                    distribution.Resources[i] += (int)(residual * proportions[i]);
                    if (distribution.Resources[i] > village.Resource[i].Capacity)
                        distribution.Resources[i] = village.Resource[i].Capacity;
                        target.Resources[i]       = 0;

                residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;

            // Don't trade if residual exceeds 50% threshold
            bool tooManyResidual = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Threshold.Resources.Length; i++)
                if (residual < this.Threshold.Resources[i] * (100 - this.MinTradeRatio) / 100)
                    tooManyResidual = false;

            if (tooManyResidual)

            // Allocate by capacity
            for (int i = 0; i < distribution.Resources.Length; i++)
                distribution.Resources[i] = Math.Min(
                    distribution.Resources[i] + residual,
                residual = sum - distribution.TotalAmount;

예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Trade resource with NPC with 1:1 rate (after paying 3 gold)
        /// </summary>
        public NpcTradeResult doNpcTrade()
            // Get NPC trade form
            string result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=3");

            if (result == null)

            // Parse capacity and sum
            Match match = Regex.Match(result, "var summe=(?<summe>\\d+);var max123=(?<max123>\\d+);var max4=(?<max4>\\d+);");

            if (!match.Success)

            int sum = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["summe"].Value);

            // Parse id
            match = Regex.Match(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"(?<id>\\d+)\"");
            if (!match.Success)

            string id = match.Groups["id"].Value;

            // Parse c
            match = Regex.Match(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"(?<c>[^>]*?)\"");
            if (!match.Success)

            string c = match.Groups["c"].Value;

            // Parse m1[] and m2[]
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m1\\[\\]\" value=\"(?<m1>\\d+)\"");

            if (matches.Count != 4)

            TResAmount m1 = new TResAmount(new int[matches.Count]);

            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                m1.Resources[i] = Int32.Parse(matches[i].Groups["m1"].Value);

            // Does m1 exceeds threshold?
            for (int i = 0; i < m1.Resources.Length; i++)
                if (m1.Resources[i] < Threshold.Resources[i])

            // Compute m2
            TResAmount m2 = RedistributeResources(UpCall.TD, VillageID, sum);

            if (m2 == null)

            // Prepare data
            Dictionary <string, string> postData = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            postData["id"] = id;
            postData["t"]  = "3";
            postData["a"]  = "6";
            postData["c"]  = c;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < m2.Resources.Length; i++)
                if (i > 0)

                sb.AppendFormat("m2[]={0}&m1[]={1}", m2.Resources[i], m1.Resources[i]);

            postData["!!!RawData!!!"] = sb.ToString();

            // Post form
            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php", postData);
            if (result == null)

            match = Regex.Match(result, "<b>3</b>[^<]*?</p><script language=\"JavaScript\">var summe=");
            if (!match.Success)

            UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("NPC trade {0} -> {1} ({2}) ", m1, m2, VillageID), DebugLevel.I);
예제 #25
        private void NpcTradeSetting_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.nudThreshold = new NumericUpDown[]

            this.nudDistribution = new NumericUpDown[]

            TResAmount capacity = this.Village.ResourceCapacity;
            TResAmount threshold = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, capacity.Resources[3]);
            this.SetResources(this.nudThreshold, capacity, threshold);

            TResAmount distribution = new TResAmount(capacity);
            distribution.Resources[3] = 0;
            this.SetResources(this.nudDistribution, capacity, distribution);
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch a transportation of a given amount of resource from one village to a given destiantion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VillageID">Unique ID of the departure village</param>
        /// <param name="Amount">Amounts of resources to transport</param>
        /// <param name="TargetPos">Position of the arrival village</param>
        /// <returns>Error return minus number. Succeed return single way transfer time cost.</returns>
        public int doTransfer(TResAmount Amount, TPoint TargetPos)
            string result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=5");

            if (result == null)
            var CV = UpCall.TD.Villages[VillageID];
            Dictionary <string, string> PostData = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var m = Regex.Match(result, "name=\"id\" id=\"id\" value=\"(\\d+)\"", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            if (!m.Success)
            PostData["cmd"] = "prepareMarketplace";
            PostData["id"]  = m.Groups[1].Value;

            if (result.Contains("Popup(2,5)") && Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(200 + retrycount * 20, 300 + retrycount * 30));
                UpCall.DebugLog("0:00:0?, Will retry...", DebugLevel.I);
            if (Amount.TotalAmount > CV.Market.SingleCarry * CV.Market.ActiveMerchant)
                if (retrycount > 5)
                    UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer cannot go on: MCarry({0}) * MCount({1}) < Amount({2})", CV.Market.SingleCarry, CV.Market.ActiveMerchant, Amount.TotalAmount), DebugLevel.W);
                    return(-2);                    // Beyond transfer ability
                    UpCall.DebugLog("Error on 'ActiveMerchant'! Will retry...", DebugLevel.I);
                    resumeTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(rand.Next(500 + retrycount * 20, 800 + retrycount * 30));
                    CV.Market.ActiveMerchant = Math.Min(Amount.TotalAmount / CV.Market.SingleCarry + 1, CV.Market.MaxMerchant);
            retrycount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PostData["r" + (i + 1).ToString()] = Amount.Resources[i].ToString();

            PostData["dname"] = "";
            PostData["x"]     = TargetPos.X.ToString();
            PostData["y"]     = TargetPos.Y.ToString();
            PostData["t"]     = "5";
            PostData["x2"]    = "1";

            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "ajax.php?cmd=prepareMarketplace", PostData);

            if (result == null)
            result          = result.Replace("\\\"", "\"");
            result          = result.Replace("\\/", "/");
            PostData["cmd"] = "prepareMarketplace";
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(result, "name=\"(\\w+)\" id=\"\\w+\" value=\"(\\w+)\"");

            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                PostData[matches[i].Groups[1].Value] = matches[i].Groups[2].Value;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                PostData["r" + (i + 1).ToString()] = Amount.Resources[i].ToString();
            m = Regex.Match(result, "<td>([0-9:]{6,})</td>");
            if (!m.Success)
                return(-1);                // Parse error!
            int TimeCost = Convert.ToInt32(UpCall.TimeSpanParse(m.Groups[1].Value).TotalSeconds);

            if (UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed != 0)
                // calc market speed
                var distance = CV.Coord * TargetPos;
                UpCall.TD.Dirty       = true;
                UpCall.TD.MarketSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(distance * 3600 / TimeCost));

            UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "ajax.php?cmd=prepareMarketplace", PostData);

            // write data into target village if it's my village.
            foreach (var x in UpCall.TD.Villages)
                if (x.Value == CV)
                if (x.Value.Coord == TargetPos)
                    if (x.Value.isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                        x.Value.Market.MarketInfo.Add(new TMInfo()
                            CarryAmount = Amount.Clone(),
                            Coord       = CV.Coord,
                            FinishTime  = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(TimeCost),
                            MType       = TMType.OtherCome,
                            VillageName = CV.Name
            UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("Transfer {0}({1}) => {2} {3}", CV.Coord.ToString(), VillageID, TargetPos.ToString(),
                                          Amount.ToString()), DebugLevel.I);
예제 #27
        private void BalanceDestinationResource(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            TResAmount targetAmount = this.GetTargetCapacity(travianData, VillageID);
            if(targetAmount == null)
                targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);

예제 #28
        private void BalanceSourceResource(Data travianData, int VillageID)
            TResAmount targetAmount = new TResAmount(0, 0, 0, 0);
            if(travianData != null &&
                travianData.Villages.ContainsKey(VillageID) &&
                travianData.Villages[VillageID].isBuildingInitialized == 2)
                TVillage village = travianData.Villages[VillageID];
                for(int i = 0; i < targetAmount.Resources.Length; i++)
                    targetAmount.Resources[i] = village.Resource[i].CurrAmount;
                    if(village.Market.LowerLimit != null)
                        targetAmount.Resources[i] -= village.Market.LowerLimit.Resources[i];


예제 #29
        public int TimeCost(TResAmount ResCost)
            int time = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (ResCost.Resources[i] > Resource[i].CurrAmount)
                    int costtime = -1;
                    if (Resource[i].Produce > 0)
                        costtime = (ResCost.Resources[i] - Resource[i].CurrAmount) * 3600
                            / Resource[i].Produce;
                    if (costtime < 0)
                        costtime = 32767;
                    if (costtime > time)
                        time = costtime;

            return time;
예제 #30
        private void DoBalance(TResAmount targetAmount)
            int total = this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
            int slots = this.NoCrop ? 3 : 4;

            // Sort targetAmount by desc order
            int[] ranks = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            for(int i = 0; i < slots - 1; i++)
                for(int j = i + 1; j < slots; j++)
                    if(targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i]] < targetAmount.Resources[ranks[j]])
                        int temp = ranks[i];
                        ranks[i] = ranks[j];
                        ranks[j] = temp;

            // Allocate by rank
            for(int i = 1; i < slots; i++)
                int inc = targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i - 1]] - targetAmount.Resources[ranks[i]];
                if(total < this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount + inc * i)
                    inc = (total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount) / i;

                for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    this.ResourceAmount.Resources[ranks[j]] += inc;

            // Allocate remaining resources and round up with unit of 50
            int bonus = (total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount) / slots;
            for(int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
                this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] += bonus;
                this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] = (this.ResourceAmount.Resources[i] / 50) * 50;

            // If we have anything left, give it to a lucky guy
            int luckyOne = ranks[0];
            this.ResourceAmount.Resources[luckyOne] += total - this.ResourceAmount.TotalAmount;
예제 #31
        private static void InitResearchCost()
            ResearchCost = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(24);

            ResearchCost[2] = new TResAmount(700, 620, 1480, 580);
            ResearchCost[3] = new TResAmount(1000, 740, 1880, 640);
            ResearchCost[4] = new TResAmount(940, 740, 360, 400);
            ResearchCost[5] = new TResAmount(3400, 1860, 2760, 760);
            ResearchCost[6] = new TResAmount(3400, 2660, 6600, 1240);
            ResearchCost[7] = new TResAmount(5500, 1540, 4200, 580);
            ResearchCost[8] = new TResAmount(5800, 5500, 5000, 700);
            ResearchCost[9] = new TResAmount(15880, 13800, 36400, 22660);

            ResearchCost[12] = new TResAmount(970, 380, 880, 400);
            ResearchCost[13] = new TResAmount(880, 580, 1560, 580);
            ResearchCost[14] = new TResAmount(1060, 500, 600, 460);
            ResearchCost[15] = new TResAmount(2320, 1180, 2520, 610);
            ResearchCost[16] = new TResAmount(2800, 2160, 4040, 640);
            ResearchCost[17] = new TResAmount(6100, 1300, 3000, 580);
            ResearchCost[18] = new TResAmount(5500, 4900, 5000, 520);
            ResearchCost[19] = new TResAmount(18250, 13500, 20400, 16480);

            ResearchCost[22] = new TResAmount(940, 700, 1680, 520);
            ResearchCost[23] = new TResAmount(1120, 700, 360, 400);
            ResearchCost[24] = new TResAmount(2200, 1900, 2040, 520);
            ResearchCost[25] = new TResAmount(2260, 1420, 2440, 880);
            ResearchCost[26] = new TResAmount(3100, 2580, 5600, 1180);
            ResearchCost[27] = new TResAmount(5800, 2320, 2840, 610);
            ResearchCost[28] = new TResAmount(5860, 5900, 5240, 700);
            ResearchCost[29] = new TResAmount(15880, 22900, 25200, 22660);
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Trade resource with NPC with 1:1 rate (after paying 3 gold)
        /// </summary>
        public NpcTradeResult doNpcTrade()
            // Get NPC trade form
            string result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php?gid=17&t=3");
            if (result == null)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            // Parse capacity and sum
            Match match = Regex.Match(result, "var summe=(?<summe>\\d+);var max123=(?<max123>\\d+);var max4=(?<max4>\\d+);");
            if (!match.Success)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            int sum = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["summe"].Value);

            // Parse id
            match = Regex.Match(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"(?<id>\\d+)\"");
            if (!match.Success)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            string id = match.Groups["id"].Value;

            // Parse c
            match = Regex.Match(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"(?<c>[^>]*?)\"");
            if (!match.Success)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            string c = match.Groups["c"].Value;

            // Parse m1[] and m2[]
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(result, "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m1\\[\\]\" value=\"(?<m1>\\d+)\"");
            if (matches.Count != 4)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            TResAmount m1 = new TResAmount(new int[matches.Count]);
            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i ++)
                m1.Resources[i] = Int32.Parse(matches[i].Groups["m1"].Value);

            // Does m1 exceeds threshold?
            for (int i = 0; i < m1.Resources.Length; i ++)
                if (m1.Resources[i] < Threshold.Resources[i])
                    return NpcTradeResult.Delay;

            // Compute m2
            TResAmount m2 = RedistributeResources(UpCall.TD, VillageID, sum);
            if (m2 == null)
                return NpcTradeResult.Delay;

            // Prepare data
            Dictionary<string, string> postData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            postData["id"] = id;
            postData["t"] = "3";
            postData["a"] = "6";
            postData["c"] = c;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < m2.Resources.Length; i++)
                if (i > 0)

                sb.AppendFormat("m2[]={0}&m1[]={1}", m2.Resources[i], m1.Resources[i]);

            postData["!!!RawData!!!"] = sb.ToString();

            // Post form
            result = UpCall.PageQuery(VillageID, "build.php", postData);
            if (result == null)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            match = Regex.Match(result, "<b>3</b>[^<]*?</p><script language=\"JavaScript\">var summe=");
            if (!match.Success)
                return NpcTradeResult.Failure;

            UpCall.DebugLog(string.Format("NPC trade {0} -> {1} ({2}) ", m1, m2, VillageID), DebugLevel.I);
            return NpcTradeResult.Success;
예제 #33
 private static void InitTroopCost()
     TroopCost = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(30);
     TroopCost[1] = new TResAmount(120, 100, 150, 30);
     TroopCost[2] = new TResAmount(100, 130, 160, 70);
     TroopCost[3] = new TResAmount(150, 160, 210, 80);
     TroopCost[4] = new TResAmount(140, 160, 20, 40);
     TroopCost[5] = new TResAmount(550, 440, 320, 100);
     TroopCost[6] = new TResAmount(550, 640, 800, 180);
     TroopCost[7] = new TResAmount(900, 360, 500, 70);
     TroopCost[8] = new TResAmount(950, 1350, 600, 90);
     TroopCost[9] = new TResAmount(30750, 27200, 45000, 37500);
     TroopCost[10] = new TResAmount(4600, 4200, 5800, 4400);
     TroopCost[11] = new TResAmount(95, 75, 40, 40);
     TroopCost[12] = new TResAmount(145, 70, 85, 40);
     TroopCost[13] = new TResAmount(130, 120, 170, 70);
     TroopCost[14] = new TResAmount(160, 100, 50, 50);
     TroopCost[15] = new TResAmount(370, 270, 290, 75);
     TroopCost[16] = new TResAmount(450, 515, 480, 80);
     TroopCost[17] = new TResAmount(1000, 300, 350, 70);
     TroopCost[18] = new TResAmount(900, 1200, 600, 60);
     TroopCost[19] = new TResAmount(35500, 26600, 25000, 27200);
     TroopCost[20] = new TResAmount(5800, 4400, 4600, 5200);
     TroopCost[21] = new TResAmount(100, 130, 55, 30);
     TroopCost[22] = new TResAmount(140, 150, 185, 60);
     TroopCost[23] = new TResAmount(170, 150, 20, 40);
     TroopCost[24] = new TResAmount(350, 450, 230, 60);
     TroopCost[25] = new TResAmount(360, 330, 280, 120);
     TroopCost[26] = new TResAmount(500, 620, 675, 170);
     TroopCost[27] = new TResAmount(950, 555, 330, 75);
     TroopCost[28] = new TResAmount(960, 1450, 630, 90);
     TroopCost[29] = new TResAmount(30750, 45400, 31000, 37500);
     TroopCost[30] = new TResAmount(4400, 5600, 4200, 3900);
예제 #34
        private void ProduceTroopSetting_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TravianData == null)
            CV = TravianData.Villages[RUVillageID];
            TResAmount TroopRes = new TResAmount(0,0,0,0);
            if (!initialized)
                this.buttonOK.Enabled = false;
             		numericUpDown1.Value = 0;
                numericUpDownTransferCount.Value = 1;
                numericUpDown1.Enabled = numericUpDownTransferCount.Enabled = checkBox1.Enabled = listBox1.Enabled = true;
                if (CanProduce != null)
                    foreach (var p in CanProduce)
                        if (p.Researched | checkBox1.Checked)
                initialized = true;
            if (listBox1.SelectedIndices.Count == 1 || checkBox3.Checked)
                int Aid = checkBox3.Checked ? 10 : (listBox1.SelectedItem as TroopInfo).Aid;
                int key = (TravianData.Tribe - 1) * 10 + Aid;
                int Amount = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value);
                if (Aid == 9 || Aid == 10)
                    if (Amount > 1)
                        Amount = 1;
                        numericUpDown1.Value = 1;
                    TroopRes = Buildings.TroopCost[key] * Amount;
                    TroopRes = Buildings.TroopCost[key] * Amount * (checkBox2.Checked ? 3 : 1);

            if (checkBox3.Checked)
                numericUpDown1.Value = 1;
                numericUpDownTransferCount.Value = 0;
                numericUpDown1.Enabled = false;
                numericUpDownTransferCount.Enabled = false;
                checkBox1.Enabled = false;
                listBox1.Enabled = false;
                TroopRes = Buildings.TroopCost[(TravianData.Tribe - 1) * 10 + 10];
            var ResRes = CV.ResourceCurrAmount - TroopRes;
            this.labelA.ForeColor = this.labelB.ForeColor = this.labelC.ForeColor = this.labelD.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
            if (ResRes.Resources[0] <= 0)
                this.labelA.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
            if (ResRes.Resources[1] <= 0)
                this.labelB.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
            if (ResRes.Resources[2] <= 0)
                this.labelC.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
            if (ResRes.Resources[3] <= 0)
                this.labelD.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
            this.labelA.Text = string.Format("{2}/{1} \r\n {0}", TroopRes.Resources[0].ToString(), CV.ResourceCurrAmount.Resources[0].ToString(), ResRes.Resources[0].ToString());
            this.labelB.Text = string.Format("{2}/{1} \r\n {0}", TroopRes.Resources[1].ToString(), CV.ResourceCurrAmount.Resources[1].ToString(), ResRes.Resources[1].ToString());
            this.labelC.Text = string.Format("{2}/{1} \r\n {0}", TroopRes.Resources[2].ToString(), CV.ResourceCurrAmount.Resources[2].ToString(), ResRes.Resources[2].ToString());
            this.labelD.Text = string.Format("{2}/{1} \r\n {0}", TroopRes.Resources[3].ToString(), CV.ResourceCurrAmount.Resources[3].ToString(), ResRes.Resources[3].ToString());
예제 #35
 private static void InitUpCost()
     UpCost = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, TResAmount>>(30);
     UpCost[1] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[1][0] = new TResAmount(940, 800, 1250, 370);
     UpCost[1][11] = new TResAmount(6860, 5840, 9125, 2700);
     UpCost[1][1] = new TResAmount(1635, 1395, 2175, 645);
     UpCost[1][12] = new TResAmount(7315, 6225, 9730, 2880);
     UpCost[1][2] = new TResAmount(2265, 1925, 3010, 890);
     UpCost[1][13] = new TResAmount(7765, 6605, 10325, 3055);
     UpCost[1][3] = new TResAmount(2850, 2425, 3790, 1120);
     UpCost[1][14] = new TResAmount(8205, 6980, 10910, 3230);
     UpCost[1][4] = new TResAmount(3405, 2900, 4530, 1340);
     UpCost[1][15] = new TResAmount(8640, 7350, 11485, 3400);
     UpCost[1][5] = new TResAmount(3940, 3355, 5240, 1550);
     UpCost[1][16] = new TResAmount(9065, 7715, 12060, 3570);
     UpCost[1][6] = new TResAmount(4460, 3795, 5930, 1755);
     UpCost[1][17] = new TResAmount(9490, 8080, 12620, 3735);
     UpCost[1][7] = new TResAmount(4960, 4220, 6600, 1955);
     UpCost[1][18] = new TResAmount(9910, 8435, 13180, 3900);
     UpCost[1][8] = new TResAmount(5450, 4640, 7250, 2145);
     UpCost[1][19] = new TResAmount(10325, 8790, 13730, 4065);
     UpCost[1][9] = new TResAmount(5930, 5050, 7885, 2335);
     UpCost[1][20] = new TResAmount(10740, 9140, 14280, 4225);
     UpCost[1][10] = new TResAmount(6400, 5450, 8510, 2520);
     UpCost[2] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[2][0] = new TResAmount(800, 1010, 1320, 650);
     UpCost[2][11] = new TResAmount(5840, 7375, 9635, 4745);
     UpCost[2][1] = new TResAmount(1395, 1760, 2300, 1130);
     UpCost[2][12] = new TResAmount(6225, 7860, 10275, 5060);
     UpCost[2][2] = new TResAmount(1925, 2430, 3180, 1565);
     UpCost[2][13] = new TResAmount(6605, 8340, 10900, 5370);
     UpCost[2][3] = new TResAmount(2425, 3060, 4000, 1970);
     UpCost[2][14] = new TResAmount(6980, 8815, 11520, 5675);
     UpCost[2][4] = new TResAmount(2900, 3660, 4785, 2355);
     UpCost[2][15] = new TResAmount(7350, 9280, 12130, 5975);
     UpCost[2][5] = new TResAmount(3355, 4235, 5535, 2725);
     UpCost[2][16] = new TResAmount(7715, 9745, 12735, 6270);
     UpCost[2][6] = new TResAmount(3795, 4790, 6260, 3085);
     UpCost[2][17] = new TResAmount(8080, 10200, 13330, 6565);
     UpCost[2][7] = new TResAmount(4220, 5330, 6965, 3430);
     UpCost[2][18] = new TResAmount(8435, 10650, 13920, 6855);
     UpCost[2][8] = new TResAmount(4640, 5860, 7655, 3770);
     UpCost[2][19] = new TResAmount(8790, 11095, 14500, 7140);
     UpCost[2][9] = new TResAmount(5050, 6375, 8330, 4100);
     UpCost[2][20] = new TResAmount(9140, 11535, 15080, 7425);
     UpCost[2][10] = new TResAmount(5450, 6880, 8990, 4425);
     UpCost[3] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[3][0] = new TResAmount(1150, 1220, 1670, 720);
     UpCost[3][11] = new TResAmount(8395, 8905, 12190, 5255);
     UpCost[3][1] = new TResAmount(2000, 2125, 2910, 1255);
     UpCost[3][12] = new TResAmount(8950, 9495, 13000, 5605);
     UpCost[3][2] = new TResAmount(2770, 2940, 4020, 1735);
     UpCost[3][13] = new TResAmount(9495, 10075, 13790, 5945);
     UpCost[3][3] = new TResAmount(3485, 3700, 5060, 2185);
     UpCost[3][14] = new TResAmount(10035, 10645, 14575, 6285);
     UpCost[3][4] = new TResAmount(4165, 4420, 6050, 2610);
     UpCost[3][15] = new TResAmount(10570, 11210, 15345, 6615);
     UpCost[3][5] = new TResAmount(4820, 5115, 7000, 3020);
     UpCost[3][16] = new TResAmount(11095, 11770, 16110, 6945);
     UpCost[3][6] = new TResAmount(5455, 5785, 7920, 3415);
     UpCost[3][17] = new TResAmount(11610, 12320, 16865, 7270);
     UpCost[3][7] = new TResAmount(6070, 6440, 8815, 3800);
     UpCost[3][18] = new TResAmount(12125, 12865, 17610, 7590);
     UpCost[3][8] = new TResAmount(6670, 7075, 9685, 4175);
     UpCost[3][19] = new TResAmount(12635, 13400, 18345, 7910);
     UpCost[3][9] = new TResAmount(7255, 7700, 10535, 4545);
     UpCost[3][20] = new TResAmount(13135, 13935, 19075, 8225);
     UpCost[3][10] = new TResAmount(7830, 8310, 11370, 4905);
     UpCost[4] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[4][0] = new TResAmount(540, 610, 170, 220);
     UpCost[4][11] = new TResAmount(3940, 4455, 1240, 1605);
     UpCost[4][1] = new TResAmount(940, 1060, 295, 385);
     UpCost[4][12] = new TResAmount(4205, 4750, 1325, 1710);
     UpCost[4][2] = new TResAmount(1300, 1470, 410, 530);
     UpCost[4][13] = new TResAmount(4460, 5040, 1405, 1815);
     UpCost[4][3] = new TResAmount(1635, 1850, 515, 665);
     UpCost[4][14] = new TResAmount(4715, 5325, 1485, 1920);
     UpCost[4][4] = new TResAmount(1955, 2210, 615, 795);
     UpCost[4][15] = new TResAmount(4960, 5605, 1560, 2020);
     UpCost[4][5] = new TResAmount(2265, 2560, 715, 920);
     UpCost[4][16] = new TResAmount(5210, 5885, 1640, 2120);
     UpCost[4][6] = new TResAmount(2560, 2895, 805, 1045);
     UpCost[4][17] = new TResAmount(5455, 6160, 1715, 2220);
     UpCost[4][7] = new TResAmount(2850, 3220, 895, 1160);
     UpCost[4][18] = new TResAmount(5695, 6430, 1790, 2320);
     UpCost[4][8] = new TResAmount(3130, 3540, 985, 1275);
     UpCost[4][19] = new TResAmount(5930, 6700, 1870, 2415);
     UpCost[4][9] = new TResAmount(3405, 3850, 1075, 1390);
     UpCost[4][20] = new TResAmount(6170, 6970, 1940, 2515);
     UpCost[4][10] = new TResAmount(3675, 4155, 1160, 1500);
     UpCost[5] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[5][0] = new TResAmount(1315, 1060, 815, 285);
     UpCost[5][11] = new TResAmount(9610, 7740, 5940, 2095);
     UpCost[5][1] = new TResAmount(2290, 1845, 1415, 500);
     UpCost[5][12] = new TResAmount(10250, 8250, 6330, 2230);
     UpCost[5][2] = new TResAmount(3170, 2555, 1960, 690);
     UpCost[5][13] = new TResAmount(10875, 8755, 6715, 2365);
     UpCost[5][3] = new TResAmount(3990, 3215, 2465, 870);
     UpCost[5][14] = new TResAmount(11490, 9250, 7100, 2500);
     UpCost[5][4] = new TResAmount(4770, 3840, 2945, 1040);
     UpCost[5][15] = new TResAmount(12100, 9740, 7475, 2635);
     UpCost[5][5] = new TResAmount(5520, 4445, 3410, 1200);
     UpCost[5][16] = new TResAmount(12700, 10225, 7845, 2765);
     UpCost[5][6] = new TResAmount(6245, 5030, 3860, 1360);
     UpCost[5][17] = new TResAmount(13295, 10705, 8215, 2895);
     UpCost[5][7] = new TResAmount(6950, 5595, 4295, 1515);
     UpCost[5][18] = new TResAmount(13885, 11175, 8575, 3025);
     UpCost[5][8] = new TResAmount(7635, 6150, 4715, 1665);
     UpCost[5][19] = new TResAmount(14465, 11645, 8935, 3150);
     UpCost[5][9] = new TResAmount(8310, 6690, 5130, 1810);
     UpCost[5][20] = new TResAmount(15040, 12110, 9290, 3275);
     UpCost[5][10] = new TResAmount(8965, 7220, 5540, 1950);
     UpCost[6] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[6][0] = new TResAmount(990, 1145, 1450, 355);
     UpCost[6][11] = new TResAmount(7210, 8360, 10585, 2590);
     UpCost[6][1] = new TResAmount(1720, 1995, 2525, 620);
     UpCost[6][12] = new TResAmount(7685, 8910, 11285, 2765);
     UpCost[6][2] = new TResAmount(2380, 2755, 3490, 855);
     UpCost[6][13] = new TResAmount(8155, 9455, 11975, 2930);
     UpCost[6][3] = new TResAmount(2995, 3470, 4395, 1075);
     UpCost[6][14] = new TResAmount(8620, 9995, 12655, 3100);
     UpCost[6][4] = new TResAmount(3580, 4150, 5255, 1285);
     UpCost[6][15] = new TResAmount(9075, 10520, 13325, 3260);
     UpCost[6][5] = new TResAmount(4140, 4800, 6080, 1490);
     UpCost[6][16] = new TResAmount(9525, 11045, 13985, 3425);
     UpCost[6][6] = new TResAmount(4685, 5430, 6880, 1685);
     UpCost[6][17] = new TResAmount(9970, 11560, 14640, 3585);
     UpCost[6][7] = new TResAmount(5210, 6045, 7655, 1875);
     UpCost[6][18] = new TResAmount(10410, 12075, 15290, 3745);
     UpCost[6][8] = new TResAmount(5725, 6640, 8410, 2060);
     UpCost[6][19] = new TResAmount(10850, 12580, 15930, 3900);
     UpCost[6][9] = new TResAmount(6230, 7225, 9150, 2240);
     UpCost[6][20] = new TResAmount(11280, 13080, 16565, 4055);
     UpCost[6][10] = new TResAmount(6725, 7795, 9875, 2415);
     UpCost[7] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[7][0] = new TResAmount(2135, 875, 1235, 215);
     UpCost[7][11] = new TResAmount(15575, 6375, 9005, 1580);
     UpCost[7][1] = new TResAmount(3715, 1520, 2145, 375);
     UpCost[7][12] = new TResAmount(16605, 6795, 9600, 1685);
     UpCost[7][2] = new TResAmount(5140, 2105, 2970, 520);
     UpCost[7][13] = new TResAmount(17620, 7210, 10185, 1790);
     UpCost[7][3] = new TResAmount(6465, 2645, 3740, 655);
     UpCost[7][14] = new TResAmount(18620, 7620, 10765, 1890);
     UpCost[7][4] = new TResAmount(7730, 3165, 4470, 785);
     UpCost[7][15] = new TResAmount(19605, 8025, 11335, 1990);
     UpCost[7][5] = new TResAmount(8945, 3660, 5170, 910);
     UpCost[7][16] = new TResAmount(20580, 8425, 11895, 2090);
     UpCost[7][6] = new TResAmount(10120, 4140, 5850, 1030);
     UpCost[7][17] = new TResAmount(21540, 8820, 12455, 2190);
     UpCost[7][7] = new TResAmount(11260, 4610, 6510, 1145);
     UpCost[7][18] = new TResAmount(22495, 9210, 13005, 2285);
     UpCost[7][8] = new TResAmount(12370, 5065, 7155, 1255);
     UpCost[7][19] = new TResAmount(23435, 9595, 13550, 2380);
     UpCost[7][9] = new TResAmount(13460, 5510, 7780, 1365);
     UpCost[7][20] = new TResAmount(24370, 9975, 14090, 2475);
     UpCost[7][10] = new TResAmount(14525, 5945, 8400, 1475);
     UpCost[8] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[8][0] = new TResAmount(1125, 1590, 735, 130);
     UpCost[8][11] = new TResAmount(8215, 11620, 5355, 960);
     UpCost[8][1] = new TResAmount(1960, 2770, 1275, 230);
     UpCost[8][12] = new TResAmount(8755, 12390, 5710, 1025);
     UpCost[8][2] = new TResAmount(2710, 3835, 1765, 315);
     UpCost[8][13] = new TResAmount(9290, 13145, 6055, 1085);
     UpCost[8][3] = new TResAmount(3410, 4825, 2225, 400);
     UpCost[8][14] = new TResAmount(9820, 13890, 6400, 1150);
     UpCost[8][4] = new TResAmount(4075, 5770, 2660, 475);
     UpCost[8][15] = new TResAmount(10340, 14625, 6740, 1210);
     UpCost[8][5] = new TResAmount(4715, 6675, 3075, 550);
     UpCost[8][16] = new TResAmount(10850, 15355, 7075, 1270);
     UpCost[8][6] = new TResAmount(5335, 7550, 3480, 625);
     UpCost[8][17] = new TResAmount(11360, 16070, 7405, 1330);
     UpCost[8][7] = new TResAmount(5940, 8400, 3870, 695);
     UpCost[8][18] = new TResAmount(11860, 16780, 7730, 1390);
     UpCost[8][8] = new TResAmount(6525, 9230, 4255, 765);
     UpCost[8][19] = new TResAmount(12360, 17485, 8055, 1445);
     UpCost[8][9] = new TResAmount(7100, 10045, 4625, 830);
     UpCost[8][20] = new TResAmount(12850, 18180, 8375, 1505);
     UpCost[8][10] = new TResAmount(7660, 10840, 4995, 895);
     UpCost[9] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[9][0] = new TResAmount(43070, 38100, 63040, 52530);
     UpCost[9][11] = new TResAmount(314425, 278145, 460215, 383505);
     UpCost[9][1] = new TResAmount(74990, 66335, 109760, 91465);
     UpCost[9][12] = new TResAmount(335220, 296540, 490650, 408865);
     UpCost[9][2] = new TResAmount(103720, 91755, 151815, 126510);
     UpCost[9][13] = new TResAmount(355695, 314650, 520615, 433835);
     UpCost[9][3] = new TResAmount(130565, 115500, 191100, 159245);
     UpCost[9][14] = new TResAmount(375880, 332505, 550160, 458455);
     UpCost[9][4] = new TResAmount(156080, 138070, 228450, 190370);
     UpCost[9][15] = new TResAmount(395795, 350125, 579310, 482745);
     UpCost[9][5] = new TResAmount(180590, 159750, 264325, 220265);
     UpCost[9][16] = new TResAmount(415465, 367525, 608100, 506740);
     UpCost[9][6] = new TResAmount(204295, 180720, 299015, 249175);
     UpCost[9][17] = new TResAmount(434905, 384720, 636550, 530445);
     UpCost[9][7] = new TResAmount(227325, 201095, 332725, 277265);
     UpCost[9][18] = new TResAmount(454125, 401725, 664690, 553895);
     UpCost[9][8] = new TResAmount(249785, 220965, 365605, 304660);
     UpCost[9][19] = new TResAmount(473150, 418550, 692535, 577095);
     UpCost[9][9] = new TResAmount(271755, 240395, 397755, 331455);
     UpCost[9][20] = new TResAmount(491985, 435210, 720100, 600065);
     UpCost[9][10] = new TResAmount(293285, 259440, 429270, 357715);
     UpCost[10] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[10][0] = new TResAmount(40700, 37200, 50600, 38660);
     UpCost[10][11] = new TResAmount(297125, 271575, 369400, 282230);
     UpCost[10][1] = new TResAmount(70865, 64770, 88100, 67310);
     UpCost[10][12] = new TResAmount(316775, 289535, 393825, 300895);
     UpCost[10][2] = new TResAmount(98015, 89585, 121855, 93100);
     UpCost[10][13] = new TResAmount(336120, 307215, 417880, 319275);
     UpCost[10][3] = new TResAmount(123380, 112770, 153390, 117195);
     UpCost[10][14] = new TResAmount(355195, 324650, 441595, 337390);
     UpCost[10][4] = new TResAmount(147495, 134810, 183370, 140100);
     UpCost[10][15] = new TResAmount(374015, 341855, 464995, 355270);
     UpCost[10][5] = new TResAmount(170655, 155980, 212165, 162100);
     UpCost[10][16] = new TResAmount(392605, 358840, 488100, 372925);
     UpCost[10][6] = new TResAmount(193050, 176450, 240010, 183375);
     UpCost[10][17] = new TResAmount(410970, 375630, 510940, 390375);
     UpCost[10][7] = new TResAmount(214815, 196345, 267070, 204050);
     UpCost[10][18] = new TResAmount(429140, 392235, 533525, 407630);
     UpCost[10][8] = new TResAmount(236040, 215745, 293455, 224210);
     UpCost[10][19] = new TResAmount(447115, 408665, 555870, 424705);
     UpCost[10][9] = new TResAmount(256800, 234715, 319265, 243930);
     UpCost[10][20] = new TResAmount(464910, 424930, 577995, 441610);
     UpCost[10][10] = new TResAmount(277145, 253315, 344560, 263255);
     UpCost[11] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[11][0] = new TResAmount(765, 625, 480, 440);
     UpCost[11][11] = new TResAmount(5585, 4565, 3505, 3210);
     UpCost[11][1] = new TResAmount(1330, 1090, 835, 765);
     UpCost[11][12] = new TResAmount(5955, 4865, 3735, 3425);
     UpCost[11][2] = new TResAmount(1840, 1505, 1155, 1060);
     UpCost[11][13] = new TResAmount(6320, 5160, 3965, 3635);
     UpCost[11][3] = new TResAmount(2320, 1895, 1455, 1335);
     UpCost[11][14] = new TResAmount(6675, 5455, 4190, 3840);
     UpCost[11][4] = new TResAmount(2770, 2265, 1740, 1595);
     UpCost[11][15] = new TResAmount(7030, 5745, 4410, 4045);
     UpCost[11][5] = new TResAmount(3210, 2620, 2015, 1845);
     UpCost[11][16] = new TResAmount(7380, 6030, 4630, 4245);
     UpCost[11][6] = new TResAmount(3630, 2965, 2275, 2085);
     UpCost[11][17] = new TResAmount(7725, 6310, 4845, 4445);
     UpCost[11][7] = new TResAmount(4040, 3300, 2535, 2320);
     UpCost[11][18] = new TResAmount(8065, 6590, 5060, 4640);
     UpCost[11][8] = new TResAmount(4435, 3625, 2785, 2550);
     UpCost[11][19] = new TResAmount(8405, 6865, 5275, 4835);
     UpCost[11][9] = new TResAmount(4825, 3945, 3030, 2775);
     UpCost[11][20] = new TResAmount(8740, 7140, 5485, 5025);
     UpCost[11][10] = new TResAmount(5210, 4255, 3270, 2995);
     UpCost[12] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[12][0] = new TResAmount(1115, 590, 795, 440);
     UpCost[12][11] = new TResAmount(8140, 4305, 5805, 3210);
     UpCost[12][1] = new TResAmount(1940, 1025, 1385, 765);
     UpCost[12][12] = new TResAmount(8680, 4590, 6190, 3425);
     UpCost[12][2] = new TResAmount(2685, 1420, 1915, 1060);
     UpCost[12][13] = new TResAmount(9210, 4875, 6565, 3635);
     UpCost[12][3] = new TResAmount(3380, 1790, 2410, 1335);
     UpCost[12][14] = new TResAmount(9730, 5150, 6940, 3840);
     UpCost[12][4] = new TResAmount(4040, 2140, 2880, 1595);
     UpCost[12][15] = new TResAmount(10245, 5420, 7305, 4045);
     UpCost[12][5] = new TResAmount(4675, 2475, 3335, 1845);
     UpCost[12][16] = new TResAmount(10755, 5690, 7670, 4245);
     UpCost[12][6] = new TResAmount(5290, 2800, 3770, 2085);
     UpCost[12][17] = new TResAmount(11260, 5960, 8030, 4445);
     UpCost[12][7] = new TResAmount(5885, 3115, 4195, 2320);
     UpCost[12][18] = new TResAmount(11755, 6220, 8380, 4640);
     UpCost[12][8] = new TResAmount(6465, 3420, 4610, 2550);
     UpCost[12][19] = new TResAmount(12250, 6480, 8735, 4835);
     UpCost[12][9] = new TResAmount(7035, 3725, 5015, 2775);
     UpCost[12][20] = new TResAmount(12735, 6740, 9080, 5025);
     UpCost[12][10] = new TResAmount(7595, 4020, 5415, 2995);
     UpCost[13] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[13][0] = new TResAmount(1010, 940, 1390, 650);
     UpCost[13][11] = new TResAmount(7375, 6860, 10150, 4745);
     UpCost[13][1] = new TResAmount(1760, 1635, 2420, 1130);
     UpCost[13][12] = new TResAmount(7860, 7315, 10820, 5060);
     UpCost[13][2] = new TResAmount(2430, 2265, 3345, 1565);
     UpCost[13][13] = new TResAmount(8340, 7765, 11480, 5370);
     UpCost[13][3] = new TResAmount(3060, 2850, 4215, 1970);
     UpCost[13][14] = new TResAmount(8815, 8205, 12130, 5675);
     UpCost[13][4] = new TResAmount(3660, 3405, 5035, 2355);
     UpCost[13][15] = new TResAmount(9280, 8640, 12775, 5975);
     UpCost[13][5] = new TResAmount(4235, 3940, 5830, 2725);
     UpCost[13][16] = new TResAmount(9745, 9065, 13410, 6270);
     UpCost[13][6] = new TResAmount(4790, 4460, 6595, 3085);
     UpCost[13][17] = new TResAmount(10200, 9490, 14035, 6565);
     UpCost[13][7] = new TResAmount(5330, 4960, 7335, 3430);
     UpCost[13][18] = new TResAmount(10650, 9910, 14655, 6855);
     UpCost[13][8] = new TResAmount(5860, 5450, 8060, 3770);
     UpCost[13][19] = new TResAmount(11095, 10325, 15270, 7140);
     UpCost[13][9] = new TResAmount(6375, 5930, 8770, 4100);
     UpCost[13][20] = new TResAmount(11535, 10740, 15880, 7425);
     UpCost[13][10] = new TResAmount(6880, 6400, 9465, 4425);
     UpCost[14] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[14][0] = new TResAmount(1220, 800, 550, 510);
     UpCost[14][11] = new TResAmount(8905, 5840, 4015, 3725);
     UpCost[14][1] = new TResAmount(2125, 1395, 960, 890);
     UpCost[14][12] = new TResAmount(9495, 6225, 4280, 3970);
     UpCost[14][2] = new TResAmount(2940, 1925, 1325, 1230);
     UpCost[14][13] = new TResAmount(10075, 6605, 4540, 4210);
     UpCost[14][3] = new TResAmount(3700, 2425, 1665, 1545);
     UpCost[14][14] = new TResAmount(10645, 6980, 4800, 4450);
     UpCost[14][4] = new TResAmount(4420, 2900, 1995, 1850);
     UpCost[14][15] = new TResAmount(11210, 7350, 5055, 4685);
     UpCost[14][5] = new TResAmount(5115, 3355, 2305, 2140);
     UpCost[14][16] = new TResAmount(11770, 7715, 5305, 4920);
     UpCost[14][6] = new TResAmount(5785, 3795, 2610, 2420);
     UpCost[14][17] = new TResAmount(12320, 8080, 5555, 5150);
     UpCost[14][7] = new TResAmount(6440, 4220, 2905, 2690);
     UpCost[14][18] = new TResAmount(12865, 8435, 5800, 5375);
     UpCost[14][8] = new TResAmount(7075, 4640, 3190, 2960);
     UpCost[14][19] = new TResAmount(13400, 8790, 6040, 5605);
     UpCost[14][9] = new TResAmount(7700, 5050, 3470, 3220);
     UpCost[14][20] = new TResAmount(13935, 9140, 6285, 5825);
     UpCost[14][10] = new TResAmount(8310, 5450, 3745, 3475);
     UpCost[15] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[15][0] = new TResAmount(1345, 995, 1115, 345);
     UpCost[15][11] = new TResAmount(9820, 7265, 8140, 2500);
     UpCost[15][1] = new TResAmount(2340, 1730, 1940, 595);
     UpCost[15][12] = new TResAmount(10470, 7745, 8680, 2665);
     UpCost[15][2] = new TResAmount(3240, 2395, 2685, 825);
     UpCost[15][13] = new TResAmount(11110, 8215, 9210, 2830);
     UpCost[15][3] = new TResAmount(4075, 3015, 3380, 1040);
     UpCost[15][14] = new TResAmount(11740, 8685, 9730, 2990);
     UpCost[15][4] = new TResAmount(4875, 3605, 4040, 1240);
     UpCost[15][15] = new TResAmount(12360, 9145, 10245, 3145);
     UpCost[15][5] = new TResAmount(5640, 4170, 4675, 1435);
     UpCost[15][16] = new TResAmount(12975, 9600, 10755, 3305);
     UpCost[15][6] = new TResAmount(6380, 4720, 5290, 1625);
     UpCost[15][17] = new TResAmount(13580, 10045, 11260, 3460);
     UpCost[15][7] = new TResAmount(7100, 5250, 5885, 1810);
     UpCost[15][18] = new TResAmount(14180, 10490, 11755, 3610);
     UpCost[15][8] = new TResAmount(7800, 5770, 6465, 1985);
     UpCost[15][19] = new TResAmount(14775, 10930, 12250, 3765);
     UpCost[15][9] = new TResAmount(8485, 6280, 7035, 2160);
     UpCost[15][20] = new TResAmount(15365, 11365, 12735, 3910);
     UpCost[15][10] = new TResAmount(9160, 6775, 7595, 2330);
     UpCost[16] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[16][0] = new TResAmount(1085, 1235, 1185, 240);
     UpCost[16][11] = new TResAmount(7910, 9015, 8665, 1750);
     UpCost[16][1] = new TResAmount(1885, 2150, 2065, 420);
     UpCost[16][12] = new TResAmount(8430, 9610, 9235, 1870);
     UpCost[16][2] = new TResAmount(2610, 2975, 2860, 580);
     UpCost[16][13] = new TResAmount(8945, 10200, 9800, 1980);
     UpCost[16][3] = new TResAmount(3285, 3745, 3595, 730);
     UpCost[16][14] = new TResAmount(9455, 10780, 10355, 2095);
     UpCost[16][4] = new TResAmount(3925, 4475, 4300, 870);
     UpCost[16][15] = new TResAmount(9955, 11350, 10905, 2205);
     UpCost[16][5] = new TResAmount(4540, 5180, 4975, 1005);
     UpCost[16][16] = new TResAmount(10450, 11915, 11445, 2315);
     UpCost[16][6] = new TResAmount(5140, 5860, 5630, 1140);
     UpCost[16][17] = new TResAmount(10940, 12470, 11980, 2425);
     UpCost[16][7] = new TResAmount(5720, 6520, 6265, 1265);
     UpCost[16][18] = new TResAmount(11425, 13020, 12510, 2530);
     UpCost[16][8] = new TResAmount(6285, 7160, 6880, 1390);
     UpCost[16][19] = new TResAmount(11900, 13565, 13035, 2635);
     UpCost[16][9] = new TResAmount(6835, 7790, 7485, 1515);
     UpCost[16][20] = new TResAmount(12375, 14105, 13555, 2740);
     UpCost[16][10] = new TResAmount(7375, 8410, 8080, 1635);
     UpCost[17] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[17][0] = new TResAmount(2365, 735, 885, 215);
     UpCost[17][11] = new TResAmount(17280, 5355, 6450, 1580);
     UpCost[17][1] = new TResAmount(4120, 1275, 1540, 375);
     UpCost[17][12] = new TResAmount(18420, 5710, 6875, 1685);
     UpCost[17][2] = new TResAmount(5700, 1765, 2125, 520);
     UpCost[17][13] = new TResAmount(19545, 6055, 7295, 1790);
     UpCost[17][3] = new TResAmount(7175, 2225, 2680, 655);
     UpCost[17][14] = new TResAmount(20655, 6400, 7710, 1890);
     UpCost[17][4] = new TResAmount(8575, 2660, 3200, 785);
     UpCost[17][15] = new TResAmount(21750, 6740, 8115, 1990);
     UpCost[17][5] = new TResAmount(9925, 3075, 3705, 910);
     UpCost[17][16] = new TResAmount(22830, 7075, 8520, 2090);
     UpCost[17][6] = new TResAmount(11225, 3480, 4190, 1030);
     UpCost[17][17] = new TResAmount(23900, 7405, 8920, 2190);
     UpCost[17][7] = new TResAmount(12490, 3870, 4660, 1145);
     UpCost[17][18] = new TResAmount(24955, 7730, 9315, 2285);
     UpCost[17][8] = new TResAmount(13725, 4255, 5125, 1255);
     UpCost[17][19] = new TResAmount(26000, 8055, 9705, 2380);
     UpCost[17][9] = new TResAmount(14935, 4625, 5575, 1365);
     UpCost[17][20] = new TResAmount(27035, 8375, 10090, 2475);
     UpCost[17][10] = new TResAmount(16115, 4995, 6015, 1475);
     UpCost[18] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[18][0] = new TResAmount(1065, 1415, 735, 95);
     UpCost[18][11] = new TResAmount(7785, 10340, 5355, 705);
     UpCost[18][1] = new TResAmount(1855, 2465, 1275, 170);
     UpCost[18][12] = new TResAmount(8300, 11025, 5710, 750);
     UpCost[18][2] = new TResAmount(2570, 3410, 1765, 235);
     UpCost[18][13] = new TResAmount(8810, 11700, 6055, 800);
     UpCost[18][3] = new TResAmount(3235, 4295, 2225, 295);
     UpCost[18][14] = new TResAmount(9310, 12365, 6400, 845);
     UpCost[18][4] = new TResAmount(3865, 5135, 2660, 350);
     UpCost[18][15] = new TResAmount(9800, 13020, 6740, 890);
     UpCost[18][5] = new TResAmount(4470, 5940, 3075, 405);
     UpCost[18][16] = new TResAmount(10290, 13665, 7075, 930);
     UpCost[18][6] = new TResAmount(5060, 6720, 3480, 460);
     UpCost[18][17] = new TResAmount(10770, 14305, 7405, 975);
     UpCost[18][7] = new TResAmount(5630, 7475, 3870, 510);
     UpCost[18][18] = new TResAmount(11245, 14935, 7730, 1020);
     UpCost[18][8] = new TResAmount(6185, 8215, 4255, 560);
     UpCost[18][19] = new TResAmount(11720, 15565, 8055, 1060);
     UpCost[18][9] = new TResAmount(6730, 8940, 4625, 610);
     UpCost[18][20] = new TResAmount(12185, 16180, 8375, 1105);
     UpCost[18][10] = new TResAmount(7265, 9645, 4995, 660);
     UpCost[19] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[19][0] = new TResAmount(62150, 46575, 43800, 47640);
     UpCost[19][11] = new TResAmount(453720, 340015, 319755, 347790);
     UpCost[19][1] = new TResAmount(108210, 81090, 76260, 82945);
     UpCost[19][12] = new TResAmount(483720, 362500, 340900, 370790);
     UpCost[19][2] = new TResAmount(149670, 112165, 105480, 114730);
     UpCost[19][13] = new TResAmount(513265, 384640, 361725, 393435);
     UpCost[19][3] = new TResAmount(188405, 141190, 132775, 144415);
     UpCost[19][14] = new TResAmount(542395, 406470, 382250, 415760);
     UpCost[19][4] = new TResAmount(225225, 168785, 158725, 172645);
     UpCost[19][15] = new TResAmount(571135, 428005, 402505, 437790);
     UpCost[19][5] = new TResAmount(260595, 195285, 183650, 199755);
     UpCost[19][16] = new TResAmount(599515, 449275, 422505, 459550);
     UpCost[19][6] = new TResAmount(294795, 220920, 207755, 225970);
     UpCost[19][17] = new TResAmount(627565, 470295, 442275, 481050);
     UpCost[19][7] = new TResAmount(328030, 245825, 231180, 251445);
     UpCost[19][18] = new TResAmount(655305, 491085, 461825, 502315);
     UpCost[19][8] = new TResAmount(360440, 270115, 254020, 276290);
     UpCost[19][19] = new TResAmount(682755, 511655, 481170, 523355);
     UpCost[19][9] = new TResAmount(392140, 293870, 276360, 300590);
     UpCost[19][20] = new TResAmount(709930, 532020, 500320, 544185);
     UpCost[19][10] = new TResAmount(423210, 317150, 298255, 324405);
     UpCost[20] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[20][0] = new TResAmount(50500, 38600, 40800, 45660);
     UpCost[20][11] = new TResAmount(368670, 281795, 297855, 333335);
     UpCost[20][1] = new TResAmount(87925, 67205, 71035, 79500);
     UpCost[20][12] = new TResAmount(393050, 300430, 317550, 355380);
     UpCost[20][2] = new TResAmount(121615, 92955, 98255, 109960);
     UpCost[20][13] = new TResAmount(417055, 318780, 336950, 377085);
     UpCost[20][3] = new TResAmount(153085, 117015, 123680, 138415);
     UpCost[20][14] = new TResAmount(440720, 336870, 356070, 398480);
     UpCost[20][4] = new TResAmount(183005, 139880, 147855, 165465);
     UpCost[20][15] = new TResAmount(464075, 354720, 374935, 419595);
     UpCost[20][5] = new TResAmount(211745, 161850, 171075, 191450);
     UpCost[20][16] = new TResAmount(487135, 372345, 393570, 440450);
     UpCost[20][6] = new TResAmount(239535, 183090, 193525, 216580);
     UpCost[20][17] = new TResAmount(509930, 389765, 411980, 461055);
     UpCost[20][7] = new TResAmount(266540, 203730, 215345, 240995);
     UpCost[20][18] = new TResAmount(532470, 406995, 430195, 481435);
     UpCost[20][8] = new TResAmount(292875, 223860, 236620, 264805);
     UpCost[20][19] = new TResAmount(554775, 424045, 448215, 501605);
     UpCost[20][9] = new TResAmount(318635, 243550, 257430, 288095);
     UpCost[20][20] = new TResAmount(576855, 440925, 466055, 521570);
     UpCost[20][10] = new TResAmount(343880, 262845, 277825, 310920);
     UpCost[21] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[21][0] = new TResAmount(800, 1010, 585, 370);
     UpCost[21][11] = new TResAmount(5840, 7375, 4270, 2700);
     UpCost[21][1] = new TResAmount(1395, 1760, 1020, 645);
     UpCost[21][12] = new TResAmount(6225, 7860, 4555, 2880);
     UpCost[21][2] = new TResAmount(1925, 2430, 1410, 890);
     UpCost[21][13] = new TResAmount(6605, 8340, 4830, 3055);
     UpCost[21][3] = new TResAmount(2425, 3060, 1775, 1120);
     UpCost[21][14] = new TResAmount(6980, 8815, 5105, 3230);
     UpCost[21][4] = new TResAmount(2900, 3660, 2120, 1340);
     UpCost[21][15] = new TResAmount(7350, 9280, 5375, 3400);
     UpCost[21][5] = new TResAmount(3355, 4235, 2455, 1550);
     UpCost[21][16] = new TResAmount(7715, 9745, 5645, 3570);
     UpCost[21][6] = new TResAmount(3795, 4790, 2775, 1755);
     UpCost[21][17] = new TResAmount(8080, 10200, 5905, 3735);
     UpCost[21][7] = new TResAmount(4220, 5330, 3090, 1955);
     UpCost[21][18] = new TResAmount(8435, 10650, 6170, 3900);
     UpCost[21][8] = new TResAmount(4640, 5860, 3395, 2145);
     UpCost[21][19] = new TResAmount(8790, 11095, 6425, 4065);
     UpCost[21][9] = new TResAmount(5050, 6375, 3690, 2335);
     UpCost[21][20] = new TResAmount(9140, 11535, 6680, 4225);
     UpCost[21][10] = new TResAmount(5450, 6880, 3985, 2520);
     UpCost[22] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[22][0] = new TResAmount(1080, 1150, 1495, 580);
     UpCost[22][11] = new TResAmount(7885, 8395, 10915, 4235);
     UpCost[22][1] = new TResAmount(1880, 2000, 2605, 1010);
     UpCost[22][12] = new TResAmount(8405, 8950, 11635, 4515);
     UpCost[22][2] = new TResAmount(2600, 2770, 3600, 1395);
     UpCost[22][13] = new TResAmount(8920, 9495, 12345, 4790);
     UpCost[22][3] = new TResAmount(3275, 3485, 4530, 1760);
     UpCost[22][14] = new TResAmount(9425, 10035, 13045, 5060);
     UpCost[22][4] = new TResAmount(3915, 4165, 5420, 2100);
     UpCost[22][15] = new TResAmount(9925, 10570, 13740, 5330);
     UpCost[22][5] = new TResAmount(4530, 4820, 6270, 2430);
     UpCost[22][16] = new TResAmount(10420, 11095, 14420, 5595);
     UpCost[22][6] = new TResAmount(5125, 5455, 7090, 2750);
     UpCost[22][17] = new TResAmount(10905, 11610, 15095, 5855);
     UpCost[22][7] = new TResAmount(5700, 6070, 7890, 3060);
     UpCost[22][18] = new TResAmount(11385, 12125, 15765, 6115);
     UpCost[22][8] = new TResAmount(6265, 6670, 8670, 3365);
     UpCost[22][19] = new TResAmount(11865, 12635, 16425, 6370);
     UpCost[22][9] = new TResAmount(6815, 7255, 9435, 3660);
     UpCost[22][20] = new TResAmount(12335, 13135, 17075, 6625);
     UpCost[22][10] = new TResAmount(7355, 7830, 10180, 3950);
     UpCost[23] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[23][0] = new TResAmount(645, 575, 170, 220);
     UpCost[23][11] = new TResAmount(4710, 4200, 1240, 1605);
     UpCost[23][1] = new TResAmount(1125, 1000, 295, 385);
     UpCost[23][12] = new TResAmount(5020, 4475, 1325, 1710);
     UpCost[23][2] = new TResAmount(1555, 1385, 410, 530);
     UpCost[23][13] = new TResAmount(5325, 4750, 1405, 1815);
     UpCost[23][3] = new TResAmount(1955, 1745, 515, 665);
     UpCost[23][14] = new TResAmount(5630, 5020, 1485, 1920);
     UpCost[23][4] = new TResAmount(2335, 2085, 615, 795);
     UpCost[23][15] = new TResAmount(5925, 5285, 1560, 2020);
     UpCost[23][5] = new TResAmount(2705, 2410, 715, 920);
     UpCost[23][16] = new TResAmount(6220, 5545, 1640, 2120);
     UpCost[23][6] = new TResAmount(3060, 2725, 805, 1045);
     UpCost[23][17] = new TResAmount(6515, 5805, 1715, 2220);
     UpCost[23][7] = new TResAmount(3405, 3035, 895, 1160);
     UpCost[23][18] = new TResAmount(6800, 6065, 1790, 2320);
     UpCost[23][8] = new TResAmount(3740, 3335, 985, 1275);
     UpCost[23][19] = new TResAmount(7085, 6315, 1870, 2415);
     UpCost[23][9] = new TResAmount(4070, 3630, 1075, 1390);
     UpCost[23][20] = new TResAmount(7370, 6570, 1940, 2515);
     UpCost[23][10] = new TResAmount(4390, 3915, 1160, 1500);
     UpCost[24] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[24][0] = new TResAmount(1275, 1625, 905, 290);
     UpCost[24][11] = new TResAmount(9310, 11865, 6605, 2115);
     UpCost[24][1] = new TResAmount(2220, 2830, 1575, 505);
     UpCost[24][12] = new TResAmount(9925, 12650, 7045, 2255);
     UpCost[24][2] = new TResAmount(3070, 3915, 2180, 700);
     UpCost[24][13] = new TResAmount(10530, 13420, 7475, 2395);
     UpCost[24][3] = new TResAmount(3865, 4925, 2745, 880);
     UpCost[24][14] = new TResAmount(11125, 14180, 7900, 2530);
     UpCost[24][4] = new TResAmount(4620, 5890, 3280, 1050);
     UpCost[24][15] = new TResAmount(11715, 14935, 8315, 2665);
     UpCost[24][5] = new TResAmount(5345, 6815, 3795, 1215);
     UpCost[24][16] = new TResAmount(12300, 15675, 8730, 2795);
     UpCost[24][6] = new TResAmount(6050, 7710, 4295, 1375);
     UpCost[24][17] = new TResAmount(12875, 16410, 9140, 2930);
     UpCost[24][7] = new TResAmount(6730, 8575, 4775, 1530);
     UpCost[24][18] = new TResAmount(13445, 17135, 9540, 3060);
     UpCost[24][8] = new TResAmount(7395, 9425, 5250, 1680);
     UpCost[24][19] = new TResAmount(14005, 17850, 9940, 3185);
     UpCost[24][9] = new TResAmount(8045, 10255, 5710, 1830);
     UpCost[24][20] = new TResAmount(14565, 18560, 10340, 3315);
     UpCost[24][10] = new TResAmount(8680, 11065, 6165, 1975);
     UpCost[25] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[25][0] = new TResAmount(1310, 1205, 1080, 500);
     UpCost[25][11] = new TResAmount(9565, 8795, 7885, 3650);
     UpCost[25][1] = new TResAmount(2280, 2100, 1880, 870);
     UpCost[25][12] = new TResAmount(10195, 9380, 8405, 3890);
     UpCost[25][2] = new TResAmount(3155, 2900, 2600, 1205);
     UpCost[25][13] = new TResAmount(10820, 9950, 8920, 4130);
     UpCost[25][3] = new TResAmount(3970, 3655, 3275, 1515);
     UpCost[25][14] = new TResAmount(11435, 10515, 9425, 4365);
     UpCost[25][4] = new TResAmount(4745, 4365, 3915, 1810);
     UpCost[25][15] = new TResAmount(12040, 11075, 9925, 4595);
     UpCost[25][5] = new TResAmount(5495, 5055, 4530, 2095);
     UpCost[25][16] = new TResAmount(12635, 11625, 10420, 4825);
     UpCost[25][6] = new TResAmount(6215, 5715, 5125, 2370);
     UpCost[25][17] = new TResAmount(13230, 12170, 10905, 5050);
     UpCost[25][7] = new TResAmount(6915, 6360, 5700, 2640);
     UpCost[25][18] = new TResAmount(13815, 12705, 11385, 5270);
     UpCost[25][8] = new TResAmount(7595, 6990, 6265, 2900);
     UpCost[25][19] = new TResAmount(14390, 13240, 11865, 5495);
     UpCost[25][9] = new TResAmount(8265, 7605, 6815, 3155);
     UpCost[25][20] = new TResAmount(14965, 13765, 12335, 5710);
     UpCost[25][10] = new TResAmount(8920, 8205, 7355, 3405);
     UpCost[26] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[26][0] = new TResAmount(1200, 1480, 1640, 450);
     UpCost[26][11] = new TResAmount(8760, 10805, 11985, 3285);
     UpCost[26][1] = new TResAmount(2090, 2575, 2860, 785);
     UpCost[26][12] = new TResAmount(9340, 11520, 12775, 3500);
     UpCost[26][2] = new TResAmount(2890, 3565, 3955, 1085);
     UpCost[26][13] = new TResAmount(9910, 12225, 13560, 3715);
     UpCost[26][3] = new TResAmount(3640, 4485, 4975, 1365);
     UpCost[26][14] = new TResAmount(10475, 12915, 14325, 3925);
     UpCost[26][4] = new TResAmount(4350, 5365, 5950, 1630);
     UpCost[26][15] = new TResAmount(11030, 13600, 15085, 4135);
     UpCost[26][5] = new TResAmount(5030, 6205, 6885, 1885);
     UpCost[26][16] = new TResAmount(11575, 14275, 15835, 4340);
     UpCost[26][6] = new TResAmount(5690, 7020, 7785, 2135);
     UpCost[26][17] = new TResAmount(12115, 14945, 16575, 4545);
     UpCost[26][7] = new TResAmount(6335, 7810, 8665, 2375);
     UpCost[26][18] = new TResAmount(12655, 15605, 17310, 4745);
     UpCost[26][8] = new TResAmount(6960, 8585, 9520, 2610);
     UpCost[26][19] = new TResAmount(13185, 16260, 18035, 4945);
     UpCost[26][9] = new TResAmount(7570, 9340, 10360, 2840);
     UpCost[26][20] = new TResAmount(13705, 16905, 18755, 5140);
     UpCost[26][10] = new TResAmount(8170, 10080, 11180, 3065);
     UpCost[27] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[27][0] = new TResAmount(2250, 1330, 835, 230);
     UpCost[27][11] = new TResAmount(16425, 9695, 6110, 1665);
     UpCost[27][1] = new TResAmount(3915, 2315, 1455, 400);
     UpCost[27][12] = new TResAmount(17510, 10340, 6510, 1775);
     UpCost[27][2] = new TResAmount(5420, 3200, 2015, 550);
     UpCost[27][13] = new TResAmount(18580, 10970, 6910, 1885);
     UpCost[27][3] = new TResAmount(6820, 4025, 2535, 690);
     UpCost[27][14] = new TResAmount(19635, 11595, 7300, 1995);
     UpCost[27][4] = new TResAmount(8155, 4815, 3030, 825);
     UpCost[27][15] = new TResAmount(20675, 12205, 7690, 2100);
     UpCost[27][5] = new TResAmount(9435, 5570, 3510, 955);
     UpCost[27][16] = new TResAmount(21705, 12815, 8070, 2205);
     UpCost[27][6] = new TResAmount(10670, 6300, 3970, 1085);
     UpCost[27][17] = new TResAmount(22720, 13415, 8450, 2305);
     UpCost[27][7] = new TResAmount(11875, 7010, 4415, 1205);
     UpCost[27][18] = new TResAmount(23725, 14005, 8820, 2410);
     UpCost[27][8] = new TResAmount(13050, 7705, 4850, 1325);
     UpCost[27][19] = new TResAmount(24720, 14595, 9190, 2510);
     UpCost[27][9] = new TResAmount(14195, 8380, 5280, 1440);
     UpCost[27][20] = new TResAmount(25700, 15175, 9555, 2610);
     UpCost[27][10] = new TResAmount(15320, 9045, 5695, 1555);
     UpCost[28] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[28][0] = new TResAmount(1135, 1710, 770, 130);
     UpCost[28][11] = new TResAmount(8300, 12470, 5610, 960);
     UpCost[28][1] = new TResAmount(1980, 2975, 1340, 230);
     UpCost[28][12] = new TResAmount(8845, 13295, 5980, 1025);
     UpCost[28][2] = new TResAmount(2735, 4115, 1850, 315);
     UpCost[28][13] = new TResAmount(9385, 14110, 6345, 1085);
     UpCost[28][3] = new TResAmount(3445, 5180, 2330, 400);
     UpCost[28][14] = new TResAmount(9920, 14910, 6705, 1150);
     UpCost[28][4] = new TResAmount(4120, 6190, 2785, 475);
     UpCost[28][15] = new TResAmount(10445, 15700, 7060, 1210);
     UpCost[28][5] = new TResAmount(4765, 7165, 3220, 550);
     UpCost[28][16] = new TResAmount(10965, 16480, 7410, 1270);
     UpCost[28][6] = new TResAmount(5390, 8105, 3645, 625);
     UpCost[28][17] = new TResAmount(11480, 17250, 7760, 1330);
     UpCost[28][7] = new TResAmount(6000, 9015, 4055, 695);
     UpCost[28][18] = new TResAmount(11985, 18015, 8100, 1390);
     UpCost[28][8] = new TResAmount(6590, 9910, 4455, 765);
     UpCost[28][19] = new TResAmount(12485, 18765, 8440, 1445);
     UpCost[28][9] = new TResAmount(7170, 10780, 4850, 830);
     UpCost[28][20] = new TResAmount(12985, 19515, 8775, 1505);
     UpCost[28][10] = new TResAmount(7740, 11635, 5230, 895);
     UpCost[29] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[29][0] = new TResAmount(53840, 79475, 54300, 65665);
     UpCost[29][11] = new TResAmount(393035, 580195, 396410, 479380);
     UpCost[29][1] = new TResAmount(93735, 138375, 94540, 114330);
     UpCost[29][12] = new TResAmount(419025, 618565, 422625, 511080);
     UpCost[29][2] = new TResAmount(129655, 191395, 130765, 158135);
     UpCost[29][13] = new TResAmount(444620, 656345, 448440, 542295);
     UpCost[29][3] = new TResAmount(163205, 240925, 164605, 199060);
     UpCost[29][14] = new TResAmount(469850, 693590, 473885, 573070);
     UpCost[29][4] = new TResAmount(195100, 288010, 196780, 237965);
     UpCost[29][15] = new TResAmount(494745, 730340, 498995, 603435);
     UpCost[29][5] = new TResAmount(225740, 333235, 227680, 275330);
     UpCost[29][16] = new TResAmount(519330, 766635, 523790, 633420);
     UpCost[29][6] = new TResAmount(255365, 376970, 257560, 311465);
     UpCost[29][17] = new TResAmount(543630, 802505, 548300, 663060);
     UpCost[29][7] = new TResAmount(284155, 419470, 286595, 346580);
     UpCost[29][18] = new TResAmount(567660, 837980, 572535, 692370);
     UpCost[29][8] = new TResAmount(312235, 460920, 314915, 380825);
     UpCost[29][19] = new TResAmount(591440, 873080, 596520, 721370);
     UpCost[29][9] = new TResAmount(339690, 501455, 342610, 414320);
     UpCost[29][20] = new TResAmount(614980, 907835, 620260, 750085);
     UpCost[29][10] = new TResAmount(366605, 541185, 369755, 447145);
     UpCost[30] = new Dictionary<int, TResAmount>(21);
     UpCost[30][0] = new TResAmount(38600, 49100, 37300, 34460);
     UpCost[30][11] = new TResAmount(281795, 358450, 272305, 251570);
     UpCost[30][1] = new TResAmount(67205, 85490, 64945, 60000);
     UpCost[30][12] = new TResAmount(300430, 382150, 290310, 268205);
     UpCost[30][2] = new TResAmount(92955, 118245, 89825, 82985);
     UpCost[30][13] = new TResAmount(318780, 405495, 308045, 284590);
     UpCost[30][3] = new TResAmount(117015, 148845, 113070, 104465);
     UpCost[30][14] = new TResAmount(336870, 428505, 325525, 300740);
     UpCost[30][4] = new TResAmount(139880, 177935, 135170, 124880);
     UpCost[30][15] = new TResAmount(354720, 451210, 342770, 316675);
     UpCost[30][5] = new TResAmount(161850, 205875, 156400, 144490);
     UpCost[30][16] = new TResAmount(372345, 473630, 359805, 332410);
     UpCost[30][6] = new TResAmount(183090, 232895, 176925, 163455);
     UpCost[30][17] = new TResAmount(389765, 495790, 376640, 347965);
     UpCost[30][7] = new TResAmount(203730, 259150, 196870, 181880);
     UpCost[30][18] = new TResAmount(406995, 517705, 393290, 363345);
     UpCost[30][8] = new TResAmount(223860, 284760, 216325, 199850);
     UpCost[30][19] = new TResAmount(424045, 539395, 409765, 378565);
     UpCost[30][9] = new TResAmount(243550, 309800, 235345, 217430);
     UpCost[30][20] = new TResAmount(440925, 560865, 426075, 393630);
     UpCost[30][10] = new TResAmount(262845, 334345, 253995, 234655);