예제 #1
        public void DeleteUnitCost_Test_회사정보만_입력시_예상되는_쿼리_반환하는지(bool useLike)
            string exQuery = string.Format("Delete from UnitCost where CompanyIDX in (select CompanyPK as CompanyIDX from Companies where CompanyName='testCompany')");
            if (useLike)
                exQuery = string.Format("Delete from UnitCost where CompanyIDX in (select CompanyPK as CompanyIDX from Companies where CompanyName like '%testCompany%')");

            Companies c = new Companies();
            c.CompanyName = "testCompany";
            string query = new SQLDataQueryRepository().DeleteUnitCost(null, c, useLike);
            Assert.AreEqual(exQuery, query);
예제 #2
        public void DeleteUnitCost_Test_제품정보와_업체정보_입력시_예상되는_쿼리_반환하는지(bool useLike)
            string exQuery = string.Format("Delete from UnitCost where GoodIDX in (select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods where GoodName='testGood') and CompanyIDX in (select CompanyPK as CompanyIDX from Companies where CompanyName='testCompany')");
            if (useLike)
                exQuery = string.Format("Delete from UnitCost where GoodIDX in (select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods where GoodName like '%testGood%') and CompanyIDX in (select CompanyPK as CompanyIDX from Companies where CompanyName like '%testCompany%')");

            Companies c = new Companies();
            c.CompanyName = "testCompany";
            Goods g = new Goods();
            g.GoodName = "testGood";
            string query = new SQLDataQueryRepository().DeleteUnitCost(g, c, useLike);
            Assert.AreEqual(exQuery, query);
예제 #3
        public void DeleteSeller_Test_업체관련정보와_상품정보_입력시_예상되는_값이_반환되는가(bool useLike)
            string exQuery = string.Format("Delete from GoodSeller where GoodIDX in (select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods where GoodName='testGood') and SellerIDX in (select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies where CompanyName='testCompany')");
            if (useLike)
                exQuery = string.Format("Delete from GoodSeller where GoodIDX in (select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods where GoodName like '%testGood%') and SellerIDX in (select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies where CompanyName like '%testCompany%')");

            Companies c = new Companies();
            c.CompanyName = "testCompany";
            Goods g = new Goods();
            g.GoodName = "testGood";
            string query = new SQLDataQueryRepository().DeleteSeller(g, c, useLike);
            Assert.AreEqual(exQuery, query);
예제 #4
        public void DeleteSeller_Test_업체관련정보_입력시_예상되는_값이_반환되는가(bool useLike)
            string exQuery = string.Format("Delete from GoodSeller where SellerIDX in (select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies where CompanyName='test')");
            if (useLike)
                exQuery = string.Format("Delete from GoodSeller where SellerIDX in (select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies where CompanyName like '%test%')");

            Companies c = new Companies();
            c.CompanyName = "test";
            string query = new SQLDataQueryRepository().DeleteSeller(null, c, useLike);
            Assert.AreEqual(exQuery, query);
예제 #5
        public string DeleteUnitCost(Goods goodInfo, Companies companyInfo, bool useLike)
            IDictionary<string, string> goodDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (goodInfo!=null)
                foreach (var prop in typeof(Goods).GetProperties())
                    if (goodInfo[prop.Name] == null || goodInfo[prop.Name].ToString() == string.Empty)
                    goodDic.Add(prop.Name, goodInfo[prop.Name].ToString());
            IDictionary<string, string> companyDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (companyInfo!=null)
                foreach (var prop in typeof(Companies).GetProperties())
                    if (companyInfo[prop.Name] == null || companyInfo[prop.Name].ToString() == string.Empty)
                    companyDic.Add(prop.Name, companyInfo[prop.Name].ToString());

            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            if (goodDic.Count>0)
                sbWhere.Append(" where GoodIDX in (");
                sbWhere.AppendFormat("select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Goods), goodDic, useLike));
            if (companyDic.Count>0)
                if (goodDic.Count>0)
                    sbWhere.Append(" and ");
                    sbWhere.Append(" where ");
                sbWhere.Append("CompanyIDX in (");
                sbWhere.AppendFormat("select CompanyPK as CompanyIDX from Companies{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Companies), companyDic, useLike));
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            sbQuery.AppendFormat("Delete from UnitCost{0}",sbWhere.ToString());
            return sbQuery.ToString();
예제 #6
        public string DeleteSeller(Goods goodInfo, Companies companyInfo,bool useLike)
            //[1] 이너뷰 작성
            string goodsWhere = string.Empty;
            string companyWhere = string.Empty;
            if (goodInfo!=null)
                IDictionary<string, string> goodDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (var prop in typeof(Goods).GetProperties())
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "item" || prop.Name == "RowCount" || prop.Name == "Page")
                    if (goodInfo[prop.Name] == null)
                    goodDic.Add(prop.Name, goodInfo[prop.Name].ToString());
                goodsWhere = string.Format("select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Goods), goodDic, useLike));

            if (companyInfo!=null)
                IDictionary<string, string> comDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (var prop in typeof(Companies).GetProperties())
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "item" || prop.Name == "RowCount" || prop.Name == "Page")
                    if (companyInfo[prop.Name] == null || companyInfo[prop.Name].Replace(" ","") == string.Empty)
                    comDic.Add(prop.Name, companyInfo[prop.Name].ToString());
                companyWhere = string.Format("select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Companies), comDic, useLike));

            //[2] 이너뷰 이용한 where정 작성
            StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder();
            if (goodsWhere!=string.Empty)
                sbWhere.Append(" where ");
                sbWhere.AppendFormat("GoodIDX in ({0})",goodsWhere);
                if (companyWhere!=string.Empty)
                    sbWhere.Append(" and ");
            if (companyWhere != string.Empty)
                if (goodsWhere==string.Empty)
                    sbWhere.Append(" where ");
                sbWhere.AppendFormat("SellerIDX in ({0})", companyWhere);

            //[3] 쿼리작성
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            sbQuery.Append("Delete from GoodSeller");
            return sbQuery.ToString();