예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// this gets the new advocate added to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toAdd">this is the new advocate to add</param>
        /// <returns>void return in case of success and exception in case there was anerror</returns>
        public async Task POSTAdvocate(Advocate toAdd) {
            //new advcate with null password or username cannot be added to the database
            if (toAdd !=null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.password))
                    var collection = this.Database.GetCollection<Advocate>(Properties.Settings.Default.advocatesCollection);//getting the approprate collection

                    var insertTask = collection.InsertOneAsync(toAdd);//inserts the new advocate
                    await insertTask;
                catch (TimeoutException exception){
                    //failed on server connection
                    throw new IOException(Properties.Settings.Default.timeoutException,
                catch (MongoConnectionException exception){
                    //failed on database connection
                    throw new IOException(Properties.Settings.Default.mongoConnException,
                catch (MongoWriteException exception){
                    //failed on write operation
                    throw new IOException("failed to insert the new advocate", exception);
                //invalid parameter exception
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                    "the object, username, password to be addded cannot be null"));
예제 #2
        public void TEST_Advocate()
            //setting up the data
            Advocate a = new Advocate() {
                access = 1,
                alias = "tintumon chitumon",
                password = "******",
                username = "******",
            Trace.WriteLine("now inserting the new advocate object in the database");
            var task = Store.POSTAdvocate(a);
            var getTask = Store.GETAdvocateOfUserName(a.username);
            Trace.WriteLine("now verifying the object inserted against the one in the database");
            Assert.IsNotNull(getTask.Result, "We could not find the newly added advocate in the database");

            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.username == a.username, "failed the user name test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.password == a.password, "failed the password test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.alias == a.alias, "failed the alias test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.access == a.access, "failed the access level test");

            Trace.WriteLine("now updating the advocate object");
            a.access = 2;
            a.alias = "tintumon changed";
            a.password = "******";
            a.username = "******";
            Trace.WriteLine("patching up the updated object on the database");
            task = Store.PATCHAdvocate(a.BsonDocumentId,a);
            getTask = Store.GETAdvocateOfUserName(a.username);
            Trace.WriteLine("verifying the patch is success");
            Assert.IsNotNull(getTask.Result, "We could not find the newly added advocate in the database");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.username == a.username, "failed the user name test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.password == a.password, "failed the password test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.alias == a.alias, "failed the alias test");
            Assert.IsTrue(getTask.Result.access == a.access, "failed the access level test");
            Trace.WriteLine("deleting the patched object from the database");

            var delTask = Store.DELETEAdvocate(a.username);
            Trace.WriteLine("verifying the success of the delete operation");
            getTask = Store.GETAdvocateOfUserName(a.username);
            Assert.IsNull(getTask.Result, "The advocate was yet not removed from the database");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// updates the advocate given the user name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toUpdate">this is the advocate object that is due for updation</param>
        /// <returns>void if all is well , send out an exception if something went wrong</returns>
        public async Task PATCHAdvocate(string objID, Advocate toUpdate)
            if (toUpdate!=null)
                //getting the advocate to modify
                //var filter = Builders<Advocate>.Filter.Eq(x => x.username,
                //                                          toUpdate.username);
                //this woudl get the advocate object desite the fact that we may have changed the object 
                var filter = Builders<Advocate>.Filter.Eq(x => x.id,new BsonObjectId(objID));
                //this runs into a problem cause im not if this is atomic operation ?
                var updateDef = new UpdateDefinitionBuilder<Advocate>()
                    .Set(x => x.password, toUpdate.password)
                    .Set(x => x.access, toUpdate.access)
                    .Set(x => x.alias, toUpdate.alias)
                    .Set(x=>x.username, toUpdate.username);
                var collection = this.Database.GetCollection<Advocate>(Properties.Settings.Default.advocatesCollection);
                //updating the item 
                var updateTask = collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter,updateDef);

                await updateTask;
                if (updateTask.Result.ModifiedCount>0) {
                else {
                    throw new IOException("the advocate was not updated");
                return ;