public void runRestaurantReviews() { bool running = true; string RestaurantProfiles = @"Select * from `RestaurantProfiles`;"; string menustring = " Hello user, How would you like to sort the data:\r\n" + "1. List Restaurants Alphabetically(Show Rating Next To Name)\r\n" + "2. List Restaurants in Reverse Alphabetical(Show Rating Next To Name)\r\n" + "3. Sort Restaurants From Best to Worst(Show Rating Next To Name)\r\n" + "4. Sort Restaurants From Worst to Best(Show Rating Next To Name)\r\n" + "5. Show Only X stars and Up\r\n" + "6. Exit \r\n"; string menuSub = "" + "1. Show the Best(5 Stars)\r\n" + "2. Show 4 Stars and Up\r\n" + "3. Show 3 Stars and Up\r\n" + "4. Show the Worst(1 Stars)\r\n" + "5. Show Unrated\r\n" + "6. Back\r\n" + "7. Exit \r\n"; do { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.Clear(); int selection = Validations.GetInt(menustring + "Make A Selection 1 through 5 : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; switch (selection) { case 1: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles order by RestaurantName ASC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); }; break; case 2: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles order by RestaurantName DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 3: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 4: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles order by OverallRating ASC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 5: { int selectionSub = Validations.GetInt(menuSub + "Make A Selection 1 through 7 : "); switch (selectionSub) { case 1: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles where OverallRating >= 4.50 order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 2: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles where OverallRating >= 3.50 order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 3: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles where OverallRating >= 2.50 order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 4: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles where OverallRating <= 1.49 and OverallRating >=.50 order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 5: { RestaurantProfiles = @"Select RestaurantName, OverallRating from RestaurantProfiles where OverallRating <=> 0.00 or OverallRating <=> NULL order by OverallRating DESC ;"; List <RestaurantsReviews> reviews = ReviewsQuery(RestaurantProfiles); RestaurantsReviews.ColorStarPrinter(reviews); } break; case 6: { } break; case 7: { running = false; } break; default: { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write("YOU BROKE ME"); } break; } } break; case 6: { running = false; } break; default: { } break; } Utility.Pause("PRESS R TO CONTINUE"); } while (running); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int score; int selection; bool running = true; do { Utility.Pause(); string memu = "Hello Admin, What Would You Like To Do Today?\r\n" + "1. Convert The Restaurant Profile Table From SQL To JSON\r\n" + "2.Showcase Our 5 Star Rating System\r\n" + "3.Showcase Our Animated Bar Graph Review System\r\n" + "4.Play A Card Game\r\n" + "5.Exit\r\n"; selection = Validations.GetInt(1, 100, memu + "Enter Your Numbered Selection : "); switch (selection) { case 1: { restaurantReviewsData Restaurant = new restaurantReviewsData(); Restaurant.runRestaurantReveiws(); } break; case 2: { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; RestaurantReviewsDisplay restaurant = new RestaurantReviewsDisplay(); restaurant.runRestaurantReviews(); } break; case 3: { AnimatedBarGraph animation = new AnimatedBarGraph(); string mess = "What would you like to do? \r\n1. Show Average of Reviews for Restaurants\r\n2. Dinner Spinner\r\n3. Top 10 Restaurants"; int i = 1; int d = Validations.GetInt(mess + "\r\nPlease enter your selection. : "); RestaurantReviewGraphs[] Graphs = restaurantReviewsData.ReviewGraphs(); List <RestaurantReviewGraphs> _graphs = new List <RestaurantReviewGraphs>(); switch (d) { case 1: { Graphs = restaurantReviewsData.ReviewGraphs(); foreach (RestaurantReviewGraphs reviewAvg in Graphs) { Console.WriteLine(i + "\r\n"); reviewAvg.ToString(); if (i % 10 == 0) { Utility.Pause("Press Space Bar to See the Next 10 : "); } i++; } Utility.Pause(); } break; case 2: { _graphs = restaurantReviewsData.ReviewedGraphs(); foreach (RestaurantReviewGraphs reviewAvg in _graphs) { Console.WriteLine(i + "\r\n"); reviewAvg.ToString(); if (i % 10 == 0) { Utility.Pause("Press Space Bar to End : "); } i++; } } break; case 3: { _graphs = restaurantReviewsData.ReviewedGraphsTopTen(); foreach (RestaurantReviewGraphs reviewAvg in _graphs) { Console.WriteLine(i + "\r\n"); reviewAvg.ToString(); if (i % 10 == 0) { Utility.Pause("Press Space Bar to End : "); } i++; } } break; } Dictionary <int, RestaurantReviewGraphs[]> review = restaurantReviewsData.AllReviews(); } break; case 4: { bool runs = true; do { List <Players> currentPlayers = new List <Players>(); int playnum = 0; CardGame1 currentGame = new CardGame1(); int i = 1; List <Cards>[] allhands = currentGame.Deal(13, 4); foreach (List <Cards> hands in allhands) { score = currentGame.Score(hands); Players player = new Players(score, hands, i); currentPlayers.Add(player); i++; } foreach (Players player in currentPlayers) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(player.ToString()); foreach (Cards card in player.Hand) { Console.Write(card.ToString()); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Write(" "); } Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } currentGame.Results(currentPlayers); Utility.Pause("Hit Space Bar to Continue"); runs = Validations.GetBool("Do you want to play again? : "); } while (runs); } break; case 5: { running = false; } break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Program Unavailable or invalid selection"); Utility.Pause(); } break; } } while (running); }